Smt. Anju Bala Member of Parliament (MP) from Misrikh (SC)(Uttar Pradesh) Biodata

Name of Member: Smt. Anju Bala

Political Party: Bharatiya Janata Party

Constituency & State: Misrikh (SC)(Uttar Pradesh)

Lok Sabha Experience: 16

Sixteenth Lok Sabha

Members Bioprofile
Bala, Smt. Anju
Constituency   : Misrikh (SC) (Uttar Pradesh)
Party Name     : Bharatiya Janata Party(BJP)
Email Address : anju[DOT]bala[AT]sansad[DOT]nic[DOT]in
Father’s Name Shri Ravinder Nath
Mother’s Name Smt. Trishala Devi
Date of Birth 06 Sep 1979
Place of Birth Kathua, Jammu & Kashmir
Marital Status Married
Date of Marriage 26 Jan 2008
Spouse’s Name Shri Krishna Kumar Singh alias Satish Verma
No. of Sons 1
No.of Daughters 1
M.A. (Hindi and Sanskrit)
Educated at University of Jammu and Chhatrapati Shahuji Maharaj University, Kanpur (U.P.)
Profession Industrialist
Agriculturist,Civil Servant,Builder
Permanent Address
Vill. Sunasi, P.O. Shahpur Ganga, Tehsil-Bilgram,
Distt. Hardoi, Uttar Pradesh-241303
Tel : (05851) 242001, 08052222280 (M)
Fax : (05851) 242221
Present Address
C-6, M.S. Flats, A-Block,
B.K.S. Marg,
New Delhi-110001
09013869435 (M)
Positions Held
2010 – 2014 President, Panchayat Samiti
May, 2014 Elected to 16th Lok Sabha
1 Sep. 2014 onwards Member, Standing Committee on Empowerment of Women
Member, Consultative Committe, Ministry of Water Resources, River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation
1 Sept. 2014 – 31 Aug. 2018 Member, Standing Committee on Chemicals and Fertilizers
1 Sept. 2018 onwards Member, Standing Committee on Railways
Social And Cultural Activities
Participated in social programmes, religious rituals, literacy meets and historical discussions since student life; bringing about social reforms; generating awareness in the society about the conservation practices prevailing in the society. Also involved in cultural activities since School and College days and the pursuit still continues as and when time permits
Special Interests
Pondering over social structure and to make sincere efforts for the welfare of human beings; She is dedicated to the cause of welfare of human being; and also contemplating over the issue as to how poverty can be removed from the society
Favourite Pastime and Recreation
Keen interest in Music
Sports and Clubs
Basket ball and Foot ball
Other Information
She feels disheartened to see the plight of the society. Life on planet earth has been in existence since times immemorial. Although people have been trying to make life better, and such efforts are still continuing,however the quality of life of people has not improved the way it should. She feels the sole reason for this is dishonesty and believes that if dishonesty is removed from the society, and work is done in a transparent manner, such efforts would lead to development of the Country. She has been taking initiatives and making such efforts aimed at removing dishonesty and promoting transparency in the society

These Biodata of present and past Members of Parliament are taken from Also any reference to the location of a particular State, or Country in the bio-profile of Members (particularly in the columns ‘place of birth’ or ‘Educated at’) is given by the Members themselves while filling up of the Proforma after their election to the Lok Sabha. Any discrepancy in data should be brought to our notice for correction. Our Email: [email protected]

Important Links:

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