AGARWAL, SHRI SHRIMAN NARAYAN, M.A. (Eng.), M.A.(Eco.), F.R. Econ. S. (London), Cong. (Madhya Pradesh— Wardha—1952): S. of Babu Dharam Narayan Agarwal; B. at Etawah, Uttar Pradesh, June 15, 1912; ed. at A. P. Mission High School, Mainpuri, Agra College, Agra, and University of Allahabad; m. Shrimati Madalsa Devi Agarwal, July 11, 1937; 2 S.; Principal, Seksaria College of Commerce, Wardha; Undertook an educational tour and visited Hawaii, China, Japan, United States of America, Great Britain, Belgium, France, Switzerland, Germany, Austria, Czechoslovakia, Italy, Greece, Turkey and Pakistan; Detained for 18 months during 1942 movement; Secretary, University Section, All India Educational Conference; Member, Executive Committee, All India Federation of Educational Conference; Member, Working Committee, Indian Youth Congress; Secretary, Foreign Department, Sarvodaya Samaj, Wardha; Vice-President, Manila Sewa Mandal, Wardha; Treasurer and Member, Executive Committee, All India Hindustani Talimi Sangh, Sewagram; Trustee and Member, Executive Committee, All India Hindustani Prachar Sabha, Wardha; Dean of the Faculty of Commerce, Nagpur University, 1951 onwards; Member, Executive Academic Councils, Nagpur University; Member, Board of Studies in Commerce of the Universities of Nagpur, Benares, Mysore and Utkal; Member, All India Board of Technical Studies and Business Administration, Government of India, 1948 onwards; Member, Hindustani Advisory Committee, All India Radio, New Delhi, 1946 to 1948; Member, Education Reconstruction Committee, Government of Madhya Pradesh, 1951-52; Member, State Planning Board, Madhya Pradesh, 1951 onwards; Member, Social Welfare Panel, Planning Commission, Government of India, New Delhi, 1951 onwards; Chairman, Bidi Labour Readjustment Committee, Government of Madhya Pradesh, 1947; Member, Hindustani Shorthand and Typewriting Committee; Member, Constituent Assembly of India, 1948-49; General Secretary, A.I.C.C. from October, 1952.
Accomplishments in Arts and Science: Poet and writer in Hindi and English.
Special interest: Education.
Favourite pastime: Gardening.
Publications: Gandhian Plan of Economic Development for India, 1944; Gandhian Constitution for Free India, 1945;Gandhian Plan Reaffirmed, 1948; Medium of Instruction, 1942; Constructive Programme for Students, 1945; England Through Indian Eyes, 1937; Fountain of Life (Collection of English Poems), 1933; The Two Worlds (An account of the author’s world tour in 1949); Mother Tongue Medium at Work:, 1950; Roti ka Rag (Collection of Hindi poems); Shegaon ka Sant; Manava (Collection of Hindi poems); Jugnoo (Light essays in Hindi); Amar Asha (Collection of poems in Hindi),
Permanent address: Jiwan Kutir, Wardha, Madhya Pradesh.