Shri Nelavala Subrahmanyam Member of Parliament (MP) from Tirupathi-SC (Andhra Pradesh) Biodata

Name of Member: Shri Nelavala Subrahmanyam

Political Party: Indian National Congress

Constituency & State: Tirupathi-SC (Andhra Pradesh)

Lok Sabha Experience: 11

Biographical Sketch
Member of Parliament
XI Lok Sabha


Father's Name	:   Shri Venkata Subbaiah

Date of Birth	:   1 July 1954

Place of Birth	:   Vill. Bheemavaram in Distt. Nellore (Andhra Pradesh)

Marital Status	:   Married on 11 December 1980

Spouse's Name	:   Smt. Nelavala Amruthasarala

Children	:   Two sons and one daughter

Educational Qualifications :
Educated at S.K.R. Government College, Gudur, Nellore and S.V. University, 
Tirupathi (Andhra Pradesh)

Profession :
   Agriculturist, Trade Unionist and Banker

Permanent Address :
   Vill. and P.O. Bheemavaram, Mandal Naidupet, 
      Distt. Nellore-524001 (Andhra Pradesh)
Tel. (08574) 52092

Positions Held :
1981-84Village Sarpanch, Bheemavaram
General Secretary, Youth Congress (I), Distt. Nellore (Andhra Pradesh)
1996Elected to Lok Sabha (Eleventh)

Social and Cultural Activities :
Actively worked against atrocities on the downtrodden people

Special Interests :
   Social service and banking activities

Favourite Pastime and Recreation :

Sports and Clubs :
   Football and carrom

Other Information :

Branch Manager, Regional Rural Bank, Periyakirai Grameena Bank, Gudur, Distt. Nellore, 1984 till March 1996

Election Result :
Tirupathi-SC Lok Sabha constituency
Total electorate	12,08,638
Total votes polled	 7,58,791
Votes polled in favour of the
first four leading candidates :
(1) Shri Nelavala Subrahmanyam 		(I.N.C.)	3,44,738
(2) Shri Gali Rajasree 			(T.D.P.)	2,92,406
(3) Shri M. Murugaiah 		[N.T.R.T.D.P. (LP)]	  79,915
(4) Shri Kadiveti Pattabhi 		(B.J.P.)	  13,315


These Biodata of present and past Members of Parliament are taken from Also any reference to the location of a particular State, or Country in the bio-profile of Members (particularly in the columns ‘place of birth’ or ‘Educated at’) is given by the Members themselves while filling up of the Proforma after their election to the Lok Sabha. Any discrepancy in data should be brought to our notice for correction. Our Email: [email protected]

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Shri Pasala Penchalaiah Member of Parliament (MP) from Tirupathi-SC (Andhra Pradesh) Biodata

Name of Member: Shri Pasala Penchalaiah

Political Party: Congress (I)

Constituency & State: Tirupathi-SC (Andhra Pradesh)

Lok Sabha Experience: 7

7th Lok Sabha
Members Bioprofile

PENCHALAIAH, SHRI PASALA, B.Sc, B.L.  [Congress (I)—Andhra Pradesh, Tirupathi (Res. Sch. Castes), 1980]  s. of late Shri Pasala Gangaiah; b. at Thummur Village, Sublumpet Taluk, Nellore District, October 9, 1940; ed. at Sri Venkateswara University; also trained in Mass Communication Institute, New Delhi; m. Smt. P. Gnanavathi; 1 d.; District Public Relations Officer, Andhra Pradesh for 14 years; President, (i) District Harijan Youth Congress, 1962-64, (ii) Scheduled Castes Welfare Association, Nellore District, Andhra Pradesh, 1974-76; Coordinator, Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Backward Classes and Minorities, Ongole, Andhra Pradesh; 1976-79.  

Favourite pastime and recreation : Agriculture and reading papers.  

Special interests : Journalism.  

Publications : ‘PINAKINI’, Magazine, Nellore District, Andhra Pradesh; also contributes articles.  

Permanent address : Thummur Village, via Naidupet, Nellore District, Andhra Pradesh.



These Biodata of present and past Members of Parliament are taken from Also any reference to the location of a particular State, or Country in the bio-profile of Members (particularly in the columns ‘place of birth’ or ‘Educated at’) is given by the Members themselves while filling up of the Proforma after their election to the Lok Sabha. Any discrepancy in data should be brought to our notice for correction. Our Email: [email protected]

Important Links:

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Shri C. Dass Member of Parliament (MP) from Tirupathi-SC (Andhra Pradesh) Biodata

Name of Member: Shri C. Dass

Political Party: Congress

Constituency & State: Tirupathi-SC (Andhra Pradesh)

Lok Sabha Experience: 3,4

4th Lok Sabha
Members Bioprofile

DASS, SHRI C. Cong., [Andhra Pradesh— Tirupati (Reserved—Sch. Castes)—1967):  s. of Shri C. Bhushayya; b. at Chalicheemala Palle, Distt. Chittoor, June 7, 1922; Widower: 3 g and 2 d.; Congress worker and Organiser ; Charkha Sangham, Madanapalli. 1942—52; took part in the 1942 Quit India movement and suffered imprisonment: took part in the liberation struggle of Mysore in 1947 and led the second batch of Satyagrahis from Chittoor District; General Secretary. Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Association, Madanapalli; Member, (1) Panchayat Samiti, Madanapalli; (2) Zila Parishad, Chittoor; (3) Andhra Pradesh Ryot-Kooli Sangham; (4) T.T. Devasthanam, Tirupati 1963—1966; (5) Committee on eradication of untouchability and Economic and Educational Uplift of the Scheduled Castes, Government of India; (6) Central Harijan Board. Government of India; Member. Third Lok Sabha, 1962—67.

Social activities:  Interested in Harijan uplift, started six Harijan hostels in Chittoor District and  founded the Harijan Hostels, Madanapalli in 1946.

Hobbies:  Khadi spinning and weaving. 

Special interests:   Harijan uplift.

Permanent address:  3/92, T. N- V. Reddi Street, Madanapalli, P.O. Chittoor District (A.P.).

These Biodata of present and past Members of Parliament are taken from Also any reference to the location of a particular State, or Country in the bio-profile of Members (particularly in the columns ‘place of birth’ or ‘Educated at’) is given by the Members themselves while filling up of the Proforma after their election to the Lok Sabha. Any discrepancy in data should be brought to our notice for correction. Our Email: [email protected]

Important Links:

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Shri Thamburu Balakrishniah Member of Parliament (MP) from Tirupathi-SC (Andhra Pradesh) Biodata

Name of Member: Shri Thamburu Balakrishniah

Political Party: Congress

Constituency & State: Tirupathi-SC (Andhra Pradesh)

Lok Sabha Experience: 5,6


6th Lok Sabha
Members Bioprofile

BALAKRISHNIAH, SHRI T., B.A., B.L., Congress, [Andhra Pradesh—Tirupathi (Res. Sch. Castes)— 1977]:  s. of Shri Chinna Swamy Tambura; b. at Karvetnagar Village, Chittoor District, December 11, 1928; ed. at Board of Higher Elementary School, Karvetnagar; P.M. High School and Sri Venkateswara College, Tirupathi and Madras Law College, Madras; m. Smt. T. Meenakshamma, February, 1951; 1 s. and 8 d.; Advocate and Agriculturist; Member, Zila Parishad; Vice-president of the Students Congress Committee of Chittoor District, 1945-46; Member, Senate of S.V. University, Tirupathi; Member, Andhra Pradesh Legislative Assembly, 1962-67 and several committees of State Legislature; Member, (i) Fifth Lok Sabha, 1971-77, (ii) Public Accounts Committee, 1976-77, (iii) Select Committee on (a) Advocates (Amendment) Bill and (b) Code of Civil Procedure (Amendment) Bill and (iv) Consultative Committee, Planning; presently Member, (i) Committee on the Welfare of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes and (ii) Committee on Absence of Members.

Social activities:  Uplift of Harijans and backward people.

Favourite pastime and recreation:  Walking reading and writing.

Special interests:  Music and gardening.

Permanent address:  2-1-47/A.S.P. Bungalow Road, Chittoor, Andhra Pradesh.

These Biodata of present and past Members of Parliament are taken from Also any reference to the location of a particular State, or Country in the bio-profile of Members (particularly in the columns ‘place of birth’ or ‘Educated at’) is given by the Members themselves while filling up of the Proforma after their election to the Lok Sabha. Any discrepancy in data should be brought to our notice for correction. Our Email: [email protected]

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