Loyola College B.Sc. Statistics Nov 2006 Testing Of Hypothesis Question Paper PDF Download

                        LOYOLA COLLEGE (AUTONOMOUS), CHENNAI – 600 034


AB 14



(Also equivalent to STA 506)



Date & Time : 27-10-2006/9.00-12.00   Dept. No.                                                       Max. : 100 Marks




Answer ALL the questions.                                                        10 X 2=20 marks


  1. Define Type I and Type II errors.
  2. Give an example each for a simple and composite hypothesis.
  3. When do you say that a critical region is uniformly best?
  4. Define level of significance and power function of a test.
  5. Provide a testing problem for which no uniformly best critical region exists.
  6. When a distribution is said to belong to an exponential family?
  7. When a” Likelihood Ratio Test” is used?
  8. Define Sequential Probability Ratio Test.
  9. Write any two applications of chi-square distribution in testing.
  10. Write a short note on “Sign Test”.




Answer any FIVE questions.                                                        5 X 8=40 marks


  1. Let X1, … X10 be a random sample of size 10 from a normal distribution      N (0, 2 ). Find  a best critical region of size  = 0.05 for testing Ho : 2 = 1  against H1: 2 = 2.
  2. Let X1, X2,…. Xn be a random sample from a distribution with the p.d.f.                         f(x;q) = q xq-1   0 < x <  zero elsewhere, where .  Find a sufficient statistic  for q and show that a UMPT of Ho : q = 6 against H1 : q < 6 is based on this statistic.
  3. Let X1,X2, …, Xn be a random sample from the normal distribution N(q,1). Show that the likelihood ratio principle for testing Ho : q = q¢, where q¢ specified, against H1 : q q¢ leads to the inequality
  4. Let X have a Poisson distribution with mean q. Find the sequential probability ratio test for testing Ho : q = 0.02 against H1 : q = 0.07.  Show that this test can be based upon the statistics   If  a0 = 0.20 and =0.10,  find co (n) and    c1 (n).
  5. Let X1,X2,… Xn denote a random sample from a distribution that is N (q,1). where the mean q is unknown. Show that there is no uniformly most powerful test of the simple hypothesis Ho: q = q¢, Where q’ is a fixed number, against the alternative composite hypothesis H1 : ¢.
  6. Let X1, X2, … Xn be a random sample from a Bernoulli distribution with parameter p, where 0<p< 1. Show that the distribution has a  monotone likelihood  ratio in the statistic Y = .








  1. The demand for a particular spare part in a factory was found to vary from day-to-day.  In a sample study the following information was obtained.
Day Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
No of parts demanded 1124 1125 1110 1120 1126 1115


Using chi-square test, test the hypothesis that the number of parts demanded does not depend on the day of  the week. Use 1% significance level.


  1. The lengths in centimeters of n = 9 fish of a particular species captured off the

New England coast were 32.5, 27.6, 29.3, 30.1, 15.5, 21.7, 22.8, 21.2, 19.0.

Use Wilcoxon test to test Ho : m = 3.7 against the alternative hypothesis

H1 : m > 3.7 at 5% significance level.



Answer any TWO questions.                                                     2 X 20 =40 marks


  1. (a) State and prove Neyman –Pearson theorem.
    • Consider a distribution having a p.d.f. of the form f (x ; q)  = qx (1-q)1-x, x = 0, 1

= 0, otherwise.

Let Ho : q = and  H1: q >. Use the central limit theorem to determine the sample size n of a random sample so that a uniformly most powerful test of H0  against H1 has a power function K(q), with approximately K = 0.05 and K = 0.90.                  (10+10)

  1. Let the independent random variables X and Y have distributions that are N(q1,q3) and N (q2, q3) respectively,  where the means q1, q2 and common variance q3 are unknown.  If X 1, X2, ….,Xn and Y1, Y2, … Ym are independent random samples from these distributions, derive a likelihood ratio test for testing H0 : q1=q2 ,  unspecified and q3 unspecified against all alternatives.
  2. (a) Let X be N (0,q) and let q’ = 4, q” = 9. a0 = 0.05 and =0.10. Show that

the sequential probability ratio test can be based on the statistic

Determine  c0 (n) and c1 (n).





(b)  A cigarette manufacturing firm claims that its brand A of the cigarettes

outsells its brand B by 8%. If it is found that 42 out of a sample of 200

smokers  prefer brand A and 18 out of another random sample of 100

smokers prefer brand B  test whether the 8% difference is a valid claim.  Use

5% level of significance.                                                                     (10 + 10)

  1. (a) Below is given the distribution of hair colours for either sex in a University.

Hair colour

Fair Red Medium Dark Jet black
Sex Boys 592 119 849 504 36
Girls 544 97 677 451 14

Test the homogeneity of hair colour for either sex.  Use 5% significance level.

  • Using run test, test for randomness for the following data :

15  77  01  65  69  58  40  81  16  16  20  00  84  22  28  26  46  66  36  86  66  17  43  49  85  40  51  40  10 .                                                                                                    (10+10)


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