Name of Member: Smt. Gayatri Devi
Political Party: Janata (S)
Constituency & State: Kairana (Uttar Pradesh)
Lok Sabha Experience: 7
7th Lok Sabha |
Members Bioprofile |
GAYATRI DEVI, SHRIMATI [Janata (S)—Uttar Pradesh, Kairana, 1980] d. of Shri Ganga Ram; b. at Garh Kundal Village, Sonepat District, Haryana, 1905; ed. at Kanya Mahavidayalaya, Jullundur, studied upto Tenth Standard; m. Choudhary Charan Singh, June 5, 1925; 1 s. and 5 d.; Political and Social Worker; previously associated with Indian National Congress, Bharatiya Kranti Dal and Bharatiya Lok Dal; actively participated in freedom movement and was arrested in 1930; President, (i) Arya Samaj, Ghaziabad for 11 years and (ii) Uttar Pradesh Women Association; Member, Uttar Pradesh legislative Assembly, 1969 and 1974.
Favourite pastime and recreation: Meeting people and discussing their personal, social and other problems.
Special interests: Improvement in the status of rural women.
Sports and clubs: Indoor games.
Travels abroad: U.S.A.
Permanent address: 56-2, Shivaji Road, Meerut, Uttar Pradesh.
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