Name of Member: Smt. Venkatasamy Jeyalakshmi
Political Party: Congress
Constituency & State: Sivakasi (Tamil Nadu)
Lok Sabha Experience: 5,6
6th Lok Sabha
Members Bioprofile |
.JAYALAKSHMI, SHRIMATI VENKATASAMY, Congress, (Tamil Nadu—Sivakasi—1977): d. of Shri S. Ramasamy Naidu; b. at Sengamala Nachiar Puram, Ramanathapuram District November 6, 1932; ed. at Victoria High School, Sivakasi and American College, Madurai, Intermediate; m. Shri Venkatasamy; 2 s. and 2 d. agriculturist; Member (i) Tamil Nadu Congress Committee since 1969, (ii) Pradesh Congress Committee since 1971,(iii) A.I.C.C. since 1971, President, District Congress Committee since 1974; Member, Fifth Lok Sabha, 1971—77; presently, Member Estimates Committee; Member, Parliamentary delegations to Kuwait, Syria, Yugoslavia and Italy.
Social activities: Interested in co-operatives, Harijan uplift, welfare of Backward Classes, improvement of conditions of labourers in match industry and fireworks factories.
Favourite pastime and recreation: Gardening sericulture, light reading and cinema.
Special interests: Agriculture and cottage and small-scale industries.
Sports and clubs: Badminton, indoor games.
Permanent address: Sengamala Nachiar Puram, Sivakasi, Tamil Nadu.
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