Father’s NameDate of Birth
Place of Birth
Marital Status
Spouse’s Name
Educational Qualifications
Permanent Address
Present Address
Positions held
25 June, 1991
Other Positions held
Social and Cultural Activities
Special Interests
Favourite Pastime
and Recreation
Sports and Clubs
Countries visited
Shri Krishnappa Gouda26th December, 1953
Mudigere in Distt. Chikmagalur (Karnataka)
Shri Siddhartha Reddy
Agriculturist, Coffee Grower, Political Activist and Social Worker
P.O. Mudigere, Distt. Chikmagalur (Karnataka)
151, South Avenue, New Delhi-110011. Tel. 3010459, 3792588
Chairman, Family and Child Welfare Project, Mudigere
President, Mudigere Taluka Development Board
Member, Karnataka Legislative Assembly
Elected to Lok Sabha (Eighth)
Elected to Rajya Sabha
Re-elected to Lok Sabha (Tenth)
Union Minister of State, Health & Family Welfare
Chairman, Committee on Government Assurances, Karnataka Legislative Assembly
President, Municipal Council, Mudigere
Vice-president, D.C.C., Chikmagalur
General Secretary, P.C.C., Karnataka
Joint Secretary, A.I.C.C.
Convenor, Women’s Wing of Karnataka Pradesh Congress Committee
Member, Board of Directors, Coffee Board,
Member, Board of Directors, Spices Board.
Founder-President, Mahila Kaigarika Sahaka-Sangha Mudigere; organised students lo collect funds and materials for the war widows of China and Pakistan war; working for the upliftment of women, child welfare and the betterment of Tribals and Scheduled Castes; working for the welfare of destitutes and widows and for the elimination of untouchability; courted arrest during 1977-78
Protection of Environment, Welfare of Coffee Spices and Coconut Growers and Labourers; Alleviation of women’s exploitation
Gardening, music, reading, astronomy, ornothology and watching historical movies
Yoga, badminton and carrom
Afghanistan, China, Hong Kong, North Korea, Sri Lanka, USA and USSR; Chairman, Delegation to Sri Lanka; Member, Delegation to Special Youth Congress Afghanistan 1989; United Nations 41st General Assembly Session, Indo-Soviet Friendship to USSR 1985, Parliamentary Delegation to North Korea 1986, International Coffee Organisation, London, 1988. |