CHETTIAR, SHRI T. S. AVINASHILINGAM, B.A., B.L., Cong. (Madras—Tiruppur—1952): S. of Shri K. Subramania Chettiar; B. Tiruppur, Coimbatore District, May 5, 1903; ed. London Mission High School, Coimbatore, Pachiappa’s College and Law College, Madras; Politician and Educationist; Comes of a philanthropic family of Merchants and Bankers; Left practice in 1930 and participated in Salt Satyagraha Movements led by Mahatma Gandhi; Suffered imprisonment for participating in freedom movements in 1930, 1932, 1941 and 1942; President, D.C.C., 1930—46; Member, Legislative Assembly, (Central), 1935—45; Elected to Madras Legislative Assembly, 1946; Minister for Education, Government of Madras, 1946— 49; introduced Basic Education and re-organised Secondary Education in Madras; Founder, Sri Ramakrishna Mission Vidyalaya (1930) containing a residential High School, Teachers’ Training College, Basic Training School, Post-graduate Centre in Basic Education, School of Engineering, Rural Service Centre, etc.; Founder, Tamil Academy (Tamil Valarchi Kazhakam) which is preparing the first Encyclopedia in Tamil; Founder-Chairman, College of Karnatic Music, Madras; Believer in the ideas of Sri Ramakrishna, Swami Vivekananda and Mahatma Gandhi.
Publications: “India Porulathra Nool”; “Thirukethara Yathirai”; “Kuzhanthai Valara”; “Vazhkayin Adipadai”; and “Nan Kanda Mahatma”; Translated (Tamil) “Education” and “Lectures from Colombo to Almora” by Swami Vivekananda.
Permanent address: Sri Ramakrishna Mission Vidyalaya, Sri Ramakrishna Vidyalaya P.O., Coimbatore District.