Chomu Assembly Constituency in Jaipur District Rajasthan

Name of the Rajasthan Assembly Constituency: Chomu

Parliament Constituency: Sikar

District: Jaipur

Voters Statistics:

15th Assembly Election

14th Assembly Election:

Election Year: 2013

Assembly Constituency No: 43

Category of Reservation: General (GEN)

Elected Member: Ramlal Sharma

Votes in Favour: 93516

Gender: M

Party: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)

Runner Up Candidate: Bhagwan Sahai Saini

Votes in Favour: 49043

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

13th Assembly Election:

Election Year: 2008

Assembly Constituency No: 43

Category of Reservation: General (GEN)

Elected Member: Bhagwan Sahay Saini

Votes in Favour: 45380

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

Runner Up Candidate: Ram Lal Sharma

Votes in Favour: 45245

Gender: M

Party: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)

12th Assembly Election:

Election Year: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)

Assembly Constituency No: 38

Category of Reservation: General (GEN)

Elected Member: Ram Lal Sharma

Votes in Favour: 48043

Gender: M

Party: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)

Runner Up Candidate: Bhagwan Sahay Saini

Votes in Favour: 43749

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

11th Assembly Election:

Election Year: 1998

Assembly Constituency No: 38

Category of Reservation: General (GEN)

Elected Member: Bhagwan Sahai Saini

Votes in Favour: 76488

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

Runner Up Candidate: Ghanshyam Tiwari

Votes in Favour: 32814

Gender: M

Party: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)

10th Assembly Election:

Election Year: 1993

Assembly Constituency No: 38

Category of Reservation: General (GEN)

Elected Member: Ghanshyam Tiwari

Votes in Favour: 46758

Gender: M

Party: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)

Runner Up Candidate: Tejpal

Votes in Favour: 35828

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

09th Assembly Election:

Election Year: 1990

Assembly Constituency No: 38

Category of Reservation: General (GEN)

Elected Member: Rameshwar Dayal

Votes in Favour: 37287

Gender: M

Party: Janata Dal (JD)

Runner Up Candidate: Bhagwan Sahai Saini

Votes in Favour: 33011

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

08th Assembly Election:

Election Year: 1985

Assembly Constituency No: 38

Category of Reservation: General (GEN)

Elected Member: Rameshwar Dayal Yadav

Votes in Favour: 44797

Gender: M

Party: Lok Dal (LKD)

Runner Up Candidate: Ramakant Vyas

Votes in Favour: 22588

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

07th Assembly Election:

Election Year: 1980

Assembly Constituency No: 38

Category of Reservation: General (GEN)

Elected Member: Tejpal

Votes in Favour: 14744

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (I) (INC(I))

Runner Up Candidate: Rameshwar Yadav

Votes in Favour: 14012

Gender: M

Party: Janata Party (Secular) – CH. Charan Singh (JNP(SC))

06th Assembly Election:

Election Year: 1977

Assembly Constituency No: 38

Category of Reservation: General (GEN)

Elected Member: Rameshwar

Votes in Favour: 26004

Gender: M

Party: Janta Party (JNP)

Runner Up Candidate: Dinesh Kumar

Votes in Favour: 10088

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

05th Assembly Election:

Election Year: 1972

Assembly Constituency No: 34

Category of Reservation: General (GEN)

Elected Member: Ram Kishore Byas

Votes in Favour: 21226

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

Runner Up Candidate: Rameswar

Votes in Favour: 18723

Gender: M

Party: Swatantra Party (SWA)

04th Assembly Election:

Election Year:

Assembly Constituency No:

Category of Reservation:

Elected Member:

Votes in Favour:



Runner Up Candidate:

Votes in Favour:



03rd Assembly Election:

Election Year: 1962

Assembly Constituency No: 16

Category of Reservation: Scheduled Caste (SC)

Elected Member: Bhanu Prashad

Votes in Favour: 13190

Gender: M

Party: Swatantra Party (SWA)

Runner Up Candidate: Hari Shanker

Votes in Favour: 3271

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

02nd Assembly Election:

Election Year:

Assembly Constituency No:

Category of Reservation:

Elected Member:

Votes in Favour:



Runner Up Candidate:

Votes in Favour:



01st Assembly Election:

Election Year:

Assembly Constituency No:

Category of Reservation:

Elected Member:

Votes in Favour:



Runner Up Candidate:

Votes in Favour:



Goto Rajasthan Assembly Constituencies

Sikar Assembly Constituency in Sikar District Rajasthan

Name of the Rajasthan Assembly Constituency: Sikar

Parliament Constituency: Sikar

District: Sikar

Voters Statistics:

15th Assembly Election

14th Assembly Election:

Election Year: 2013

Assembly Constituency No: 35

Category of Reservation: General (GEN)

Elected Member: Ratan Lal Jaldhari

Votes in Favour: 59587

Gender: M

Party: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)

Runner Up Candidate: Rajendra Pareek

Votes in Favour: 46572

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

13th Assembly Election:

Election Year: 2008

Assembly Constituency No: 35

Category of Reservation: General (GEN)

Elected Member: Rajendra Pareek

Votes in Favour: 46976

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

Runner Up Candidate: Mahesh Sharma

Votes in Favour: 39210

Gender: M

Party: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)

12th Assembly Election:

Election Year: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)

Assembly Constituency No: 32

Category of Reservation: General (GEN)

Elected Member: Raj Kumari Sharma

Votes in Favour: 57557

Gender: F

Party: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)

Runner Up Candidate: Rajendra Pareek

Votes in Favour: 55650

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

11th Assembly Election:

Election Year: 1998

Assembly Constituency No: 32

Category of Reservation: General (GEN)

Elected Member: Rajendra Pareek

Votes in Favour: 61288

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

Runner Up Candidate: Prem Singh Bajor

Votes in Favour: 44268

Gender: M

Party: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)

10th Assembly Election:

Election Year: 1993

Assembly Constituency No: 32

Category of Reservation: General (GEN)

Elected Member: Rejendra Pareek

Votes in Favour: 36866

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

Runner Up Candidate: Madanlal Soni

Votes in Favour: 36712

Gender: M

Party: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)

09th Assembly Election:

Election Year: 1990

Assembly Constituency No: 32

Category of Reservation: General (GEN)

Elected Member: Rajendra Kumar

Votes in Favour: 49560

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

Runner Up Candidate: Ghanshyam Tiwari

Votes in Favour: 41022

Gender: M

Party: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)

08th Assembly Election:

Election Year: 1985

Assembly Constituency No: 32

Category of Reservation: General (GEN)

Elected Member: Ghanshyam Tiwari

Votes in Favour: 37270

Gender: M

Party: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)

Runner Up Candidate: Sanwar Mal

Votes in Favour: 25074

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

07th Assembly Election:

Election Year: 1980

Assembly Constituency No: 32

Category of Reservation: General (GEN)

Elected Member: Ghan Shyam Tiwadi

Votes in Favour: 17413

Gender: M

Party: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)

Runner Up Candidate: Mohammed Hussain

Votes in Favour: 13593

Gender: M

Party: Janata Party (Secular) – CH. Charan Singh (JNP(SC))

06th Assembly Election:

Election Year: 1977

Assembly Constituency No: 32

Category of Reservation: General (GEN)

Elected Member: Ranmal Singh

Votes in Favour: 24626

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

Runner Up Candidate: Madan Lal

Votes in Favour: 18605

Gender: M

Party: Janta Party (JNP)

05th Assembly Election:

Election Year: 1972

Assembly Constituency No: 29

Category of Reservation: General (GEN)

Elected Member: Gordhan Singh

Votes in Favour: 28713

Gender: M

Party: Swatantra Party (SWA)

Runner Up Candidate: Ramdeo Singh

Votes in Favour: 24081

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

04th Assembly Election:

Election Year: 1967

Assembly Constituency No: 29

Category of Reservation: General (GEN)

Elected Member: R. Singh

Votes in Favour: 25048

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

Runner Up Candidate: B. Sodani

Votes in Favour: 21471

Gender: M

Party: Praja Socialist Party (PSP)

03rd Assembly Election:

Election Year: 1962

Assembly Constituency No: 10

Category of Reservation: General (GEN)

Elected Member: Swaroop Narain

Votes in Favour: 13749

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

Runner Up Candidate: Jagdish Prasad

Votes in Favour: 7805

Gender: M

Party: JS

02nd Assembly Election:

Election Year: 1957

Assembly Constituency No: 9

Category of Reservation: General (GEN)

Elected Member: Jagdish Prasad

Votes in Favour: 7526

Gender: M

Party: Bharatiya Jana Sangh (BJS)

Runner Up Candidate: Ladoo Ram

Votes in Favour: 6472

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

01st Assembly Election:

Election Year:

Assembly Constituency No:

Category of Reservation:

Elected Member:

Votes in Favour:



Runner Up Candidate:

Votes in Favour:



Goto Rajasthan Assembly Constituencies

Danta Ramgarh Assembly Constituency in Sikar District Rajasthan

Name of the Rajasthan Assembly Constituency: Danta Ramgarh

Parliament Constituency: Sikar

District: Sikar

Voters Statistics:

15th Assembly Election

14th Assembly Election:

Election Year: 2013

Assembly Constituency No: 36

Category of Reservation: General (GEN)

Elected Member: Narayan Singh

Votes in Favour: 60926

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

Runner Up Candidate: Harish Chandra

Votes in Favour: 60351

Gender: M

Party: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)

13th Assembly Election:

Election Year: 2008

Assembly Constituency No: 36

Category of Reservation: General (GEN)

Elected Member: Amra Ram

Votes in Favour: 45909

Gender: M

Party: Communist Party of India (Marxist) (CPM)

Runner Up Candidate: Narayan Singh

Votes in Favour: 40990

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

12th Assembly Election:

Election Year: Indian National Congress (INC)

Assembly Constituency No: 34

Category of Reservation: General (GEN)

Elected Member: Narain Singh

Votes in Favour: 40588

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

Runner Up Candidate: Madan Lal Pujari

Votes in Favour: 25626

Gender: M

Party: Independent (IND)

11th Assembly Election:

Election Year: 1998

Assembly Constituency No: 34

Category of Reservation: General (GEN)

Elected Member: Narayan Singh

Votes in Favour: 58899

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

Runner Up Candidate: Shivnath Singh

Votes in Favour: 39932

Gender: M

Party: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)

10th Assembly Election:

Election Year: 1993

Assembly Constituency No: 34

Category of Reservation: General (GEN)

Elected Member: Narayan Singh

Votes in Favour: 56925

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

Runner Up Candidate: Shivnath Singh Shekhawat

Votes in Favour: 41788

Gender: M

Party: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)

09th Assembly Election:

Election Year: 1990

Assembly Constituency No: 34

Category of Reservation: General (GEN)

Elected Member: Ajey Singh

Votes in Favour: 42475

Gender: M

Party: Janata Dal (JD)

Runner Up Candidate: Narayan Singh

Votes in Favour: 36312

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

08th Assembly Election:

Election Year: 1985

Assembly Constituency No: 34

Category of Reservation: General (GEN)

Elected Member: Narain Singh

Votes in Favour: 42114

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

Runner Up Candidate: Jadgish

Votes in Favour: 29224

Gender: M

Party: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)

07th Assembly Election:

Election Year: 1980

Assembly Constituency No: 34

Category of Reservation: General (GEN)

Elected Member: Narayan Singh

Votes in Favour: 27229

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (I) (INC(I))

Runner Up Candidate: Kalyan Singh

Votes in Favour: 25768

Gender: M

Party: Janata Party (JP) (JNP(JP))

06th Assembly Election:

Election Year: 1977

Assembly Constituency No: 34

Category of Reservation: General (GEN)

Elected Member: Madan Singh

Votes in Favour: 20686

Gender: M

Party: Independent (IND)

Runner Up Candidate: Narain Singh

Votes in Favour: 19462

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

05th Assembly Election:

Election Year: 1972

Assembly Constituency No: 30

Category of Reservation: General (GEN)

Elected Member: Narain Singh

Votes in Favour: 27573

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

Runner Up Candidate: Madan Singh

Votes in Favour: 23978

Gender: M

Party: Swatantra Party (SWA)

04th Assembly Election:

Election Year: 1967

Assembly Constituency No: 30

Category of Reservation: General (GEN)

Elected Member: M. Singh

Votes in Favour: 29669

Gender: M

Party: Bharatiya Jana Sangh (BJS)

Runner Up Candidate: J. Singh

Votes in Favour: 18363

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

03rd Assembly Election:

Election Year: 1962

Assembly Constituency No: 12

Category of Reservation: General (GEN)

Elected Member: Jagan Singh

Votes in Favour: 17327

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

Runner Up Candidate: Madan Singh

Votes in Favour: 16715

Gender: M

Party: Independent (IND)

02nd Assembly Election:

Election Year: 1957

Assembly Constituency No: 11

Category of Reservation: General (GEN)

Elected Member: Madan Singh

Votes in Favour: 17770

Gender: M

Party: RRP

Runner Up Candidate: Jagan Singh

Votes in Favour: 13083

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

01st Assembly Election:

Election Year: 1951

Assembly Constituency No: 32

Category of Reservation: General (GEN)

Elected Member: Bhairon Singh

Votes in Favour: 9972

Gender: M

Party: Bharatiya Jana Sangh (BJS)

Runner Up Candidate: Vidhyadhar

Votes in Favour: 7139

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

Goto Rajasthan Assembly Constituencies

Khandela Assembly Constituency in Sikar District Rajasthan

Name of the Rajasthan Assembly Constituency: Khandela

Parliament Constituency: Sikar

District: Sikar

Voters Statistics:

15th Assembly Election

14th Assembly Election:

Election Year: 2013

Assembly Constituency No: 37

Category of Reservation: General (GEN)

Elected Member: Banshidhar

Votes in Favour: 81837

Gender: M

Party: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)

Runner Up Candidate: Giriraj

Votes in Favour: 46443

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

13th Assembly Election:

Election Year: 2008

Assembly Constituency No: 37

Category of Reservation: General (GEN)

Elected Member: Banshi Dhar Khandela

Votes in Favour: 49398

Gender: M

Party: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)

Runner Up Candidate: Mahadev Singh

Votes in Favour: 39500

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

12th Assembly Election:

Election Year: Indian National Congress (INC)

Assembly Constituency No: 36

Category of Reservation: General (GEN)

Elected Member: Mahadev Singh

Votes in Favour: 42066

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

Runner Up Candidate: Hanuman Singh Arya

Votes in Favour: 24230

Gender: M

Party: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)

11th Assembly Election:

Election Year: 1998

Assembly Constituency No: 36

Category of Reservation: General (GEN)

Elected Member: Mahadeo Singh

Votes in Favour: 38291

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

Runner Up Candidate: Banshi Dhar

Votes in Favour: 19706

Gender: M

Party: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)

10th Assembly Election:

Election Year: 1993

Assembly Constituency No: 36

Category of Reservation: General (GEN)

Elected Member: Mahadeo Singh

Votes in Favour: 50198

Gender: M

Party: Independent (IND)

Runner Up Candidate: Gopal Singh

Votes in Favour: 31838

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

09th Assembly Election:

Election Year: 1990

Assembly Constituency No: 36

Category of Reservation: General (GEN)

Elected Member: Gopal Singh

Votes in Favour: 47992

Gender: M

Party: Janata Dal (JD)

Runner Up Candidate: Mahadev Singh

Votes in Favour: 34225

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

08th Assembly Election:

Election Year: 1985

Assembly Constituency No: 36

Category of Reservation: General (GEN)

Elected Member: Mathodeo Singh

Votes in Favour: 34691

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

Runner Up Candidate: Gopal Singh

Votes in Favour: 34172

Gender: M

Party: Lok Dal (LKD)

07th Assembly Election:

Election Year: 1980

Assembly Constituency No: 36

Category of Reservation: General (GEN)

Elected Member: Mahadeo Singh

Votes in Favour: 23620

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (I) (INC(I))

Runner Up Candidate: Hanuman Singh Arya

Votes in Favour: 19699

Gender: M

Party: Janata Party (Secular) – CH. Charan Singh (JNP(SC))

06th Assembly Election:

Election Year: 1977

Assembly Constituency No: 36

Category of Reservation: General (GEN)

Elected Member: Gopal Singh

Votes in Favour: 30837

Gender: M

Party: Janta Party (JNP)

Runner Up Candidate: Jhabar Mal Sunda

Votes in Favour: 9235

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

05th Assembly Election:

Election Year: 1972

Assembly Constituency No: 31

Category of Reservation: General (GEN)

Elected Member: Gopal Singh

Votes in Favour: 23695

Gender: M

Party: Independent (IND)

Runner Up Candidate: Gulab Devi

Votes in Favour: 22001

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

04th Assembly Election:

Election Year: 1967

Assembly Constituency No: 31

Category of Reservation: General (GEN)

Elected Member: R. Chandra

Votes in Favour: 19805

Gender: M

Party: Independent (IND)

Runner Up Candidate: D. Ram

Votes in Favour: 17169

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

03rd Assembly Election:

Election Year:

Assembly Constituency No:

Category of Reservation:

Elected Member:

Votes in Favour:



Runner Up Candidate:

Votes in Favour:



02nd Assembly Election:

Election Year:

Assembly Constituency No:

Category of Reservation:

Elected Member:

Votes in Favour:



Runner Up Candidate:

Votes in Favour:



01st Assembly Election:

Election Year:

Assembly Constituency No:

Category of Reservation:

Elected Member:

Votes in Favour:



Runner Up Candidate:

Votes in Favour:



Goto Rajasthan Assembly Constituencies

Neem Ka Thana Assembly Constituency in Sikar District Rajasthan

Name of the Rajasthan Assembly Constituency: Neem Ka Thana

Parliament Constituency: Sikar

District: Sikar

Voters Statistics:

15th Assembly Election

14th Assembly Election:

Election Year: 2013

Assembly Constituency No: 38

Category of Reservation: General (GEN)

Elected Member: Prem Singh

Votes in Favour: 69613

Gender: M

Party: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)

Runner Up Candidate: Ramesh Chand Khandelwal

Votes in Favour: 35411

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

13th Assembly Election:

Election Year: 2008

Assembly Constituency No: 38

Category of Reservation: General (GEN)

Elected Member: Ramesh Chand Khandelwal

Votes in Favour: 64075

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

Runner Up Candidate: Prem Singh Bajor

Votes in Favour: 41416

Gender: M

Party: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)

12th Assembly Election:

Election Year: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)

Assembly Constituency No: 37

Category of Reservation: General (GEN)

Elected Member: Prem Singh Bajor

Votes in Favour: 30371

Gender: M

Party: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)

Runner Up Candidate: Ramesh Chand Khandelwal

Votes in Favour: 30166

Gender: M

Party: Rashtriya Parivartan Dal (RPD)

11th Assembly Election:

Election Year: 1998

Assembly Constituency No: 37

Category of Reservation: General (GEN)

Elected Member: Mohan Lal Modi

Votes in Favour: 36782

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

Runner Up Candidate: Ramesh Kumar Khandelwal

Votes in Favour: 35714

Gender: M

Party: Independent (IND)

10th Assembly Election:

Election Year: 1993

Assembly Constituency No: 37

Category of Reservation: General (GEN)

Elected Member: Mohan Lal Modi

Votes in Favour: 46745

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

Runner Up Candidate: Phoolchand

Votes in Favour: 32540

Gender: M

Party: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)

09th Assembly Election:

Election Year: 1990

Assembly Constituency No: 37

Category of Reservation: General (GEN)

Elected Member: Phool Chand Bhagtwar

Votes in Favour: 42661

Gender: M

Party: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)

Runner Up Candidate: Mohan Lal

Votes in Favour: 35939

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

08th Assembly Election:

Election Year: 1985

Assembly Constituency No: 37

Category of Reservation: General (GEN)

Elected Member: Phool Chand

Votes in Favour: 38126

Gender: M

Party: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)

Runner Up Candidate: Mohan Lal Modi

Votes in Favour: 23027

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

07th Assembly Election:

Election Year: 1980

Assembly Constituency No: 37

Category of Reservation: General (GEN)

Elected Member: Mohan Lal Modi

Votes in Favour: 13610

Gender: M

Party: Independent (IND)

Runner Up Candidate: Madan Lal Deewan

Votes in Favour: 11666

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (I) (INC(I))

06th Assembly Election:

Election Year: 1977

Assembly Constituency No: 37

Category of Reservation: General (GEN)

Elected Member: Surya Narain

Votes in Favour: 21633

Gender: M

Party: Janta Party (JNP)

Runner Up Candidate: Shiv Ram Singh

Votes in Favour: 12122

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

05th Assembly Election:

Election Year: 1972

Assembly Constituency No: 33

Category of Reservation: General (GEN)

Elected Member: Mala Ram

Votes in Favour: 18355

Gender: M

Party: Bharatiya Jana Sangh (BJS)

Runner Up Candidate: Mukti Lal

Votes in Favour: 16867

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

04th Assembly Election:

Election Year: 1967

Assembly Constituency No: 33

Category of Reservation: General (GEN)

Elected Member: M. Lal

Votes in Favour: 18832

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

Runner Up Candidate: R. Kamwar

Votes in Favour: 14833

Gender: M

Party: Independent (IND)

03rd Assembly Election:

Election Year: 1962

Assembly Constituency No: 15

Category of Reservation: General (GEN)

Elected Member: Chhotu

Votes in Favour: 13432

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

Runner Up Candidate: Dayal Chand

Votes in Favour: 6194

Gender: M

Party: JS

02nd Assembly Election:

Election Year: 1957

Assembly Constituency No: 13

Category of Reservation: Scheduled Caste (SC)

Elected Member: Narayan Lal

Votes in Favour: 18780

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

Runner Up Candidate: Ram Pratap Sharma

Votes in Favour: 13048

Gender: M

Party: Independent (IND)

01st Assembly Election:

Election Year:

Assembly Constituency No:

Category of Reservation:

Elected Member:

Votes in Favour:



Runner Up Candidate:

Votes in Favour:



By Election:

Election Year: 1956

Assembly Constituency No: By Poll

Category of Reservation: GEN

Elected Member: Gianchand

Votes in Favour: 13169

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

Runner Up Candidate: Indra Lal

Votes in Favour: 5407

Gender: M

Party: Independent (IND)

Goto Rajasthan Assembly Constituencies

Sri Madhopur Assembly Constituency in Sikar District Rajasthan

Name of the Rajasthan Assembly Constituency: Sri Madhopur

Parliament Constituency: Sikar

District: Sikar

Voters Statistics:

15th Assembly Election

14th Assembly Election:

Election Year: 2013

Assembly Constituency No: 39

Category of Reservation: General (GEN)

Elected Member: Jhabar Singh Kharra

Votes in Favour: 75101

Gender: M

Party: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)

Runner Up Candidate: Deependra Singh

Votes in Favour: 67199

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

13th Assembly Election:

Election Year: 2008

Assembly Constituency No: 39

Category of Reservation: General (GEN)

Elected Member: Deependra Singh Shekhawat

Votes in Favour: 36590

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

Runner Up Candidate: Harlal Singh Kharra

Votes in Favour: 29357

Gender: M

Party: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)

12th Assembly Election:

Election Year: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)

Assembly Constituency No: 35

Category of Reservation: General (GEN)

Elected Member: Harlal Singh Kharra

Votes in Favour: 66779

Gender: M

Party: Independent (IND)

Runner Up Candidate: Deependra Singh

Votes in Favour: 47447

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

11th Assembly Election:

Election Year: 1998

Assembly Constituency No: 35

Category of Reservation: General (GEN)

Elected Member: Deependra Singh

Votes in Favour: 47286

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

Runner Up Candidate: Har Lal Singh Kharra

Votes in Favour: 36454

Gender: M

Party: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)

10th Assembly Election:

Election Year: 1993

Assembly Constituency No: 35

Category of Reservation: General (GEN)

Elected Member: Deependra Singh

Votes in Favour: 43924

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

Runner Up Candidate: Harlal Singh Kharra

Votes in Favour: 33080

Gender: M

Party: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)

09th Assembly Election:

Election Year: 1990

Assembly Constituency No: 35

Category of Reservation: General (GEN)

Elected Member: Har Lal Singh Kharra

Votes in Favour: 45921

Gender: M

Party: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)

Runner Up Candidate: Sanwar Mal

Votes in Favour: 25306

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

08th Assembly Election:

Election Year: 1985

Assembly Constituency No: 35

Category of Reservation: General (GEN)

Elected Member: Har Lal Singh Kharra

Votes in Favour: 37377

Gender: M

Party: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)

Runner Up Candidate: Deependra Singh

Votes in Favour: 28974

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

07th Assembly Election:

Election Year: 1980

Assembly Constituency No: 35

Category of Reservation: General (GEN)

Elected Member: Deependra Singh

Votes in Favour: 21444

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (I) (INC(I))

Runner Up Candidate: Gopal Singh Khandela

Votes in Favour: 13353

Gender: M

Party: Janata Party (Secular) – CH. Charan Singh (JNP(SC))

06th Assembly Election:

Election Year: 1977

Assembly Constituency No: 35

Category of Reservation: General (GEN)

Elected Member: Har Lal Singh Kharra

Votes in Favour: 26937

Gender: M

Party: Janta Party (JNP)

Runner Up Candidate: Bishan Singh

Votes in Favour: 14709

Gender: M

Party: Independent (IND)

05th Assembly Election:

Election Year: 1972

Assembly Constituency No: 32

Category of Reservation: General (GEN)

Elected Member: Sanwar Mal

Votes in Favour: 27578

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

Runner Up Candidate: Har Lal Singh

Votes in Favour: 20990

Gender: M

Party: Bharatiya Jana Sangh (BJS)

04th Assembly Election:

Election Year: 1967

Assembly Constituency No: 32

Category of Reservation: General (GEN)

Elected Member: H. Singh

Votes in Favour: 24511

Gender: M

Party: Bharatiya Jana Sangh (BJS)

Runner Up Candidate: Muktilal

Votes in Favour: 20385

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

03rd Assembly Election:

Election Year: 1962

Assembly Constituency No: 13

Category of Reservation: General (GEN)

Elected Member: Ram Chandra

Votes in Favour: 18427

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

Runner Up Candidate: Hanut Singh

Votes in Favour: 6032

Gender: M

Party: Swatantra Party (SWA)

02nd Assembly Election:

Election Year: 1957

Assembly Constituency No: 12

Category of Reservation: General (GEN)

Elected Member: Bhaniron Singh

Votes in Favour: 7568

Gender: M

Party: Bharatiya Jana Sangh (BJS)

Runner Up Candidate: Geeta Bajaj

Votes in Favour: 5778

Gender: F

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

01st Assembly Election:

Election Year:

Assembly Constituency No:

Category of Reservation:

Elected Member:

Votes in Favour:



Runner Up Candidate:

Votes in Favour:



Goto Rajasthan Assembly Constituencies

Lachhmangarh Assembly Constituency in Sikar District Rajasthan

Name of the Rajasthan Assembly Constituency: Lachhmangarh

Parliament Constituency: Sikar

District: Sikar

Voters Statistics:

15th Assembly Election

14th Assembly Election:

Election Year: 2013

Assembly Constituency No: 33

Category of Reservation: General (GEN)

Elected Member: Govind Singh

Votes in Favour: 55730

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

Runner Up Candidate: Subhash Maharia

Votes in Favour: 45007

Gender: M

Party: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)

13th Assembly Election:

Election Year: 2008

Assembly Constituency No: 33

Category of Reservation: General (GEN)

Elected Member: Govind Singh Dotasra

Votes in Favour: 31705

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

Runner Up Candidate: Dinesh Joshi

Votes in Favour: 31671

Gender: M

Party: Independent (IND)

12th Assembly Election:

Election Year: Independent (IND)

Assembly Constituency No: 66

Category of Reservation: General (GEN)

Elected Member: Jagat Singh

Votes in Favour: 40095

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

Runner Up Candidate: Dharamveer

Votes in Favour: 33218

Gender: M

Party: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)

11th Assembly Election:

Election Year: 1998

Assembly Constituency No: 66

Category of Reservation: General (GEN)

Elected Member: Rajendra Singh Gandura

Votes in Favour: 27777

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

Runner Up Candidate: Nasru Khan

Votes in Favour: 25398

Gender: M

Party: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)

10th Assembly Election:

Election Year: 1993

Assembly Constituency No: 66

Category of Reservation: General (GEN)

Elected Member: Nasaru

Votes in Favour: 34256

Gender: M

Party: Janata Dal (JD)

Runner Up Candidate: Dharmveer Sharma

Votes in Favour: 29163

Gender: M

Party: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)

09th Assembly Election:

Election Year: 1990

Assembly Constituency No: 66

Category of Reservation: General (GEN)

Elected Member: Ishwar Lal Saini

Votes in Favour: 29095

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

Runner Up Candidate: Nasroo

Votes in Favour: 24805

Gender: M

Party: Janata Dal (JD)

08th Assembly Election:

Election Year: 1985

Assembly Constituency No: 66

Category of Reservation: General (GEN)

Elected Member: Ishwar Lal Saini

Votes in Favour: 29278

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

Runner Up Candidate: Prabhu Singh

Votes in Favour: 18782

Gender: M

Party: Independent (IND)

07th Assembly Election:

Election Year: 1980

Assembly Constituency No: 66

Category of Reservation: General (GEN)

Elected Member: Ishwar Lal Saini

Votes in Favour: 19893

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (I) (INC(I))

Runner Up Candidate: Ashok Singh

Votes in Favour: 10516

Gender: M

Party: Independent (IND)

06th Assembly Election:

Election Year: 1977

Assembly Constituency No: 66

Category of Reservation: General (GEN)

Elected Member: Ch. Nathi Singh

Votes in Favour: 15928

Gender: M

Party: Janta Party (JNP)

Runner Up Candidate: Bihari Lal

Votes in Favour: 10257

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

05th Assembly Election:

Election Year:

Assembly Constituency No:

Category of Reservation:

Elected Member:

Votes in Favour:



Runner Up Candidate:

Votes in Favour:



04th Assembly Election:

Election Year:

Assembly Constituency No:

Category of Reservation:

Elected Member:

Votes in Favour:



Runner Up Candidate:

Votes in Favour:



03rd Assembly Election:

Election Year: 1962

Assembly Constituency No: 9

Category of Reservation: General (GEN)

Elected Member: Kishansingh

Votes in Favour: 9923

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

Runner Up Candidate: Trilok Singh

Votes in Favour: 9410

Gender: M

Party: Communist Party of India (CPI)

02nd Assembly Election:

Election Year: 1957

Assembly Constituency No: 8

Category of Reservation: General (GEN)

Elected Member: Kishan Singh

Votes in Favour: 8265

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

Runner Up Candidate: Girdhari Singh

Votes in Favour: 5253

Gender: M

Party: RRP

01st Assembly Election:

Election Year: 1951

Assembly Constituency No: 29

Category of Reservation: General (GEN)

Elected Member: Balbir

Votes in Favour: 16151

Gender: M

Party: KLP

Runner Up Candidate: Bhura Mal

Votes in Favour: 12601

Gender: M

Party: KLP

Goto Rajasthan Assembly Constituencies

Dhod Assembly Constituency in Sikar District Rajasthan

Name of the Rajasthan Assembly Constituency: Dhod

Parliament Constituency: Sikar

District: Sikar

Voters Statistics:

15th Assembly Election

14th Assembly Election:

Election Year: 2013

Assembly Constituency No: 34

Category of Reservation: Scheduled Caste (SC)

Elected Member: Gordhan

Votes in Favour: 88668

Gender: M

Party: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)

Runner Up Candidate: Pema Ram

Votes in Favour: 43597

Gender: M

Party: Communist Party of India (Marxist) (CPM)

13th Assembly Election:

Election Year: 2008

Assembly Constituency No: 34

Category of Reservation: Scheduled Caste (SC)

Elected Member: Pemaram

Votes in Favour: 47840

Gender: M

Party: Communist Party of India (Marxist) (CPM)

Runner Up Candidate: Parasram Mordiya

Votes in Favour: 44695

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

12th Assembly Election:

Election Year: Indian National Congress (INC)

Assembly Constituency No: 33

Category of Reservation: General (GEN)

Elected Member: Amra Ram

Votes in Favour: 44647

Gender: M

Party: Communist Party of India (Marxist) (CPM)

Runner Up Candidate: Rameshwar Lal

Votes in Favour: 23500

Gender: M

Party: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)

11th Assembly Election:

Election Year: 1998

Assembly Constituency No: 33

Category of Reservation: General (GEN)

Elected Member: Amra Ram

Votes in Favour: 44672

Gender: M

Party: Communist Party of India (Marxist) (CPM)

Runner Up Candidate: Ramdeo Singh

Votes in Favour: 41832

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

10th Assembly Election:

Election Year: 1993

Assembly Constituency No: 33

Category of Reservation: General (GEN)

Elected Member: Amara Ram

Votes in Favour: 44375

Gender: M

Party: Communist Party of India (Marxist) (CPM)

Runner Up Candidate: Ramdev Singh

Votes in Favour: 31843

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

09th Assembly Election:

Election Year: 1990

Assembly Constituency No: 33

Category of Reservation: General (GEN)

Elected Member: Ram Dev Singh

Votes in Favour: 32906

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

Runner Up Candidate: Jai Singh Shekhavat / Badam Singh

Votes in Favour: 30614

Gender: M

Party: Janata Dal (JD)

08th Assembly Election:

Election Year: 1985

Assembly Constituency No: 33

Category of Reservation: General (GEN)

Elected Member: Ramdev Singh

Votes in Favour: 33549

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

Runner Up Candidate: Jai Singh Sekhawat

Votes in Favour: 27240

Gender: M

Party: Lok Dal (LKD)

07th Assembly Election:

Election Year: 1980

Assembly Constituency No: 33

Category of Reservation: General (GEN)

Elected Member: Ram Deo Singh

Votes in Favour: 29275

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (I) (INC(I))

Runner Up Candidate: Gordhan Singh

Votes in Favour: 16086

Gender: M

Party: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)

06th Assembly Election:

Election Year: 1977

Assembly Constituency No: 33

Category of Reservation: General (GEN)

Elected Member: Randeo Singh

Votes in Favour: 30106

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

Runner Up Candidate: Gordhan Singh

Votes in Favour: 23355

Gender: M

Party: Janta Party (JNP)

05th Assembly Election:

Election Year:

Assembly Constituency No:

Category of Reservation:

Elected Member:

Votes in Favour:



Runner Up Candidate:

Votes in Favour:



04th Assembly Election:

Election Year:

Assembly Constituency No:

Category of Reservation:

Elected Member:

Votes in Favour:



Runner Up Candidate:

Votes in Favour:



03rd Assembly Election:

Election Year:

Assembly Constituency No:

Category of Reservation:

Elected Member:

Votes in Favour:



Runner Up Candidate:

Votes in Favour:



02nd Assembly Election:

Election Year:

Assembly Constituency No:

Category of Reservation:

Elected Member:

Votes in Favour:



Runner Up Candidate:

Votes in Favour:



01st Assembly Election:

Election Year:

Assembly Constituency No:

Category of Reservation:

Elected Member:

Votes in Favour:



Runner Up Candidate:

Votes in Favour:



Goto Rajasthan Assembly Constituencies

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