Father’s NameDate of Birth
Place of Birth
Marital Status
Spouse’s Name
Educational Qualifications
Permanent Address
Present Address
Positions held
1982 to June, 1987 and Oct., 1987 onwards
March, 1986
June, 1987 to Oct., 1987
Jan., 1988 to Oct., 1987
Social and Cultural Activities
Special Interests
Favourite Pastime
and Recreation
Countries visited
Late Shri Asman Singh20th April, 1920
Vill. Madhurapur, Bichlatola, Distt. Begusarai (Bihar)
Married on 16th June, 1942
Smt. Sita Devi
One son
Educated ai B.P.E.H. School, Begusarai (Bihar)
Trade Unionist and Political and Social worker
Karyanand Bhawan, Mirganj, Patel Chowk, Distt. Begusarai (Bihar)
28, North Avenue, New Delhi- 110001. Tel. 3792756
Member, Bihar Legislative Assembly
Member, Committee on Public Undertakings, Bihar Legislative Assembly
Elected to Lok Sabha (Seventh)
Member, Consultative Committee, Ministry of Petroleum
Member, Secretariat, CPI, Bihar
Member, Secretariat, CPI, Bihar State Council
Working Secretary, CPI, Bihar
Executive Secretary, C.P.I., Bihar
Re-elected to Lok Sabha (Ninth)
Member, Consultative Committee, Ministry of Railways
Elected to Lok Sabha (Tenth) for the third time
Ceiling land distribution in favour of poor people; developing women education in our society; movement against landlords, working in favour of national and social unity
Reading, Political Books and helping poor people
Drama, football and kabbadi
Bulgaria and USSR. |