AHIRWAR, SHRI NATHU RAM, B.A., (Cong.) Madhya Pradesh-Tikamgarh – (Res.Sch. Castes)—1971, Son of Shri Ram Das Ahirwar; b. at Village Bhamora, District Tikamgarh, July 1, 1923; ed. at Primary School, Kachneo, Middle School, Katera, Government Inter College and Bundelkhand College, Jhansi; m. Shrimati Yashoda Bai; 6 s. and 1 d.; Agriculturist; served in the Military Post Office and the Civil Posts and Telegraphs Department upto February 20, 1956; resigned from service to join politics; Member, Secondary Education Committee, Madhya Pradesh, 1958-63; Member, Madhya Pradesh Legislative Assembly, 1957-62; Member, Fourth Lok Sabha, 1967-70.
Social activities.—Uplift of Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and landless labourers; running a Higher Secondary School at Teharka Tikamgarh; Vice-President, Degree College, Newari, Tikamgarh.
Favourite pastime and recreation.—Reading.
Special interests.—Abolition of caste system and untouchability; helping landless labourers, poor and down-trodden people.
Permanent address.—Village Bhamora, P.O. Ghugsi, District Tikamgarh, Madhya Pradesh.