(Also equivalent to STA 504)
Date & Time : 25-04-2006/9.00-12.00 Dept. No. Max. : 100 Marks
Answer ALL questions. Each carries TWO marks. (10 x 2 = 20 marks)
- Define a population and give two examples.
- State the difference between parameter and statistic.
- If there are two unbiased estimators for a parameter, then show that there are uncountable number of unbiased estimators for that parameter.
- Explain Lottery method of selecting a Simple Random Sample.
- In SRSWOR , find the probability of selecting a given subset consisting of ‘n’ units of the population consisting of ‘N’ units.
- In PPS sampling , find the probability of selecting ith population unit when a
simple random without replacement sample of size ‘n’ is drawn from a population
containing ‘N’ units.
- Show that Hansen – Hurwitz estimator is unbiased for population total.
- Show that the sample mean is more efficient under SRSWOR scheme than under SRSWR scheme.
- In SRSWR , obtain the variance of the sample mean based on only distinct units.
- Describe Balanced Systematic Sampling Scheme.
Answer any FIVE questions. Each carries EIGHT marks. (5 x 8 = 40 marks)
- Illustrate that one can obtain more than one unbiased estimator for a parameter.
- In SRSWOR , derive the variance of sample mean by using probabilities of inclusion.
- Deduct the formulae for Ŷ, V( Ŷ ) and v(Ŷ ) under SRSWR using the formulae for Ŷ , V(Ŷ) and v(Ŷ) available under PPSWR.
- Explain the consequences of using an LSS scheme when ‘N’ is not a multiple of ‘n’.
- In Stratified Random Sampling , derive the variance and estimated variance of the sample mean.
- Derive Neyman allocation formula. Hence what do we conclude about the size of the sample taken from any stratum?
- Explain Circular Systematic Sampling Scheme. List all possible samples under this scheme when N = 7 and n = 3.
- In PPSWR , derive the variance of Hansen – Hurwitz estimator for population total.
Answer any TWO questions. Each carries TWENTY marks. (2 x 20 = 40 marks)
19(a). In SRSWOR , show that sample mean is unbiased for population mean by
using the probability of selecting a subset of the population as a sample. (8)
19 (b). Describe Lahiri’s method and prove that this method of selection is a
PPS selection. (12)
20(a). A population contains 5 units and it is known that
( (Y1 /P1) – Y)2 P1 + … + ( (Y5 / P5) – Y)2P5 = 100.
Compare Ŷ1 = ((y1 /P1) + ( y2 / P2 )) / 2 and
Ŷ2 = (2/3) (y1 /P1) + (1/3) ( y2 / P2).
Find the values of α for which
Ŷα = α (y1/ P1) + (1 – α ) (y2 / P2) is less efficient than Ŷ1 .(12)
20(b). Verify whether or not the sample mean coincides with the population
mean in Centered Systematic Sampling scheme when the population is
linear. ie Yi = α + βi , i = 1,2,…,N. (8)
- In a population consisting of linear trend, show that a systematic sample is
less precise than a stratified random sample, with a strata of size 2 k and
2 units chosen per stratum, if n > (4k + 2)/ (k + 1), when the 1st stratum
contains the 1st set of 2k units, the 2nd stratum contains the 2nd set of 2k units
in the population and so on. (20)
- With 2 strata , a sampler would like to have n1 = n2 for administrative
convenience instead of using the values given by the Neyman Allocation.
If V and Vopt denote the variances given by n1 = n2 and the Neyman
Allocation respectively, show that (V-Vopt )/Vopt = ( (r-1) / ( r+1)) 2 , where
r = n1 / n2 as given by Neyman allocation. Assume that N1 and N2 are large.
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