SINGH, SHRI SUKHENDRA, B.A., LL.B. [B.J.P—Madhya Pradesh, Satna 1989]: s. of Late Birendra Bahadu Singh; b. at Banki, Satna District, Madhya Pradesh, August 9, 1925; ed. at Darbar College, Rewa, Madhya Pradesh; m. Prashanna Kumari Devi, June, 1947, 4 s. and 1 d.; Agriculturist, Lawyer, Political and Social Worker; participated in freedom struggle;
Previous Association with Political Parties: Organising Secretary, Bharatiya Jan Sangh, Madhya Pradesh, for 10 years; Organising Secretary, Bharatiya Janata Party, Madhya Pradesh for 10 years, State Vice-President, Bharatiya Janata Party Madhya Pradesh;
Previous Membership: Sixth Lok Sabha, 1977-79; Legislative Assembly, Madhya Pradesh, 1962-67;
Committee Experience: Member, Labour Advisory Committee, Madhya Pradesh Legislative Assembly for 3 years and Estimates Committee, Madhya Pradesh Legislative Assembly for 2 years; Member, Committee on Public Undertakings for 1 year, Consultative Committee, Shipping for more than one year; Member, Estimates Committee, May 1, 1990 and Consultative Committee Ministry of Communications, 1990;
Favourite Pastime and Recreation: Reading, travelling, social service, interior decoration;
Publications: Has written short stories; two unpublished fictions;
Sports and Clubs: Hockey, Football, Volleyball; played many matches;
Social Activities: Serving the poor, backward, harijans and adivasis; struggling to raise their status;
Other Information: Associated with RSS;
Permanent Address: Chanakyapuri, Samaria, Chauk Satna, Madhya Pradesh.