St. Joseph’s College of Commerce M.Com. 2011 II Sem Strategic Human Resource Management Question Paper PDF Download


End Semester APRIL -2011

M.Com. –II Semester  

Strategic Human Resource Management

Duration: 3 Hours.                                                                                                         Max Marks: 100

Section – A

  1. Answer ALL Questions. Each question carries 2 marks. (10 x 2 = 20)
  2. What are the strategic human resource challenges?
  3. Explain the concept of human capital with help of a suitable example.
  4. Why is job analysis considered as a valuable source of information for HRP?
  5. Write briefly on the techniques of selection.
  6. What are the objectives of career planning?
  7. What are the effects of alcoholism and substance abuse on employees?
  8. What are the different criteria of measuring performance?
  9. Write a note on ESOPs?
  10. Explain the term sensitivity training?
  11. What is meant by e-Recruitment?

Section – B

  1. Answer any FOUR. Each question carries FIVE marks.       (4X5=20)           


  1. Explain briefly the importance of a strategy oriented HR Management system.
  2. What is job description? Discuss its purpose.
  3. Write a note on strategic issues in Recruitment.
  4. What are the problems involved in career planning?
  5. What are fringe benefits. Write a note on the reasons and concerns for implementing fringe


  1. Write a note on violence at work place. Suggest measures to avoid


Section – C

III. Answer any THREE. Each question carries 15 marks              (3X15=45)                                                                                                           

  1. Explain the concept and features of HR planning? What is the need for integrating HR planning with overall strategic planning? What are the difficulties that arise during implementation of HR plan?
  2. Suppose you are the HR manager of a big enterprise and some senior position vacancies arise. It is proposed to fill these positions internally. Do you agree with the proposal; why or why not? State the merits and demerits of internal as well as external sources of recruitment.
  3. Discuss ethics in HR management. Write on the importance of ethics in the work place and factors shaping ethical behaviour at work.


  1. What are the causes and forms of industrial disputes? What are the methods of prevention and settling industrial disputes?
  2. What are the Occupational hazards and risks? Explain the protective measures proposed against health hazards? What are the statutory provisions to be adopted to avert the ill effects of health hazards?

Section – D

  1. Compulsory Case Study                 (1 x 15 = 15)
  2. The New Pay Plan

Carter cleaning Centers does not have a formal wage structure nor does it have rate ranges or use compensable factors. Wage rates are based mostly on those prevailing in the surrounding community and are tempered with an attempt on the part of Jack Carter to maintain some semblance of equity between what workers with different responsibilities in the stores are paid.

Needless to say, Carter does not make any formal surveys when determining what his company should pay. He pursues the want ads almost everyday  and conducts informal surveys among his friends  in the local  chapter of the laundry  and cleaners trade association. While Jack has taken a “seat-of-the-pants” approach to paying employees, his salary schedule has been guided by several basic pay policies. While many of his colleagues adhere to a policy of paying absolutely minimum rates, Jack has always followed a policy of paying his employees about !0% above what he feels are the prevailing rates, a policy that he believes reduce turnover while fostering employee loyalty. Of somewhat more concern to Jennifer is her father’s informal policy of paying men about 20% more than women for the same job. Her father’s explanation is, “They’re stronger and can work harder for longer hours, and besides they all have families to support”.


  1. Is the company at the point where it should be setting up a formal salary structure based on a complete job evaluation? Why?
  2. Is Jack Carters policy of paying 10% more than the prevailing rates a sound one, and how could that be determined?
  3. Similarly, is Carters male-female differential, wise and if not, why not?
  4. Specifically what would you suggest Jennifer do now with respect to her company’s pay plan?


St. Joseph’s College of Commerce M.Com. 2012 II Sem Strategic Human Resource Management Question Paper PDF Download


St. Joseph’s College of Commerce (autonomous)

End Semester Examination – April 2012

M.Com – II Semester

Strategic Human Resource Management

Time: 3 hours                                                                                                                Max. Marks: 100

Section – a

  1. I) Answer ALL the following questions. Each carries 2 marks.                           (10×2=20)


  1. What do you mean by Broad banding?
  2. Define Job analysis.
  3. State any two consequences of stress.
  4. Distinguish between job instruction and vestibule training.
  5. What is Projection?
  6. What is BARS?
  7. Define ‘Industrial accident’.
  • Enumerate any two characteristics of a learning organization.
  1. Give 4 examples of perquisites.
  2. Explain E-appraisal.


Section – b


  1. II) Answer any FOUR questions from the following:                     (4 x 5= 20)


  1. Critically analyze the hiring considerations for BPO firms.
  2. Define strategy and strategic management. Explain any two business strategies.
  3. What are the legal issues in performance management?
  4. What are the principles of wage fixation?
  5. Enumerate the different steps involved in collective bargaining.
  6. Explain the advantages and limitations of job evaluation as a basis for fixing wages and salaries.

Section – c


          III) Answer any THREE questions from the following:                                           (3×15=45)


  1. Some of the modern industries still follow the traditional techniques of performance appraisal. Do you think this system is apt? Defend your argument with reasoning. Explain any 5 traditional methods of performance appraisal.
  2. Explain the different steps of a grievance procedure?
  3. “Although nothing can be done about the past performance, the future and perhaps even the present performance can be made excellent provided proper

care is taken today to plan for the quantity and quality of tomorrow’s manpower.”Elucidate.

  1. Explain the functions of trade unions. Why do unions need security? What is the reason behind employees joining trade unions?
  2. What are the modern sources and techniques of recruitment?




Section – d

22.  Case Study  – Compulsory question.                                                                           (15marks)


Bharat Hotel Group is a family-owned hotel chain with-four major hotels in Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai and Bangalore. The hotels on the whole have 700 rooms and there are 50-60 employees in each hotel. A key strategy of the hotel‘s MD Ashok Rai was to offer high-class accommodation and facilities to generate revenue and business all round the year. Currently, the hotel offers different facilities like an outdoor terrace and pool, two bars, a leisure club for guests and members and a conference suite of function rooms. Apart from these, it also has two restaurants  out of which one is a high class restaurant which provides, lunch and dinner and another a snacks restaurant which offers light meals.


To improve the revenue and service strategy, the MD and senior management reviewed a few aspects of work. Firstly they reviewed their management approach and style. Under the guidance of the General Manager (GM), each branch was assigned program targets for success. These included the quality and standards of performance, excellence in customer service, hygiene, health and safety in each hotel, and maintaining the ambiance of the hotel. To do all this it was essential how the management handled employee communication and the contribution of the employees towards the organization’s success. To involve the whole organization in framing plans and policies, the management cascaded the business plan down to the general managers, each of whom produced an ”operational plan‘ for his respective hotel unit. Departmental heads then produced their own departmental plans and these were all communicated to all departmental staff. In addition, all the staff received a copy of the business plan. All these plans were integrated and a suitable plan of action was prepared.


Based on this, the GM and department Manager of each hotel became responsible for designing and implementing training needs. A Group Training Officer was appointed, who would report to the Group HR Manager. The main tasks of the Group Training Officer   included coordinating the analysis of training needs, evaluating training activities and ensuring that it was followed up afterwards and to act as a supporter and training facilitator for the manager of each hotel. The HR Manager made use of technology successfully by uploading the training materials on the
Internet, so that the managers and the staff could use a browser to access the materials via the group intranet. Training needs were linked to business objectives by focusing on standards of performance for meeting service quality objectives. Moreover, all the managers were trained to carry-out staff performance reviews. This was done by each head of department working individually with his or her staff to agree upon the standards of performance relating to service quality. In addition, each member of the staff described his/her job role, the key result areas and yardsticks for measuring performance, and the methods through which his/her performance could be improved. Moreover, for the benefit of the employees, a staff handbook was prepared as a guide. The guide included codes of quality service and employee conduct. Several training courses were made mandatory for all the staff. The training classes were run by departmental managers who also received training. The aim of this training program was two-fold: to make training a routine task in the organization and to bring about a sense of commitment to them. This could help in making the staff realize that excellence in performance, competence and learning is valued and necessary.

The results of all these activities became slowly visible. The company‘s gross profits increased by 34 percent.


  1. What are the training needs of the employees at Bharath Hotel? (7 marks)
  2. Technology can be useful for delivering training effectively. How did the HR
    Manager of Bharat Hotels utilize the Internet in training and what are the
    advantages of using Internet based training?  (8 marks)


St. Joseph’s College of Commerce M.Com. 2013 II Sem Strategic Human Resource Management Question Paper PDF Download


End Semester EXAMINATIONS – APRIL 2013 – ii semester

Strategic Human Resource Management

Duration: 3 Hrs                                                                                                Max. Marks: 100


  1. Answer any seven of the following.                           (7×5=35)
  2. Answer True or False in the following;

(a). Organizations are not static things and changes constantly takes place in the environment in which business operates.

(b). SHRM is concerned with analysing the opportunities and threats existing in the external environment.

(c).  A large firm active in a number of industries may adopt a combination strategy.

(d).  One of the main objectives of providing Fringe Benefits and Service Programmes  is  to recruit and retain the best talents.

(e). “Minimum Wage” and “Living Wage” do not differ in their meaning.

  1. Define the term Strategy. Give the features of Strategy.
  2. Give the reasons for Industrial disputes.
  3. Give the meaning of the terms  (a) E-HRM,   (b). Compensation.
  4. “Safety measures implemented in the organizations will succeed only when employees at all levels are educated in safety methods and procedures adopted in the organizations”. Highlight the Activities involved in “safety education and training” programmes.
  5. Explain the (a)Time-Rate and     (b)Piece rate system of wage payment
  6. Explain some of the causes of Fatigue.
  7. What do you mean by HR Management? State its objectives.
  8. Explain the meaning of Work Environment. Explain the factors which influences work environment.
  9. Explain Requisites for an effective PerformanceAppraisal .


  1. Answer any three of the following:                    (3×15=45)
  2. What is E-Recruitment? Give its advantages. Also explain the Centralized and Decentralized form of Recruitment.
  3. “HR managers have adopted a proactive approach in this current trend of revolutionary changes in the business.” Explain the major challenges before HR manager. Also explain the ethical issues involved in HRM.
  4. Explain the meaning of Strategic Human Resource Management. Explain its merits and demerits.
  5. Give the benefits of training. What do you mean by Training need analysis/assessment. Explain the three levels at which need assessment is carried out.
  6. What do you mean by Industrial Accidents? Explain the causes of industrial accidents and the ways of avoiding Industrial accidents.


  • CASE STUDY – Compulsory question. (1×20=20)

Mr.Naik, AGM Materials is fuming and fretting. He bumped into Mr.Kamath, GM Materials, threw the resignation letter on his table, shouted  and walked out of the room swiftly.

Naik has reasons for his sudden outbursts. Perhaps, details of the story will tell why he put in his papers, barely four months after he took up his present assignment.

The year was 2005 when Naik quit the prestigious SAIL plant at Vishakhapatnam. As a manager materials, Naik enjoyed powers- he could even place an order for materials worth Rs. 25 lakhs. He needed nobody’s prior approval.

Naik joined a pulp-making plant located at Harihar in Karnataka, as AGM Materials. The plant is a part of the multi-product and multiplant-conglomerate owned by a prestigious business house in India. Obviously, perks, designation and reputation of the conglomerate lured Naik away from the public sector steel monolith.

When he joined the eucalyptus pulp making company, little did Naik realised that he needed  the prior approval to place an order for materials worth Rs. 12 lakhs. He had presumed that he had the authority to place an order by himself worth half the amount of what he used to do at the mega steel maker. He placed the order, materials arrived, were received, accepted and used up in the plant.

Trouble started when the bill for Rs. 12 lakhs came from the vendor. The accounts department withheld payment for the reason that the bill was not endorsed by Kamath. Kamath refused to sign on the bill as his approval was not taken by Naik before placing the order.

Naik felt fumigated and cheated. A brief encounter with Kamath only aggravated the problem. Naik was curtly told that he should have known company rules before venturing .Naik decided to quit.

Q.16.  Does the company have an Orientation programme ?if yes, how effective is it.?

  1. 17. If you were Naik what would have you done?









St. Joseph’s College of Commerce M.Com. 2014 II Sem Strategic Human Resource Management Question Paper PDF Download





Duration: 3 Hrs                                                                                     Max. Marks: 100


Section – A


  1. Answer any SEVEN questions. Each question carries 5 marks.       (7×5=35)
  2. State True or False for  the following statements.  If false, correct the statement.
  3. Human resource management is the same as personnel management.
  4. Human resource planning includes preparing a replacement chart.
  5. Job description describes important details of an employee’s compensation.
  6. E recruitment is suitable for all  kind of companies.
  7. Convention on the Rights of the Child relating to child labour is an ILO convention.


  1. Explain the concept of Strategic HRM in the context of growing organizations.
  2. Describe the environmental factors that influence human resource management.
  3. Explain the difference between recruitment and placement.
  4. What are the different methods employed to do a job analysis?
  5. State the different forms of work place violence?
  6. What are the guiding principles of wage fixation?
  7. Mention the ethical issues facing an HR manager?
  8. What are the consequences of substance abuse at work place?
  9. How can safety at workplace be ensured by the HR manager?


Section – B


  1. Answer any three Each carries 15 marks. (3×15=45)


  1. Describe the process of human resource planning. Relate it to the environmental factors affecting an organization.
  2. Discuss the principles of training and development in an organization. What may be the training needs of experienced employees vis a vis fresh recruits in an organization?
  3. Discuss the elements of Performance Management and what are the most common errors encountered while rating performance? What are the legal issues involved in performance appraisal?
  4. Explain in detail the various components and processes of wage fixation. What difficulties are encountered regarding the same?
  5. Examine the reasons for industrial disputes in recent times. What are the ways of resolving disputes involving trade unions?


Section – C

  • Compulsory Case study                                                                  (1 x 20 = 20)


  1. More women than ever are in the workplace. Women have made enormous advancements in education and professionally especially over the last 20 years. However not only do women on average earn less than men, they also seemed to have hit the so called “Glass Ceiling.” in trying to obtain top level positions and are subject to sexual harassment at work place. Rekha is well educated and is employed as the customer relations manager. Her assignment as a customer service manager was to conduct studies on the different kinds of customer complaints that were recurring and arrive at some conclusions and suggestions to reduce their recurrence. After a thorough job of the task assigned to her for which she was praised, she hoped to move up the ladder to become a senior manager in the organization.  However for reasons not explained, she was denied a promotion as the management assumed that since she was 32 she would be married soon.   When she came to know of this assumption on which the decision was taken, she was put into a confused state to decide whether to continue with the organization or not. She now recalled the sexual politics that she had to encounter when her senior manager, a married, middle-aged man made comments with sexual overtones to her and that she often felt humiliated but could not do much to over come it. This denial of promotion was the last straw and the organization lost a dedicated and sincere worker.



  1. “Glass Ceiling” is indeed prevalent and a serious shortcoming in the workplace.


  1. Does the fields women work in affect their climb in the ladder? Give reasons.
  2. Do you agree that women in management will have some advantage with their typical ‘Feminine Style of Management’? Give reasons to support your answer with reference to the case study.
  3. What would have been the role of an exit interview in this case?
  4. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&




Scheme of valuation


(Affiliated to Bangalore University)

Strategic Human Resource Management

End Semester Examinations – April  2014

M.Com. & MIB


Duration: 3 Hrs                                                             Max. Marks: 100


Section – A


Answer any SEVEN questions ( out of TEN)      7 x 5  = 35

  1. F,T,F,F,F
  1. guide and align philosophy, tactical planning and practice with the strategic and long term goals of the organization specially in the context of changing business environment focus on human capitalformation and management
  2. Internal and external factors- technology, competition, political economic, sociological internal unions, culture of orgn , leadership, quality of labor
  3. Recruitmentprocess of attracting, screening, selecting, a  qualified person for a  job, Placement proper positioning of an employee, task compensation and incentives
  4.   Job analysis Observation, interview, critical incidents, workshops, diary
  5. Physical assault, threatening behavior or verbal .Verbal harassment, abusive and offensive language, discourteous conduct towards superiors and subordinate at workplace including sexual harassment

7 . Internal equity -difficult jobs pay more, external equity- similar job paid elsewhere, individual equity-  equal pay for equal work

  1. Discrimination and Harassment, privacy in employee relations including hiring, firing, compensation, benefits and leaves,diversity and safety

9.Los of productivity, violence, insubordination

10.Organsing and  Providing training on safety procedures


Section – B

Answer any THREE  out of FIVE                          3 x 15   = 45

  1. Meaning, Organization strategies, internal and external envt factors, forecasting, need of the organization, survey availability of people, make suitable plans for the future
  2. To reduce randomness of work and behavioral patterns and align them to organization needs and culture. principles-openness, collaborations, trust, authenticity, proactive, autonomy and conformation. Experienced employee needs different from freshers- new managerial, leadership welfare, succession planning, and performance appraisal, grievance redressal, trade union related. fresher aligning values, attitudes, knowledge skills and behavior to that of the organization
  3. a scientifically based, data-oriented management system. It consists of three primary elements-measurement, feedback and positive reinforcement. Subjectiveness, lack of follow-up, Improper preparation, poor Pay, promotion, training, transfer and termination-common target of legal disputes by employees involving charges of unfairness and bias. documentation, biases effect of recent performance, poor interview
  4. wages . bonus,gratuity and allowances, inflation rate, experience qualification
  5. Mediation, voluntary and a compulsory arbitration board, tribuanals






St. Joseph’s College of Commerce M.Com. 2015 II Sem Strategic Human Resource Management Question Paper PDF Download





Duration: 3 Hrs                                                                                      Max. Marks: 100 


Section – A


  1. Answer any SEVEN questions. Each question carries 5 marks.       (7×5=35)


  1. State True or False for the following statements. If false, correct the statement.
  2. Strategic human resource management is the process by which managers design the components of a human resource system to be consistent with each other.
  3. Performance assessment evaluates which employees need training and development and what type of skills or knowledge they need to acquire.
  4. In determining pay levels, managers should take their organization’s strategy into account.
  5. Personality tests assess the degree to which job applicants have the necessary skills for successful job performance.
  6. The objective of compensation practices is to help the organization establish and maintain a competent and loyal workforce at any cost.


  1. Why do employers turn to private employment agencies for assistance in recruiting?
  2. What is a management assessment center? How is it beneficial to organizations?
  3. Explain the difference between recruitment and selection.
  4. Identify at least five positive reinforcement rewards that a manager could use on a day-to-day basis to reward employees.
  5. What is validity? How are tests validated?
  6. State the reasons for the ineffectiveness “ on the job training”. What measure can organizations take to ensure increased effectiveness?
  7. Mention the ethical issues facing an HR manager?
  8. Describe the cultural factors that impact human resource management.
  9. How can safety at workplace be ensured by the HR manager?







Section – B


  1. Answer any three Each carries 15 marks. (3×15=45)


  1. How does job analysis support human resource management activities? Briefly describe any two methods commonly used for gathering job analysis data.
  2. What is the purpose of employee orientation? In a brief essay, discuss how mobile devices, such as iPhones, are used by firms to facilitate both employee orientation and employee training
  3. Discuss the elements of Performance Management and Critically examine the system of forced distribution in performance management
  4. What is the difference between wage and salary? What are the various components and processes involved in determinations of an individual’s wage?
  5. What is a trade union? In case of a trade dispute what are the various mechanisms organizations adopt to resolve it.


Section – C

  • Compulsory Case study                                                                  (1 x 20 = 20)


Inserting the Team Concept into compensation – or not


In his new position at Hathaway Manufacturing, one of the first things Sandy Caldwell wanted to do was improve productivity through teamwork at every level of the firm. As the new human resource manager for the suburban plant, sandy set out to change the culture to accommodate the team-based approach he had become so enthusiastic about in his most recent position.


Sandy started by installing the concept of team management at the highest level, to oversee the operations of the entire plant. The new management team consisted of manufacturing, distributing, planning, technical and human resource plant managers. Together they developed a new vision for the 500-employee facility, which they expressed in the simple phrase “Excellence Together.” They drafted a new mission statement for the firm that focused on becoming customer driven and team based, and that called upon employees to raise their level of commitment and being acting as “owners” of the firm.


The next step was to convey the team message to employees throughout the company. The communication process went surprisingly well, and Sandy was happy to see his idea of a “workforce of owners” begin to take shape.


Team trained together, developed production plans together, and embraced the technique of 360-degree feedback, in which an employee’s performance evaluation is obtained from supervisors, subordinates, peers, and internal or external customers. Performance and morale improved, and productivity began to tick upward. The company even sponsored occasional celebrations to reward team achievements, and the team structure seemed firmly in place.


Sandy decided to change one more thing. Hathaway’s long-standing policy had been to give all employees the same annual pay increase. But Sandy felt that in the new team environment, outstanding performance should be the criterion for pay raises. After consulting with CEO Regina Cioffi, Sandy sent a memo to all employees announcing the change to team-based pay for performance.


The reaction was immediate and 100% negative. None of the employees was happy with the change, and among their complaints, two stood out. Frist, because the 360-degree feedback system made everyone responsible in part for someone else’s performance evaluation, no one was comfortable with the idea that pay raises might also be linked to peer input. Second, there was a widespread perception that the way the change was decided upon, and the way it was announced, put the firm’s commitment to team effort in doubt. Simply put, employees felt left out of the decision process.


Sandy and Regina arranged a meeting for early the next morning. Sitting in her office, they began a painful debate. Should the new policy be rescinded as quickly as it was adopted, or should it be allowed to stand?




  1. Does the pay-for-performance plan seem like a good idea? Why or why not?
  2. What advice would you give Regina and Sandy as they consider their decision?
  3. What mistakes did they make in adopting and communication the new salary plan? How might Sandy have approached this major compensation change a little differently?
  4. Assuming the new pay plan is eventually accepted, how would you address the fact that in the new performance evaluation system, employee’s input affects their peers’ pay levels?



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