SINGH, SHRI SWAMI PRASAD, M.A., LL.B., [Congress (I)—Uttar Pradesh, Hamirpur, 1984] s. of Shri Vasudeo Singh; b. at Dhagwan village, Hamirpur District, July 7, 1919; ed. at Junior High School, Rath High School, Orai, B.N.S.D. College Kanpur; D.A.V. College, Kanpur and Lucknow University; m. Smt. Tulsi Rani, 1933; 2 s. and 3 d.; Lawyer and Agriculturist; Minister, Government of Uttar Pradesh, 1969-70, (resigned from the State Cabinet in 1970 in protest against the expulsion of late Smt. Indira Gandhi from the then Congress,) again Cabinet Minister from 1971 to 1977 and 1980-84 and held the portfolios of Jails, Excise, Revenue, Food and Civil Supplies; Member, U.P. Pradesh Congress Committee for several years and Parliamentary Board of the U.P. Pradesh Congress (I) Committee; Vice-President, Zila Parishad, Hamirpur for 10 years; Director, Cooperative Bank, Mahoba; President, Governing Bodies, B.N.V. Degree College, B.N.V. Inter College, Rath and Intermediate College, Gohand; Member, District Board, Hamirpur; Member, U.P. Legislative Assembly, 1969-77 and 1980-84.
Social activities: Active participation in (i) 20-Point Programme (ii) Upliftment of backward classes, Scheduled Castes and downtrodden people; taking keen interest in spread of education, eradication of corruption, hoarding, black marketing and all kinds of other social evils.
Favourite pastime and recreation: Reading, driving, sight-seeing.
Special interests: Practice of law, reading, spread of education specially among the backward classes and scheduled castes.
Sports: Football and Hockey.
Permanent address: Dhagwan Village, Rath Tehsil, Hamirpur District (Uttar Pradesh). |