fourth SEMESTER – APRIL 2003
ZO 4500/ZOO 506 – embRyology and evolution
9.00 -12.00 Max : 100 Marks
SECTION – A (10 ´ 2 = 20 Marks)
Answer ALL questions
- Define the term ‘vitellogenesis’.
- What is spermiogenesis?
- Comment on neural crest cells.
- With one suitable example explain embryonic induction.
- What do you mean by transgenic animals?
- Differentiate organic evolution from inorganic evolution.
- What are homologous organs? Give one example.
- List any four vestigial organs in man
- Comment on Mesozoic era.
- Define the law of Adaptive Radiation.
Section – B (4 ´ 10 = 40 Marks)
Answer any FOUR questions.
- Write notes on nuclear transplantation.
- Categorise the eggs of chordates. Illustrate your answer.
- What are fate maps? Explain the fate maps of frog and chick.
- Explain the naturally available fossil records.
- With suitable diagrams explain evolutionary convergence and parallelism.
- Mention the contributions of any four 4 Neol
SECTION – C (4 ´ 10 = 40 Marks)
answer any TWO questions.
- Write an essay on fertilization and mention the theories on fertilization.
- Explain the development of brain in vertebrates with illustrations.
- Discuss the role of isolating mechanisms in speciation.
- Trace evidences from physiology and biochemistry in favour of the theory of organic evolution.
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