(Also equivalent to CHE 502)
Date & Time : 24-04-2006/1.00-4.00 P.M. Dept. No. Max. : 100 Marks
Answer all questions (10 ×2 = 20 marks)
- Draw the sawhorse and Newman projection structures of propane.
- Arrange the following in the increasing order of stability.
1, 3-butadiene, 1, 2-butadiene, 1, 4-butadiene. - Draw the structure of
(a) (Z)-3-isopropyl-2-heptene (b) (E)-1-bromo-2-chloropropene. - Define the following (a) racemic mixture (b) resolution.
- Arrange the following in the increasing order of reactivity towards Diel’s-Alder reaction.
- What are the factors that affect the free radical halogenation of alkanes?
- What is Baeyer’s test?
- What happens when calcium carbide is treated with water?
- What is Wurtz reaction?
- Draw the structure of the following compounds
- a) 2,6-dimethyl-4-ethyl-2,4-heptadiene
- b) 3,5-diethyl-1,7-octadiyne.
Answer any eight questions (8 × 5 = 40 marks)
- What are conformers? How are they different from configuraitonal isomers? Give an example.
- Predict the product with mechanism for the reaction of 2, 4-hexadiene with HCl.
- The specific rotation of R-(+)-glyceraldehyde is + 8.7°. If the observed rotation of a mixture of R-glyceraldehyde and s-glyceraldehyde is +1.4°, what percent of glyceraldehydes is present as the R enantiomer?
- Draw the various stereoisomers of 3-chloro-2-butne and indicate which of them are entantiomers and diastereomers.
- Predict the product with mechanism
- Define the following
a) asymmetric synthesis b) chemoselectivity c) regioselectivity. - Compare the free radical chlorination and bromination of methane for reactivity and quantum yield.
- Why the alternative mechanism of chlorination of methane is not possible? Explain with proof.
- What is Kolbe’s synthesis? How is butane synthesized by above method?
- How is ozonolysis used to differentiate 1-butene and isobutene. Write the mechanism of the above reaction.
- What are the products formed when 1-butyne is subjected to hydroboration and oxidation. Explain the mechanism of the reaction.
- Give the mechanism of addition of bromine to ethylene.
Answer any four questions (4 × 10 = 40 marks)
- Indicate whether the following pairs of compounds are identical or enantiomers or constitutional isomers.
- Perform a conformational analysis of rotation of C2-C3 bonds in n-butane and explain using a potential energy diagram.
- a) Dienes undergo free radical reactions faster than alkenes. Why?
b) What are atropisomers? Give suitable example.
c) Which of the following conjugated dienes would not react with a dienophile in
Diel’s-Alder reaction? Why? - Explain in detail the chlorination reaction of methane. How many products are formed? Discuss the rate of the reaction and the reaction mechanism of the reaction.
- a) A hydrocarbon reacts with conc. H2SO4 to form an alkyl hydrogen sulphates which on hydrolysis yields tert-butyl alcohol. What is the structural formula of the hydrocarbon? Write the equations.
- b) Write the structure of the alkene, which on ozonolysis gives 2-butananone and 2-mehtylpropanaldehyde. Write the mechanism of the reactions.
- a) compound A, C4H6 gave the following tests
- i) A + Br2 / CCl4 ® B (C4H6Br4)
- ii) A + H2 / Pt® C (C4H10)
Identify A, B and C
- b) What are the uses of the following compounds?
- i) ethylene ii) acetylene iii) propene
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