Loyola College B.Com April 2011 Company Accounts Question Paper PDF Download








Date : 07-04-2011              Dept. No.                                        Max. : 100 Marks

Time : 1:00 – 4:00


Part – A


Answer ALL Questions:                                                                     10 X 2 = 20 marks


  1. State any two legal provisions as to the utilization of securities premium.
  2. Enumerate the various ways of redemption of debentures.
  3. Give an imaginary Profit & Loss appropriation account of a limited company.
  4. Write a note on “Intrinsic Value of Shares”.
  5. What do you understand by “Consolidation of shares”?
  6. Ltd. forfeited 1,000 equity shares of Rs.10 each, issued at a discount of 10% for non-payment of the first call of Rs.2 and the final call of Rs. 3 per share. Show the necessary journal entry.
  7. Ltd. redeemed Rs.10,000, 12% debentures out of capital by drawing a lot and it has also redeemed Rs.20,000 10% debentures out of profit by drawing a lot. Journalize.
  8. Dharran Ltd. earned a profit after tax of Rs.10,00,000 in 2008-09 and it wanted to pay a dividend of 18% on its Capital of Rs.30,00,000. What will be the balance left in the Profit & Loss A/c.
  9. Give journal entries for the following transactions in connection with internal reconstructions:-
    • 30,000 equity shares of Rs.10 each fully paid reduced to shares of Rs.5 each fully paid.


  • 300 9% debentures Rs.1000 each converted into 1500

12% debentures of Rs.100 each.


  1. Total assets of the firm is Rs.8,40,000. The liabilities of the firm is Rs.4,40,000. Normal rate of return in this class of business is 12.5%. The firm earned a profit of Rs.64,000. Calculate goodwill, if it is to be valued at          2 years’ purchase of super profit.


5 X 8 – 40 MARKS

Answer any FIVE Questions:

  1. Explain the law relating to calculation of ‘Managerial Remuneration’.
  2. What are preference shares? What are the conditions for the redemption of preference shares?
  3. Define goodwill. What are the different methods of calculation of goodwill?
  4. A company issued 10,000 equity shares of Rs.10 each at a premium of Rs.3 per share payable. Rs.5 on application, Rs.5 (including Premium) on allotment and the balance on call. All the shares offered were applied for and allotted.  All the moneys due on allotment were received except on 200 shares. Call was made.  All the amount due thereon was received except on 300 shares. Directors forfeited 200 shares on which both allotment and call money was not received.

Pass the necessary journal entries to record the above and also show how this will appear in the Balance Sheet of the Company.

  1. On 1st January ‘X’ Ltd. has Rs.1,00,000 6% debentures. In accordance with the power under the deed the directors acquire the debentures as follows in the open market for immediate cancellation:

March 1             –        Rs.20,000 at Rs.98

August 1            –        Rs.40,000 at Rs.100.25

December 15     –        Rs.10,000 at Rs.98.5

You are required to give journal entries for purchase and cancellation of debentures.

  • If the above purchase rates are ‘Ex-Interest’
  • If the above purchase rates are ‘Cum-Interest’.

Assume that interest is payable every year on 30th June and 31st December.


  1. From the following Balance Sheet as on 31.12.2005 and 31.12.2006. You are required to prepare a cash flow statement:



Liabilities                2005           2006          Assets          2005        2006

Share Capital          1,00,000      1,50,000      Fixed Assets  1,00,000     1,50,000

Profit & Loss A/c        50,000         80,000      Goodwill           50,000        40,000

General Reserve         30,000         40,000      Inventories       50,000        80,000

12% Bonds                50,000       60,000      Debtors            50,000        80,000

Sundry Creditors         30,000        40,000      Bills receivable   10,000        20,000

Outstanding Expen.     10,000        15,000      Bank                 10,000       15,000

2,70,000    3,85,000                            2,70,000   3,85,000

  1. P Mills Ltd., was incorporated on 31st July 2007 to purchase the business of H. & Co., as on 1.4.2007. The books of account disclosed the following on    31st March 2008.
    • Sales for the year Rs.32,10,400 (1st April to 31st July 2007 Rs.8,02,600; 1st July 2007 to 31st March 2008 Rs.24,07,800)
    • Gross Profit for the year Rs.4,12,800; Managing Directors’ Salary Rs.12,000; Preliminary expenses written off Rs.18,000; Company Secretary’s salary Rs.58,000.
    • Bad debts written off Rs.14,890 (prior to 31st July Rs.4,020, after 31st July Rs.10,870)
    • Depreciation on Machinery Rs.25,200; General expenses Rs.51,000; Advertising Rs.7,400; Interest on debentures Rs.20,000.

You are required to prepare a statement apportioning properly the net profit of the company as between pre-Incorporation and post-incorporation.

  1. The issued Share Capital of a company was Rs.10,00,000 consisting 10,000 equity shares of Rs.100 each. The net profits for the last 5 years were Rs.1,00,000; Rs.80,000 ; Rs.1,20,000; Rs.1,60,000 and Rs.1,40,000 of which 20% was placed to reserve, this proportion being considered reasonable in the industry in which the company is engaged and where a fair investment return may be taken at 12%.  Compute the value of Company’s share by the yield value method.




Answer any two questions: –                                                       Marks: 2 X 20 – 40


  1. The following is the Trial Balance of Bee Ltd. as on 31st March 2008

       Rs.                                                       Rs.

Stock on 1.4.2007               75,000                Purchase returns             10,000

Purchases                         2,45,000                Sales                           3,40,000

Wages                                30,000                Discount                          3,000

Carriage                                   950               Profit & Loss A/c.            15,000

Furniture                             17,000                Share Capital               1,00,000

Salaries                                 7,500                Creditors                        17,500

Rent                                     4,000                General Reserve              15,500

Sundry Trade Exp.                 7,050                Bills Payable                     7,000

Dividend Paid                                  9,000

Debtors                              27,500

Plant & Machinery                29,000

Cash at Bank                       46,200

Patents                                 4,800

Bills receivable                       5,000



5,08,000                                                   5,08,000



Prepare the Profit and Loss account for the year ended 31.03.2008 and a balance sheet as on that date after considering the following adjustments:

  • Stock on 31.3.2008 Rs.88,000
  • Provide for Income tax at 50%
  • Depreciate Plant & Machinery at 15%, furniture at 10%, and patents at 5%
  • On 31.3.2008 outstanding rent amounted to Rs.800 and Salaries Rs.900.
  • The Board recommends payment of a dividend of 15% p.a. Transfer the minimum required amount to General reserve.
  • Provide Rs.510 for doubtful debts.
  • Provide for managerial remuneration at 10% on profit before tax.
  1. The following was the Balance Sheet of ABC Limited as on 31.12.2006.

Liabilities                               Rs.                 Assets                   Rs.

Share Capital                                                Goodwill                10,000

12000 shares of                                            Land & Building       20,500

Rs.10 each             1,20,000                          Machinery               50,850

Less Calls in arrear                                         Preliminary Exp.        1,500

Rs.3 per share                                               Stock                     10,275

300 shares                  9,000      1,11,000       Debtors                  15,000

Creditors                                   15,425         Bank                        1,500

Provision for tax                           4,000         P & L A/c   22,000

(-) net

profit of      1,200   20,800

this year


1,30,425                                   1,30,425




Machinery value was Rs.10,000 in excess. It is proposed to write down this asset and to extinguish the profit & Loss A/c debit. balance and to write off goodwill and preliminary expenses by the adoption of the following scheme:-


  • forfeit the shares on which the calls are outstanding.
  • Reduce the paid up Capital by Rs.3 per share.
  • Re-issue the forfeited shares at Rs.5 per share.
  • Utilize the provision for tax if necessary


You are required to draft the journal entries necessary and the balance sheet after carrying out the scheme.


  1. On 31.3.2008 the date of liquidation of a company, its balance sheet was as under:


Liabilities                   Rs.                    Assets                          Rs.


Share Capital:

7% preference shares          3,00,000              Land & Buildings           4,00,000

6000 Eq. Shares of Rs.10       48,000              Plant & Machinery         1,60,000

Each Rs.8 Paid up

Stock                           4,00,000


3000 Eq. Shares of Rs.10       21,000              Debtors                        6,40,000

Each Rs.7 paid up

Cash at Bank                   51,000

6% Debentures of Rs.100  12,00,000



Outstanding interest on           72,000



Creditors                                 8,000


Bills Payable                             2,000



16,51,000                                             16,51,000




The assets were realized as under:


Land & Buildings Rs.3,50,000 ; Plant & Machinery Rs.2,00,000 ; Debtors Rs.6,00,000 ; Stock Rs.4,61,000 ; Liquidation expenses Rs.2000. Remuneration of liquidator 0.5% on assets realized including cash and 1% on the amount paid to unsecured creditors.


Creditors shown in the balance sheet included Rs.2000 preferential.  Interest on debentures is to be paid up to 31.5.2008. Dividend on preference.  Shares is in arrears for 1 ½ years. Legal charges Rs.1,000/-. Prepare liquidator’s final statement of Account as on 31-3-2008.


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