St. Joseph’s College of Commerce 2015 Additional English Question Paper PDF Download

St. Joseph’s College of Commerce (Autonomous)

End Semester Examination – SEPT/Oct. 2015

B.Com – I Semester


Duration: 3 Hours                                                                                       Max. Marks: 100


Note:  Read the questions carefully and answer.

Do not exceed the paragraph limit.

            Each paragraph should contain at least four sentences.

            Do not copy sentences or paragraphs from the passage.



Read the passage below and answer the questions.

Method and madness


Vitor Pordeus makes a good Hamlet. Bearded, handsome, angry at the world, he stands at the centre of his group of actors. Like a force of nature that fights to be heard against the wind blowing in from the Atlantic Ocean, he rails against the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune to a backdrop of palm trees and hot-dog stands.


Behind him, the sun drops like a giant orange behind the DoisIrmãosor Two Brothers, the picture‑postcard hills behind Ipanema beach and home to the recently gentrified Vidigal favela in Rio de Janeiro. The old King of Denmark sits on his throne, immutable. He’s a thin, frail man with only one leg. ‘Serounãoser,’ the chorus around him rises up: ‘To be or not to be.’ Then, a low hum, as the group starts to chant and dance their way around the circle. ‘Renascer,’ they sing –meaning: be reborn, revive.


This is no group of pampered actors. A banner with carnival streamers is emblazoned in gold, blue and orange with ‘Madness Hotel’, the name of the collective behind this production. The 20-odd performers have arrived at the sea’s edge from a psychiatric hospital in Rio’s densely populated and overheated North Zone. Pordeus is their doctor, though it might be more accurate now to describe him as an actor-director.


Theatre provides a rare stimulus for psychotic, schizophrenic and depressed patients, giving them an opportunity to communicate and interact constructively with others. ‘We are all actors; we take on our identity, we take on our culture,’ Pordeus says. Released from their fixed roles as catatonic[1], belligerent[2] or withdrawn patients, his actors – Pordeus calls them clients rather than patients – are free to don different masks as characters from Shakespeare, and to live out a different reality for a few hours. In the safe, performative setting, new things can be said or tried out. As the circle moves round, it breaks at times for people to hug each other, for spats to be heard then ironed out, and for each player to start new chants which the others then follow.


Pordeus says that the success of his work can be seen clearly in the thousands of films and photographs he records of the performances, both beachside and in the ‘Madness Hotel and Spa’ at the Nise da Silveira Mental Health Institute in Rio de Janeiro. When the patients review these later on, they can see the progress they’ve made, but also better understand their own behaviour and interactions with others. He claims that patients who never spoke before joining the Madness Hotel and who now smile or spontaneously interact with others are proof of the healing power of theatre.


The project has attracted a wave of publicity in Brazil, and an artists’ residence now takes place once a year at the Madness Hotel hospital unit. Yet Pordeus is not without his critics. Funding for the project through the municipal authority is an ongoing challenge, and there is a clash between the Madness Hotel and those in charge of other units in the hospital.

‘There is a lot of conflict between us and the other doctors,’ Pordeus admits. ‘They attack us, they say it agitates the patients. They say the basis of therapy is drugs, and that’s not true.’ Pordeus’s critics say that the emphasis on freedom of expression away from the clear doctor-patient hierarchy creates insecurity and confusion among patients rather than providing a healthy outlet. Yet this is to miss the point, since Pordeus is an activist as much as a doctor; he seeks to challenge mainstream ideas about illness and treatment, and that is bound to stir protest.


In wider perspective, the Madness Hotel performances, with their songs and costumes, can be seen as a continuation of Brazilian cultural traditions. Samba, for example, has always brought people together to seek redemption through collective remembrances of past suffering.


During carnival in Rio, the streets are filled with people singing songs such as Agoniza Mas NãoMorre: ‘Samba: agoniza mas nãomorre/ Alguémsempretesocorre/ Antes de suspiroderradeiro’ (Samba: agonise but don’t die/ Someone will always rescue you/ Before the final breath). Lyrics recall the shared traumas of slavery and the massacres of the poor by colonial authorities, while the powerful rhythms restore the African culture from which many of Brazil’s people were once violently removed. Crucially, this redemption is often to be found collectively and not individually in Brazilian culture – collectivism, of course, being a strong element of theatre.


The idea of using theatre as a tool for change was pioneered in Brazil by the late director and activist Augusto Boal who in the 1950s created the Theatre of the Oppressed, now world-renowned. In the Theatre of the Oppressed, drama became a framework in which people could visualise and understand the power dynamics at work in society and explore new possibilities through role play. These Boal-inspired ‘dress rehearsals for real life’ have been used in strife-torn locations such as Israel and Palestine, as well as all over Latin America and Europe. Boal believed that everyone is a self-contained spectator, actor and theatre in one; if we start by observing our actions and interactions, we can then go on to do things differently in the future.


Plato and Socrates believed that poets and priests could commune with the gods through accessing a kind of ‘divine madness’, thereby identifying the source of creative inspiration and insanity as one and the same, and the ‘mad artist’ has remained a persistent motif in many cultures, from Vincent van Gogh to Kanye West. Eccentric behaviour is indulged, encouraged or even expected in creative people, who enjoy a privileged position outside of the normal rules of society, and who often play up to this idea as if to underscore their untrammelled creativity.


In her book Touched with Fire: Manic-depressive Illness and the Artistic Temperament (1991), Kay Redfield Jamison points to a wealth of evidence that supports such a link, among them studies that show elevated rates of mood disorders in highly creative people, and which further suggest that the link is genetic. Jamison, an American clinical psychologist, who is Professor in Mood Disorders at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in Baltimore and who is bipolar herself, quotes the study of 113 German-speaking artists, writers, architects and composers compiled by the Austrian psychiatrist Adele Juda in 1944. Juda found that there were more suicides and more ‘insane and neurotic’ individuals in this group than could be found in the normal population, and that the same predisposition existed in many of the artists’ family members. Seen this way, madness might be a blessing of sorts, a kind of portal into a unique vision of the world.


Yet suffering can be alleviated through the discipline of creative practices that serve to weave formless, unarticulated pain into something tangible, ordered and ultimately pleasurable. As Jamison writes: ‘Creative work can act not only as a means of escape from pain, but also as a way of structuring chaotic emotions and thoughts, numbing pain through abstraction and the rigors of disciplined thought, and creating a distance from the source of despair.’ Thus some artists with mental health problems might have partly sought out their profession because of the relief it provides, consciously or not. For poets or painters, the outlet for these emotions is individual, while a shared theatrical or musical experience has the potential to effect a collective catharsis[3] and transformation.



  1. Answer the following in about TWO or THREE paragraphs each. (4 x 10 = 40)


  1. What role, according to this article, can theatre play in the lives of ‘psychotic, schizophrenic and depressed patients’? What other roles do you think theatre plays in our society?
  2. What is the criticism levelled against Pordeus’ method of dealing with the patients? What is your view on Pordeus’ method of treating his patients?
  3. What have you understood by the term ‘divine madness’? Is there a method in madness? Comment on the link, if any exists, between creativity and madness.
  4. Write about a performance (theatre, dance, singing, rituals, magic, cinema or any other performance) that you have seen and which has transformed the way you look at life and the world or has given a cathartic experience.



  1. Answer any FOUR of the following questions in about FOUR or FIVE paragraphs each.                                                            (4x 15 = 60)


  1. In V. S. Naipaul’s ‘India: A Wounded Civilization’ what is the ‘wound’ that has still not healed in Indian civilization? Comment on the method of using works of fiction like R. K. Narayan’s novel Sampath in trying to understand the Indian society. Is it possible to understand a society through fiction?
  2. Compare the writing styles of Harriet Jacob’s A Lover and Siddalingaiah’s Ooru Keri. What might be the reason for writers to adopt different writing styles? Is it possible for autobiographies to reveal more than the writer’s life? What are the other things that you got to know while reading excerpts from the autobiographies?
  3. According to Mario Vargas Llossa what is the function of literature in a society? What are his views on technology and its impact on the physical book? Do you share his views or do you choose to disagree with him? Provide evidences and examples to defend your position.
  4. You have read and discussed a few essays which deal with reason, rationality, faith, belief and religion. Write about any two ideas from the essays which either interested you or irritated you very much. Which essay did you like the most and why?
  5. “The best moments in reading are when you come across something – a thought, a feeling, a way of looking at things – which you had thought special and particular to you. Now here it is, set down by someone else, a person you have never met, someone even who is long dead. And it is as if a hand has come out and taken yours.” ― Alan Bennett. Have you had any such experience when you were reading a book, an article or an essay? Write about your reading life: the kind of books you read, how you choose books and your experience of reading books.



[1]Catatonia: abnormality of movement and behaviour arising from a disturbed mental state (typically schizophrenia). It may involve repetitive or purposeless over-activity, or catalepsy, resistance to passive movement, and negativism

[2]Belligerent: hostile and aggressive

[3]Catharsis: the process of releasing, and thereby providing relief from, strong or repressed emotions.

St. Joseph’s College of Commerce 2015 General English Question Paper PDF Download

St. Joseph’s College of Commerce (Autonomous)

End Semester Examination – October 2015

B.Com – I Semester

General English

Duration: 3 Hours                                                                                           Max. Marks: 100


Note:  Read the questions carefully and answer.

Do not exceed the paragraph limit.

            Each paragraph should contain at least four sentences.

            Do not copy sentences or paragraphs from the passage.

            A glossary of difficult words is given at the end of the paper.


Read the passage below and answer the questions.

When a Relationship Becomes a Game

It’s a Wednesday afternoon, and Kamakshi Zeidler, a 34-year-old plastic surgeon in Los Gatos, California, is explaining how to fill up a “love tank.”

“If you do little things for your partner… you get signals your love tank is full. And if you don’t, you’ll get signals that your love tank is almost empty. It’s based on how much you love each other. Well, through the app,” she adds.

Zeidler and her husband Brendon form a satisfied, if busy, pair. Both work long hours and have little time for spontaneous romantic gestures.

The “love tank” Kamakshi describes is one feature of a “couples’ app” called Kahnoodle. A 2011 addition to the app market, couples’ apps target spouses in a demographic sweet spot—old enough to need reinvigoration in their relationships, but still young enough to be tech-savvy—and offer a counterintuitive, strangely Anthony Weiner[1]-friendly service: an intimate social network, built for two.

But San Francisco-based Kahnoodle explores a new frontier of couples-app potential.

“It’s basically gamification of your relationships,” says Sonja Poole, a pleased Kahnoodler and 43-year-old associate professor at the University of San Francisco.

Gamification is a buzzword referring to the use of game concepts, like point rewards and badges, to engage users in non-game, or “real life,” situations. The website Lumosity gamifies intelligence training through animated exercises, and loyalty-based businesses like Belly use reward programs and badges to pull customers into affiliated restaurants. Foursquare encourages loyalty by awarding mayorships to frequent visitors of stores and restaurants.

Consumers respond very well to gamification in other sectors; businesses report increases in “engagement” by hundreds of percentage points when they gamify.

Using gamification, Kahnoodle wants to make maintaining your relationship automatic and easy—as easy as tapping a button. Its options include sending push notifications to initiate sex; “Koupons” that entitle the bearer to redeemable movie nights and kinky sex; and, of course, the love tank, which fills or empties depending on how many acts of love you’ve logged.

“Novelty works like an endorphin,” says Zuhairah Scott Washington, the company’s founder. “Couples have a desire to go out and do something new, but oftentimes they’re tired. The mobile app… incorporates a lot of research on what makes relationships successful but gamifies it to make it fun, makes it fun to do the work required to keep relationships fresh.”

Poole’s husband, Damone, has a demanding job that “keeps his attention away from the relationship.” She estimates that he checks his smartphone upwards of 50 times a day, mostly for work. She likes Kahnoodle because “it reminds him, ‘I need to do something for her,’” she says. “Any little bit helps.”

By many measures, the app should work. But the relationship between a man and his Starbucks[2] reward history is a lot less complex than the relationship between Sonja and Damone. Right?

Psychologist Eli Finkel of Northwestern University certainly thinks so. According to Finkel, you run into a couple of problems when you gamify love. Kahnoodle’s “Kudos” service, which allows one partner to reward another for a romantic gesture, might foster an “exchange mentality,” a tit-for-tat view of interaction that can be harmful in romantic situations—exchange mentality is commonly seen in cases of date rape, for example.

Finkel also says relationships are supposed to be tricky.

“Much of the benefit of doing considerate things is linked to the fact that those things required thoughtfulness and effort,” Finkel writes in an email. “Take the thoughtfulness out of the acts and they lose much of their meaning.”

Social psychologist and CEO of mental health network Psych Central John Grohol agrees. “You can’t substitute gamification for those core things people strive for,” he says. “Filling up a love tank isn’t the same as having a personal connection.”

Yet from a psychological perspective, human relationships “are inherently game-like,” says Professor Andrew Colman, a psychologist and game theory expert at University of Leicester in the U.K. According to a 2009 study that analyzes dating in terms of game theory, humans assess potential mates according to investments, risk-reward behaviors, and other factors that mirror the way we analyze a game. Game theory, for instance, explains why we love “the chase.” “A male’s willingness to court for a long time is a signal that he is likely to be a good male,” study author Robert Seymour writes.

This explains why women who wait for sex usually end up finding a better match. You want the higher reward; you stay in the game longer. Like Who Wants to Be a Millionaire. And online dating apps like Let’s Date and Zoosk have already seen positive results from gamification.

Of course, online dating is a far cry from your 20th anniversary. But the game of love is “still a game after decades of living together,” Colman says. “It doesn’t mean you’re trivializing it.”

Predictably, he says, the objection most people will have to Kahnoodle is that it’s mechanized game-playing; it takes the creativity and spontaneity out of relationship maintenance.

But as it turns out, spontaneity and creativity don’t necessarily predict lasting relationships. Relationships that are built on a “solid, comfortable, interesting, and pleasurable bed of reality” succeed above all others, according to an article by relationship psychologists John Adams and Constance Avery-Clark.

Adams and Avery-Clark stress the importance of “de-emphasizing over-romantic notions of super-compatibility in favor of a rational approach to relationships.” In other words, it’s not about whether spouses want to smooch endlessly on street corners or read separate newspapers at breakfast. They just need to be on the same page about what they do want, and how to go about getting it.

Zeidler and her husband seem to be.

“We’re busy, working professionals,” she reiterates. The love tank makes it “a little easier to constantly think about each other.” And Kahnoodle Concierge, a recently launched service that plans surprise-filled date nights for as little as $20 a month, is a godsend. “If my husband and I can simply show up to the same place, it’s great.”

Kahnoodle keeps the Zeidlers engaged. And in a world where couples spendmore time with their smartphones than each other, that’s no easy feat.

  1. Answer the following in ONE paragraph each. (5 x 3 = 15)


  1. What have you understood by the term ‘gamification’? Describe it in your own words.
  2. What does Eli Finkel mean by ‘exchange mentality’? Give an example and explain the concept.
  3. What insight has Game Theory offered to the study of human relationships? Does it make any sense to you?


  1. Answer the following in about THREE or FOUR paragraphs each. (15 x 2 = 30)
  2. The article above presents two contrasting views on human relationship. What are these two views? Which view makes sense to you the most? Use experiences, observations or fictional narratives in your response to make your point.
  3. The above article just seems to be an advertisement for the new app Kahnoodle.What do you think is the position of the writer of the article with regard to technology and human relationships? What do you have to say about the way in which technology is altering human relationships? Use experiences and observations in your answer.


Read the story and answer the questions.


In a certain town there lived a couple. The husband would bring home a bushel of fish every day. His wife would eat up all the middles of the fish and leave him only fish heads and fish tails. She did this every day.

What did he do? He had a sister in town. He went to her house one day and said, “Sister, every day I bring home a bushel of fish. When I come to eat, the fish have only heads and tails, no middles.

What shall I do?”

His sister told him, “If that’s the case, Brother, go to the carpenter, and ask him to make three dolls for you. Place one doll next to the cooking fire. Place another with the pots and pans. Put the third one in the niche in the wall. After you’ve done that, bring home as usual your bushel of fish and then leave. Let’s see what happens.”

He did exactly what his sister told him to do. He went to the carpenter and got three dolls made. He placed one near the cooking fire, a second one among the pots, and another in the wall niche. And he brought in his daily bushel of fish, gave it to his wife, and went out as usual.

She cooked the fish in a hurry, and was going to pick up a platter when the doll among the pots piped up and asked, “Why a platter?”

The doll in the wall answered, “To eat like a thief.”

The doll near the cooking fire added, “Without her husband!”

She gasped, “They talk, and like that!”

She was scared of the dolls and rushed out of the house, and didn’t get back till her husband came home. When he came home, she fed him, and then ate her own dinner. The fish were whole, as whole as when they were brought.

Her husband said nothing. He finished his meal, and went to his sister’s house. He said to her, “Sister, I did as you told me to. Today, all the fish were whole.”

One interpretation of the above story goes this way: ‘this tale seems to express an understanding of the phenomenon of “projection,” in which a rejected inner voice or impulse is attributed to an external object or person.’


  • Answer the question in about THREE or FOUR paragraphs. (1 x 15 = 15)
  1. a) Why do you think the wife was scared of the dolls?
  2. Do you agree with the above interpretation of the story as an expression of the phenomenon of ‘projection’?
  3. What would be your interpretation of the above story?






  1. The below questions are based on the texts that you have read in the classroom. Answer the questions in about FIVE paragraphs each. (2 x 20 = 20)


  1. “Words shape how I see the world, how I move through problems, how I relax. They give me comfort, order and structure” says Hannah Giorgis.
  2. Do you think there is a relationship between the language you speak and your thoughts, dreams and actions? How has the language that you speak shaped your opinions, beliefs or perspectives?
  3. What kind of a relationship do you have with the languages you speak? Do you like them? Do you think about them often? How did you learn them?


  1. “We go on talking but I can see a faint shadow on his face- he is puzzled and doesn’t know what is puzzling him. I move closer to him, into his arms and the shadow is gone. And the tune comes back, flows into my mind, to the tip of my tongue. “
  2. What do you think she does when the tune comes back again? Why do you think the writer of this story has given this kind of an ending? Does it make you look at the whole story any differently?
  3. Among all the characters in all the three stories that you have read in the class room to which one were you able to relate well and why? Write about similar characters that you have encountered in real life or fiction.



spouses: a husband or wife, considered in relation to their partner.

demographic: relating to the dynamic balance of a population especially with regard to density and capacity for expansion or decline; a portion of a population, especially considered as consumers.

reinvigorate: give new energy or strength to.

savvy: shrewd and knowledgeable; having common sense and good judgement

intuitive: based on feelings rather than facts or proof

novelty:the quality of being new, original, or unusual

Endorphin: a ​chemical ​naturally ​released in the ​brain to ​reduce ​pain, that in ​large ​amounts can make you ​feel ​relaxed or ​full of ​energy

inherent:​existing as a ​natural or ​basic ​part of something



[1]American politician Anthony Weiner, former member of the United States House of Representatives from New York City, was involved in two sexual scandals related to sexting, or sending explicit sexual material by cell phone. The first, sometimes dubbed Weinergate,[ led to his resignation as a congressman in 2011. The second, during his attempt to return to politics as candidate for mayor of New York City, involved three women Weiner admitted having sexted after further explicit pictures were published in July 2013.

[2]Starbucks Corporation, doing business as Starbucks Coffee, is an American coffee company and coffeehouse chain based in Seattle, Washington. Starbucks is the largest coffeehouse company in the world ahead of UK rival Costa Coffee, with 22,551 stores in 65 countries and territories, including 12,739 in the United States, 1,868 in China, 1,395 in Canada, 1,117 in Japan and 830 in the United Kingdom.

St. Joseph’s College of Commerce B.Com. 2015 I Sem Cost Accounting I Question Paper PDF Download


B.COM(Int. Fin& A/c) – I SEMESTER
c4 15mc102:  COST ACCOUNTING I
Duration: 3 Hours                                                                                             Max. Marks: 100
I) Answer ALL the questions.  Each carries 2 marks.                                        (10×2=20)
  1. State any 2 reasons for over absorption of factory overheads?
  2. Give the difference between standard costing and marginal costing?
  3. Mention the significance of the following costs for management:

a) Sunk Cost  b) Imputed Cost.

  4. Calculate EOQ for material ‘M’, the following details are furnished.

Annual usage                                              90000 units

Buying cost per unit                                   Rs 10

Cost of carrying inventory                        10%cost

Cost per unit                                                Rs 50

  5. State the differences between cost centre and cost unit?
  6. State any 4 factors which should be taken into consideration while deciding material pricing methods?
  7. What is meant by Direct and Indirect Cost?
  8. State the bases of Apportionment of overhead: a) air conditioning b) lighting expenses c) fringe benefits d) Rent
  9. What is meant by cost accountancy?
  10. What is meant by Labour Turn Over?
II) Answer any FOUR questions.  Each carries 5 marks.                                      (4×5=20)
  11. The annual accounts of trading company are to be made up to Dec 31st but it was not possible to carry out a stock-taking until Jan 5th at which date the stock was valued at cost at Rs. 68, 567.

The following transactions took place between 1st and 5th Jan:

Good received – Rs. 4,600

Good returned – Rs 200

Sales – Rs. 10,500

Returns by customer – Rs. 625

The rate of gross profit is 25% of cost

Prepare a statement to show the valuation of stock as at 31st Dec.

  12. Write a brief note on Cost Audit Records and Report Rules.
  13. A machine shop contains 4 newly purchased machines, each occupying practically equal amount of space and costing respectively A – Rs. 20,000; B – Rs. 25,000; C – Rs. 30,000 and D – Rs. 40,000.

The following are the expenses per annum of the machine shop:

Rent – 10,000

Rates and water – 4,250

Light and heat – 3,150

Power – A – 5,100; B – 5,000; C – 12,000 and D – 14,500

Administration – 9,500

Running expenses and works sundries etc., – 20,000

Prepare a machine hour rate for each machine assuming 45 hours in a week and 50 weeks a year, 80% utilization and life of machine being 10 years without scrap value.

  14. Explain in brief ABC system of material control.
  15. The following data pertain to material X:

Supply period – 4 to 6 months

Consumption rate:

Maximum – 600 units per month

Minimum – 100 units per month

Normal – 300 units per month

Yearly – 3,600 units

Storage costs are 50% of stock value, ordering costs are Rs. 400 per order, price per unit of material Rs. 64.  Compute: EOQ, Re-Order level, Minimum Stock Level, Maximum Stock Level and Average Stock Level.

  16. Using a Taylor’s plan calculate the Earnings of a worker from a following information.

Normal rate per hour  Rs. 12

Standard time per Piece  20 min

In a 9 hour day, “A” produces 26 units and “B” Produces 30 Units.

III) Answer any THREE questions.  Each carries 15 marks.                                (3×15=45)                                                                                                
  17. The existing incentive system of a certain factory is:

  • Normal working week – 5 days of 9 hours plus 3 late shifts of 3 hours each
  • Rate of payment – days work = Re. 1 per hour; late shift = Rs. 1.50 per hour
  • Additional bonus payable – Rs. 2.50 per day shift; Rs. 1.50 per late shift
  • Average output per operative for 54 hour week, i.e, including 3 late shifts
  • Late shifts – 120 articles.

In order to increase output and eliminate overtime it was decided to switch on to a system of payment by results.  The following information is obtained:

Time rate – Re. 1 per hour

Basic time allowed for 15 articles – 5 hours

Piece work rate – add 20% to piece

Premium – add 50% to time

You are required to show: 1) hours worked; 2) weekly earnings; 3) number of articles produced; 4) labour cost per article for one operative under the following systems: a) existing time rate; b) straight piece work; c) Rowan system, d) Halsey system.

Assume that 135 articles produced in a 45 hour week under (b), (c) and (d) and that the worker earned half time saved under Halsey system.  The additional bonus under the existing system will; be discontinued in the proposed incentive scheme.

  18. The following particulars relating to the year 2014 have been taken from the books of a chemical works manufacturing and selling a chemical mixture:


  Kg Rs.
Stock on 1st Jan 2014:

Raw material

Finished mixture

Factory stores









Raw materials

Factory stores







Finished mixture

Factory scrap







Factory rent   178650
Power   30400
Depreciation of machinery   18000
















Stock on 31st Dec, 2014

Raw material

Finished mixture

Factory stores








The stock of finished mixture at the end of 2014 is to be valued at the factory cost of the mixture for that year.  The purchase of raw materials remained unchanged throughout 2014.

Prepare a statement giving the maximum possible information about cost and its break – up for the year 2014.

  19. a. Explain whether you agree with the following statements:

i)       “All direct costs are variables”

ii)     “Variable costs are controllable and fixed costs are not”

iii)  “Sunk costs are irrelevant when providing decision-making information”

b. During first week of April the workman Mr. Subhas manufactured 300 articles. He receives wages for a guaranteed 48 hours week at the rate of Rs.4 Per hour. The estimated time to produce one article is 10 minutes and under incentive scheme the time allowed is increased by 20%. Calculate his gross wages according to

i) Rowan Premium Bonus  ii) Halsey Premium Bonus 50% to Workman.



  20. The stock ledger account of material X in a manufacturing concern reveals the following data for the quarter ended September 30th 2014.

  Receipts Payments
  Units Rs. (per unit) Units Rs.
July 1 Balance b/d 1,600 2.00    
July 9 3,000 2.20    
July 13     1,200 2,556
Aug 5     900 1,917
Aug 17 3,600 2.4    
Aug 24     1,800 4,122
Sept 11 2,500 2.5    
Sept 27     2100 4,971
Sept 29     700 1,656

Physical verification on sept 30, 2014 revealed an actual stock of 3,800 units.  You are required to

a)      Indicate the method of pricing employed above.

b)     Complete the above account by making entries you would consider necessary including adjustments, if any, and giving explanations for such adjustments.

  21. Calculate the overheads applicable to production department A and B.  There are also two service departments X and Y.

  Total A B C X Y
  Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs.
Direct Materials   1,000 2,000 4,000 2,000 1,000
Direct Wages   5,000 2,000 8,000 1,000 2,000
Factory Rent 4,000          
Power 2,500          
Depreciation 1,000          
Other overhead 9,000          

Additional information is given as under:

  A B C X Y
Area sq.ft. 500 250 500 250 500
Capital value of Assets (Rs. Lakhs) 20 40 20 10 10
Machine hours 1,000 2,000 4,000 1,000 1,000
Horse power of machines 50 40 20 15 25

A technical assessment for appointment for the costs of service departments is as under:

  A B C X Y
  % % % % %
Service department X 45 15 30   10
Service department Y 60 35   5  

You are requested to distribute overheads to various departments and re distribute service department costs to production department. Also compute machine hour rates for production departments A, B and C.






IV) Case Study                                                                                                              (1×15=15)                                                                                          
  22. The Bharat Engineering Company manufactured and sold 1,000 sewing machines in 2103.  Following are the particulars obtained from the records of the company:

Cost of materials – 80,000

Wages paid – 1,20,000

Manufacturing expenses – 50,000

Salaries – 60,000

Rent, rates and insurance – 10,000

Selling expenses – 30,000

General expenses – 20,000

Sales – 4,00,000

The company plans to manufacture 1,200 sewing machines in 2014.  Your are required to submit a statement showing the price at which machines would be sold so as to show a profit of 10% on the selling price.  The following additional information is supplied to you:

a)      The price of materials will rise by 20% on the previous years level.

b)      Wages rate will rise by 5%

c)      Manufacturing expenses will rise in proportion to combined cost of materials and wages.

d)     Selling expenses per unit will remain unchanged.

e)      Other expenses will remain unaffected by the rise in output.







St. Joseph’s College of Commerce B.Com. 2015 I Sem Financial Accounting Question Paper PDF Download


B.COM(Int. Fin & A/c)– I SEMESTER
Duration: 3 Hours                                                                                      Max. Marks: 100
I) Answer ALL the questions.  Each carries 2 marks.                             (10×2=20)
  1. Sales revenue should be recognised when goods and services have been supplied; costs are incurred when goods and services have been received.

Which accounting concept governs the above? Explain.

  2. The net assets of Atlas, a trader, at 1 January 20X5 amounted to $128,000. During the year to 31 December 20X5 Atlas introduced a further $50,000 of capital and made drawings of $48,000. At 31 December 20X5 Atlas net assets totalled $184,000. What is Atlas total profit or loss for the year ended 31 December 20X5?
  3. A company’s motor vehicles at cost account at 30 June 20X6 is as follows:


Particulars $


Particulars $
Balance b/d 150,500 Disposal 85,000


Additions 120,950 Balance c/d 186,450


  271,450   271,450

What opening balance should be included in the following period’s trial balance for motor vehicles – cost at 1 July 20X6? Why?

  4. Jones Company has the following transactions:

1) Payment of $400 to J Blog for a cash purchase.

2) Payment of $250 to J Doe in respect of an invoice for goods purchased last month. What are the correct ledger entries to record these transactions?

  5. You are given the following information:

Receivables at 1 January 20X5 $10,000

Receivables at 31 December 20X5 $9,000

Total receipts during 20X5 (including cash sales of $5,000) $85,000

What are sales on credit during 20X5?

  6. Ben has extracted the following list of balances from his general ledger at 31 October 20X5:

Sales $258,542; Opening inventory $9,649; Purchases $142,958; Expenses $34,835; Non-current assets (carrying amount) $63,960; Receivables $31,746; Payables $13,864; Cash at bank $1,783; Capital $12,525.

What is the total of the debit balances in Ben’s trial balance at 31 October 20X5?

  7. Distinguish between Carriage Inwards and Outwards and its treatment.
  8. In preparing its financial statements for the current year, a company’s closing inventory was understated by $300,000.What will be the effect of this error if it remains uncorrected?
  9. Your firm bought a machine for $5,000 on 1 January 20X1, which had an expected useful life of four years and an expected residual value of $1,000; the asset was to be depreciated on the straight-line basis. The firm’s policy is to charge depreciation in the year of disposal. On 31 December 20X3, the machine was sold for $1,600.What amount should be entered in the 20X3 statement of comprehensive income for profit or loss on disposal?
  10. What does IAS 1 and IAS 16 deal with?
II) Answer any FOUR questions.  Each carries 5 marks.                              (4×5=20)
  11. (a) At 31 December 20X4 a company’s capital structure was as follows:

Ordinary share capital $125,000(500,000 shares of 25c each)

Share premium account 100,000

In the year ended 31 December 20X5 the company made a rights issue of 1 share for every 2 held at$1 per share and this was taken up in full. Later in the year the company made a bonus issue of 1share for every 5 held, using the share premium account for the purpose.

What was the company’s capital structure at 31 December 20X5?

(b) Explain the term Limited Liability Companies.                              (3+2)

  12. The closing inventory at cost of a company at 31 January 20X5 amounted to $284,700.

The following items were included at cost in the total:

a) 400 coats, which had cost $80 each and normally sold for $150 each. Owing to a defect in manufacture, they were all sold after the reporting date at 50% of their normal price. Selling expenses amounted to 5% of the proceeds.

b) 800 skirts, which had cost $20 each. These too were found to be defective. Remedial work in February 20X5 cost $5 per skirt, and selling expenses for the batch totalled $800. They were sold for $28 each.

What should the inventory value be according to IAS 2 Inventories after considering the above items?

  13. Yen Co. is a company which specialises in developing new materials and manufacturing processes for the furniture industry. The company receives payments from a variety of manufacturers, which pay for the right to use the company’s patented fabrics and processes.

Research and development cost for the year ended 30 September 20X5 can be analysed as follows:

Current project:

Project A                                                                                                  $280,000

New flame-proof padding. Expected to cost a total of $400,000 to complete development. Expected total revenue $2,000,000 once work completed – probably late 20X6. Customers already placed advance orders for the material after seeing demonstrations of its capabilities earlier in the year.

Explain how the research project A will be dealt with in Yen Co.’s statement of profit or loss and statement of financial position. Explain your proposed treatment in terms of IAS 38 Intangible assets.

  14. Give Journal entries to rectify the following errors:

a. $2000 paid for furniture purchased has been debited to Purchases account.

b. Goods of $300 taken by the proprietor have not been entered in the books at all.

c. A credit sale of goods to Ram for $2500 has been wrongly passed through the purchase book.

d. No entry has been made for purchases return of $200.

e. An amount of $1200 spent on annual white-washing was debited to building.

  15. (a)S & Co sell three products – A, B and C. The following information was available at the year end.

  Basic $ per unit Super $ per unit


Luxury$ per unit


Original cost 10 9 20
Estimated selling price 9 12 26
Selling and distribution costs 1 4 5
Units of inventory 500 1,250 850

In accordance with IAS2 Inventories, what is the value of inventory at the year end?


(b)A car was purchased by a business in May 20X1 for:

Cost 10,000; Road fund licence 150; Total 10,150.

The business adopts a date of 31 December as its year end.

The car was traded in for a replacement vehicle in August 20X4 at an agreed value of $5,000.It has been depreciated at 25% per annum on the reducing-balance method, charging a full year’sdepreciation in the year of purchase and none in the year of sale.

What was the profit or loss on disposal of the vehicle during the year ended December 20X4?                                                                      (2.5 +2.5)

  16. Given that prudence is the main consideration, discuss under what circumstances, if any, revenue (IAS 18) might be recognised at the following stages of a sale:

a. Goods are acquired by the business which it confidently expects to resell very quickly.

b. A customer places with a firm order for the goods.

c. The goods are delivered to the customer.

d. The customer pays for the goods.

e. The customer’s cheque in payment for the goods is cleared by the bank.



III) Answer any THREE questions.  Each carries 15 marks.                        (3×15=45)                                                                                                
  17. (a)What is the purpose of depreciation? In what circumstances is the reducing balance method more appropriate than the straight line method? Give reasons for your answer.


(b) Charles Company entered into the following transactions:

i) He sold goods on credit to Cody with a list price of $3,200. He allows a 10% trade discount anda further 2% discount for payment within seven days. Cody paid within two days.

ii) He made a credit sale to Mary allowing a 5% trade discount on the list price of $640.

iii) He purchased goods for $600 and paid $590, receiving a discount for immediate cash payment.

How much discount should be recorded in the Discount Allowed account as a result of the above transactions?


(c)Alice Company has issued 100,000 ordinary shares of $1 each and 40,000 7% preference shares of $2 each. Its profits after taxation for the year to 30 September 20X5 were $16,800. The management board has decided to pay an ordinary dividend (i.e. a dividend on ordinary shares) which is 50% of profits after tax and preference dividend.


Show the amount in total of dividends as appropriation of profit and of retained profits, and calculate the dividend per share on ordinary shares.

(  5+3+ 7 )

  18. A firm has the following transactions with its product S.

Year 1

Opening inventory: nil

Buys 20 units at $600 per unit

Buys 24 units at $500 per unit

Sells 16 units at $800 per unit

Buys 12 units at $400 per unit

Sells 24 units at $800 per unit

Year 2

Buys 20 units at $400 per unit

Sells 10 units at $800 per unit

Buys 24 units at $300 per unit

Sells 50 units at $800 per unit


Using FIFO, calculate the following on an item by item basis for both year 1 and year 2.

(i) The closing inventory

(ii) The sales

(iii) The cost of sales

(iv) The gross profit

  19. The following is the Trial Balance of Harry as at 31st March, 20X5: (in $)

Harry’s Capital A/c 76,690 Bank Interest (Dr.) 1,100
Stock 1st April 20X4 46,800 Printing and Stationary Expenses 14,400
Sales 3,89,600 Bank Balance 8,000
Returns Inwards 8,600 Discount Earned 4,440
Purchases 3,21,700 Furniture & Fittings 5,000
Returns Outwards 5,800 Discount Allowed 1,800
Carriage Inwards 19,600 General Expenses 11,450
Rent & Taxes 4,700 Insurance 1,300
Salaries & Wages 9,300 Postage, Telegram Expenses 2,330
Sundry Debtors 24,000 Cash Balance 380
Sundry Creditors 14,800 Travelling Expenses 870
Bank Loan @ 14 % p.a. 20,000 Drawings 30,000

The following adjustments are to be made:

a. Included amongst the Debtors is $ 3,000 due from Rammy and included among the Creditor $ 1,000 due to him.

b. Provision for Doubtful Debts is created at 5% and Discount at 2% on Sundry Debtors.

c. Depreciation on Furniture and Fittings at 10% shall be written off.

d. Personal purchases of Harry amounting to $ 600 had been recorded in the Purchase Day Book.

e. Interest on Bank Loan shall be provided for the whole year.

f. A quarter of the amount of Printing & Stationary Expenses is to be carried forward to the next year.

g. Credit Purchase Invoice amounting to $ 400 had been omitted from the Books.

h. Stock on 31.3.2015 was $78,600

You are required to prepare the Trading and Profit & Loss A/c for the year ended 31.3.2015 and Balance Sheet as on 31.3.2015.

  20. (a) A business includes $220,000 worth of machinery at cost in its accounts. Its policy is to make a provision for depreciation at 20% per annum straight line. The total provision now stands at $140,000. The business sells for $38,000 a machine which it purchased exactly two years ago for $60,000. Show the relevant double entries as well as ledger entries.

(b)You are a dealer in Computers. The Balance sheet on the 1st day is as follows:

Liabilities Amount ($) Assets Amount ($)
Capital 4,000,000 Cash




On the second day computers purchased worth $400,000 for cash. On the third day plant purchased for cash $1,600,000. On the fourth day purchase of stationary for $100,000 for cash. On the Fifth day goods sold for cash $600,000 (cost $400,000). On the sixth day loan of $300,000 received from European Bank.

Answer the following questions:

i. Identify the first day transaction and pass journal entry ________________

ii. The balance sheet total on the asset side at the end of the second day is _____________.

iii. The balance sheet total of inventory at the beginning of third day is_____________.

iv. The balance sheet total on the asset side at the end of the 5th day is ______________.

v. The balance sheet cash position at the beginning of the 5th day is ________.

vi. The liability side total at the end of fifth day will be ______________.

vii. Profits earned during the first week are ____________.

viii. If debit side total is more than credit side total, it is a _____________.



  21. When Ivan commenced trading as a car hire dealer on 1 January 20X1, he purchased business premises at a cost of $100,000.

For the purpose of accounting for depreciation, he decided the following:

(a) The land part of the business premises was worth $40,000; this would not be depreciated.

(b) The building part of the business premises was worth the remaining $60,000. This would be depreciated by the straight line method to a nil residual value over 30 years.

After five years of trading, on 1 January 20X6 Ivan decides that his business premises are now worth $300,000, divided into:


Land                             150,000

Building                      150,000


He estimates that the building still has a further 25 years of useful life remaining.


(a) Calculate the annual charge for depreciation for the first five years of the building’s life and the statement of financial position value of the land and building as at the end of each of the first five years.

(b) Demonstrate the impact the revaluation will have on the depreciation charge and the statement of financial position value of the land and building.

(c) Show the Accounting Entries in the Ledger for the above Revaluation.

IV) Case Study                                                                                                       (1×15=15)                                                                                           
  22. UPS, a limited liability company, has the following Trial balance at 31 December 20X5.



Particulars Debit $’000 Credit $’000
Cash at bank 100  
Inventory at 1 January 20X5 2,400  
Administrative expenses 2,206  
Distribution costs 650  
Non-current assets at cost:    
Buildings 10,000  
Plant and equipment 1,400  
Motor vehicles 320  
Suspense   1,500
Accumulated depreciation:    
Buildings   4,000
Plant and equipment   480
Motor vehicles   120
Retained earnings   560
Trade receivables 876  
Purchases 4,200  
Dividend paid 200  
Sales revenue   11,752
Sales Tax Payable   1,390
Trade Payables   1,050
Share Premium   500
$1 Ordinary shares   1000
TOTAL 22,352 22,352

The following additional information is relevant.(Amount in ‘000s)

(a) Inventory at 31 December 20X5 was valued at $1,600. While doing the inventory count, errors in the previous year’s inventory count were discovered. The inventory brought forward at thebeginning of the year should have been $2200, not $2400 as above.

(b) Depreciation is to be provided as follows:

(i) Buildings at 5% straight line, charged to administrative expenses.

(ii) Plant and equipment at 20% on the reducing balance basis, charged to cost of sales.

(iii) Motor vehicles at 25% on the reducing balance basis, charged to distribution costs.

(c) No final dividend is being proposed.

(d) A customer has gone bankrupt owing $76,000. This debt is not expected to be recovered and an adjustment should be made. An allowance for receivables of 5% is to be set up.

(e) 1 million new ordinary shares were issued at $1.50 on 1 December 20X5. The proceeds havebeen left in a suspense account.


Prepare the following:

(a) Statement of profit or loss for the year ended 31 December 20X5

(b) Statement of changes in equity for the year ended 31 December 20X5

(c) Statement of financial position as at 31 December 20X5

All statements are to be prepared in accordance with the requirements of International FinancialReporting Standards. Ignore taxation.              (3+4+8)


St. Joseph’s College of Commerce B.Com. 2015 I Sem Principles Of Management Question Paper PDF Download

B.COM (Int. Fin & A/c)– I SEMESTER
Duration: 3 Hours                                                                                             Max. Marks: 100
I) Answer ALL the questions.  Each carries 2 marks.                                      (10×2=20)
  1. What are the four elements of Scientific Management?
  2. Mr. Sharma is the Manager of the Southern Division of Trivium Ltd. At what level does he work in the organization? What are his basic functions?
  3. Differentiate Laissez-faire Leadership from Autocratic Leadership?
  4. Mention the various types of Business Organizations.
  5. Classify budgets on the basis of time.
  6. How is MBE different from MBO?
  7. Explain a) Espirit de corps b) Scalar Chain.
  8. What are the hygiene factors according to Herzberg’s Theory of Motivation?
  9. What are the steps in the control process?
  10. Bring out the meaning of Ethical Dilemma with the help of an example?
II) Answer any FOUR questions.  Each carries 5 marks.                                    (4×5=20)
  11. What is Line Organisation? Differentiate Line Organisation from Staff Organisation .
  12. Discuss the meaning of ‘delegation’ and its principles.
  13. ‘Span of control depends on a number of factors’. Elaborate.
  14. Write a short note on the Trait theory of Leadership. Also bring out the criticism on it.
  15. Management has the characteristics of a full- fledged profession. Comment on the same.
  16. ‘Ends justify means’, contradict this statement with your views on being ethical in the conduct of business.
III) Answer any THREE questions.  Each carries 15 marks.                              (3×15=45)                                                                                                
  17. Every organization has its own methods to exercise control. Discuss in detail the various control techniques.
  18. Describe the various barriers in communication. What steps would you take to overcome them?
  19. Write short notes on:

a)      Maslow’s Need hierarchy theory

b)      Vroom’s Expectancy theory

c)      McGregor’s theory X and theory Y                                               (5+5+5)


  20. Explain in detail the social responsibility of business towards its stakeholders.
  21. Discuss the steps involved in the selection procedure adopted by organizations.
IV) Case Study                                                                                                                (1×15=15)                                                                                          
  22. ABC Engineering Works Limited is a major industrial machinery manufacturer besides other engineering products. It has enjoyed market preference for its machineries because of limited competition in the field. Usually there have been more orders than what the company could supply.

However, the scenario changed quickly because of the entry of two new competitors in the field. For the first time, the company faced problem in marketing its products with usual profit margin.

Sensing the likely problem, the chief executive appointed Mr. Arvind Kumar as general manager to direct the operations of industrial machinery division.
The chief executive advised him to consult various departmental  heads to have first hand information to fix up the problem. Mr Kumar got briefings from the heads of all departments. He asked all heads to identify major problems and issues concerning them.

The marketing manager indicated that in order to achieve higher sales, he needed more sales support. Sales people had no central organisation to provide sales support nor was there a generous budget for demonstration teams which could be sent to customers to win business.
The production manager complained about the old machines and equipments used in manufacturing. Therefore, cost of production was high but without corresponding quality. While competitors had better equipments and machinery, Bharat Engineering had neither replaced its age-old plant nor reconditioned it. Therefore to reduced the cost, it was essential to automate production lines by installing new equipment.
Director of research and development did not have specific problem and therefore, did not indicate for any change. However, a principal scientist in R&D indicated on one day that the director of R&D, though very nice in his approach, did not emphasize on short-term research projects, which could easily increase production efficiency by at least 20 per cent within a very short period without any major capital outlay


a.      Identify the crisis faced by ABC Engineering Works Ltd.

b.      List out the reasons for the crisis

c.       Being a management student, suggest possible measures which you think will help Mr. Kumar to fix up the problem.



St. Joseph’s College of Commerce 2015 Taxation-1 Question Paper PDF Download


 B.Com (Int Fin. & A/c) –  i semester
C4 15 AR103: TAXATION-1
Duration: 3 Hours                                                                                             Max. Marks: 100
I) Answer ALL the questions.  Each carries 2 marks.                                        (10×2=20)
  1. Define Person 2(31) as per Indian Income tax Act of 1961.
  2. R, was born in Dhaka in 1945, he was staying in Canada since 1974. He comes to visit India on 13.10.2014 and returns 29.03.2015. Determine his residential status for the assessment year 2015-16.
  3. Compute the tax liability of R aged 60 years, ‘Non-Resident’ in India, whose total income for the previous year 2014-15 is 8, 90,460.
  4. X, an employee of central government gets Rs. 30,000 p.m. as basic salary and is entitled to Rs. 1,500 p.m. as entertainment allowance. Compute deduction under section 16(ii) from gross salary in respect of entertainment allowance.
  5. What are the different types of provident funds?
  6. Explain the valuation of Perk in respect of lunch and refreshment under the head income from salary.
  7. Write the provisions relating to standard deduction under section 24(a) under the head income form house property.
  8. Write a note on the calculation in respect of Gross annual value with no Vacancy period.
  9. Mention the taxability in respect of below mentioned items under the head Income from other sources;

(i)                 Dividend income received from Indian company

(ii)              Dividend income received from Foreign company

  10. Explain the provision relating to payment made in cash in excess of Rs. 20,000, under the head income from business and profession.
II) Answer any FOUR questions.  Each carries 5 marks.                                      (4×5=20)
  11 Write a note on the exceptions to the general rule of previous year
  12. During the previous year 2014-15, X, a foreign citizen, stayed in India for just 69 days. Determine the residential status for the assessment year 2014-15 on the basis of the following information:

(i)                 During 2013-14 he was not present in India but during 2012-13 he came to India for 276 days

(ii)              During 2011-12, X was present in India for 90 days

(iii)            During 2008-09 and 2007-08, X was in India for 359 and 348 days respectively

(iv)            Earlier to 2007-08 he had been regularly coming to India for 100 days every year.

  13. Mr. Rajesh earns the following income during the financial year 2014-15:

A Profit from business in Bombay managed from London 1,60,000
B Pension for services rendered in India but received in Burma 15,000
C Interest on U.K. government bonds half of which is received in India 4,000
D Income from property situated in Pakistan received there 20,000
E Past foreign untaxed income brought to India during the previous year 7,000

Determine the total income of Mr. Rajesh for the assessment year 2015-16 if he is;

(i)                 Resident and ordinarily resident

(ii)              Not ordinarily resident , and

(iii)            Non-resident in India.

  14. S. Ramesh was employed since 1.1.1983 in a commercial establishment. His salary was fixed at Rs. 14,800 in the grade of Rs. 14,000-400-22,000 with effect from 1.7.2012. He got 15% of his salary as dearness allowance which is treated as salary for computation of retirement benefits. He retired for service on 1.2.2015. He received Rs. 3, 40,000 as gratuity form his employer. Calculate his gross total income under the head salaries for the assessment year 2015-16 if-

(i)                 Payment of Gratuity act 1972 applies,

(ii)              Payment of Gratuity act 1972 does not apply.

  15. R an employee of a company at New Delhi is given the choice of either accepting house rent allowance at Rs. 8250 p.m. or rent free unfurnished accommodation having fair rental value of Rs. 8,250 p.m. if he accepts HRA he will have to pay rent at Rs. 8,250 p.m. himself. His salary other than facility of house or HRA is fixed at 11,000 p.m. which one of the two options should he accept?
  16. Briefly explain the provisions relating to deduction under section 80 D, 80 DD & 80 DDB
III) Answer any THREE questions.  Each carries 15 marks.                                (3×15=45)                                                                                                
  17. Mrs. R aged 50 years an executive in X Ltd. In Delhi, gets the following emoluments during the previous year ending 31.3.2015:

Basic salary 30,000 p.m.
Dearness allowance (part of salary for superannuation) 6,000 p.m.
Entertainment allowance 1,500 p.m.
Special allowance 7,000 p.m.
House rent allowance (rent paid by her Rs. 13,000 p.m.) 11,000 p.m.
helper allowance for domestic use 1,000 p.m.
The employer- company provides a Honda city car of 1600 cc for personal use of Mrs. R as well as for official use (employer’s expenditure: Rs. 60,000, depreciation of the car @ 10% Rs. 65,000).
The employer also provides free club facility (expenditure of the employer: Rs. 18,000)
Free lunch (cost being Rs. 90 per day for 100 days.)
Mrs. R is neither a director, nor a shareholder in the employer- company.
Employer’s contribution to recognized provident fund Rs. 4,600 p.m. and she contributes Rs. 5,500 p.m.
Her income from other source Rs. 3,10,000
Interest credited on 31.3.2015 @ 12% in the provident fund account Rs. 36,000
During the year, Mrs. R pays insurance premium of Rs. 4,000 on insurance policy on the life of her mother and Rs. 2,500 on her own life insurance policy (sum assured: Rs. 1,00,000). Premium of Rs. 6,000 on insurance policy on the life of her husband falls due on 23.3.2015, though she pays the same on 13.4.2014. Determine the total income and tax liability of Mrs. R for the assessment year 2015-16.
  18. X (age 55 years) owns four houses, particulars of which are as follows:









Municipal valuation 30,000 5,000 68,000 95,000
Fair rent 39,000 18,000 77,000 95,000
Standard rent 36,200 12,000 75,000 90,000
Rent ( if property is let out throughout the year) 42,000
Unrealized rent 3,500
Municipal taxes:        
Paid by X 500 7,000 9,000
Paid by tenant 3,000
Date of completion of construction May 31,


May 31,


March 31, 2013 April 1,


Repairs Nil 2,000 1,000 3,000
Collection charges 200
Land revenue 400 300 600
Ground rent 300 400 300
Nature of occupation Let




Self Occupied











Property 1 remains vacant for 2 months ( March 16, 2015 to May 15, 2015). X borrows Rs. 30,000, Rs. 40,000 and Rs. 65,000 for construction of House I, House II and House IV, respectively (date of borrowing: June 15, 2008, date of repayment of loan along with interest: December 31, 2012, rate of interest: 15% p.a.).

Determine taxable income and tax liability for the assessment year 2015-16

  19. From the following receipts and payments a/c of Mr. L ascertain his taxable income from profession.

Receipts Rs. Payments Rs.
To balance b/d 20,000 By Rent of Clinic 34,000
To consultation fees 2,40,000 By Purchase of Medicines 78,600
To visiting fees 1,65,000 By Staff Salary 36,000
To Gifts & presents 15,800 By Surgical Equipments 75,000
To sale of medicines 1,46,700 By Motor Car Expenses 27,800
To dividend form Indian company 16,300 By Purchase of Car 2,45,000
To Interest on securities 10,250 By Household Expenses 18,700
To interest on Post Office SB A/c 6,750 By Fixed Deposit at SBI 1,00,000
    By Balance c/d 5,700
Total 6,20,800 Total 6,20,800

Additional Information:

1.      60% of the use of car expenses incurred is in connection with profession

2.      Gifts and Presents include Rs. 6,300 for patients

3.      Car was purchased and put to use form 15th March, 2015

4.      Surgical equipments were purchased and put to use since 22nd June, 2014

5.      Rate of depreciation on car and surgical equipments is 15% p.a.

6.      Opening stock of medicines Rs. 12,400 and closing stock Rs. 6,000

  20. During the previous year ending 31st March, 2015, relevant to the assessment year 2015-16, Mr. N sold the following assets:

(i)                 A plot of land acquired from HUF at the time of partition on 13.3.2014. HUF acquired on 10.4.2001 for Rs. 60,000. (Date of sale: 5.5.2014, Sale consideration – Rs. 2, 00,000).

(ii)              A residential house acquired on 23.8.2000 for Rs. 3, 04,000. (Date of sale 14.2.2015, sale consideration – Rs. 15, 00,000).

(iii)            Shares (non-listed) in an Indian company acquired on 1.1.2013 for Rs. 88,500. (Date of sale: 10.7.2014, sale consideration – Rs. 1, 08,000). Assume the shares were sold outside recognized stock exchange.

(iv)            Non-Listed debentures in an Indian company acquired  on 15.12.2012 for Rs. 76,500 (date of sale: 15.07.2014, sale consideration – Rs. 60,000

(v)               Building used for commercial purposes acquired on 31.7.2005 for Rs. 80,000 (date of sale: 17.7.2014, sale consideration – Rs. 32,000)

(vi)            Jewellery acquired on 30.6.1969 for Rs. 18,000; Fair market value as on 1.4.1981- Rs. 34,000 (date of sale 20.6.2014, sale consideration – Rs. 2, 16,000).

(vii)          Shares in a foreign company acquired on 1.1.1970 for Rs. 38,000: Fair market value on 1.4.1981- Rs. 95,000 (date of sale: 31.7.2014 sale consideration – Rs. 10, 10,000). Assume that the shares are sold outside recognized stock exchange.

(viii)       Listed debentures in a foreign company acquired on 1.4.2013 for Rs. 90,000. (Date of sale: 15.6.2014. sales consideration – Rs. 2, 38,000).

Compute the taxable capital gain of Mr. N for the Assessment year 2015-16.


  21. From the following particulars of Pankaj from the previous year ended 31st March, 2014, compute the income under the head ‘Income from Other Sources’:

Directors fee from a company 10,000
Interest on Bank deposits 3,000
Income from undisclosed source 12,000
Winnings from lotteries (net) conducted on 25.12.2014 35,000
Royalty on a book written by him 9,000
Lectures in seminars 5,000
Interest on loan given to a relative 7,000
Interest on debentures of a company (listed in a recognized stock exchange) net of taxes paid on 1.1.2014. 7,200
Interest on Post Office Savings Bank Account 500
Interest on Government Securities 2,200
 Interest on Monthly Income Scheme of Post Office 33,000


He paid Rs. 1,000 for typing the manuscript of the book written by him.






IV) Case Study                                                                                                              (1×15=15)                                                                                           
  22. Shri Vinesh, a resident individual, has given the following particulars of his income earned from employment during the year ended on 31.3.2015:


Salary received in cash 1,74,400
Tax deducted at source by employer 5,400
Own contribution to a recognised provident fund, deducted by the employer 7,200
Employer’s contribution to the provident fund 8,000
Interest on accumulated balance of the provident fund (calculated @ 10.5%) 7,350
He was given throughout the year free use of a 1.4ltr engine capacity motor car (with driver) both for employment and private purposes; all the expenses were borne by the employer.
His other incomes were as follows:
Interest on government securities 3,500
Rent of house property 72,000
Long term capital gain on gold 6,800
Dividends from Unit Trust of India 5,000
Dividends from Indian companies (Gross) 3,000
he paid Rs. 4,400 as premium on the health insurance of himself and his wife under an approved scheme and incurred Rs. 40,700 on the treatment of his dependant minor son with disability during the previous year
He donated to an approved institution for scientific research Rs. 6,000. He resides in his own house whose municipal valuation is Rs. 40,000.
Compute the total income of Shri Vinesh for the assessment year 2015-16.




St. Joseph’s College of Commerce 2015 Hindi Question Paper PDF Download


St. Joseph’s College of Commerce (Autonomous)

End Semester Examination – Sept / October 2015


C1 15 1 hn: HINDI

Time: 3 Hours                                                                                                      Marks : 100


  1. रिक्त स्थानों की पूर्ति कीजिए (Any ten)              (10 x 1 = 10)   
  2. संत कबीर ……………. काल के कवि है।
  3. कबीर के गुरू का नाम ……………. था।
  4. तुलसीदास की रचना का नाम ……………….. है।
  5. तुलसीदास के इष्टदेव ……………. है।
  6. कविता को छंदों से मुक्त करने वाले कवि ……………… है।
  7. दिनकर का जन्म सन ………………….. में हुआ था।
  8. हिन्दी के उमर खयाम ………………………. है।
  9. अज्ञेय का असली नाम ………………… है।
  10. ‘लेखक की स्वतन्त्रता’ के कवि का नाम ………………. है।
  11. डाँ सरगु कृष्णमूर्ति की कविता का नाम …………….. है।
  12. ओज एवं पौरूष गुण होने के कारण इस कवि को …………. कहा गया है।
  13. हिन्दी में metaphor को …………… कहते हैं।


  1. किसी एक दोहे की ससंदर्भ व्याख्या कीजिए           (1 x 8 = 8)

लधुता से प्रभुता मिलै, प्रभुता ते प्रभु दूर।  चींटी शक्कर लै चली, हाथी के सिर धूर।।


अति आनन्द उमगि अनुरागा।  चरन सरोज पखारन लागा।।

बरषि सुमन सुर सकल सिहाहीं।  एहि सम पुन्यपुंज कोउ नाही।।


  • किन्ही तीन पद्यांशों की ससंदर्भ व्याख्या कीजिए।       (3 x 8 = 24)
  1. विष्णु जी ने कहा –

“एक सज्जन किसान है, प्राणों से प्रियतम  नारद ने कहा मैं उसकी परीक्षा लूँगा।“


  1. जहाँ लोग पालते लहू में हालाहल की धार, क्या चिन्ता यदि वहाँ हाथ में हुई नहीं तलवार?
  2. अत्याचार अनेक किये थे, कलियों को दुख दीर्ध दिये थे, तोड़ इन्हें बागों से लाता।

छेंद-छेदकर हार बनाता।

  1. उस रोशनी में उन खम्भों के बीच उस रस्सी पर

असल में मै नाचता नही हूँ

मै केवल उस खम्भे से इस खम्भे तक दौडता हूँ,

  1. इसलिए हमको वह बन्धन सब बहुत बुरे लगते है

जिनमें हम बँधते ही मौलिकता खोते है,

जिनसे हम शासन के चोबदार होते हैं

जिनसे हम शासन के चाटुकार होते है,

जिनसे हम जीवन की क्षमता की ……………

ममता को, ट्टढ़ता को खोते है,


  1. (अ) किसी एक कविता का सारांश लिखकर उसकी विशेषताओं पर उसकी विशेषताओं पर प्रकाश डालिए।     (1 x 16 = 16)
  2. नाच
  3. लेखक की स्वतन्त्रता
  4. कलम और तलवार


(आ) किसी एक कविता पर टिप्पणी लिखिए                                     (1 x 6 = 6)

  1. केवट प्रसंग
  2. प्रियतम
  3. सो भी न सकूँगा फूलों में।


  1. तारा प्रकाशन, बेंगलूरू से एक पत्र पंकज प्रकाशन दिल्ली को लिखकर उन्हें ग्रन्थ भारती, बेंगलूरू के बारे में अनुकूल उत्तर दीजिए।               (1 x 14 = 14)


दीपा टैक्सटाइल्स, पूणे को एक पत्र दुलहन बेंगलूरू से लिखकर उनका ध्यान जिस बिल का भुगतान नही हुआ है, उसकी औऱ आकर्षित कीजिए।



  1. नीचे दिए गए गद्यांश का संक्षिप्तीकरण करके उसका एक उचित शीर्षक दीजिए

                                                                                                         (1 x 12 = 12)

भारत गाँवों का देश है।  सत्तर प्रतिशत जनता गाँवों में रहती है जिसका मुख्य व्यवसाय कृषि है।  इस कृषि प्रधान देश में खाद्यान्नों की कमी रहे और हमें दूसरे देशों से खाद्यान्न मँगाना पडें, इससे बड़ी  विड़म्बना और क्या होगी।  यदि हमें अपना आत्म-गौरव रखना है तो इस समस्या पर गम्भीरतापूर्वक विचार करना ही होगा।  भोजन मनुष्य की प्रथम आवश्यकता है, अतः समस्या के निदान की तुरन्त आवश्यकता है।  सरकार की ओर से भी इस दिशा में कई प्रयत्न किये गए है।


  • हिन्दी में अनुवाद कीजिए          (10)

In common language, the term market is used to refer to a place where buyers and sellers meet to purchase and sell.   It is a place where goods are bought and sold.  A local market is a place in a village, town or city where buying and selling takes place.  As the national income of the country increases the demand for consumption of goods also increases. The living standards of people will rise only when consumption goods will be available in plenty.






St. Joseph’s College of Commerce B.Com. 2015 Additional English Question Paper PDF Download

St. Joseph’s College of Commerce (Autonomous)

End Semester Examination – SEPT/Oct. 2015

B.Com – I Semester


Duration: 3 Hours                                                                                       Max. Marks: 100


Note:  Read the questions carefully and answer.

Do not exceed the paragraph limit.

            Each paragraph should contain at least four sentences.

            Do not copy sentences or paragraphs from the passage.



Read the passage below and answer the questions.

Method and madness


Vitor Pordeus makes a good Hamlet. Bearded, handsome, angry at the world, he stands at the centre of his group of actors. Like a force of nature that fights to be heard against the wind blowing in from the Atlantic Ocean, he rails against the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune to a backdrop of palm trees and hot-dog stands.


Behind him, the sun drops like a giant orange behind the DoisIrmãosor Two Brothers, the picture‑postcard hills behind Ipanema beach and home to the recently gentrified Vidigal favela in Rio de Janeiro. The old King of Denmark sits on his throne, immutable. He’s a thin, frail man with only one leg. ‘Serounãoser,’ the chorus around him rises up: ‘To be or not to be.’ Then, a low hum, as the group starts to chant and dance their way around the circle. ‘Renascer,’ they sing –meaning: be reborn, revive.


This is no group of pampered actors. A banner with carnival streamers is emblazoned in gold, blue and orange with ‘Madness Hotel’, the name of the collective behind this production. The 20-odd performers have arrived at the sea’s edge from a psychiatric hospital in Rio’s densely populated and overheated North Zone. Pordeus is their doctor, though it might be more accurate now to describe him as an actor-director.


Theatre provides a rare stimulus for psychotic, schizophrenic and depressed patients, giving them an opportunity to communicate and interact constructively with others. ‘We are all actors; we take on our identity, we take on our culture,’ Pordeus says. Released from their fixed roles as catatonic[1], belligerent[2] or withdrawn patients, his actors – Pordeus calls them clients rather than patients – are free to don different masks as characters from Shakespeare, and to live out a different reality for a few hours. In the safe, performative setting, new things can be said or tried out. As the circle moves round, it breaks at times for people to hug each other, for spats to be heard then ironed out, and for each player to start new chants which the others then follow.


Pordeus says that the success of his work can be seen clearly in the thousands of films and photographs he records of the performances, both beachside and in the ‘Madness Hotel and Spa’ at the Nise da Silveira Mental Health Institute in Rio de Janeiro. When the patients review these later on, they can see the progress they’ve made, but also better understand their own behaviour and interactions with others. He claims that patients who never spoke before joining the Madness Hotel and who now smile or spontaneously interact with others are proof of the healing power of theatre.


The project has attracted a wave of publicity in Brazil, and an artists’ residence now takes place once a year at the Madness Hotel hospital unit. Yet Pordeus is not without his critics. Funding for the project through the municipal authority is an ongoing challenge, and there is a clash between the Madness Hotel and those in charge of other units in the hospital.

‘There is a lot of conflict between us and the other doctors,’ Pordeus admits. ‘They attack us, they say it agitates the patients. They say the basis of therapy is drugs, and that’s not true.’ Pordeus’s critics say that the emphasis on freedom of expression away from the clear doctor-patient hierarchy creates insecurity and confusion among patients rather than providing a healthy outlet. Yet this is to miss the point, since Pordeus is an activist as much as a doctor; he seeks to challenge mainstream ideas about illness and treatment, and that is bound to stir protest.


In wider perspective, the Madness Hotel performances, with their songs and costumes, can be seen as a continuation of Brazilian cultural traditions. Samba, for example, has always brought people together to seek redemption through collective remembrances of past suffering.


During carnival in Rio, the streets are filled with people singing songs such as Agoniza Mas NãoMorre: ‘Samba: agoniza mas nãomorre/ Alguémsempretesocorre/ Antes de suspiroderradeiro’ (Samba: agonise but don’t die/ Someone will always rescue you/ Before the final breath). Lyrics recall the shared traumas of slavery and the massacres of the poor by colonial authorities, while the powerful rhythms restore the African culture from which many of Brazil’s people were once violently removed. Crucially, this redemption is often to be found collectively and not individually in Brazilian culture – collectivism, of course, being a strong element of theatre.


The idea of using theatre as a tool for change was pioneered in Brazil by the late director and activist Augusto Boal who in the 1950s created the Theatre of the Oppressed, now world-renowned. In the Theatre of the Oppressed, drama became a framework in which people could visualise and understand the power dynamics at work in society and explore new possibilities through role play. These Boal-inspired ‘dress rehearsals for real life’ have been used in strife-torn locations such as Israel and Palestine, as well as all over Latin America and Europe. Boal believed that everyone is a self-contained spectator, actor and theatre in one; if we start by observing our actions and interactions, we can then go on to do things differently in the future.


Plato and Socrates believed that poets and priests could commune with the gods through accessing a kind of ‘divine madness’, thereby identifying the source of creative inspiration and insanity as one and the same, and the ‘mad artist’ has remained a persistent motif in many cultures, from Vincent van Gogh to Kanye West. Eccentric behaviour is indulged, encouraged or even expected in creative people, who enjoy a privileged position outside of the normal rules of society, and who often play up to this idea as if to underscore their untrammelled creativity.


In her book Touched with Fire: Manic-depressive Illness and the Artistic Temperament (1991), Kay Redfield Jamison points to a wealth of evidence that supports such a link, among them studies that show elevated rates of mood disorders in highly creative people, and which further suggest that the link is genetic. Jamison, an American clinical psychologist, who is Professor in Mood Disorders at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in Baltimore and who is bipolar herself, quotes the study of 113 German-speaking artists, writers, architects and composers compiled by the Austrian psychiatrist Adele Juda in 1944. Juda found that there were more suicides and more ‘insane and neurotic’ individuals in this group than could be found in the normal population, and that the same predisposition existed in many of the artists’ family members. Seen this way, madness might be a blessing of sorts, a kind of portal into a unique vision of the world.


Yet suffering can be alleviated through the discipline of creative practices that serve to weave formless, unarticulated pain into something tangible, ordered and ultimately pleasurable. As Jamison writes: ‘Creative work can act not only as a means of escape from pain, but also as a way of structuring chaotic emotions and thoughts, numbing pain through abstraction and the rigors of disciplined thought, and creating a distance from the source of despair.’ Thus some artists with mental health problems might have partly sought out their profession because of the relief it provides, consciously or not. For poets or painters, the outlet for these emotions is individual, while a shared theatrical or musical experience has the potential to effect a collective catharsis[3] and transformation.



  1. Answer the following in about TWO or THREE paragraphs each. (4 x 10 = 40)


  1. What role, according to this article, can theatre play in the lives of ‘psychotic, schizophrenic and depressed patients’? What other roles do you think theatre plays in our society?
  2. What is the criticism levelled against Pordeus’ method of dealing with the patients? What is your view on Pordeus’ method of treating his patients?
  3. What have you understood by the term ‘divine madness’? Is there a method in madness? Comment on the link, if any exists, between creativity and madness.
  4. Write about a performance (theatre, dance, singing, rituals, magic, cinema or any other performance) that you have seen and which has transformed the way you look at life and the world or has given a cathartic experience.



  1. Answer any FOUR of the following questions in about FOUR or FIVE paragraphs each.                                                            (4x 15 = 60)


  1. In V. S. Naipaul’s ‘India: A Wounded Civilization’ what is the ‘wound’ that has still not healed in Indian civilization? Comment on the method of using works of fiction like R. K. Narayan’s novel Sampath in trying to understand the Indian society. Is it possible to understand a society through fiction?
  2. Compare the writing styles of Harriet Jacob’s A Lover and Siddalingaiah’s Ooru Keri. What might be the reason for writers to adopt different writing styles? Is it possible for autobiographies to reveal more than the writer’s life? What are the other things that you got to know while reading excerpts from the autobiographies?
  3. According to Mario Vargas Llossa what is the function of literature in a society? What are his views on technology and its impact on the physical book? Do you share his views or do you choose to disagree with him? Provide evidences and examples to defend your position.
  4. You have read and discussed a few essays which deal with reason, rationality, faith, belief and religion. Write about any two ideas from the essays which either interested you or irritated you very much. Which essay did you like the most and why?
  5. “The best moments in reading are when you come across something – a thought, a feeling, a way of looking at things – which you had thought special and particular to you. Now here it is, set down by someone else, a person you have never met, someone even who is long dead. And it is as if a hand has come out and taken yours.” ― Alan Bennett. Have you had any such experience when you were reading a book, an article or an essay? Write about your reading life: the kind of books you read, how you choose books and your experience of reading books.



[1]Catatonia: abnormality of movement and behaviour arising from a disturbed mental state (typically schizophrenia). It may involve repetitive or purposeless over-activity, or catalepsy, resistance to passive movement, and negativism

[2]Belligerent: hostile and aggressive

[3]Catharsis: the process of releasing, and thereby providing relief from, strong or repressed emotions.

St. Joseph’s College of Commerce B.Com. 2015 I Sem General English Question Paper PDF Download

St. Joseph’s College of Commerce (Autonomous)

End Semester Examination – October 2015

B.Com – I Semester


Duration: 3 Hours                                                                                           Max. Marks: 100


Note:  Read the questions carefully and answer.

Do not exceed the paragraph limit.

            Each paragraph should contain at least four sentences.

            Do not copy sentences or paragraphs from the passage.

            A glossary of difficult words is given at the end of the paper.


Read the passage below and answer the questions.

When a Relationship Becomes a Game

It’s a Wednesday afternoon, and Kamakshi Zeidler, a 34-year-old plastic surgeon in Los Gatos, California, is explaining how to fill up a “love tank.”

“If you do little things for your partner… you get signals your love tank is full. And if you don’t, you’ll get signals that your love tank is almost empty. It’s based on how much you love each other. Well, through the app,” she adds.

Zeidler and her husband Brendon form a satisfied, if busy, pair. Both work long hours and have little time for spontaneous romantic gestures.

The “love tank” Kamakshi describes is one feature of a “couples’ app” called Kahnoodle. A 2011 addition to the app market, couples’ apps target spouses in a demographic sweet spot—old enough to need reinvigoration in their relationships, but still young enough to be tech-savvy—and offer a counterintuitive, strangely Anthony Weiner[1]-friendly service: an intimate social network, built for two.

But San Francisco-based Kahnoodle explores a new frontier of couples-app potential.

“It’s basically gamification of your relationships,” says Sonja Poole, a pleased Kahnoodler and 43-year-old associate professor at the University of San Francisco.

Gamification is a buzzword referring to the use of game concepts, like point rewards and badges, to engage users in non-game, or “real life,” situations. The website Lumosity gamifies intelligence training through animated exercises, and loyalty-based businesses like Belly use reward programs and badges to pull customers into affiliated restaurants. Foursquare encourages loyalty by awarding mayorships to frequent visitors of stores and restaurants.

Consumers respond very well to gamification in other sectors; businesses report increases in “engagement” by hundreds of percentage points when they gamify.

Using gamification, Kahnoodle wants to make maintaining your relationship automatic and easy—as easy as tapping a button. Its options include sending push notifications to initiate sex; “Koupons” that entitle the bearer to redeemable movie nights and kinky sex; and, of course, the love tank, which fills or empties depending on how many acts of love you’ve logged.

“Novelty works like an endorphin,” says Zuhairah Scott Washington, the company’s founder. “Couples have a desire to go out and do something new, but oftentimes they’re tired. The mobile app… incorporates a lot of research on what makes relationships successful but gamifies it to make it fun, makes it fun to do the work required to keep relationships fresh.”

Poole’s husband, Damone, has a demanding job that “keeps his attention away from the relationship.” She estimates that he checks his smartphone upwards of 50 times a day, mostly for work. She likes Kahnoodle because “it reminds him, ‘I need to do something for her,’” she says. “Any little bit helps.”

By many measures, the app should work. But the relationship between a man and his Starbucks[2] reward history is a lot less complex than the relationship between Sonja and Damone. Right?

Psychologist Eli Finkel of Northwestern University certainly thinks so. According to Finkel, you run into a couple of problems when you gamify love. Kahnoodle’s “Kudos” service, which allows one partner to reward another for a romantic gesture, might foster an “exchange mentality,” a tit-for-tat view of interaction that can be harmful in romantic situations—exchange mentality is commonly seen in cases of date rape, for example.

Finkel also says relationships are supposed to be tricky.

“Much of the benefit of doing considerate things is linked to the fact that those things required thoughtfulness and effort,” Finkel writes in an email. “Take the thoughtfulness out of the acts and they lose much of their meaning.”

Social psychologist and CEO of mental health network Psych Central John Grohol agrees. “You can’t substitute gamification for those core things people strive for,” he says. “Filling up a love tank isn’t the same as having a personal connection.”

Yet from a psychological perspective, human relationships “are inherently game-like,” says Professor Andrew Colman, a psychologist and game theory expert at University of Leicester in the U.K. According to a 2009 study that analyzes dating in terms of game theory, humans assess potential mates according to investments, risk-reward behaviors, and other factors that mirror the way we analyze a game. Game theory, for instance, explains why we love “the chase.” “A male’s willingness to court for a long time is a signal that he is likely to be a good male,” study author Robert Seymour writes.

This explains why women who wait for sex usually end up finding a better match. You want the higher reward; you stay in the game longer. Like Who Wants to Be a Millionaire. And online dating apps like Let’s Date and Zoosk have already seen positive results from gamification.

Of course, online dating is a far cry from your 20th anniversary. But the game of love is “still a game after decades of living together,” Colman says. “It doesn’t mean you’re trivializing it.”

Predictably, he says, the objection most people will have to Kahnoodle is that it’s mechanized game-playing; it takes the creativity and spontaneity out of relationship maintenance.

But as it turns out, spontaneity and creativity don’t necessarily predict lasting relationships. Relationships that are built on a “solid, comfortable, interesting, and pleasurable bed of reality” succeed above all others, according to an article by relationship psychologists John Adams and Constance Avery-Clark.

Adams and Avery-Clark stress the importance of “de-emphasizing over-romantic notions of super-compatibility in favor of a rational approach to relationships.” In other words, it’s not about whether spouses want to smooch endlessly on street corners or read separate newspapers at breakfast. They just need to be on the same page about what they do want, and how to go about getting it.

Zeidler and her husband seem to be.

“We’re busy, working professionals,” she reiterates. The love tank makes it “a little easier to constantly think about each other.” And Kahnoodle Concierge, a recently launched service that plans surprise-filled date nights for as little as $20 a month, is a godsend. “If my husband and I can simply show up to the same place, it’s great.”

Kahnoodle keeps the Zeidlers engaged. And in a world where couples spendmore time with their smartphones than each other, that’s no easy feat.

  1. Answer the following in ONE paragraph each. (5 x 3 = 15)


  1. What have you understood by the term ‘gamification’? Describe it in your own words.
  2. What does Eli Finkel mean by ‘exchange mentality’? Give an example and explain the concept.
  3. What insight has Game Theory offered to the study of human relationships? Does it make any sense to you?


  1. Answer the following in about THREE or FOUR paragraphs each. (15 x 2 = 30)
  2. The article above presents two contrasting views on human relationship. What are these two views? Which view makes sense to you the most? Use experiences, observations or fictional narratives in your response to make your point.
  3. The above article just seems to be an advertisement for the new app Kahnoodle.What do you think is the position of the writer of the article with regard to technology and human relationships? What do you have to say about the way in which technology is altering human relationships? Use experiences and observations in your answer.


Read the story and answer the questions.


In a certain town there lived a couple. The husband would bring home a bushel of fish every day. His wife would eat up all the middles of the fish and leave him only fish heads and fish tails. She did this every day.

What did he do? He had a sister in town. He went to her house one day and said, “Sister, every day I bring home a bushel of fish. When I come to eat, the fish have only heads and tails, no middles.

What shall I do?”

His sister told him, “If that’s the case, Brother, go to the carpenter, and ask him to make three dolls for you. Place one doll next to the cooking fire. Place another with the pots and pans. Put the third one in the niche in the wall. After you’ve done that, bring home as usual your bushel of fish and then leave. Let’s see what happens.”

He did exactly what his sister told him to do. He went to the carpenter and got three dolls made. He placed one near the cooking fire, a second one among the pots, and another in the wall niche. And he brought in his daily bushel of fish, gave it to his wife, and went out as usual.

She cooked the fish in a hurry, and was going to pick up a platter when the doll among the pots piped up and asked, “Why a platter?”

The doll in the wall answered, “To eat like a thief.”

The doll near the cooking fire added, “Without her husband!”

She gasped, “They talk, and like that!”

She was scared of the dolls and rushed out of the house, and didn’t get back till her husband came home. When he came home, she fed him, and then ate her own dinner. The fish were whole, as whole as when they were brought.

Her husband said nothing. He finished his meal, and went to his sister’s house. He said to her, “Sister, I did as you told me to. Today, all the fish were whole.”

One interpretation of the above story goes this way: ‘this tale seems to express an understanding of the phenomenon of “projection,” in which a rejected inner voice or impulse is attributed to an external object or person.’


  • Answer the question in about THREE or FOUR paragraphs. (1 x 15 = 15)
  1. a) Why do you think the wife was scared of the dolls?
  2. Do you agree with the above interpretation of the story as an expression of the phenomenon of ‘projection’?
  3. What would be your interpretation of the above story?






  1. The below questions are based on the texts that you have read in the classroom. Answer the questions in about FIVE paragraphs each. (2 x 20 = 20)


  1. “Words shape how I see the world, how I move through problems, how I relax. They give me comfort, order and structure” says Hannah Giorgis.
  2. Do you think there is a relationship between the language you speak and your thoughts, dreams and actions? How has the language that you speak shaped your opinions, beliefs or perspectives?
  3. What kind of a relationship do you have with the languages you speak? Do you like them? Do you think about them often? How did you learn them?


  1. “We go on talking but I can see a faint shadow on his face- he is puzzled and doesn’t know what is puzzling him. I move closer to him, into his arms and the shadow is gone. And the tune comes back, flows into my mind, to the tip of my tongue. “
  2. What do you think she does when the tune comes back again? Why do you think the writer of this story has given this kind of an ending? Does it make you look at the whole story any differently?
  3. Among all the characters in all the three stories that you have read in the class room to which one were you able to relate well and why? Write about similar characters that you have encountered in real life or fiction.



spouses: a husband or wife, considered in relation to their partner.

demographic: relating to the dynamic balance of a population especially with regard to density and capacity for expansion or decline; a portion of a population, especially considered as consumers.

reinvigorate: give new energy or strength to.

savvy: shrewd and knowledgeable; having common sense and good judgement

intuitive: based on feelings rather than facts or proof

novelty:the quality of being new, original, or unusual

Endorphin: a ​chemical ​naturally ​released in the ​brain to ​reduce ​pain, that in ​large ​amounts can make you ​feel ​relaxed or ​full of ​energy

inherent:​existing as a ​natural or ​basic ​part of something



[1]American politician Anthony Weiner, former member of the United States House of Representatives from New York City, was involved in two sexual scandals related to sexting, or sending explicit sexual material by cell phone. The first, sometimes dubbed Weinergate,[ led to his resignation as a congressman in 2011. The second, during his attempt to return to politics as candidate for mayor of New York City, involved three women Weiner admitted having sexted after further explicit pictures were published in July 2013.

[2]Starbucks Corporation, doing business as Starbucks Coffee, is an American coffee company and coffeehouse chain based in Seattle, Washington. Starbucks is the largest coffeehouse company in the world ahead of UK rival Costa Coffee, with 22,551 stores in 65 countries and territories, including 12,739 in the United States, 1,868 in China, 1,395 in Canada, 1,117 in Japan and 830 in the United Kingdom.

St. Joseph’s College of Commerce 2015 Business Economics Question Paper PDF Download


Duration: 3 Hours                                                                                             Max. Marks: 100
I) Answer ALL the questions.  Each carries 2 marks.                                        (10×2=20)
  1. Define Business Economics.
  2. What are Giffin goods?
  3. Mention any three factors which affect the elasticity of demand.
  4. State the Law of Supply.
  5. What is meant by  the term ‘Break-even point’?
  6. Why is the AR curve under Monopolistic competition more flexible than the AR curve under Monopoly?
  7. Mention any four objectives of pricing?
  8. Differentiate between Balance of Payments and Balance of Trade.
  9. Explain the term Inflation.
  10. Give the meaning of Oligopoly.
II) Answer any FOUR questions.  Each carries 5 marks.                                      (4×5=20)
  11. Differentiate between Micro and Macroeconomics.
  12. What is a Business Cycle? Describe the various phases of Business Cycles.
  13. From the data given below, find the trend values for each year using the method of least squares and estimate the annual sales for the year 2006 and 2007.

Year 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
Sales 60 80 70 90 100
  14. Define Indifference curves. Explain the various properties of Indifference curves.
  15. How can disequilibrium in the Balance of Payments be corrected?
  16. Distinguish between monopoly and perfect competition.
III) Answer any THREE questions.  Each carries 15 marks.                                (3×15=45)                                                                                                
  17. Explain the Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility with the help of a table and diagram.
  18. a. Define Price elasticity of demand. Discuss the various methods of calculating elasticity of demand.

b. The demand for goods X and Y have equal price elasticity. The demand of X rises from 100 units to 250 units due to a 20 % fall in its price.  Calculate the percentage rise in demand of Y if its price falls by 8%.


  19. Describe the various components of Balance of Payments account.
  20. What is meant by the term Monetary Policy? Discuss the various instruments of Monetary Policy?
  21. Examine the various methods of pricing.


IV) Case Study                                                                                                              (1×15=15)                                                                                          
  22. The price of raw sugar recently reached its highest level since 1981 due to problems with supply. Historically, raw sugar has traded at between 10 and 12 US cents per pound at the New York Board of Trade. But the price increased to over 18 cents last month. Growing demand in Brazil for sugar to be turned into ethanol for fuel, coupled with a sharp fall in Indian production have both been factors in the price increase. Sugar production in India for 2008-09 fell 45% year-on-year due to less rain in the monsoon season damaging a number of agricultural crops. The London-based International Sugar Organisation predicts that global consumption of sugar is likely to outstrip production by 9m tonnes next year, forcing food companies and governments to dig into stockpiles. In the US, snack producers including Mars, Nestlé and Krispy Kreme Doughnuts put pressure on the US government to relax import controls, warning that otherwise they might run out of sugar. Commentators predict that most shoppers will be unaffected because sugar is such a small part of a consumer’s typical spending in a week that no one will notice an increase in price.



a.   Explain, using supply and demand analysis, why the price of sugar has been increasing recently.

b.  Do you think a) the supply and b) the demand for sugar is price elastic or inelastic? Justify your choices and explain whether this means any given change in supply or demand will have a bigger effect on the equilibrium price of quantity.

c.   In what ways is the market for sugar used in confectionery related to the market for ethanol?

d. How might companies such as Mars and Nestlé react to an increase in the price of sugar?







St. Joseph’s College of Commerce 2015 Principles Of Management Question Paper PDF Download


Duration: 3 Hours                                                                                             Max. Marks: 100
I) Answer ALL the questions.  Each carries 2 marks.                                        (10×2=20)
  1. Distinguish between “Management “and “Administration”.
  2. What is systems approach to management?
  3. State the difference between MNC ‘s and Transnational organisation.
  4. What is Planning Premises?
  5. Distinguish between line and functional organisation?
  6. What is Zero based budgeting?
  7. What is Free- rein Direction?
  8. What does PERT/CPM stands for?
  9. What is Management Audit?
  10. What do you understand by ethics of business?
II) Answer any FOUR questions.  Each carries 5 marks.                                      (4×5=20)
  11. Write short notes on Span of Control.
  12. “Decentralisation is nothing but an extension of delegation.” Discuss.
  13. Explain the concept of TQM? How do quality circles enrich the quality of an organisation?
  14. Write a note on the contribution made by Douglas McGregor.
  15. Discuss the different styles of Leadership, pointing out merits and demerits of each.
  16. “Planning identifies actions and controlling sees that the actions are carried out.” Explain.
III) Answer any THREE questions.  Each carries 15 marks.                                (3×15=45)                                                                                                
  17. Explain the contributions made by Elton Mayo to Management Thought.
  18. What do you understand by MBO? Explain the process and utility of MBO programme in an organisation.
  19. Define the term “Organisation’. Stae the principles of organizing.
  20. What do you mean by the term ‘Social Responsibility’? State the various stakeholders to whom business organisations are socially responsive.
  21. Define the term “Co-ordination”. Bring out the importance of co-ordination in a business.  What are the methods of achieving co-ordination?




IV) Case Study                                                                                                              (1×15=15)                                                                                          
  22. Ekta, the face and brain of Balaji Telefilms Ltd, was almost completely responsible for the position BTL was able to achieve in the television software market.

The program listings on various channels in 2002 show the hold BTL had on television viewers. Her serials aired on channels like Star Plus,Zee TV, Sony Entertainment Television (SET), Doordarshan and Metro TV,5 as well as regional channels  like Gemini, Sun, Vijaya TV, Udaya TV, etc. BTL grew rapidly since 1994, when it first began operations.

The rate of growth increased after the company went in for a public issue in 2000.

From a modest beginning of 8.5 programming hours per week in 2000, BTL achieved about 35 programming hours per week across all channels in 2002.

Most of the achievements of BTL could be traced back to Ekta, the creative director at BTL. In 2001, Ekta was selected by the Confederation of Indian Industries, (CII) to head the committee on entertainment. She also received a number of awards over the years. Some of the awards are: “Ernst and Young Entrepreneur of the Year” (in 2001), “Corporate Excellence” from Bharat Petroleum (in 2002), “Rajiv Gandhi Award” (in 2002). In 2001, Asiaweek magazine included her in the list of “Asia’s 50 most Powerful Communicators.”


Ekta Kapoor is the daughter of Ravinder Kapoor (popularly known as Jeetendra), a Hindi movie star from the 1960s to 1980s. Her mother, Shobha Kapoor, is the CEO of BTL and her younger brother Tushar Kapoor is an actor in Hindi movies. According to Ekta, she had a childhood which was “materially easy but emotionally difficult.’

During her childhood she was extremely obese and suffered from low self esteem. She was a very pampered child and was never oriented towards any kind of achievement.

A student of Bombay Scottish school and Mithibai College, Ekta was a poor student and content with getting the minimum passing grades.

Her family wanted her to enroll in an MBA program but she was not interested in a theoretical education and had no clue about what she wanted to do in her life. “I was fat, lazy and absolutely aimless in life. I had no direction or focus. I did not believe in excellence or hardwork,” she said. Her only interest was watching television, which she did whenever she could. She says she felt guilty about disappointing her parents, but was not able to do much to rectify the situation. On completing her higher secondary education, she joined FAR Productions, an advertising agency, and worked as an assistant model coordinator for a short time in an attempt to do something worthwhile. The turning point in Ekta’s life came in the early 1990s (she was about 19 years old then), when Ketan Sommaya (a non resident Indian) requested her father to produce some television software, for a channel he was starting…


Ekta’s father , understanding her craving to do something worthwhile, asked  her to get involved in the production of the necessary software. At that time  she knew nothing about television production , but she produced six pilots, each with about three episodes, at  a cost of roughly Rs. 5 Millions. Her pilots were not successful, but her father encouraged her to make more software. In 1994, Ekta’s father set up BTL as a pvt Ltd Co. The first serial Mano Ya Na Mano aired in 1995. Ekta’s first major success with Hum Paanch, had a success of 5 years on Zee Tv.


Ekta has had to face a lot of flak for her serials as well as her attitude. On the human resources front, Ekta was totally unpredictable. She acquired the image of an ogre and most of her subordinates were reluctant to approach her cabin…


According to some analysts, Ekta was successful because she was present in the right place at the right time and was able to identify a niche market and cater to it successfully… She worked relentlessly foregoing holidays, thinking out concepts, casting, shooting …


BTL achieved a lot within a short period of time. Her serials regularly featured in the top ten programs of the week and got the highest TRP ratings.




  1. Trace the entrepreneurial qualities and discuss.
  2. What is unique about Ekta’s saga of success?
  3. What has been the contribution to the entertainment industry?









St. Joseph’s College of Commerce 2015 Hindi Question Paper PDF Download


St. Joseph’s College of Commerce (Autonomous)

End Semester Examination – Sept / October 2015


C1 15 1 hn: HINDI

Time: 3 Hours                                                                                                      Marks : 100


  1. रिक्त स्थानों की पूर्ति कीजिए (Any ten)              (10 x 1 = 10)   
  2. संत कबीर ……………. काल के कवि है।
  3. कबीर के गुरू का नाम ……………. था।
  4. तुलसीदास की रचना का नाम ……………….. है।
  5. तुलसीदास के इष्टदेव ……………. है।
  6. कविता को छंदों से मुक्त करने वाले कवि ……………… है।
  7. दिनकर का जन्म सन ………………….. में हुआ था।
  8. हिन्दी के उमर खयाम ………………………. है।
  9. अज्ञेय का असली नाम ………………… है।
  10. ‘लेखक की स्वतन्त्रता’ के कवि का नाम ………………. है।
  11. डाँ सरगु कृष्णमूर्ति की कविता का नाम …………….. है।
  12. ओज एवं पौरूष गुण होने के कारण इस कवि को …………. कहा गया है।
  13. हिन्दी में metaphor को …………… कहते हैं।


  1. किसी एक दोहे की ससंदर्भ व्याख्या कीजिए           (1 x 8 = 8)

लधुता से प्रभुता मिलै, प्रभुता ते प्रभु दूर।  चींटी शक्कर लै चली, हाथी के सिर धूर।।


अति आनन्द उमगि अनुरागा।  चरन सरोज पखारन लागा।।

बरषि सुमन सुर सकल सिहाहीं।  एहि सम पुन्यपुंज कोउ नाही।।


  • किन्ही तीन पद्यांशों की ससंदर्भ व्याख्या कीजिए।       (3 x 8 = 24)
  1. विष्णु जी ने कहा –

“एक सज्जन किसान है, प्राणों से प्रियतम  नारद ने कहा मैं उसकी परीक्षा लूँगा।“


  1. जहाँ लोग पालते लहू में हालाहल की धार, क्या चिन्ता यदि वहाँ हाथ में हुई नहीं तलवार?
  2. अत्याचार अनेक किये थे, कलियों को दुख दीर्ध दिये थे, तोड़ इन्हें बागों से लाता।

छेंद-छेदकर हार बनाता।

  1. उस रोशनी में उन खम्भों के बीच उस रस्सी पर

असल में मै नाचता नही हूँ

मै केवल उस खम्भे से इस खम्भे तक दौडता हूँ,

  1. इसलिए हमको वह बन्धन सब बहुत बुरे लगते है

जिनमें हम बँधते ही मौलिकता खोते है,

जिनसे हम शासन के चोबदार होते हैं

जिनसे हम शासन के चाटुकार होते है,

जिनसे हम जीवन की क्षमता की ……………

ममता को, ट्टढ़ता को खोते है,


  1. (अ) किसी एक कविता का सारांश लिखकर उसकी विशेषताओं पर उसकी विशेषताओं पर प्रकाश डालिए।     (1 x 16 = 16)
  2. नाच
  3. लेखक की स्वतन्त्रता
  4. कलम और तलवार


(आ) किसी एक कविता पर टिप्पणी लिखिए                                     (1 x 6 = 6)

  1. केवट प्रसंग
  2. प्रियतम
  3. सो भी न सकूँगा फूलों में।


  1. तारा प्रकाशन, बेंगलूरू से एक पत्र पंकज प्रकाशन दिल्ली को लिखकर उन्हें ग्रन्थ भारती, बेंगलूरू के बारे में अनुकूल उत्तर दीजिए।               (1 x 14 = 14)


दीपा टैक्सटाइल्स, पूणे को एक पत्र दुलहन बेंगलूरू से लिखकर उनका ध्यान जिस बिल का भुगतान नही हुआ है, उसकी औऱ आकर्षित कीजिए।



  1. नीचे दिए गए गद्यांश का संक्षिप्तीकरण करके उसका एक उचित शीर्षक दीजिए

                                                                                                         (1 x 12 = 12)

भारत गाँवों का देश है।  सत्तर प्रतिशत जनता गाँवों में रहती है जिसका मुख्य व्यवसाय कृषि है।  इस कृषि प्रधान देश में खाद्यान्नों की कमी रहे और हमें दूसरे देशों से खाद्यान्न मँगाना पडें, इससे बड़ी  विड़म्बना और क्या होगी।  यदि हमें अपना आत्म-गौरव रखना है तो इस समस्या पर गम्भीरतापूर्वक विचार करना ही होगा।  भोजन मनुष्य की प्रथम आवश्यकता है, अतः समस्या के निदान की तुरन्त आवश्यकता है।  सरकार की ओर से भी इस दिशा में कई प्रयत्न किये गए है।


  • हिन्दी में अनुवाद कीजिए          (10)

In common language, the term market is used to refer to a place where buyers and sellers meet to purchase and sell.   It is a place where goods are bought and sold.  A local market is a place in a village, town or city where buying and selling takes place.  As the national income of the country increases the demand for consumption of goods also increases. The living standards of people will rise only when consumption goods will be available in plenty.






St. Joseph’s College of Commerce B.Com. 2015 I Sem Additional English Question Paper PDF Download

St. Joseph’s College of Commerce (Autonomous)

End Semester Examination – SEPT/Oct. 2015

B.Com – I Semester


Duration: 3 Hours                                                                                       Max. Marks: 100


Note:  Read the questions carefully and answer.

Do not exceed the paragraph limit.

            Each paragraph should contain at least four sentences.

            Do not copy sentences or paragraphs from the passage.



Read the passage below and answer the questions.

Method and madness


Vitor Pordeus makes a good Hamlet. Bearded, handsome, angry at the world, he stands at the centre of his group of actors. Like a force of nature that fights to be heard against the wind blowing in from the Atlantic Ocean, he rails against the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune to a backdrop of palm trees and hot-dog stands.


Behind him, the sun drops like a giant orange behind the DoisIrmãosor Two Brothers, the picture‑postcard hills behind Ipanema beach and home to the recently gentrified Vidigal favela in Rio de Janeiro. The old King of Denmark sits on his throne, immutable. He’s a thin, frail man with only one leg. ‘Serounãoser,’ the chorus around him rises up: ‘To be or not to be.’ Then, a low hum, as the group starts to chant and dance their way around the circle. ‘Renascer,’ they sing –meaning: be reborn, revive.


This is no group of pampered actors. A banner with carnival streamers is emblazoned in gold, blue and orange with ‘Madness Hotel’, the name of the collective behind this production. The 20-odd performers have arrived at the sea’s edge from a psychiatric hospital in Rio’s densely populated and overheated North Zone. Pordeus is their doctor, though it might be more accurate now to describe him as an actor-director.


Theatre provides a rare stimulus for psychotic, schizophrenic and depressed patients, giving them an opportunity to communicate and interact constructively with others. ‘We are all actors; we take on our identity, we take on our culture,’ Pordeus says. Released from their fixed roles as catatonic[1], belligerent[2] or withdrawn patients, his actors – Pordeus calls them clients rather than patients – are free to don different masks as characters from Shakespeare, and to live out a different reality for a few hours. In the safe, performative setting, new things can be said or tried out. As the circle moves round, it breaks at times for people to hug each other, for spats to be heard then ironed out, and for each player to start new chants which the others then follow.


Pordeus says that the success of his work can be seen clearly in the thousands of films and photographs he records of the performances, both beachside and in the ‘Madness Hotel and Spa’ at the Nise da Silveira Mental Health Institute in Rio de Janeiro. When the patients review these later on, they can see the progress they’ve made, but also better understand their own behaviour and interactions with others. He claims that patients who never spoke before joining the Madness Hotel and who now smile or spontaneously interact with others are proof of the healing power of theatre.


The project has attracted a wave of publicity in Brazil, and an artists’ residence now takes place once a year at the Madness Hotel hospital unit. Yet Pordeus is not without his critics. Funding for the project through the municipal authority is an ongoing challenge, and there is a clash between the Madness Hotel and those in charge of other units in the hospital.

‘There is a lot of conflict between us and the other doctors,’ Pordeus admits. ‘They attack us, they say it agitates the patients. They say the basis of therapy is drugs, and that’s not true.’ Pordeus’s critics say that the emphasis on freedom of expression away from the clear doctor-patient hierarchy creates insecurity and confusion among patients rather than providing a healthy outlet. Yet this is to miss the point, since Pordeus is an activist as much as a doctor; he seeks to challenge mainstream ideas about illness and treatment, and that is bound to stir protest.


In wider perspective, the Madness Hotel performances, with their songs and costumes, can be seen as a continuation of Brazilian cultural traditions. Samba, for example, has always brought people together to seek redemption through collective remembrances of past suffering.


During carnival in Rio, the streets are filled with people singing songs such as Agoniza Mas NãoMorre: ‘Samba: agoniza mas nãomorre/ Alguémsempretesocorre/ Antes de suspiroderradeiro’ (Samba: agonise but don’t die/ Someone will always rescue you/ Before the final breath). Lyrics recall the shared traumas of slavery and the massacres of the poor by colonial authorities, while the powerful rhythms restore the African culture from which many of Brazil’s people were once violently removed. Crucially, this redemption is often to be found collectively and not individually in Brazilian culture – collectivism, of course, being a strong element of theatre.


The idea of using theatre as a tool for change was pioneered in Brazil by the late director and activist Augusto Boal who in the 1950s created the Theatre of the Oppressed, now world-renowned. In the Theatre of the Oppressed, drama became a framework in which people could visualise and understand the power dynamics at work in society and explore new possibilities through role play. These Boal-inspired ‘dress rehearsals for real life’ have been used in strife-torn locations such as Israel and Palestine, as well as all over Latin America and Europe. Boal believed that everyone is a self-contained spectator, actor and theatre in one; if we start by observing our actions and interactions, we can then go on to do things differently in the future.


Plato and Socrates believed that poets and priests could commune with the gods through accessing a kind of ‘divine madness’, thereby identifying the source of creative inspiration and insanity as one and the same, and the ‘mad artist’ has remained a persistent motif in many cultures, from Vincent van Gogh to Kanye West. Eccentric behaviour is indulged, encouraged or even expected in creative people, who enjoy a privileged position outside of the normal rules of society, and who often play up to this idea as if to underscore their untrammelled creativity.


In her book Touched with Fire: Manic-depressive Illness and the Artistic Temperament (1991), Kay Redfield Jamison points to a wealth of evidence that supports such a link, among them studies that show elevated rates of mood disorders in highly creative people, and which further suggest that the link is genetic. Jamison, an American clinical psychologist, who is Professor in Mood Disorders at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in Baltimore and who is bipolar herself, quotes the study of 113 German-speaking artists, writers, architects and composers compiled by the Austrian psychiatrist Adele Juda in 1944. Juda found that there were more suicides and more ‘insane and neurotic’ individuals in this group than could be found in the normal population, and that the same predisposition existed in many of the artists’ family members. Seen this way, madness might be a blessing of sorts, a kind of portal into a unique vision of the world.


Yet suffering can be alleviated through the discipline of creative practices that serve to weave formless, unarticulated pain into something tangible, ordered and ultimately pleasurable. As Jamison writes: ‘Creative work can act not only as a means of escape from pain, but also as a way of structuring chaotic emotions and thoughts, numbing pain through abstraction and the rigors of disciplined thought, and creating a distance from the source of despair.’ Thus some artists with mental health problems might have partly sought out their profession because of the relief it provides, consciously or not. For poets or painters, the outlet for these emotions is individual, while a shared theatrical or musical experience has the potential to effect a collective catharsis[3] and transformation.



  1. Answer the following in about TWO or THREE paragraphs each. (4 x 10 = 40)


  1. What role, according to this article, can theatre play in the lives of ‘psychotic, schizophrenic and depressed patients’? What other roles do you think theatre plays in our society?
  2. What is the criticism levelled against Pordeus’ method of dealing with the patients? What is your view on Pordeus’ method of treating his patients?
  3. What have you understood by the term ‘divine madness’? Is there a method in madness? Comment on the link, if any exists, between creativity and madness.
  4. Write about a performance (theatre, dance, singing, rituals, magic, cinema or any other performance) that you have seen and which has transformed the way you look at life and the world or has given a cathartic experience.



  1. Answer any FOUR of the following questions in about FOUR or FIVE paragraphs each.                                                            (4x 15 = 60)


  1. In V. S. Naipaul’s ‘India: A Wounded Civilization’ what is the ‘wound’ that has still not healed in Indian civilization? Comment on the method of using works of fiction like R. K. Narayan’s novel Sampath in trying to understand the Indian society. Is it possible to understand a society through fiction?
  2. Compare the writing styles of Harriet Jacob’s A Lover and Siddalingaiah’s Ooru Keri. What might be the reason for writers to adopt different writing styles? Is it possible for autobiographies to reveal more than the writer’s life? What are the other things that you got to know while reading excerpts from the autobiographies?
  3. According to Mario Vargas Llossa what is the function of literature in a society? What are his views on technology and its impact on the physical book? Do you share his views or do you choose to disagree with him? Provide evidences and examples to defend your position.
  4. You have read and discussed a few essays which deal with reason, rationality, faith, belief and religion. Write about any two ideas from the essays which either interested you or irritated you very much. Which essay did you like the most and why?
  5. “The best moments in reading are when you come across something – a thought, a feeling, a way of looking at things – which you had thought special and particular to you. Now here it is, set down by someone else, a person you have never met, someone even who is long dead. And it is as if a hand has come out and taken yours.” ― Alan Bennett. Have you had any such experience when you were reading a book, an article or an essay? Write about your reading life: the kind of books you read, how you choose books and your experience of reading books.



[1]Catatonia: abnormality of movement and behaviour arising from a disturbed mental state (typically schizophrenia). It may involve repetitive or purposeless over-activity, or catalepsy, resistance to passive movement, and negativism

[2]Belligerent: hostile and aggressive

[3]Catharsis: the process of releasing, and thereby providing relief from, strong or repressed emotions.

St. Joseph’s College of Commerce 2015 International Business Question Paper PDF Download



Duration: 3 Hours                                                                                             Max. Marks: 100
I) Answer ALL the questions.  Each carries 2 marks.                                        (10×2=20)
  1. What is International Business?
  2. What do you mean absolute cost advantage?
  3. What do you mean Foreign Direct Investment?
  4. Write a short note on turnkey project.
  5. What is globalization?
  6. Give the meaning of Green Field Strategy.
  7. What do you mean by virtual organization?
  8. Explain the structure of a Multinational Corporation.
  9. What is International Marketing?
  10. Compare the standardization with customization.
II) Answer any FOUR questions.  Each carries 5 marks.                                      (4×5=20)
  11. Discuss the different stages of internationalization.
  12. State the benefits of Business Process Outsourcing.
  13. Discuss the various features and criticisms of globalization.
  14. Enumerate the characteristics of Multinational Corporation.
  15. Explain the objectives and functions of EXIM Bank.
  16. How Export Credit Guarantee Corporation does helps exporter?
III) Answer any THREE questions.  Each carries 15 marks.                                (3×15=45)                                                                                                 
  17. Enumerate the advantages and disadvantages of international business.
  18. International product life cycle is different from domestic product life cycle.  Explain.
  19. What are the drivers of globalization?
  20. State the factors Influencing Pricing Strategy in International Marketing
  21. What are the factors Influencing Channel Decisions in International Market?
IV) Case Study                                                                                                              (1×15=15)                                                                                          
  22. Case Study

A moderately large scale company started some two decades ago has built up strong brands and reputation over the years for quality healthcare (including personal healthcare) products. It now wants to enter into foreign markets and seeks your advice. The company management wants you to explain briefly all the possible modes which could be open to it and then wants you to zero on two best modes.

What two best modes would you suggest and why?






St. Joseph’s College of Commerce B.B.A. 2015 Operations Research Question Paper PDF Download





Duration: 3 Hours                                                                                         Max. Marks: 100


Section – A

  1. Answer ALL the questions. Each carries 2 marks.                                         (2×10=20)

1)  Classify operation research models based on:

  1. a) Time
  2. b) Degree of certainity


2)  Mention any Four Features of Operation Research.


3) With reference to linear programming problems explain the following terms:

  1. a) Infeasible solution
  2. b) Redundant constraint


4) List any four areas of LPP application.


5) Introduce appropriate variables (slack, surplus or artificial) and convert the following    to equations

  1. a) 3x + 5y < 15

b )4x + 3y >6


6)  Distinguish between PERT and CPM.


7)  A project manager has to manage various projects. For each project given below, you     are required to advise him whether to use PERT or CPM and briefly state the reason ?


  1. Project K is yet to begin. The manager had recently successfully handled similar projects. He is able to break down the project into smaller modules and knows when he may comfortably finish each module.
  2. Project M is new to the manager. He has never handled such a project he can break up the project into smaller modules, but even then, he is not sure of their exact times.


8)  How will you treat a Transportation problem with a Maximization objective?


9)  In case of an Unbalanced Assignment Matrix, what step is required to balance it?



10) Point out the errors in the network given below, going by the usual conventions while drawing a network to use CPM.





  1. II) Answer any FOUR questions. Each carries 5 marks.                                 (4×5=20)


  1. Woods Product Ltd. currently produces two major products, tables and chairs. When sold, each chair yields a profit of `35 and table   `45.  An analysis of the production work sheets reveals the following manufacturing data:
Product Man hrs. per unit Machine hrs. per unit
Chair 5 0.8
Table 8 1.2
Time available during the year 800 Man hours 485 Machine hours


The company has a minimum demand for 50 chairs and a maximum demand for 25 tables during year 2013.  Construct an appropriate linear programme for maximizing the profit of Woods Product Ltd.


  1. B. Sahni chartered accountant firm has four chartered accountants each of whom can be assigned any of the three audit assignments. Because of the varying work experience of the chartered accountants, the net surplus (professional fees minus expenses to be incurred by the CA firm) varies as under:
  Audit Assignments
Chartered Accountant W X Y
A 65 78 83
B 85 52 59
C 83 56 69
D 49 80 85


You are required to find the maximum net surplus which can be obtained.


  1. a) Solve the following transportation problem by
  2. North west corner Rule (NWCR)
  3. Least Cost Method (LCM)


D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 Availability
W1 3 4 6 8 8 20
W2 2 10 0 5 8 30
W3 7 11 20 40 3 15
W4 1 0 9 14 16 13
Required 40 6 8 18 6 78


  1. Is the cost of transportation reduced through LCM in comparison to the  NWCR,  if so to what extent?


  1. Find the Dual of the following problem:

Maximize      Z = 30 x1   +  20 x2

Subject to constraints:  -x1 – x2 > -8

-6x1 – 4x2 < – 12

5x1 + 8x2 = 20

x1, x2 >0


  1. What is meant by decision tree analysis? Explain the types of decision making environment?


  1. The following table gives the activities in a construction project and the time duration of each activity:
Activity Preceding activity Normal time (days)
A 16
B 20
C A 8
D A 10
E B,C 6
F D,E 12

Required :

  1. Draw the activity network of the project.
  2. Find the critical path.


Section- C

  1. II) Answer any THREE questions. Each carries 15 marks.                                 (3×15=45)


  1. Solve the following LPP by using the Big – M method

Max Z=10x+12y

Subject to constraints

x + y=5

x > 2

y < 4

where    x, y >0

  1. A car hire company has one car at each of the five depots M,N, O, P & Q. A customer in each of the five towns A,B,C,D,&E, requires a car. the distance (in miles)between the depots (origins) and the towns (destinations) where the customers are, are given in the following distance matrix.
    M N O P Q



 A 160 130 175 190 200
 B 135 120 130 160 175
C 140 110 155 170 185
D 50 50 80 80 110
E 55 35 70 80 105

How should the cars be assigned to the customers so as to minimize the distance travelled. Solve the above Assignment problem by using  the Hungarian Method.


  1. A) A Small project is composed of seven activities, whose times estimates (in days) are listed below. Activities are identified by their beginning (i) and ending (j) node numbers.
Activity (i-j) 1-2 1-3 1-4 2-5 3-5 4-6 5-6  
Duration to 2 2 4 2 4 4 6  
Duration  tm 2 8 4 2 10 10 12  
Duration tp 14 14 16 2 28 16 30  
  1. Draw the project network
  2. Find the Expected Duration and Variance for each activity. What is the expected project length?
  3. If the project due date is 38 days, what is the probability of meeting the due date?


19.B) Given that operation research represents an integrated framework to help make decisions, it is important to have a clear understanding of this framework so that it can be applied to a generic problem.  In light of the above statement examine the methodology / steps involved in solving an Operation Research problem.


  1. The following linear program is presented to you:
Objective  :Maximize Z=30X +45Y

Subjective to :  (i)2X+3Y, < 1,440

(ii) 9X+12Y > 2,160

(iii) 3x + 4y > 1080

(iv) x,y >0.


Draw the Graph taking quantities of x and y in the respective axes in steps of 60 units (scale 1 cm = 60units) and solve the following LPP

Determine the optimality and offer your comments on the solution and the constraints

21) The activities in respect of a maintenance project are as below:

Activity 1-2 1-3 1-4 2-5 3-6 3-7 4-7 5-8 6-8 7-9 8-9
Months 2 2 1 4 5 8 3 1 4 5 3
  1. Draw the project network.
  2. Find the Critical Path and Duration of the project.
  3. Perform the forward and backward pass computations and derive the EST, EFT, LST and LFT for each event/activity.
  4. Determine Total Float, Free Float and Independent Float.


  1. IV) Case Study – Compulsory question.          (1×15=15)
  2. A company has four factories F1, F2, F3 & F4 manufacturing the same product. Production and raw material cost differ from factory to factory and given in the following table.  The transportation cost from the factories to the sales depots S1, S2 & S3 are also given.  The costs, total requirement  at each depot and also the product capacity at each factory are also stated below.
  F1 F2 F3 F4 Requirement
S1 19 30 50 10 7
S2 70 30 40 60 9
S3 40 8 70 20 18
Capacity 5 8 7 14 34
  1. Obtain an IBFS to minimize the costs of the following transportation problem by VAM:
  2. Test the optimality of the solution thus obtained using the MODI method.
  3. Is the solution degenerate?
  4. If need be optimize the solution.



St. Joseph’s College of Commerce B.B.A. 2015 Accounting For Management Decisions Question Paper PDF Download


Duration: 3 Hours                                                                                         Max. Marks: 100
I) Answer ALL the questions.  Each carries 2 marks.                                       (10×2=20)
  1. What is Budgetary Control?
  2. What do you mean by Target Costing?
  3. State four assumptions of Break even analysis.
  4. If Fixed Cost is Rs.10,000  and profit volume ratio is 50%,calculate the break even point.
  5. What is the difference between relevant and irrelevant cost?
  6. State the benefits Kaizen Costing.
  7. State the importance of limiting factor in decision making.
  8. State any four factors that influence Make or Buy decision.
  9. What do you mean by Activity Based Costing?
  10. What is Balance Score Card?
II) Answer any FOUR questions.  Each carries 5 marks.                                  (4×5=20)
  11. A company has annual fixed cost of Rs.14,00,000. In the year2014,sales amounted to Rs.60,00,000 as compared with Rs. 45,00,000 in the year 2013.The profit in 2014 was Rs.4,20,000 higher than in 2013. If there is reduction in selling price in 2015 by 10% and company desires to earn the same profit as in 2014 ,what would be the required sales volume?
  12. A company is manufacturing and selling Electric Motors in the domestic market, at Rs.6,900 each made up as under


Direct Material   3200
Direct Labour     400
Variable Overheads  1,000
Fixed Overheads     200
Depreciation     200
Variable Selling Overheads     100
Royalty on production     200


Central Excise


A foreign buyer has offered to buy 200 such motors at Rs.5000 each.

As a Cost Accountant of the company would you advise acceptance of offer if production capacity is available?

  13. For production of 10,000 electrical automatic irons, the following are the budgeted expense:

Direct material                                               Rs. 60

Direct labour                                                        30

Variable Overheads                                             25

Fixed Overheads (Rs. 1,50,000)                          15

Variable expenses  (direct)                                    5

Selling expenses (10% fixed)                               15

Administrative expenses

(Rs. 50,000 rigid for all levels of production)      5

Distribution expenses (20% fixed)                       5

Total cost of sale per unit                                  160

Prepare a budget for production of 6,000 and 8,000 irons, showing distinctly marginal cost and total cost.


  14. What are the benefits of implementing Activity Based  Costing System?
  15. Explain the features of Target Costing.
  16. A Manufacturing Company finds that while the cost of making a component part is Rs.10,the same is available in the market at Rs.9 with the assurance of continued supply. Give your suggestions whether to make or buy this part.


The cost information is given below;


Materials                                 3.50

Direct  Labour                        4.00

Other variable Expenses       1.00

Fixed Expenses                       1.50




III) Answer any THREE questions.  Each carries 15 marks.                             (3×15=45)                                                                                                 
  17. A department of a company attains sales of Rs.6,00,000 at 80% of its capacity and its expenses are given below:

Administration Cost(Fixed)

Office Salaries                        Rs. 90,000

General Expenses                  2 per cent of sales

Depreciation                           7,500

Rates and Taxes                     8,750

Selling Costs:  

Salaries                                    8 per cent of sales

Travelling Expenses              2 per cent of sales

Sales Office                             1 per cent of sales

General Expenses                  1 per cent of sales




Distribution Costs:

Wages (Fixed)                         15,000

Rent                                          1 per cent of sales

Other Expenses                       4 per cent of sales

Draw up Flexible Budget at 90% and 100% of normal capacity.

  18. A company manufactures three products A,B and C. There are no common processes and the sales  of one product does not affect prices or volume of sales of any other.

The company’s budgeted Profit/Loss for 2015 has been abstracted as follows:









Sales 3,00,000 45,000 2,25,000 30,000
Production Cost:



















Factory Cost 2,40,000 27,000 1,92,000 21,000
Selling and Administrative Cost























Total Cost 2,70,000 37,200 2,01,900 30,900
Profit  30,000   7,800     23,100 ( -) 900


On the basis of the above, the board had almost decided to eliminate product C, on which a loss was budgeted. Meanwhile, they have sought your opinion. As the Cost Accounting expert, what would be your advice? Give reasons for your answer.

  19. Prepare a cash budget for three months ending 30th June 2015 from the information given below:


Month Sales(Rs.) Materials(Rs) Wages(Rs) Overheads(Rs)
February 14,000 9,600 3,000 1,700
March 15,000 9,000 3,000 1,900
April 16,000 9,200 3,200 2,000
May 17,000 10,000 3,600 2,200
June 18,000 10,400 4,000 2,300

Credit terms are:

a.                   a.Sales /Debtors – 10% sales are on cash, 50%of the credit sales are collected next month and the balance in the following month.


b. Creditors : Materials –2 Months

Wages      -1/4 Month

Overheads -1/2 Month


Cash and Bank balance on 1st April 2015 is expected to be Rs.6000

Other relevant information is:

i) Plant and machinery will be installed in February ,2015 at a cost of Rs. 96,000.The monthly instalment of Rs.2,000 is payable from April onwards.

ii) Dividend @5% on Preference Share Capital of Rs. 2,00,000 will be paid on 1st June

iii) Advance to be received for sale of vehicles Rs. 9,000 in June.

iv )Dividends from investments amounting to Rs. 1,000 are expected  to be received in June.

v) Income Tax (advance) to be paid in June is Rs.2,000.


  20. From the following data calculate the Break even Point and profit  if output is   50,000 Units by drawing a  Break Even Chart.

Fixed Expenses :Rs.1,50,000

Variable Cost Per Unit :Rs. 10

Selling Price Per Unit : Rs.15


  21. What is Life Cycle Costing? Explain the process of Life Cycle Costing.


IV) Case Study                                                                                                      (1×15=15)                                                                                          
  22. The licensed capacity of Goodwill India Company Ltd. is Rs. 80,00,000.At present the sales are Rs. 60,00,000  and the  sales demand is a key factor .It is proposed by the management that  in order to utilize the existing capacity, the selling price of the product should be reduced by 5%.

The revenue account of the company is summarized below:


Sales                                                     60,00,000

Direct Materials       18,00,000

Direct Wages            12,00,000

Variable Overheads  4,80,000

Fixed Overheads      17,20,000

————–          52,00,000


Profit                                          8,00,000


The following changes are expected in the costs:

a)  Sales forecast Rs. 76,00,000 (at reduced price)

b)  Direct Wages rates and variable overheads are expected to increase by 5%

c)  Direct Material prices are expected to increase by 2%

d)  Fixed overheads will increase by Rs.80,000


You are required to forecast the effect of change in selling price and costs on profit.







St. Joseph’s College of Commerce B.B.A. 2015 Income Tax -I Question Paper PDF Download


M1 11 501: INCOME TAX -I
Duration: 3 Hours                                                                                              Max. Marks: 100
I) Answer ALL the questions.  Each carries 2 marks.                                        (10×2=20)
  1. Define Person as per Section 2(31) of Income Tax Act of 1961.
  2. Explain the meaning of Assessee as per the Income tax Act.
  3. A, a resident in India, aged 60 years, earned agricultural income of Rs. 5,00,000 during the previous year 2014-15. Compute his tax liability assuming that he has non-agricultural income of Rs. 2, 70,000.
  4. Name the different types of Provident Fund.
  5. State the provisions of income tax in respect of exemption of Entertainment allowance.
  6. Explain the provisions relating to Section 23(2)(a) in respect of Income under the head house property.
  7. The total income of R for the assessment year 2015-16 is Rs. 1,01,20,000 Compute the tax payable by R for the assessment year 2015-16.
  8. Write a note on the standard deduction as per section 24 (a) under the head house property.
  9. Explain the provisions relating to Interest on borrowed capital
  10. Write a note on the provision relating unrealized rent recovered under the head Income form house property.
II) Answer any FOUR questions.  Each carries 5 marks.                                      (4×5=20)
  11. Compute the tax liability of G who is 62 years old and resident in India for the assessment year 2015-16:

–          Rent of agricultural land Rs. 1,00,000

Land revenue paid to state government Rs. 10,000

Collection charges on recovery of agricultural rent Rs. 5,000

–          Interest on arrears of land revenue received from tenants Rs. 12,000

–          Income from manufacturing business carried on by G Rs. 5,50,000

  12. Mr. Kohli a citizen of India is an export manager of Arjun Overseas Limited, an Indian Company, since 1.5.2010. He has been regularly going to USA for export promotion. He spent the following days in USA for the last five years:

Previous year ended No. of days spent in USA
31.3.2011 318 days
31.3.2012 150 days
31.3.2013 271 days
31.3.2014 310 days
31.3.2015 295 days

Determine his residential status for assessment year 2015-16 assuming that prior to 1.5.2010 he had never travelled abroad.

  13. A earns the following income during the financial year 2014-15:

A Interest paid by an Indian company but received in London 2,00,000
B Pension from former employer in India, received in USA 8,000
C Profits earned form business in Paris which is controlled in India, half of the profits being received in India 40,000
D Income from agriculture in Bhutan and remitted to India 10,000
E Income from property in England and received there 8,000

Determine the total income of A for the assessment year 2015-16 if he is;

(i)                 Resident and ordinarily resident

(ii)              Not ordinarily resident , and

(iii)            Non-resident in India.

  14. Shri Rajesh was employed since 1.1.1983 in a commercial establishment. His salary was fixed at Rs. 14,800 in the grade of Rs. 14,000-400-22,000 with effect from 1.7.2012. He got 15% of his salary as dearness allowance which is treated as salary for computation of retirement benefits. He retired for service on 1.2.2015. He received Rs. 3, 40,000 as gratuity form his employer. Calculate his gross total income under the head salaries for the assessment year 2015-16 if-

(i)                 Payment of Gratuity act 1972 applies,

(ii)              Payment of Gratuity act 1972 does not apply.

  15. R an employee of a company at New Delhi is given the choice of either accepting house rent allowance at Rs. 8250 p.m. or rent free unfurnished accommodation having fair rental value of Rs. 8,250 p.m. if he accepts HRA he will have to pay rent at Rs. 8,250 p.m. himself. His salary other than facility of house or HRA is fixed at 11,000 p.m. which one of the two options should he accept?
  16. The construction of a house property was completed on 28.02.2015. the assessee had taken a loan of Rs. 10,00,000 @ 12% p.a. Compute the deduction of interest for the previous year 2014-15, if the loan was taken on:

(i)                    1.4.2012

(ii)                    1.6.2013

(iii)            1.5.2014



III) Answer any THREE questions.  Each carries 15 marks.                                (3×15=45)                                                                                                 
  17. Shri A.K.Gupta was employed in a factory in Faridabad. He retired on 1.1.2015 after completing a service of 26 years and 5 months. He had been getting a salary of Rs. 23,000 per month and a dearness allowance of Rs. 2,000 per month (forming part of retirement benefits) for the last four years. His pension was determined @ Rs. 9,000 p.m. and 3/4th portion of it was commuted for Rs. 2,70,000. In addition to this he received a gratuity of Rs. 4,00,000 and as per entitlement of 30 days earned leave for each year of service, he also received Rs. 3,00,000 for encashment of earned leave of 12 months during the previous year. Compute gross income from salaries of Shri Gupta for the assessment year 2015-16, assuming he is not covered under the payment of Gratuity Act.
  18. (a)X, a German national came to India for the first time on 1.7.2008. During the period from 1.7.2008 to 31.3.2015, he stayed in India as follows – from 1.7.2008 to 31.10.2008; from 1.5.2009 to 31.10.2009; from 1.11.2010 to 31.12.2010 and from 1.7.2013 to 31.8.2014. Determine the residential status of Mr. X for the assessment year 2015-16.                                                                            (6 Marks)

(b) following are the particulars of taxable income of R for the previous year ended 31.03.2015:

(i) Royalty received from Government of India Rs. 24,000.

(ii) Income from business earned in Afghanistan Rs. 25,000 of which Rs. 15,000 were received in India

(iii) Interest received from G a non-resident against a loan provided to him to run a business in India Rs. 5,000.

(iv) Royalty received in India from S a resident for technical services provided to run a business outside India Rs. 20,000

(v)Income from business in Jaipur Rs. 40,000. This business is controlled from France, Rs. 20,000 were remitted to France.

Find out gross total income of R for assessment year 2015-16, if he is –

(i)                 Resident and ordinarily resident

(ii)              Not ordinarily resident , and

(iii)            Non-resident in India.                                                     (9 Marks)

  19. Mrs. R aged 50 years an executive in X Ltd. In Delhi, gets the following emoluments during the previous year ending 31.3.2015:

Basic salary 30,000 p.m.
Dearness allowance (part of salary for superannuation) 6,000 p.m.
Entertainment allowance 1,500 p.m.
Special allowance 7,000 p.m.
House rent allowance (rent paid by her Rs. 13,000 p.m.) 11,000 p.m.
helper allowance for domestic use 1,000 p.m.
The employer- company provides a Honda city car of 1600 cc for personal use of Mrs. R as well as for official use (employer’s expenditure: Rs. 60,000, depreciation of the car @ 10% Rs. 65,000).
The employer also provides free club facility (expenditure of the employer: Rs. 18,000)
Free lunch (cost being Rs. 90 per day for 100 days.)
Mrs. R is neither a director, nor a shareholder in the employer- company.
Employer’s contribution to recognized provident fund Rs. 4,600 p.m. and she contributes Rs. 5,500 p.m.
Her income from other source Rs. 3,10,000
Interest credited on 31.3.2015 @ 12% in the provident fund account Rs. 36,000
During the year, Mrs. R pays insurance premium of Rs. 4,000 on insurance policy on the life of her mother and Rs. 2,500 on her own life insurance policy (sum assured: Rs. 1,00,000). Premium of Rs. 6,000 on insurance policy on the life of her husband falls due on 23.3.2015, though she pays the same on 13.4.2014. Determine the total income and tax liability of Mrs. R for the assessment year 2015-16.




R and his family members have occupied 3 houses for their residential purpose the houses were constructed by R. the particulars of the houses were as under:-

  House 1


House 2


House 3


Standard rent 30,000 36,000 60,000
Fair rent 36,000 45,000 55,000
Municipal valuation 16,000 30,000 45,000
Municipal taxes paid 2,400 3,000 5,400
Repairs NIL 3,000 6,000
Fire insurance premium:

(i)                 Paid

(ii)              Due but not paid







Ground rent 1,500 4,500


R borrowed Rs. 2, 00,000 @ 10% p.a. for construction of House 3 (date of borrowing 1.4.2008 and date of repayment of loan 11.08.2015).

Construction of all the houses was completed on 1.5.2013. Compute the taxable income of R for assessment year 2015-16. His income for other sources is Rs. 20,000. He has given the option to treat the third house as his self occupied house.

  21. (a) X owns a big house (construction completed on March 31, 2010). The house has three units Unit 1 (50% of the floor area) is let out for residential purpose on monthly rent of Rs. 8,200. Unit 1 remains vacant for 1 month when it is not put to any use. A sum of Rs. 700 could not be collected from the tenant. Unit 2 (25% of the floor area) is used by X for the purpose of his profession, while Unit 3 (the remaining 25 %) is utilized for the purpose of his residence.

Other particulars of the house are as follows:

Municipal valuation: Rs. 60,000, Fair rent: Rs. 70,000, Standard rent: Rs. 90,000, Municipal taxes: Rs. 15,000, repairs: Rs. 4,000, interest on borrowed capital for renewal of the property: Rs. 36,000. Determine the taxable income for the assessment year 2015-16.

(b) X (age: 63 years) owns two houses. Relevant details are given below:

  House 1 House 2
Let out 1.4.2014 to 30.6.2014 (rent being Rs. 6,000 per month) 1.7.2014 to 31.3.2015

(rent being Rs. 13,000 per month)

Self-occupied 1.7.2014 to 31.3.2015 1.4.2014 to 30.6.2014
Municipal valuation per annum Rs. 60,000 Rs. 1,00,000
Fair rent per annum Rs. 70,000 Rs. 95,000
Standard rent per annum Rs. 66,000 Rs. 1,10,000
Rent of let out period Rs. 18,000 Rs. 1,17,000
Interest on borrowed capital Rs. 2,000 Rs. 40,000
Municipal tax paid Rs. 10,000 Rs. 17,000

Find out his net income and tax liability for the assessment year 2015-16.

IV) Case Study                                                                                                                  (1×15=15)                                                                                           
  22. R aged 48 years a director of X Ltd., receives the following emoluments during the previous year ending 31.3.2015: Salary: Rs. 42,000; Bonus: Rs. 2,500; salary in lieu of leave: Rs. 3,000; and entertainment allowance Rs. 2,500. Besides the aforesaid emoluments, his employer provided free gas and water for his domestic use (cost Rs. 8,000), a domestic servant (salary paid by the employer: Rs. 24,000), concessional education facility for his family members in a school maintained by it (cost of education R’s son: Rs. 30,000, amount paid by R Rs. 9,000; R’s dependent sister Rs. 36,000, amount paid by R is Rs. 12,000),   free meals in office ( cost Rs. 30,000 (Rs. 100X300days) ) and free holiday home facility of Manali ( Cost Rs. 20,000). Salary of a personnel attendant (Rs. 12,000) engaged by R is paid by his employer during the year. On 31.3.2015, the employer company sells an air-conditioner for Rs. 5,000 (cost of air-conditioner to the company: Rs. 50,000, date of purchase: 30.7.2010, it is used for business purposes before its transfer to R). R contributes Rs. 6,000 towards recognized provident fund; his employer contributes Rs. 5,000. Further, during the previous year R has deposited Rs. 80,000 in Fixed Deposit for a period of 5 years with SBI as per notified scheme. Determine the taxable income and tax liability of R for the assessment year 2014-15, if income of R from other sources is Rs. 3,00,000.





St. Joseph’s College of Commerce B.B.A. 2015 Retail And Logistic Management (Elective :Marketing) Question Paper PDF Download

Duration: 3 Hours                                                                                             Max. Marks: 100
I) Answer ALL the questions.  Each carries 2 marks.                                        (10×2=20)
  1. Define Retailing.
  2. List the opportunities in retailing.
  3. Name the internal Atmospherics in retail.
  4. What is retail chain? Give example.
  5. Define franchising.
  6. State the freestanding sites.
  7. Bring out the retail pricing objectives.
  8. Define merchandise management.
  9. Write about retail supply chain management.
  10. Mention any three ways to motivate and manage floor managers of a retail store.
II) Answer any FOUR questions.  Each carries 5 marks.                                      (4×5=20)
  11. Discuss the types of retailing.
  12. Write the importance of retailing in Indian economy.
  13. Define service retailing. Explain the characteristics of service retailing.
  14. What are the pricing strategies followed by the retailer.
  15. Enumerate the principles of supply chain management.
  16. State the role of Market Logistics in retail.
III) Answer any THREE questions.  Each carries 15 marks.                                (3×15=45)                                                                                                
  17. Describe in detail the retail trends in India. Write the top ten future retail in India.
  18. Describe in detail the factors influencing retail environment along with their structural changes.
  19. Explain the importance of the location in retail. State the issues in retail location.
  20. Elaborate in detail the steps involved in process of buying merchandise.
  21. Has India reached the growth stage in retail? What would be the social and economic impact of retail development in India? Explain.
IV) Case Study                                                                                                              (1×15=15)                                                                                          

The Lifestyle department store concept founded by Mr. Micky Jagtiani (Landmark Group) based in Dubai is positioned as a trendy, young, colorful and vibrant department store concept. The organization established the concept in India by opening its first Lifestyle store in 1999. The store concept is merchandised by lifestyle apparel in a mix of national and international brands and in-store brands. The fast moving product categories are Shirts, T-Shirts, Woven Tops and Kurtis for Women and the factors that play an important role in aiding consumer buying behaviour are the selection of the right options to place on display in the right mix and in the right prices so that consumers get what they want always. Lifestyle has in addition to its external brands a few exclusive brands as well. Kappa, for example, is one exclusive Italian brand which is offering unique sports and young fashion apparel and accessories for both men and women. The organization’s in-house brands are about 16 in number. Code, Forca, Ginger and Melange are a few key ones in the array. The company retails about 4000 style options per season on apparel alone. The range and assortment offering serves the consumer base in an absolutely honest pricing. The in-house brands are manufactured in exclusive styles with stringent quality standards to ensure customer acceptance.

The organization sources for all its stores in both the Gulf and in India from various countries. The basis of Lifestyle choosing its supplying countries is dependent on the product strength of a particular region, the trade-friendly policies, cost-effectiveness of logistics, etc. which make it viable to source from any country. Choosing a region is a combination of the capability to fulfill global trends and the previous experience. Lifestyle is exploring sourcing opportunities from countries like Nepal, Bangladesh, Sri-Lanka etc., currently. It is reported that Lifestyle’s outsourced production is almost 50% and the organization hence is very keen on working with vendors who share the penchant for quality. The vendor selection criteria followed are:

•          Capability to produce the required product offering

•          Follow the specified quality parameters

•          Fulfill the determined cost objectives and

•          Adhere strictly to dispatch schedules

Lifestyle Stores are present across leading Indian cities and the organization is known for its best practices in vendor management and for its long-standing relationship with its vendors across the globe.


a. Comment on the international sourcing policy of Lifestyle International.

b. What are the key vendor selection criteria at Lifestyle International?



St. Joseph’s College of Commerce B.B.A. 2015 Retail Analytics (Elective :Marketing) Question Paper PDF Download


Duration: 3 Hours                                                                                             Max. Marks: 100
I) Answer ALL the questions.  Each carries 2 marks.                                    (10×2=20)
  1. Define a “category”. Give one example for the same.
  2. Name any 4 benefits of Category Manager to Customer.
  3. Define Traffic Building and Transaction Building Strategy. What is one key difference?
  4. Name the 4 approaches for Category Analysis.
  5. Define Value Sales, Volume Sales and Unit Sales.
  6. Define Expected Normal Sales and Incremental Sales.
  7. What are the 4 Price Tier classifications?
  8. What is Share of Wallet?
  9. What is Assortment and Assortment Planning?
  10. What is Merchandise Management?
II) Answer any FOUR questions.  Each carries 5 marks.                                      (4×5=20)
  11. Total Sales of a product XYZ for 2013 is $25,000. The total sale of the product for 2014 is $30,000. Totally 2500 units of the product was sold in 2014.

  1. What is the price per unit of the product in 2014?
  2. If each unit is of 50ML. How much volume was sold in 2014.
  3. What is the absolute Value Change?
  4. What is the Value% Change for the product?
  5. If the price per unit was exactly same in 2013 as it was in 2014, how many units were sold in 2013?
  12. Name and explain the 4 types of Pricing Policy with example.
  13. Explain any of 5 facts of distribution listed below:

a.                   Numeric Distribution;  b. Weight Distribution;  c. Fair Share;

d. Sales/Store/Week;    e. Speed to Market;   f. Out of Stock Distribution

  14. Name and Explain the 4 stages of Product Life Cycle.
  15. Big Bazaar has to maintain a 3 weeks supply of Sparkling Water in inventory. Average sales are 400 bottles per week. Order interval is 2 week. If current stock on hand is 200 bottles how much should be ordered.
  16. Name and Explain the 3 type of Store Layout.






III) Answer any THREE questions.  Each carries 15 marks.                                (3×15=45)
  17. List and explain any 5 factors which affect the Assortment Planning.
  18. Name and Explain any 5 approaches to Segmentation.
  19. What is RFM stand for and what is its importance? What is the criteria to consider while performing this analysis.
  20. Hotel had 1000 orders per day. 720 orders of Idly + Vada,  820 orders of Idly, 640 orders of Vada. Calculate Frequency, Support, Confidence and Lift  for the rule Idly=>Vada
  21. Explain the below terms:

Market research and Marketing Research

Primary and Secondary Research

Quantitative and Qualitative Research

IV) Case Study                                                                                                              (1×15=15)                                                                                          
  22. You are an Analyst working in a major market research firm. Today’s project is to answer questions of a category manager, Mark, who manages Category A for client Mariko Ltd . He has just taken over the role in the last one week and needs your support. The better you can answer your questions, the better would be the prospect of having more business from his department. You have already retrieved the data extract for your calculations which eventually will help you to answer his questions. Good Luck!

Calculate and fill up all grey cells of Table 1B for submission to Mark along with your analysis (5Marks)

Note:  Attach the table IB along with the answer script


The questions to be answered are below  ( 2 marks per question)


a.      How is the overall Category performing in 2014 vs 2013 and why? Which Brand is driving value growth for Manufacturer C?

b.      Which is the biggest brand for the category? What is its volume share of category? Does it have the lowest unit price among competitors?

c.       Brand S has higher unit sales than brand R but lower volume and value sales. What does this imply in terms of SKU pack size for brand S?

d.     What is the volume share difference between Manf C and B? Who is selling at a higher unit price among these two?

e.      What is the value share AAB and CCD has of their Manf C?










                       TO BE ATTACHED TO THE ANSWER SHEET

Table 1A

Category A ( Year 2013)    
Val Sales Vol Sales ( Kgs) Unit Sales Calculate Price per Unit ($) Calculate Vol Share %
Total Category X  $     543,702.00                 22,899                    95,679  $           5.68 NA
Category A ( Year 2014)  
Val Sales Vol Sales ( Kgs) Unit Sales Calculate Price per Unit ($) Calculate Vol Share %
Total Category X  $     561,803.37                 21,762                    98,638  $           5.70 NA


Table 1B

Category A- Manufacturer and Brand Split for 2014
Please note each Manufacturer is split by their brands respectively
Eg:- P, Q, R and S are brands of Manf A
  Val Sales Vol Sales ( Kgs) Unit Sales Calculate Price per Unit ($) Calculate % Vol Share of Category A
Manf A    ( Total )          
P  $       62,372.32 2,395.2 11,224.9    
Q  $      54,333.46 2,091.6 9,995.3    
R $        51,006.20 1,973.2 7,865.0    
S  $       48,178.76 1,922.6 8,505.8    
Manf B (Total)          
XX  $          55,006.20 2,273.2 9,505.8    
YY  $          50,314.15 1,933.4 8,433.2    
ZZ  $          38,796.60 1,571.6 6,660.1    
Manf C (Total)          
AAB  $          40,201.38 1,574.7 6,846.3    
BBC  $          39,694.35 1,534.1 6,751.5    
CCD  $          35,876.92 1,441.3 6,329.9    
DEE  $          24,309.12 941.4 4,237.3    
Manf D (Total)          
JJJ  $          24,247.75 737.0 5,569.5    
MMM  $          16,479.80 632.5 2,966.0    
NNN  $          11,252.00 398.9 1,998.2    
OOO  $            9,734.36 341.7 1,749.2    







St. Joseph’s College of Commerce B.B.A. 2015 Employee Relations Management (Elective P-I – Hr) Question Paper PDF Download


Duration: 3 Hours                                                                                              Max. Marks: 100
I) Answer ALL the questions.  Each carries 2 marks.                                        (10×2=20)
  1. Define Industrial relations.
  2. Define strikes.
  3. Define stress.
  4. What is internal equity?
  5. What is the formula for calculating gratuity in India?
  6. What is living wage?
  7. State one difference each between lay-off and retrenchment.
  8. What is workers participation in management?
  9. What are quality circles?
  10. What are self-directed teams?
II) Answer any FOUR questions.  Each carries 5 marks.                                      (4×5=20)
  11. What are the objectives  of Workers Participation in Management?
  12. Does collective bargaining promote opposition? Is it the best way of   regulation at workplace? Comment.
  13. List out the benefits under EPF Scheme.
  14. What are some of the career interventions? Explain briefly.
  15. What are the basic components of managerial remuneration?
  16. List out the welfare facilities available to employees according to Factories Act, 1948.
III) Answer any THREE questions. Each carries 15 marks.                                 (3×15=45)                                                                                                 
  17. Identify the approaches from the statements given below. Explain these approaches. Compare the approaches to industrial relations. Which one seems to be more realistic to you?

a. Trade Unions are essentially “outsiders” who have no legitimate presence in the workplace.

b. Potential for conflict is inherent in industrial relationship.

  18. Outline the sources and consequences of stress.
  19. Explain in detail the dispute settlement mechanism as per the Industrial Disputes Act,1947.
  20. Outline the safety measures to be provided by the employers to the employees. Briefly explain them.
  21. What is workplace violence? What should employers do following an incident of workplace violence?


IV) Case Study                                                                                                              (1×15=15)                                                                                          
  22. Accident on the way to office

Since safety of employees is important to most companies in Bangalore both in public and private sector, they provide transport to their employees. Buses, cars, mini buses are engaged in pick up and drop employees from home to workplace and back.


One of the public sector employees, Mr. Nanjappa was walking from his house to the nearest bus stop to board the company’s bus. While he was crossing the road a private car hit him.


He was taken to a hospital with bleeding head injuries and after 2 days he died in the hospital.


The family members of Mr. Nanjappa claimed compensation from the company, though he met with an accident outside the company stating that while he was going to the office he died.



a. Do you think the company should pay compensation to the Employee who  dies outside the company? Yes or No. Give reasons.

b. Is there any law to pay compensation to employees who die or meet with an accident while on the way coming to the office?

c. How do we prove that he was on the way and coming to office only?






















Duration: 3 Hours                                                        Max. Marks: 100
I) Answer ALL the questions.  Each carries 2 marks.                                        (10×2=20)
  1. Define Industrial relations

Acc to Henry Richardson , “ IR are the art of living together for the purpose of production”.


Acc to H.A .Clegg, “ The field of IR includes the study of workers  and their trade unions, management, employers associations and the state institutions  concerned with the  regulation of employment”


  2. Define strikes.

Strike means a cessation of work by a body of persons employed in any industry acting in combination, or a concerted refusal, or a refusal under a common understanding of any number of persons who are or have been so employed to continue to work or to accept employment.

  3. Define stress.

A state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or demanding circumstances.

  4. What is internal equity?

“Internal equity exists when employees in an organization perceive that they are being rewarded fairly according to the relative value of their jobs within an organization”.

  5. What is the formula for calculating gratuity in India?

Gratuity Calculation In India =

[ (Basic Pay + D.A) x 15 days x No. of years of service ] / 26

  6. What is living wage?

A wage which is high enough to maintain a normal standard of living

  7. State one difference each between lay-off and retrenchment.

Lay-off is temporary

Retrenchment is permanent

  8. What is workers participation in management?

According to Keith Davis, “Workers’ participation refers to the mental and emotional involvement of a person in a group situation which encourages him to contribute to group goals and share in responsibility of achieving them”.

  9. What are quality circles?

A group of employees who meet regularly to consider ways of resolving problems and improving production in their organization.

  10. What are self-directed teams?

A self-directed work team (SDWT) is a group of people, usually employees in a company, who combine different skills and talents to work without the usual managerial supervision toward a common purpose or goal. Typically, an SDWT has somewhere between two and 25 members.

II) Answer any FOUR questions.  Each carries 5 marks.                                      (4×5=20)
  11. What are the objectives  of Workers Participation in Management?


The objectives of workers’ participation in management are as follows:


1. To raise level of motivation of workers by closer involvement.

2.  To provide opportunity for expression and to provide a sense of importance to workers.

3.   To develop ties of understanding leading to better effort and harmony.

4.   To act on a device to counter-balance powers of managers.

5.  To act on a panacea for solving industrial relation problems.

  12. Does collective bargaining promote opposition? Is it the best way of   regulation at workplace? Comment.

Based on the students opinion- Yes or NO

Justify based on the same.

Key words expected : Collaboration, win-win situation, conflict,etc

  13. List out the benefits under EPF Scheme.

1. Provident Fund benefits

2. Pension Benefits

3. Withdrawal Benefit

4. Death Benefits

  14. What are some of the career interventions? Explain briefly



Job enrichment

Job enlargement

Learning and development

Developmental job assignments

Coaching/ mentoring

Pay restructuring

Job restructuring


  15. What are the basic components of managerial remuneration?

Basic/ base salary:  fixed compensation paid regularly with periodical increase say once in a year regardless of the rate of growth of the business

Short term incentives: cash paid/ company paid trips and picnics for achieving short terms goals like achieving sales targets for the year

Long term incentives: Stock option plans

Special executive benefits: insurance policies at company cost, health insurance

Benefits: paid leave, health care, survivor’s protection, retirement plans.

Perks : company car, housing, club membership, entertainment, news paper, house maintenance, maid servant’s charges.


  16. List out the welfare facilities available to employees according to Factories Act,1948.

1.Washing facilities and  Facilities for storing and drying clothing

Facilities for sitting

2.First-aid appliances – one first aid box not less than one for every 150 workers

3.Canteens when there are 200 or more workers.

4.Shelters, rest rooms and lunch rooms when there are 75 or more workers.

5.Crèches when there are 30 or more women worker

III) Answer any THREE questions. Each carries 15 marks.                                      (3×15=45)                                                                                                
  17. Identify the approaches from the statements given below. Explain these approaches. Compare the approaches to industrial relations. Which one seems to be more realistic to you?

1. Trade Unions are essentially “outsiders” who have no legitimate presence in the workplace.

2. Potential for conflict is inherent in industrial relationship.


1.Unitary Approach

2.Pluralistic Approach                                                                              

Comparison Basis                                  Unitary                                       

1.Assumptions                    1.Integrated group of people, common interests,values,objectives                                  

2.Nature of conflict             2. Irrational (not expressible)

3.Resolution of conflict      3. Coercion( forcefully)                                                                                      


Comparison Basis                                  Unitary                                       

1.Assumptions                    1.Sectional groups, different values, interests,objectives.                                  

2.Nature of conflict             2. Inevitable,rational, and structural.

3.Resolution of conflict      3. Compromise and agreement            


  Giving opinion on which approach  is better              











Outline the sources and consequences of stress.















  19. Explain in detail the dispute settlement mechanism as per the Industrial Disputes Act,1947

1.Grievance Redressal Committee

Employing  20 or more workers.

The objective of this committee is to solve disputes arising out of individual grievances.

2.Works  Committee

For promoting dialogue between the employer and the workmen and for securing and preserving amity

3.The conciliation officer may be appointed by the government for specified area or specified industries.

Their main duty is to investigate and promote settlement of disputes by inviting the parties to come to a fair and amicable settlement.

4.Government may, as occasion arises, constitute a board of conciliation with an independent person as chairman and equal representatives of the parties concerned as its members.

5.Labour Court

6.Industrial Tribunal


  20. Outline the safety measures to be provided by the employers to the employees. Briefly explain them

Fencing of machinery

Work on near machinery in motion.

Employment prohibition of young persons on dangerous machines.

Striking gear and devices for cutting off power.

Self-acting machines.

Casing of new machinery.

Prohibition of employment of women and children near    cotton-openers

Hoists and lifts.


  21. What is workplace violence?What should employers do following an incident of workplace violence?

Workplace violence is violence or the threat of violence against workers. It can occur at or outside the workplace and can range from threats and verbal abuse to physical assaults and homicide, one of the leading causes of job-related deaths. However it manifests itself, workplace violence is a growing concern for employers and employees nationwide.


1.Encourage employees to report and log all incidents and threats of workplace violence.

2.Provide prompt medical evaluation and treatment after the incident.

3.Report violent incidents to the local police promptly.

4.Inform victims of their legal right to prosecute perpetrators.

5.Discuss the circumstances of the incident with staff members. 6.Encourage employees to share information about ways to avoid similar situations in the future.

7.Offer stress debriefing sessions and post-traumatic counseling services to help workers recover from a violent incident.

8.Investigate all violent incidents and threats,monitor trends in violent incidents by type or circumstance, and institute corrective actions.

9.Discuss changes in the program during regular employee meetings

IV) Case Study                                                                                                              (1×15=15)
  22. Accident on the way to office

Since safety of employees is important to most companies in Bangalore both in public and private sector,they provide transport to their employees .Buses, cars,mini buses are engaged in pick up and drop employees from home to workplace and back.


One of the public sector employees,Mr. Nanjappa was walking from his house to the nearest bus stop to board the company’s bus. While he was crossing the road a private car hit him.


He was taken to a hospital with bleeding head injuries and after 2 days he died in the hospital.


The family members of Mr. Nanjappa claimed compensation from the company,though he met with an accident outside the company stating that while he was going to the office he died.



1.Do you think the company should pay compensation to the Employee who dies outside the company? Yes or No. Give reasons

2.Is there any law to pay compensation to employees who die or meet with an accident while on the way coming to the office?

3.How do we prove that he was on the way and coming to office only?



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