CHANDRAWATI, SHRIMATI, B.A., LL.B., Janata. (Haryana—Bhiwani—1977): d. of Choudhary Hazari Lal, b. at Dalavas Village, Charkhi Dadri Tehsil, Bhiwani District, September 3, 1928: ed. at B. B. Vidyapeeth, Pilani, Maharaja College, Jaipur, Ranbir College, Sangrur, Punjab University and Delhi University; married; Lawyer; previously associated, with the Congress; Member, (i) Haryana Pradesh Congress Committee, (ii) Haryana Pradesh Congress Executive Committee, and (iii) Haryana Pradesh, Congress Election Committee, 1968—72; Member, (i) PEPSU Legislative Assembly, 1954—57, (ii) Punjab Legislative Assembly, 1962—67, and (iii) Haryana Legislative Assembly, 1968—77; Parliamentary Secretary, (i) Government of PEPSU, 1954—57, and (ii) Government of Punjab, 1962-63; Deputy Minister, Government of Punjab, 1964—66, Minister of State, Government of Haryana, 1973-74; Member, Estimates Committee, Punjab Legislative Assembly, 1963-64; Chairman, (i) Estimates Committee, Haryana Legislative Assembly, 1972-73, and (ii) Library Committee, Haryana Legislative Assembly, 1972-73; presently Member, (i) Committee on Public Undertakings and (ii) Committee on Papers Laid on the Table.
Social activities: Propagation of education in rural areas, especially amongst the girls.
Favourite pastime and recreation: Reading, Hindi and English literature, horticulture, and travelling.
Special interests: Rural economy.
Permanent address: Dalavas Village, Charkhi Dadri Tehsil, Bhiwani District, Haryana.