Shri Chalakka R. Iyyunni Member of Parliament (MP) from Trichur (Travancore-Cochin) Biodata

Name of Member: Shri Chalakka R. Iyyunni

Political Party: Congress

Constituency & State: Trichur (Travancore-Cochin)

Lok Sabha Experience: 1

First Lok Sabha
Members Bioprofile

 IYYUNNI, SHRI Chalakka R., M.A., B.L., Cong. (Travancore-Cochin— Trichur—1952): S. of Shri Rappayi; B. October 15, 1890; ed. at C.M.S. High School, Trichur, Maharaja’s College, Ernakulam, Madras Christian College, Madras, Law College, Trivandrum; m. in 1918; 2 S. and 5 D.; Advocate; Promoter of banking institutions such as Catholic Syisan Bank Ltd., Malabar Bank, Cochin Reserve Bank, Indian Insurance and Banking Corporation; Chairman, Trichur Municipality; President, Trichur Bar Association; President, Civil Liberties Union; Chairman, Managing Committee, Indo-Mercantile Bank; Minister of Revenue, Cochin State; Ex-M.L.A., Travancore-Cochin State; Member, Kerala P.C.C.; Member, Cochin D.C.C., Parliamentary Board and Public Relations Committee, Travancore-Cochin State.

Hobbies: Reading and Banking.

Recreation: Card Playing.

Permanent address: Advocate, Trichur, Travancore-Cochin State.

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