02.04.2004 Max:100 marks
9.00 – 12.00
Answer ALL questions. Each carries TWO marks. (10 ´ 2 = 20 marks)
- Define Sampling frame. Give two examples.
- If there are two unbiased estimators for a parameter, then show that one can construct uncountable number of unbiased estimators for that parameter.
- If T is an estimator for , then show that MSE (T) = V (T) +
- Explain Lottery method of drawing simple random sample of size n.
- Show that the probability of selecting a given subset consisting of ‘n’ units of the population of N units is .
- Find the probability of selecting ith population unit in a given draw in PPS sampling.
- Examine whether the estimator is unbiased for the population total under PPSWR.
- Prove that the sample mean is a more efficient estimator of population mean under SRSWOR than under SRSWR.
- Explain circular systematic Sampling Scheme.
- Compute the number of units to be sampled for each stratum under proportional allocation scheme, when the total sample size is 40 and there are 4 strata of sizes 40, 30, 60, and 70.
Answer any FIVE questions. Each carries EIGHT marks. (5 ´ 8 = 40 marks)
- Examine the validity of the following statement using a proper illustration: ‘An unbiased estimator under one method of sampling can become a biased estimator under another method of sampling’.
- Show that, in SRSWOR,
cov (yi , yj) = –
- Prove that sample mean is unbiased for population mean in SRSWOR by using the probability of selecting a subset of the population as a sample.
- What is PPS sampling? Describe cumulative total method.
- Derive the variance of Hansen Hurwitz estimator for population total.
- Derive E (and Var , where denotes the sample mean based on only distinct units under SRSWR.
- Write a descriptive note on centered Systematic Sampling.
- Derive the formula for under Neyman allocation.
Answer any TWO questions. Each carries TWENTY marks. (2 ´ 20 = 40 marks)
- a) Derive the variance of sample mean, V(in SRSWOR by using probabilities of inclusion. (10)
- b) Describe Lahiri’s method. Show that Lahiri’s method of selection is a PPS selection.
- (a) A population contains 5 units and it is known that
Compare Find the values of for which
is less efficient than . (10)
- b) Derive the expressions for in SRSWR using the expressions for
available in PPSWR. (10)
- a) Show that when irrespective of the random start ‘r’ . (10)
- b) In Linear systematic Sampling, when N is not a multiple of n, explain the undesirable situations encountered using suitable illustrations. (10)
- a) Compare Vand assuming is large for all h = 1, 2, … , L. (10)
- b) A sampler has two strata. He believes that stratum standard deviations are the same. For a give cost C = C1n1+C2n2, show that
. (10)
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