AMRITA Medical (UG) OMR Sheet for 2014 Students :-
(a) Answers will have to be marked on OMR sheets which will be supplied to the candidates in the examination hall. Before answering the questions, candidates must fill up the personal details such as
(i) Hall ticket Number
(ii) Question Booklet Number
(iii) Question series
and also sign at the space provided at the bottom on the Form. Failure to fill up the OMR sheets properly and completely can lead to rejection of the answer sheet.
b. Only in case the OMR is defective a fresh one will be supplied.
c. Candidates should indicate the answer by darkening completely the appropriate Circle in the answer sheet. Any other way of marking will be treated as invalid and no marks will be awarded.
d. More than one answer indicated against a question will be deemed as incorrect response and no marks will be awarded for such answers.
e. If candidate wishes to change any answer on the OMR sheet, he/she must erase completely the existing mark, and then darken the appropriate circle.
f. Candidate must ensure that no visible mark is left after erasing the wrong answer.
g. Candidate should not do any rough work or writing work on the Answer Sheet. All such rough work should be done in the Question Booklet itself.
h. The order of questions is not the same in all Question Booklets; the pages are jumbled . Therefore , candidates should never change their test booklet during the examination.
I . Since computer evaluation of answer sheet is done, requests for re-checking / re-totaling / re-evaluation of answer scripts will not be entertained.
j. Always properly maintain the AMRITA medical (UG) OMR sheet for 2014 students with out any mistakes.
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