Bank Paper Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms and Antonyms

Directions (Q. Nos. 1 to 5) In each of the following questions four words are given of which two words are most nearly the same or opposite in meaning. Find the two words which are most nearly the same or opposite in meaning and indicate the number of the correct letter combination.

1.  A. appalling    B. sinister     C. perturbed         D. threatening

(1)  A – B

(2)  B – D

(3)  A – C

(4)  A – D

(5)  D – C

Answer: (2)

2.  A. imprison    B. torture    C. excruciate        D. extract

(1)  B – D

(2)  B – C

(3)  A – B

(4)  C – D

(5)  A – C

Answer: (2)

3.  A. superficial    B. superfluous      C. enlightened      D. surplus

(1)  A – C

(2)  A – B

(3)  B – C

(4)  B – D

(5)  A – D

Answer: (4)

4.   A. pertinent    B. impolite    C. irrelevant          D. insecure

(1)  A – C

(2)  B – D

(3)  C – D

(4)  A – D

(5)  B – C

Answer: (1)

5. A. instigate      B. enquire   C. construe   D. interpret

(1)  A – C

(2)  A – B

(3)  C – D

(4)  B – D

(5)  A – D

Answer: (3)

Directions (Q. Nos. 6 to 10) In each of the following questions four words are given of which two words are most nearly the same or opposite in meaning. Find the two words which are most nearly the same or opposite in meaning and indicate the number of the correct letter combination.

6. A. unite    B. association       C. separate   D. distant

(1)  A – C

(2)  A – B

(3)  B – C

(4)  B – D

(5)  A – D

Answer: (1)

7. A. explicit    B. cautious    C. introvert   D. clear

(1)  A – B

(2)  B – D

(3)  A – C

(4)  A – D

(5)  C – D

Answer: (4)

8. A. fearful     B. beautiful          C. hostile    D. amicable

(1)  B – D

(2)  C – D

(3)  A – B

(4)  B – C

(5)  A – D

Answer: (2)

9. A. fraud     B. barbarian     C. guilty      D. civilised

(1)  A – C

(2)  A – B

(3)  B – D

(4)  A – D

(5)  C – D

Answer: (3)

10. A. loud      B. prominent        C. salient    D. legible

(1)  A – C

(2)  B – D

(3)  C – D

(4)  A – D

(5)  B – C

Answer: (5)

Directions (Q. Nos. 11 to 12) Choose the which is most similar in meaning to the word printed in bold.

11. Emerge

(1)  Drawn

(2)  Evolve

(3)  Shine

(4)  Grow

(5)  Submerge

Answer: (2)

12. Conscious

(1)  Desirable

(2)  Deliberate

(3)  Planned

(4)  Unconscious

(5)  Wanted

Answer: (2)

Directions (Q. Nos. 13 to 15) Pick out the word which is closest in meaning to the word printed in bold.

13. Radically

(1)  Suddenly

(2)  Equally

(3)  Completely

(4)  Moderately

(5)  Concurrently

Answer: (3)

14. Inherent

(1)  Functional

(2)  Intense

(3)  Persistent

(4)  Characteristic

(5)  Genetic

Answer: (4)

15. Materialized

(1)  Mattered

(2)  Interfered

(3)  Hidden

(4)  Presented

(5)  Expanded

Answer: (4)

Directions (Q. Nos. 16 to 18) Which of the following is most opposite in meaning to the word given in bold?

16. Plunged

(1)  Fell

(2)  Increased

(3)  Dropped

(4)  More

(5)  Appeared

Answer: (2)

17. Briskly

(1)  Vigorously

(2)  Efficiently

(3)  Hurriedly

(4)  Insignificantly

(5)  Slowly

Answer: (5)

18. Boosted

(1)  Aggravated

(2)  Elevated

(3)  Deflated

(4)  Damaged

(5)  Stopped

Answer: (3)

Directions (Q. Nos. 19 to 21) Choose the word or group of words which is  most nearly the same in meaning to the word given in bold.

19. Figured

(1)  Drew diagram

(2)  Quoted price

(3)  Paid cash

(4)  Maintained health

(5)  Gained understanding

Answer: (5)

20. Caveats

(1)  Appeals

(2)  Warnings

(3)  Drawbacks

(4)  Withstandings

(5)  Virtues

Answer: (2)

21. Amass

(1)  Accumulate

(2)  Manipulate

(3)  Bribe

(4)  Disseminate

(5)  Shift

Answer: (1)

Directions (Q. Nos. 22 to 26) In each sentence below one word has been printed in bold. Below the sentence, five words/groups of words are suggested, one of which can replace the word printed in bold without changing the meaning of the sentence. Find out the appropriate word/group of words in each case.

22. A very stubborn attitude in life cannot prove helpful.

(1)  uncooperative

(2)  rigid

(3)  unsuitable

(4)  unhelpful

(5)  inapplicable

Answer: (2)

23. Travel will familiarize you with new customs.

(1)  adjust

(2)  popularize

(3)  satisfy

(4)  influence

(5)  acquaint

Answer: (5)

24. His appearance was extremely

(1)  attractive

(2)  depressing

(3)  deceptive

(4)  sad

(5)  normal

Answer: (3)

25. He was a cunning

(1)  crafty

(2)  successful

(3)  dishonest

(4)  corrupt

(5)  respected

Answer: (1)

26. The affluence of Hindi film actors has no match.

(1)  handsome appearance

(2)  brave action

(3)  healthy physique

(4)  wealth condition

(5)  intelligent deed

Answer: (4)

Directions (Q. Nos. 27 to 29) Choose the word which is most nearly the same in meaning to the word given in bold.

27. Enormously

(1)  Tremendously

(2)  Forcibly

(3)  Rarely

(4)  Minutely

(5)  Ruthlessly

Answer: (1)

28. Rivalling

(1)  Challenging

(2)  Opposing

(3)  Containing

(4)  Equating

(5)  Withstanding

Answer: (1)

29. Thirst

(1)  Emphasis

(2)  Rational

(3)  Greed

(4)  Standard

(5)  Requirement

Answer: (5)

Directions (Q. Nos. 30 to 31) Choose the word/group of words which is most nearly the same in meaning to the word given in bold.

30. Abandoned

(1)  Gave up

(2)  Escaped from

(3)  Accepted

(4)  Took away

(5)  Enabled

Answer: (1)

31. Enthusiasm

(1)  Excellence

(2)  Happiness

(3)  Force

(4)  Effervescence

(5)  Zeal

Answer: (5)

Directions (Q. Nos. 32 to 34) Choose the word which is most nearly the same in meaning to the word printed in bold.

32. Access

(1)  Reach

(2)  Loan

(3)  Help

(4)  Advantage

(5)  Utility

Answer: (1)

33. Advent

(1)  Shining

(2)  Departure

(3)  Power

(4)  Force

(5)  Arrival

Answer: (5)

34. Traditional

(1)  Religious

(2)  Excessive

(3)  Old

(4)  Customary

(5)  Sick

Answer: (4)

Directions (Q. Nos. 35 to 36) Choose the word which is most nearly the same in meaning to the word given in bold.

35. Consensus

(1)  Agreement

(2)  Consent

(3)  Harmony

(4)  Compromise

(5)  Interaction

Answer: (1)

36. Span

(1)  Width

(2)  Gap

(3)  Duration

(4)  Distance

(5)  Extent

Answer: (3)

Directions (Q. Nos. 37 to 39) Choose the Word which is most nearly same in the meaning to the word given in bold.

37. Era

(1)  Epoch

(2)  Year

(3)  Span

(4)  Instinct

(5)  Spirit

Answer: (3)

38. Poised

(1)  Launched

(2)  Ready

(3)  Stupefied

(4)  Balanced

(5)  Adulterated

Answer: (4)

39. Mitigate

(1)  Investigate

(2)  Invigorate

(3)  Elevate

(4)  Allay

(5)  Amplify

Answer: (4)

Directions (Q. Nos. 40 to 43) Which of the following is most nearly the same in meaning to the word printed in bold.

40. Confine

(1)  Circumscribe

(2)  Enclose

(3)  Allow

(4)  Limit

(5)  Regularize

Answer: (4)

41. Pale

(1)  Colourless

(2)  Whitish

(3)  Enclosures

(4)  Ashy

(5)  Bright

Answer: (2)

42. Orbit

(1)  Curved path

(2)  Course of person’s eye

(3)  Elliptical

(4)  Range of activities

(5)  Course of action

Answer: (4)

43. Prerogative

(1)  Privilege

(2)  Benefits

(3)  Luxury

(4)  Exclusive right

(5)  Precedence

Answer: (1)

Directions (Q. Nos. 44 to 45) Choose the word/group of words which is most nearly the same in meaning to the word given in bold.

44. Net

(1)  Actual amount

(2)  Amount after tax

(3)  Governance

(4)  Coverage

(5)  Mesh

Answer: (5)

45. Envisage

(1)  Implement

(2)  Visualize

(3)  Endure

(4)  Encompass

(5)  Expect

Answer: (2)

Directions (Q. Nos. 46 to 48) Which of the following word/group of words is most nearly the same in meaning to the word printed in bold.

46. Squander

(1)  Use economically

(2)  Spend wastefully

(3)  Siphon judiciously

(4)  Donate generously

(5)  Donate with ulterior motive

Answer: (2)

47. Modest

(1)  Humble

(2)  Sufficient

(3)  Meagre

(4)  Sober

(5)  Unpretentious

Answer: (3)

48. Obligation

(1)  Lip sympathy

(2)  rue empathy

(3)  Self pity

(4)  Conditional responsibility

(5)  Moral binding

Answer: (5)

Directions (Q. Nos. 49 to 51) Choose the word, which is most nearly the same in meaning to the word given in bold.

49. Avoid

(1)  Remedy

(2)  Cure

(3)  Devoid

(4)  Prevention

(5)  Avert

Answer: (5)

50. Impinge

(1)  Constraint

(2)  Deregulate

(3)  Penalize

(4)  Encroach

(5)  Defy

Answer: (4)

51. Legitimacy

(1)  Authenticity

(2)  Literacy

(3)  Inadequacy

(4)  Legal

(5)  Judgement

Answer: (1)

Directions (Q. Nos. 52 to 56) Choose the word which is most similar in meaning to the word printed in bold.

52. Injecting

(1)  Instilling

(2)  Inoculating

(3)  Vaccinating

(4)  Shooting

(5)  None of these

Answer: (1)

53. Dampen

(1)  Pray

(2)  Wet

(3)  Depress

(4)  Encourage

(5)  None of these

Answer: (3)

54. Determined

(1)  Wavering

(2)  Resolute

(3)  Inconstant

(4)  Shaky

(5)  None of these

Answer: (2)

55. Wielding

(1)  Hiding

(2)  Crashing

(3)  Brandishing

(4)  Pointing

(5)  None of these

Answer: (3)

56. Hallmark

(1)  Sure sign

(2)  Device

(3)  Cross

(4)  Road

(5)  None of these

Answer: (1)

Directions (Q. Nos. 57 to 59) Choose the word which is most nearly the same in meaning to the word printed in bold.

57. Strides

(1)  Achievements

(2)  Setbacks

(3)  Effects

(4)  Aspirations

(5)  Developments

Answer: (5)

58. Considerable

(1)  Marginal

(2)  Significant

(3)  Desirable

(4)  Negligible

(5)  Excessive

Answer: (2)

59. Evolve

(1)  Visualize

(2)  Nurture

(3)  Discover

(4)  Develop

(5)  Migrate

Answer: (4)

Directions (Q. Nos. 60 to 62) Choose the word which is most nearly the same in meaning to the word printed in bold.

60. Summit

(1)  Closeness

(2)  Committee

(3)  Street

(4)  Playground

(5)  Peak

Answer: (5)

61. Sanctuary

(1)  Shelter

(2)  Nest

(3)  Cage

(4)  Room

(5)  Dispensary

Answer: (1)

62. Awe

(1)  Heat

(2)  Patience

(3)  Wonder

(4)  Expectation

(5)  Anger

Answer: (3)

Directions (Q. Nos. 63 to 69) Which of the following is most nearly the same in meaning to the word printed in bold.

63. Anomaly

(1)  Abnormality

(2)  Ambiguity

(3)  Consistency

(4)  Congruity

(5)  Coherence

Answer: (1)

64. Divide

(1)  Reduction

(2)  Cut off

(3)  Disagreement

(4)  Difference

(5)  Disjoint

Answer: (5)

65. Protagonist

(1)  Opponent

(2)  Intellectual

(3)  Supporter

(4)  Preserver

(5)  Practitioner

Answer: (3)

66. Sharpen

(1)  Prepare

(2)  Provide

(3)  Widen

(4)  Force

(5)  Surmount

Answer: (1)

67. Controversial

(1)  Doubtful

(2)  Arguing

(3)  Unreliable

(4)  Disputable

(5)  Quarrelsome

Answer: (4)

68. Infested

(1)  Troubled

(2)  Disturbed

(3)  Affected

(4)  Injected

(5)  Suffered

Answer: (3)

69. Demanding

(1)  Begging

(2)  Appealing

(3)  Narrating

(4)  Questioning

(5)  Requiring

Answer: (5)

Directions (Q. Nos. 70 to 71) Choose the word/phrase which is most nearly the same in meaning to the word/phrase given in bold.

70. Shut your eyes

(1)  Look over

(2)  Sleep

(3)  Avoid storm

(4)  Winking

(5)  Overlook

Answer: (5)

71. Rub off

(1)  Jealousy

(2)  Rivalry

(3)  Impact

(4)  Pressure

(5)  Publicity

Answer: (3)

Directions (Q. Nos. 72 to 74) Which of the following is most nearly the same in meaning to the word printed in bold.

72. Unaware

(1)  Famous

(2)  Ignorant

(3)  Familiar

(4)  Unworthy

(5)  Negligent

Answer: (2)

73. Waived

(1)  Moved

(2)  Charged

(3)  Condoned

(4)  Overlooked

(5)  Paid

Answer: (4)

74. Masses

(1)  Institutions

(2)  Groups

(3)  Students

(4)  Officers

(5)  Parents

Answer: (2)

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