second SEMESTER – APRIL 2003
CH 2500/ che 502 organic chemistry – I
9.00 – 12.00 Max: 100 Marks
PART – A (10 ´ 2 = 20 Marks)
Answer ALL the questions.
- Which alcohol of the following pair would you expect to be more
easily dehydrated? Why?
(CH3) C(OH) CH2 CH3 (or) (CH3)2 CH CH (OH) CH3.
- State and explain Markonikov’s rule.
- How would you distinguish 1-butyne from 2-butyne?
- Identify the product in the following.
R-CH = CH2 + CCl4 ?
- Anti-Markonikov’s rule is possible only for the addition of HBr in presence of
peroxides to an unsymmetrical alkene and not for HCl or HI. Why?
- ‘The presence of a small amount of O2 slows down the chlorination of methane’.
- In a study of Chlorination of propane, four products of formula C3 H6 Cl2
were isolated. What are their structures?
- Acidity of the following Carboxylic acids is in the following order.
Cl2 CH COOH > F CH2 COOH > Cl CH2 COOH. Explain.
- Many -but not all molecules – that contain a cheral centre are chiral.
- How do the properties of diasteromers compare?
PART – B (8 ´ 5 = 40 Marks)
Answer any eight questions
- Identify the products of obtained in the dehydration of 3 -methy1-2 butanol.
Which one is major? Justify your answer.
- Arrange the following compounds in order of reactivity toward dehydrohalogenation by strong base. Account for your answer.
1-bromobutone, 1-brome-2,2 – dimethyl propane,
1-bromo-2 methylbutane, 1-bromo-3-methylbutane.
- Account for the following
(i) trans -alkene is more stable than cis -alkene.
(ii) NBS is preferred for allylic halogenation.
- 98% H2 SO4 is required to hydrate ethylene while 63% H2 SO4 is enough for
isobutylene. Explain
- Explain with mechanism the addition of HBr to 1,3-butadiene as 1,2- Vs 1,4 addition.
- How would you prepare cis and trans alkenes from alkynes?
Explain with an example.
- Give the mechanism of chlorination of methane is the presence of uv light.
Explain the relative reactivities of F2, Cl2, Br2 & I2 towards methane.
- How do you prepare the following?
(i) n-nonane starting with CH3 Br.
(ii) 3- methyl octane starting with sec-butyl chloride.
- In the halogenation of alkanes, bromine atom is much more selective than
chlorine atom. Explain [ relative rate factors of 1600: 82:1 for Br2 Vs 5.0: 3.8:1 for Cl2 for the reaction at tertiary: secondary: primary hydrogen]
- Account for the following.
(a) Chlorination of ethane is 400 times faster than that of methane when equimolar amounts of both are reacted with a small amount of C12 .
(b) chlorination of propane gives 45% of CH3 CH2 CH2 Cl and
55% of CH3CH(Cl) CH3.
- Draw and specify as R or S, the enantiomers of
(i) CH3 CH (OH) COOH (ii) Sec-butyl chloride
(iii) Bromo chloro iodomethane
- What is a racemic modification? Discuss any two methods of resolving a
recemic modification.
PART – C (4 ´ 10 = 40 Marks)
Answer any FOUR questions.
- a) Explain the stability of conjugated dienes based on hydrogenation data.
- b) Explain the acidity of acetylene compared with water, ammonia and
- Account for the following
- Hydration of acetylene gives CH3
- Industrially acetylene is prepared from coal.
- Propene reacts with HOCl gives propylene chloro hydrin.
- 2-methyl-l-butanol on dehydration mainly gives 2-methyl 2-
- Sec-butyl trimethyl ammonium ion on treatment with strong base undergoes elimination.
- a) Explain the mechanism of addition of halogens to alkene.
- b) Explain the mechanism of anti-Markonikov’s rule.
- Explain homogenous and heterogeneous hydrogenation of alkenes with an Discuss the mechanism for both in detail.
- Draw the different conformation of ethane and n-butane, considering the
rotations about the bonds shown. CH3-CH3 and CH3CH2-CH2CH3. Draw the
potential energy Vs rotation curve for both and explain the strain and rotational barrier involved.
- Draw the stereocherical formulas of the dichlorobutanes obtained by the
free-radical chlorination of (i) (S) -Sec-batyl chloride, (ii) (R) -Sec-butyl chloride and (iii) racemic-Sec-butyl chloride. Give the ratios of the different 2,3-dichlorobutanes obtained in the case of (i),(ii) & (iii) and Explain. Also comment on the optical activity of the mixtures of 2,3-dichlorobutanes obtained in (i) ,(ii), & (iii).
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