Loyola College B.Com Nov 2004 Business Statistics Question Paper PDF Download





06.11.2003                                                                                                           Max:100 marks

9.00 – 12.00


Answer ALL questions.                                                                                   (10×2=20 marks)


  1. Define statistic and state any two misuses.
  2. Mention any four one-dimensional diagrams.
  3. State a merit and a demerit of median.
  4. Provide any two properties of Arithmetic mean.
  5. For a moderately asymmetric distribution, find median when mean and mode are respectively 48 and 60.
  6. Depict ‘skewness’ and ‘kurtosis’ with the help of diagrams.
  7. If the regression coefficient of Y on X an X on Y are respectively 0.58 and0.65, Calculate the coefficient of correlation.
  8. From the following index number of prices, shift the base from 1987 to 1993 and recast the index numbers.

Year:   1987    1988    1989    1990    1991    1992    1993    1994

Index:  100      110      120      200      400      410      400      380

  1. Construct 5-yearly moving average:
Year:   1988    1989    1990    1991    1992    1993    1994    1995

No. of:   332    317      357      392      402      405      410      417


  1. Express an mxn transportation problem as a Linear programming Problem (L.P.P).



Answer any FIVE  questions.                                                                          (5×8=40 marks)


  1. For the following data on heights of 150 students, construct Histogram and locate the mode from it:

Height (In cm): 120-130  130-140    140-150     150-160      160-170    170-180

No. of students:     18            30            40               33               17              12

  1. Find Geometric mean and Harmonic mean of the following frequency distribution:

C.I:      0-4       4-8       8-12     12-16   16-20

F:           6        10         16         10         8

  1. Compute rank correlation coefficient between Debenture price and share price of a company given the following data:


Price:         79       81        83        85        87        87        89        92


Price:           67      65        66        64        64        64        63        62

  1. The first four moments of a distribution about the value 3 are 2, 20, 40, 50. Find the first four central moments, b1 and b2 .
  2. Fit the equation Y = a + bX to the following data:

Year(x) :    1990    1991    1992    1993    1994    1995    1996

Sales(y):      32        47         65       88      132     190       275

Estimate sales for 1997.

  1. Explain the four components of a time series.
  2. a) Find Fisher’s Price index number given the following data:

Item           Price (1985)     Price (1986)     Quantity (1985)          Quantity (1986)

A                       1                      5                          40                                30

B                       1                     2                          20                                25

C                       8                    20                          50                                60

D                       2                      5                          10                                  8

E                        2                     6                          15                                10


(b) Verify that Time Reversal Test is satisfied by Fisher’s index.                          (4+4)

  1. Solve Graphically:

Minimize         Z = 20x1+ 40x2

subject to the constraints:       36x1 + 6x2 ³ 108

3x1 + 12x2 ³ 36

20x1 + 10x2 ³ 100

x1, x2 ³ 0




Answer any TWO questions.                                                                           (2×20=40 marks)


  1. a) From the data given below, find which series is more consistent:

X                     Series A                       Series B

FA                                  FB

10-20                   20                                  13

20-30                  18                                   22

30-40                  32                                   40

40-50                  40                                   32

50-60                  22                                   18

60-70                  18                                   10

  1. Calculate Bowley’s coefficient of skewness for the following frequency distribution:

X:     0-10   10-20   20-30   30-40   40-50   50-60   60-70   70-80

f:     10         25        20         15        10        35        25         10                       (12+8)




  1. a) The following data relates to the intelligence test scores and the weekly sales of 9



Test Score (X):      70     40      80        50      80          60        50   60    50

Weekly sales

(Y):             60    50      70          30      60       50        40     60    30

Obtain the regression line of Y on X and estimate Y when X = 65.                          (12+8)

  1. b) Explain the problems involved in the construction of index numbers.
  2. Find the seasonal indices by Ratio to Trend method:

Year                I           II         III        IV


1993                30        40        36        34

1994                34        52        50        44

1995                40        58        54        48

1996                54        76        68        62

1997                80        92        86        82


  1. a) Solve the following Transportation problem:


Source             1          2          3          4          Availability

1                      21        16        25        13             11

2                      17        18        14        23             13

3                      32        27        18        41             19

Requirement:   6          10        12        15             43

  1. b) These are 4 jobs A, B, C,D and these are to be performed on 4 machine centres I, II,

III,IV.  One job is to be allocated to a machine centre, though each machine is capable of

doing any job, at different costs given by the matrix below:


I      II     III   IV



Find the allocation of jobs to the machine centres so that the total cost of processing

is minimum.                                                                                                      (10+10)


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