Loyola College B.Sc. Statistics April 2003 Basic Sampling Theory Question Paper PDF Download




ST   4500/ sta  504   BASIC SAMPLING   THEORY


9.00 – 12.00                                                                                           Max: 100 Marks

SECTION A                                  (10 ´ 2 = 20 Marks)

Answer ALL the questions.  Each carries TWO marks.

  1. Define a population and mention the assumptions made regarding population size in sampling Theory.
  2. Explain ‘Sampling frame’ of a population.
  3. What are the constraints for carrying out a census?
  4. Distinguish between a statistic and a parameter.
  5. Derive the expression for the mean square error of an estimator T in estimating q in terms of the variance and bias of the estimator T.
  6. In SRSWOR, find the probability of selecting rth population unit in ith
  7. Explain the cumulative total method of selecting a PPS sample.
  8. Write all possible linear systematic samples of size n = 6 given N = 24.
  9. Explain stratified random sampling.
  10. Name any three allocation schemes used in stratified sampling.



SECTION B                                                (5 ´ 8 = 40 Marks)

Answer any FIVE questions.  Each carries EIGHT marks.


  1. Consider a population containing 4 units with values 7,4,10,5. Two units are drawn one by one without replacement with equal probabilities.  Verify whether or not the statistic T =(3y1+ 4y2) /5 is unbiased for the population mean.
  2. Show that, under usual notations, in SRSWOR


  1. Show that Lahiri’s method of selection is a PPS selection.
  2. Examine whether the estimator is unbiased for the population total under PPSWR, where yi is the value of ith drawn unit (i = 1,2,….,n).
  3. Deduce is SRSWR using expressions for available in PPSWR.
  4. Letdenote the sample mean of only distinct units under SRSWR.


  1. Show that in Balanced systematic sampling, the sample mean coincides with

population mean in the presence of linear trend.

  1. In stratified sampling, under proportional allocation, derive Vand find

an unbiased estimator of V.







SECTION C                                (2 ´ 20 = 40 Marks)

Answer any TWO questions.  Each carries TWENTY marks.


  1. (a) Illustrate that an estimator T can become biased under a sampling scheme

even though T is unbiased under another sampling scheme..                         (8)

(b) A population contains 5 units and it is known that   (12)

Under the usual notations, (i) compare  with

(ii) Find the values of a for which  is less efficient than.(10)

  1. (a) consider the following data:


Plot number No. of plants No. of roses
1 20 56
2 32 65
3 14 30
4 19 47
5 22 37
6 7 28


Assume that a PPSWR sample of size 2 is drawn.  Compute Vfor the

data given.  Compare it with V.                                                       (10)

  • Derive an unbiased estimator of Vin PPSWR scheme.                  (10)


  1. (a) Describe centered systematic sampling.                                                 (5)
  • Explain in detail the principal steps involved in the planning and

execution of  a sample survey.                                                               (15)


  • (a) If  Co is the overhead cost and  Ch is the cost of collecting  information per

unit in stratum h, then the total  cost of the survey is given by Co+

In optimum allocation, determine the values of n1, n2,……,nL  for which

V  is minimum subject to a fixed total cost.                                          (12)

  • Show that if Yi = a + bi, i =1,2,..,N, then ,

where a stratified sample of size n is drawn as follows:

Divide the population into n groups of k units each.  And draw 1 unit from each group where the first stratum contains the first k units, the second

stratum contains the next k units and so on.                                             (8)




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