Date & Time : 27-04-2006/9.00-12.00 Dept. No. Max. : 100 Marks
Part A
Answer all the questions (20 marks)
- Choose the correct answer (5 x 1 = 5 )
- __________ is the capacity of an optical system to show distinct images
- a) optical power b) photon power c) resolution d) resolving power
- Which are present in all living cells that can synthesise proteins?
- a) peroxisomes b) ribosomes c) glyoxysomes d) lysosomes.
- These are tiny bags filled with digestive enzymes for intracellular digestion.
- a) lysosomes b) dictyosomes c) peroxisomes d) ribosomes
- Sandal wood is
- a) heartwood b) sapwood c) spring wood d) both a and c
- Leaf gap and leaf trace are seen in
- a) internodes b) petiole c) nodes c) apical meristem
- State whether the following statements are True or False (5 x 1 = 5 )
- Cytotaxonomy is based on the atypical sets of chromosomes in different species.
- Mitochondria may be filamentous or agranular in shape.
- Stone cells are also called as osteosclerides.
- Histogen theory was propounded in the year 1870.
- Bulliform cells are seen in all leaves.
III. Complete the following (5 x 1 = 5)
- __________ is the viscous, translucent, colloidal substance of the cell.
- The non-protoplasmic substances present in the cell are called ____________ substances.
- ____________ are the suspended non-living structures of the cytoplasm.
- Nectar producing structures found in parts other than flowers are called _____________.
- In primitive angiosperms, the cambium is of _______ type.
- Answer the following in about 50 words (5 x 1 = 5)
- Cell theory.
- Karyotype and Idiogram.
- Kappe-Korpe theory.
- Secondary vascular bundles.
Part B
Answer any five of the following, each in about 350 words. Draw necessary diagrams. (5 x 8 = 40)
- Enumerate the scopes of cytology.
- Explain the working mechanisms and components of Electron microscope.
- Comment on Lampbrush Chromosomes and Polytene Chromosomes.
- Briefly describe the structure and function of Golgi apparatus.
- Describe the structure of a Plant cell.
- Write notes on simple tissues.
- Briefly describe the components of epidermal tissue system.
- Bring out the distinguishing features of the root in Dicots and Monocots.
Part C
Answer the following questions in about 1500 words. Draw necessary diagrams
(2 x 20 = 40)
- a. Describe the structure and function of plasma membrane.
- Identify and explain the different phases of mitotic division.
- a. Give a detailed account on the structure and chemistry of cell wall.
- Elucidate the various theories on the organization of shoot apices.
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