Loyola College B.Sc. Plant Biology and Biotechnology Nov 2008 Biophysics Question Paper PDF Download



ED 14


FIFTH SEMESTER – November 2008





Date : 14-11-08                     Dept. No.                                        Max. : 100 Marks

Time : 9:00 – 12:00

            PART  A                                                 (20 marks)

Answer ALL questions

I Choose the Correct Answer                                                                                         (5 x 1 = 5 marks)


  1. Which among the following are important characteristics of gases?
  2. a) gases are highly compressible b) gases are thermally expandable                
  3. c) most gases have low densities             d) all the above


  1. Which among the following is acidic range for pH.
  2. a) 2-5 b) 7                              8-12                         d) none of the above


  1. Example of liquid-in-liquid colloids
  2. ice cream         b. paint                       c. milk             d. ink


  1. A 0.5M solution of NaCl (molecular weight-59) is prepared by adding___________

     grams of NaCl in 1 litre of water.

  1. a) 59.00 b) 29.50                       c) 118.00                     d) 14.75


  1. __________is a branch of physics which deals with the energy and work of a system.
  2. a) radiation b) light                        c) isotopes                   d) Thermodynamics


II State whether the following statements are True or False                                                (5 x 1 = 5 marks)


  1. Ultrafiltration used to improve the water quality.
07. Volume percent = volume of solute
volume of solution
x 100.
  1. Plasmids are positively charged molecules.
  2. 400-700nm is the wave length of the visible region of the electromagnetic radiation.
  3. Isotopes are same elements with different atomic mass.


III. Complete the following                                                                                                     (5 x 1 = 5 marks)


  1. Diffusion refers to the process by which molecules intermingle as a result of their

      ____________ of random motion.

  1. Dialysis tube is made up of _______________.
  2. Immunoelectrophoresis is also called ______________ electrophoresis.
  3. Optical activity is measured using a _______________.
  4. __________occurs when the neutron to proton ratio is too great in the nucleus and

     causes instability.







  1. Answer ALL, each in about 50 words                                (5 x 1 = 5 marks)


  1. What is Bernoulli’s equation?
  2. Define buffers.
  3. Explain absorbents.
  4. What is the function of Dichroic Mirror?
  5. What is radiosensitivity?


PART B                                              (5 x 8 = 40 marks)

Answer any five, each within 350 words only. Draw diagrams and flowcharts wherever necessary.

  1. Write notes on phases and its types.
  2. Describe the following
  3.  i)   Normality
  4. ii) Mole fraction      

iii)  Determination of osmotic pressure.

  1. Define dialysis. How it works and its uses.
  2. Write the principle, mechanism and uses of Photometry.
  3. Elaborated notes on viscosity.
  4. Write notes on the following
  5. i)  Eelctron Gun.         
  6. ii) Sample preparation method for TEM.
  7. Write brief on Beer and Lambert’s law.
  8. Describe the three types of radioactive decay.


PART C                                             (2 x 20 = 40 marks)

Answer the following, each within 1500 words only. Draw diagrams and flowcharts wherever necessary.


  1. a) Structure, Working principle and uses of SDS PAGE electrophoresis.




  1. b) Write note on the following
  2.    i)  Write notes on two types of ultracentrifugation. 
  3.    ii) Immunoelectrophoresis and its types.


  1. a) Describe the following chromatography techniques and its uses
  2. i)   Thin layer    
  3. ii) Gel filteration        

                         iii)   Gas        




  1. b) Write detailed notes on the following
  2. i) Law of Thermodynamics.
  3. ii)  Structure, function and uses of Fluorescence microscope.


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