Shri Tayappa Hari Sonavane Member of Parliament (MP) from Pandharpur-SC (Maharashtra) Biodata

Name of Member: Shri Tayappa Hari Sonavane

Political Party: Congress

Constituency & State: Pandharpur-SC (Maharashtra)

Lok Sabha Experience: 2,3,4

4th Lok Sabha
Members Bioprofile

SONAVANE, SHRI T. H., B.A., (Hons. LL.B.,Cong., [Maharashtra-Pandhiarpur (Reserved Sch. Castes)—1967]:  s. of Shri Hari Subhana Sonavan,  b. at Najhra , Solapur  Distt., September  10,  1910; ed.  at  Camp  Education  Society  High  School, Fergusson  Collage  and  Law  Collage,  Bombay  and   Gokhale  Institute  of  Economice  and  Politics,  Poona; m. Shrimati Yashodabai, May, 1925; 6 S. and 1 D.;  Lawyer and  agriculturist;  Member,  (1)  Consumers’  Advisory  Committee,  Bombay,  1940-41,  (2)  Bombay  Food  Advisory  Council, 1941,  (3)  Bombay   Municipal  Corporation,  1946-48,  Municipal  School  Committee, 1947  and  City Prohibition  Board,  1947-51,   (4)  Backward  Classes  Board  Bombay, 1948-49,  (5)  Electricity  Council,   Bombay  State, 1955-57,  (6)  Working  Committee,  All  India  Depressed  Classes League,  1950-52  and  1957-65,  (7)  Bombay  Provincial Harijan Sewak Sangh, 1954—62; President, (1) Kakkayya Tarun Sangh Dharavi, Bombay, 1945—48, (2) Mahatma Cooperative Housing Society, Bombay since 1950, (3) Bombay State Depressed Classes League since 1953, (4) Bhageshwar Bhuwan Tenants Association, Bombay, since 1953 and (5) Hubli-Hyderabad-Sholapur Pradesh Passengers’ Association, since 1960; Secretary, Harijan Seva Samiti. B.P.C.C, Bombay 1946—48 and Dadar Taluka Congress Committee, 1956; Joint Secretary, Bombay State Depressed Classes League, 1946—53; Vice-Presideni, Adarsha Vasati Griha, Akluj; Organised Bombay State Harijan Conference at Nasik in 1950 and Maharashtra Harijan Conference at Kurdu-wadi, Sholapur in 1951; Gave evidence before Central Commission for Famine in 1953 and Backward Classes Commission in 1954; Promoter, Industrial Leather Workers Cooperative Society, Bombay since 1956—62; Started ‘Manavata’, a fortnightly in 1956; offered free legal advice and aid to the B.P.C.C. Legal Aid Committee; took active part in Bhoodan movement in Maharashtra; Member, Maharashtra Harijan Welfare Board, 1957—62; Treasurer. All India Depressed Classes League from 1966; and District Development Board, Sholapur; Member, Provisional Parliament 1950—52, Delimitation Committee, 1950-51, Public Accounts Committee, 1950—52, Second Lok Sabha ,  1962-67  and   the  Estimates  Committee,  1959-61. 

Favourite pastime and recreation:  Reading. films, yogic exercise and card games

Special interests:  Agriculture, village uplift, welfare of Scheduled casts, Schedued Tribes Backward Classes and promotion of prohibition.

Books published:  “Chikhlantoon Kamlacha Jamna Hoto”—Pamphlet in Marathi.

Sports:  Running, swimming, cricket and badminton.

Travels abroad:  V.K., France, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Egypt, Philippinies, Hong Kong, Thailand and Moscow.

Permanent address:  Najhare, Tawika Sangola, District Sholapur, Maharashtra State.


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