Bank Paper Phrase Substitution

Phrase Substitution

Directions (Q. Nos. 1 to 5) Which of the phrases (1), (2), (3) and (4) given below should replace the phrase given in bold in the following sentence to make it meaningful and grammatical correct. If the sentence is correct as it is and ‘No correction is required, mark (5) as the answer.

1. We have accepted over two billion dollars from them yet it is been used to build hospitals in the area.

(1)  that is yet to use

(2)  although it has been used

(3)  not yet being used

(4)  which will be used

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (4)

2. People have respond in favour the government’s efforts to resolve the budget crisis.

(1)  favourably responded

(2)  response in favour of

(3)  responded favourably to

(4)  been responding favourably

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (3)

3. Striking this deal will enable the company to expand its operations in Europe.

(1)  Strike this deal that

(2)  To strike off this deal

(3)  By striking this deal to

(4)  This deal was struck which

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (5)

4. We admire they are taking this step despite the numerous risks involved.

(1)  them to take

(2)  them for taking

(3)  that they have take over

(4)  now their taking of

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (2)

5. The management has been left with no option else to change the plan to avoid losing business

(1)  but to change

(2)  except the change of

(3)  Unless it changes with

(4)  other than the changing

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (1)

Directions(Q. Nos. 6 to 10) Which of the phrases (1), (2), (3) and (4) given below should replace the phrase given in bold in the following sentence to make it meaningful and grammatical correct. If the sentence is correct as it is and ‘No correction is required, mark (5) as the answer.

6. Unless the government monitored the loan waiver scheme well, it is likely to be a success.

(1)  For the government to monitor

(2)  Unless the government monitors

(3)  Though the government monitored

(4)  If the government monitors

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (4)

7. The main objective of hiring this consultant is in assessing that this data can be computerized.

(1)  assessing that

(2)  an assessment of

(3)  to assess how

(4)  for assessing that when

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (3)

8. The designs finally ready and we shall submit them for approval tomorrow, well before the specified deadline.

(1)  designs finally will be

(2)  designs are finally

(3)  final designs

(4)  designing finally

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (2)

9. Most irrigation projects have delayed due to lack of adequate government funding.

(1)  have been delayed from

(2)  will be delayed for

(3)  were delaying due to

(4)  are delayed because of

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (4)

10. Many Indian companies import components from China as they are cheap compared to those manufactured locally.

(1)  as they cheap as

(2)  because it is cheaper

(3)  since these are cheaper

(4)  which is cheap

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (5)

Directions (Q. Nos. 11 to 15) Which of the phrases (1), (2), (3) and (4) given below should replace the phrase given in bold in the following sentence to make it meaningful and grammatical correct. If the sentence is correct as it is and ‘No correction is required, mark (5) as the answer.

11. The corruption charges were a huge blow to his reputation and his business suffered to a great extent.

(1)  his business suffers to

(2)  his business suffered on

(3)  his business suffering to

(4)  his business suffers on

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (5)

12. Airline companies pay nearly 25 billion dollars for their right of fly over the countries other than their parent country.

(1)  their right to fly

(2)  their right in flying

(3)  their right to flying

(4)  there right of flight

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (1)

13. When he fell down the ditch, he shouted with all his might so that to catch someone’s attention.

(1)  such that to catch

(2)  so as to catch

(3)  so that to catching

(4)  so then to catch

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (2)

14. The disparity between the earnings of the poor and the rich has widen in the last few decades.

(1)  have widen in

(2)  has widened on

(3)  have widened in

(4)  has widened in

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (4)

15. Instead of teaching abstracted concepts, the new and improved textbooks tell stories of real people so that the children can identify with the characters.

(1)  Inspite of teaching abstracted

(2)  Instead of taught abstract

(3)  Instead of teaching abstract

(4)  Inspite of taught abstract

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (3)

Directions (Q. Nos. 16 to 25) Which of the phrases (1), (2), (3) and (4) given below should replace the phrase given in bold in the following sentence to make it meaningful and grammatical correct. If the sentence is correct as it is and ‘No correction is required, mark (5) as the answer.

16. He postponed making a decision until he been given complete information.

(1)  till he had been given

(2)  until he will get

(3)  till he would be giving

(4)  till he could be giving

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (1)

17. He refused to sign till he would read the next of the agreement.

(1)  had read

(2)  will read

(3)  would have read

(4)  should be reading

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (5)

18. He didn’t want risking to get wet as he had only one suit.

(1)  risking for getting wet

(2)  risking at getting wet

(3)  to risk getting wet

(4)  to get wet at the risk of

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (3)

19. They came in quiet so as not to wake the others in the dormitory.

(1)  as quiet as not

(2)  so quiet as not

(3)  so quiet that not

(4)  quietly so as not

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (4)

20. Kidnappers had telephoned the victim’s father from a public booth to conceal his

(1)  for concealing his

(2)  because of concealing their

(3)  to conceal their

(4)  by concealing his

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (3)

21. He usually wears a coat but he is not wearing it today as it is not cold.

(1)  has not wearing

(2)  has not been worn

(3)  doesn’s wear

(4)  didn’t wore

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (5)

22. If you were rule bound as you claim to be, you should stop at the signal.

(1)  should stop before

(2)  would have stopped at

(3)  should be stopped at

(4)  would have been stopped

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (2)

23. Some social service organizations are done woman service in empowering the down trodden women.

(1)  will be provided woman service

(2)  have been doing woman service

(3)  are doing service of woman

(4)  have been doing services of woman

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (2)

24. The metal roof was dismantled to be broken up and sell as scrap.

(1)  for selling with scrap

(2)  for sell as scrap

(3)  and to sell as scrap

(4)  and sold as scrap

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (4)

25. It is noteworthy to not that India had pioneered the use of non-cash based payments systems.

(1)  is noteworthy that

(2)  is notably that

(3)  is worth to note

(4)  is noted about

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (1)

Directions (Q. Nos. 26 to 30) Which of the phrases (1), (2), (3) and (4) given below should replace the phrase given in bold in the following sentence to make it meaningful and grammatical correct. If the sentence is correct as it is and ‘No correction is required, mark (5) as the answer.

26. The grim job market has taken its toll on students, many of those had hoped for a much better future.

(1)  much of whom

(2)  many of whom

(3)  several of those

(4)  many of which

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (2)

27. The relationship we have with our clients are the cornerstone of our future.

(1)  our client are

(2)  each clients is

(3)  our clients is

(4)  al clients are

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (3)

28. Many developed countries have been attempting to buy agricultural land in other countries to meet their own demand.

(1)  and leaves the

(2)  also leaves the

(3)  and leaving the

(4)  and making the

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (5)

29. A nuclear testing fills the air with radioactive dust and left the area uninhabitable.

(1)  and leaves the

(2)  also leaves the

(3)  and leaving the

(4)  and making the

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (1)

30. Modern ideas of governance started back to the time when people began to question kings.

(1)  started when

(2)  set back to

(3)  start back to

(4)  date back to

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (4)

Directions (Q. Nos. 31 to 35) Which of the phrases (1), (2), (3) and (4) given below should replace the phrase given in bold in the following sentence to make it meaningful and grammatical correct. If the sentence is correct as it is and ‘No correction is required, mark (5) as the answer.

31. Alcohol in moderate quantity boosts concentrations of good cholesterol and inhibiting blood clots.

(1)  inhibits blood clots

(2)  inhibit blood clots

(3)  inhibited blood clots

(4)  inhabiting blood clots

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (1)

32. One of the main function of the State is maintenance of law and order.

(1)  main function for

(2)  main functions of

(3)  main functions for

(4)  main functions off

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (2)

33. We must realize that learning from mistakes is an important part of life.

(1)  mistakes are an

(2)  mistakes are a

(3)  mistake are a

(4)  mistakes has an

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (5)

34. The sword of Tipu Sultan was recently brought at an auction by an India for Rs. 2 crores.

(1)  brought in a

(2)  brought in an

(3)  bought in an

(4)  bought at a

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (3)

35. Setbacks and failures has always been an integral part of science.

(1)  has always being

(2)  were always been

(3)  has been always

(4)  have always been

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (4)

Directions (Q. Nos. 36 to 40) Which of the phrases (1), (2), (3) and (4) given below should replace the phrase given in bold in the following sentence to make it meaningful and grammatical correct. If the sentence is correct as it is and ‘No correction is required, mark (5) as the answer.

36. The equipment is in such poor condition that we have no alternative to buy new ones.

(1)  many alternative like

(2)  any alternative except

(3)  no other alternative

(4)  no alternative but

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (4)

37. Since the deadline has been changed from next week to this Thursday you should give this work priority.

(1)  be given this work priority

(2)  not give priority this work

(3)  prioritized this work

(4)  priority this work

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (5)

38. After the success of our project we have been receiving more requests than we do not have the resources to handle them.

(1)  many requests but

(2)  most of the requests

(3)  more requests that

(4)  too many requests

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (1)

39. We have hired an advertising agency to prepare a campaign to encourage people votes.

(1)  people from voting

(2)  voting for people

(3)  people to vote

(4)  votes by people

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (3)

40. During the training programme the new recruits will be briefed about how their role in the new organization.

(1)  what their roles

(2)  about their role

(3)  for its roles

(4)  which are their role

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (2)

Directions (Q. Nos. 41 to 45) In each question below, a part is printed in bold. It may contain an error. If so, find out which of the phrases (1), (2), (3) and (4) given below should replace the part printed in bold in the following sentence to make the sentence grammatically meaningful and. If the sentence is correct as it is an ‘no correction is required’ mark (5) as the answer

41. When they start investigating, several irregularities were detected.

(1)  started investigate

(2)  started an investigation

(3)  started investigation

(4)  started of investigation

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (2)

42. You must be stopped these undesirable activities immediately.

(1)  must have been stopped

(2)  may have been stopped

(3)  might have been stopped

(4)  must stop

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (4)

43. Farmers in our country suffer because of over dependence on rain and the threat to natural calamities like floods.

(1)  threat of natural calamities

(2)  threat against natural calamities

(3)  threatened due to natural calamity

(4)  natural calamities threatened

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (1)

44. Automation in agriculture and farm management is considered a boon but in fact it is not true as they lead to more unemployment.

(1)  it leads to more employment

(2)  they lead to more employment

(3)  they lead to more  unemployment

(4)  it leads to more unemployment

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (4)

45. The agriculture sector deserves more attention than the industrial sector in our country.

(1)  deserves attention more

(2)  deserving more attention

(3)  deserve attention more

(4)  deserves to be attended more

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (1)

Directions (Q. Nos. 46 to 50) Which of the phrases (1), (2), (3) and (4) given below should replace the phrase given in bold in the following sentence to make it meaningful and grammatical correct. If the sentence is correct as it is and ‘No correction is required, mark (5) as the answer.

46. How does a photograph look depends upon what parts of the scene you include or exclude.

(1)  does a photograph look

(2)  a photograph looks

(3)  a photograph does look

(4)  will be a  photograph looking

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (2)

47. In less than two days the missing dog was back home.

(1)  For fewer than

(2)  For lesser than

(3)  In lesser than

(4)  Within lesser than

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (5)

48. Generally people are easily fools by statistical data and figures.

(1)  Generally people are easily fools

(2)  Generally for people it is easy to fool

(3)  General people it is easy to fool

(4)  Generally people are easily fooled

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (4)

49. Integrity can best taught to children when they are small.

(1)  is best taught

(2)  can be best taught

(3)  is taught better

(4)  should be best teaching

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (2)

50. A shy person devised a trick that worked wondering for

(1)  which is worked wondering with

(2)  that is working wonderful

(3)  that worked wonders for

(4)  than works wonderful about

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (3)

Directions (Q. Nos. 51 to 55) Which of the phrases (1), (2), (3) and (4) given below should replace the phrase given in bold in the following sentence to make it meaningful and grammatical correct. If the sentence is correct as it is and ‘No correction is required, mark (5) as the answer.

51. The reason why prices had risen much rapidly is because supply has not increased.

(1)  are rising such

(2)  had rise up

(3)  have risen so

(4)  will be risen more

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (3)

52. Considerate to the challenge it is difficult to know how long the growth rate can be sustained.

(1)  Considered for

(2)  Considering

(3)  Upon consideration

(4)  In consideration

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (2)

53. In the past twenty years China has succeeded in upliftment millions out of poverty.

(1)  success in uplifted

(2)  succeeded to lift

(3)  success in lifting up

(4)  successfully uplifted

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (2)

54. The company has achieved prosperous because of its highly professional management.

(1)  have achieved prosperity

(2)  are prospered

(3)  has achieved prosperity

(4)  had achievement of prosperity

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (3)

55. None of t he colleagues made any attempt to defend him.

(1)  making an attempt

(2)  make up attempt

(3)  make no attempt

(4)  are attempted

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (5)

Directions (Q. Nos. 56 to 61) In each question below, a part is printed in bold. It may contain an error. If so, find out which of the phrases (1), (2), (3) and (4) given below should replace the part printed in bold in the following sentence to make the sentence grammatically meaningful and. If the sentence is correct as it is an ‘no correction is required’ mark (5) as the answer

56. The meeting was postponed due to lack of quorum.

(1)  due

(2)  because of

(3)  for

(4)  against the

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (2)

57. Find area people can cope well with physical strain as they are used to working hardly.

(1)  work hard

(2)  the working hard

(3)  hardly working

(4)  hard working

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (1)

58. The famous playwright has been in the sick bed from the last one week.

(1)  for the past

(2)  for past

(3)  since past

(4)  for last

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (1)

59. He was too cold at go out last evening, so we all stayed at home.

(1)  too cold for going

(2)  very cold to go

(3)  extremely cold for go

(4)  so cold that to go

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (5)

60. The famous engineers are working on this project right from the day they arrived here.

(1)  had been working

(2)  have been working

(3)  would be working

(4)  will have been working

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (2)

61. In quick time she got acquainted with the new environment.

(1)  In enough time

(2)  In small time

(3)  On time only

(4)  In no time

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (4)

Directions (Q. Nos. 62 to 71) In each question below, a part is printed in bold. It may contain an error. If so, find out which of the phrases (1), (2), (3) and (4) given below should replace the part printed in bold in the following sentence to make the sentence grammatically meaningful and. If the sentence is correct as it is an ‘no correction is required’ mark (5) as the answer

62. A nation that had been once tried to kill him was the first to embrace him.

(1)  had once been trying to

(2)  had once tried to

(3)  once had been tried to

(4)  had to once try and

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (2)

63. Had he known more about the policies of the company, he might not have accepted the offer.

(1)  He had known more

(2)  Did he know more

(3)  Since not more was known

(4)  If he would know more

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (5)

64. His life is an example of how the human will can flourish even in harsh conditions.

(1)  what the human will can

(2)  how the human can and will

(3)  when the human will can

(4)  where the human will can

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (2)

65. The social worker passionately stroked the annoyed passenger in order that be pacified.

(1)  to pacify him

(2)  that to pacify

(3)  to be pacified for

(4)  that to be pacified with

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (1)

66. They were no longer able to provide the help their children need.

(1)  helped their children need.

(2)  help their children needed

(3)  help that their children  need.

(4)  help that their children would need.

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (2)

67. You may be well organized in your thoughts but what would you propose may not be necessarily acceptable on all occasions.

(1)  what you would propose

(2)  that you would  propose

(3)  what you propose

(4)  what you would have  proposed

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (3)

68. The striking difference between the two contestants compatible with each other for the match was related to their age.

(1)  compatible with one another

(2)  compatible against one another

(3)  competing with the other

(4)  competing with each other

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (4)

69. Market research and market communication is so far being confined to a handful of consumer goods like soaps, cosmetics, etc.

(1)  is thus far being confined to

(2)  have so far been confined to

(3)  are so far being confined to

(4)  have so far been confined with

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (2)

70. If we rely on others for technology upgradation, potential serious damage may be caused.

(1)  potentially serious damage may

(2)  serious potentially damage may

(3)  seriously potential damage may

(4)  seriously potential damage might

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (1)

71. The load-shedding, however justifiable it may be, has been aggravating the problems.

(1)  has aggravated

(2)  have aggravated

(3)  have been aggravating

(4)  would have been aggravated

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (1)

Directions (Q. Nos. 72 to 76) Which of the phrases (1), (2), (3) and (4) given below should replace the phrase given in bold in the following sentence to make it meaningful and grammatical correct. If the sentence is correct as it is and ‘No correction is required, mark (5) as the answer.

72. For being skillful and experience, he is a valuable employee.

(1)  Because he is skill

(2)  On account he is skilled

(3)  with his skill

(4)  Beside having skill

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (3)

73. Today there are few countries whose growth rate is equally that of

(1)  equalize on

(2)  equivalent to

(3)  equals with

(4)  on equality with

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (4)

74. The government is willing for finance part of the project.

(1)  willingly finance to

(2)  financially to

(3)  willing to finance

(4)  willingness in financing

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (3)

75. We must keep in pace changing technology to succeed.

(1)  keep pace with

(2)  kept pace on

(3)  in keeping pace

(4)  keep pacing

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (1)

76. The company does not have many choice, except to pay the fine.

(1)  any choice of

(2)  much choice

(3)  more choices

(4)  other choice

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (4)

Directions (Q. Nos. 77 to 91) Which of the phrases (1), (2), (3) and (4) given below should replace the phrase given in bold in the following sentence to make it meaningful and grammatical correct. If the sentence is correct as it is and ‘No correction is required, mark (5) as the answer.

77. Because of his efficiency, the Director wanted him to work as his assistant.

(1)  wanted to him

(2)  wants him to be

(3)  wanted the to

(4)  wanted of him

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (5)

78. Highly intelligent people seldom tolerate any ambiguity.

(1)  tolerate hardly any ambiguity

(2)  hardly tolerate ambiguous

(3)  tolerate any clarity whatsoever

(4)  hardly tolerate any lacuma

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (5)

79. Being toiled for two hours, he sat down to take some rest.

(1)  Have toiled for

(2)  Had toiled for

(3)  Having to be toiled at

(4)  Having toiled for

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (4)

80. He must have behaved impolite and suffer because of that.

(1)  impolitely and suffer

(2)  impolitely and suffered

(3)  impolite and suffered

(4)  impolitely and have suffer

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (2)

81. The Neo Club has been extended financial and technical help to poor and deserving women.

(1)  has been extending

(2)  have been extending

(3)  is being extended

(4)  have been extended

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (1)

82. Even less intelligent students can be succeeded through hard work and perseverance.

(1)  get succession

(2)  be success

(3)  get success

(4)  be getting succeeded

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (3)

83. Some people experienced life only if they are totally at the mercy of their feelings.

(1)  experience life as if they are

(2)  experienced life as if they are

(3)  experiencing if only when they are

(4)  experience life when they were

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (1)

84. Leaders enable a group by imaging and create a future which will fulfill the group purpose.

(1)  by imagining to create

(2)  to imagine and by create

(3)  to imagine and create

(4)  to imagining creativity

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (3)

85. Some people by naturally talk more than others.

(1)  by natural talk

(2)  naturally talk

(3)  nature by talking

(4)  naturally by talking

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (2)

86. Being a man of principle, he refused to follow the illegitimate

(1)  following the illegitimate

(2)  to following illegitimately

(3)  to follow the illegitimately

(4)  not to follow illegitimately

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (5)

87. One of the basic choices we make in life is whether following the path of smart selfishness or try to avoid all problem.

(1)  while following

(2)  is whether to follow

(3)  is whether or not to follow

(4)  has been whether follow

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (2)

88. Good-natured people have been suffered because of their politicking companions.

(1)  have suffering with

(2)  are suffered because of

(3)  are being suffered because of

(4)  may suffer because of

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (4)

89. Making a donation to charity helps some people feel

(1)  helped some people felt

(2)  helps some people felt

(3)  helping some people to feel

(4)  helps some of people feeling

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (5)

90. Why does he worry over petty matters is not known.

(1)  he worries

(2)  he did worry

(3)  he does worry

(4)  should he be worry

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (1)

91. The active learning of adulthood is not only possible but infinitely also

(1)  possible but only infinite

(2)  only possibly infinite and

(3)  possible only if infinite

(4)  only possible but also infinitely

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (4)

Directions (Q. Nos. 92 to 101) Which of the phrases (1), (2), (3) and (4) given below should replace the phrase given in bold in the following sentence to make it meaningful and grammatical correct. If the sentence is correct as it is and ‘No correction is required, mark (5) as the answer.

92. Aruna is wiser than all her friends.

(1)  more wise than most of

(2)  more wise than all of

(3)  more wiser than most of

(4)  more wise than most of

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (5)

93. Diet-conscious people wouldn’t be liked to have ice cream after dinner.

(1)  wouldn’t like to

(2)  would be like not to

(3)  would be liking to not

(4)  would be not liked to

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (1)

94. Sumesh has such a sweet voice that it is nice of hearing

(1)  it is nice for hearing

(2)  it is nice to hear

(3)  it is nice to given hearing

(4)  it is nice in hearing

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (2)

95. As the road was dusty, the journey was not comfort.

(1)  had no comfortable

(2)  was no with comfort

(3)  had been no comfort

(4)  was not comfortable

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (4)

96. It is not true a person who is good into studies is necessarily intelligent.

(1)  is good into study

(2)  is good at studies

(3)  has best at study

(4)  has been good to studies

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (2)

97. Donations received by the Trust will be proper accounted for.

(1)  will properly account for

(2)  would be proper accounted for

(3)  will be properly accounted for

(4)  shall be proper and accounted

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (3)

98. I have not get my cheque cashed on that day, as it was a bank holiday.

(1)  cannot get

(2)  will not get

(3)  have not got

(4)  should not have got

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (3)

99. Dancing and participate in drama are her favourite pastimes.

(1)  Dancing and participating

(2)  Dances and participations

(3)  Dance and participated

(4)  Dancing and participations

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (1)

100. He admitted to me that he had not adequate prepared for the test.

(1)  was not adequate prepared

(2)  had not adequately prepared

(3)  had not adequately preparations

(4)  was not adequately preparations

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (2)

101. This exercise is considerably difficult for all those who suffer with

(1)  who suffer from

(2)  which suffer from

(3)  who suffers from

(4)  who were suffered from

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (1)

Directions (Q. Nos. 102 to 112) Which of the phrases (1), (2), (3) and (4) given below should replace the phrase given in bold in the following sentence to make it meaningful and grammatical correct. If the sentence is correct as it is and ‘No correction is required, mark (5) as the answer.

102. Lift the handset only paid a one rupee coin.

(1)  paying a one rupee coin

(2)  you pay one rupee coin

(3)  pay one rupee coin

(4)  you paid one rupee coin

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (1)

103. Good life, according to many people, is to making more and more money.

(1)  is making

(2)  is made

(3)  are made

(4)  are making

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (1)

104. His behaviour with all his employees is so pleasing that everyone come forward for helping him.

(1)  came towards him for help

(2)  comes towards him for help

(3)  comes forward to help him

(4)  comes forwards for help him

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (3)

105. A master should never impose his servants too much work.

(1)  his servants with too much work

(2)  too much work with his servants

(3)  too much work on his servants

(4)  too much work for his servants

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (3)

106. What matter does most is the quality and not the quantity.

(1)  What does matter

(2)  What does it matter

(3)  That matters

(4)  What matters

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (4)

107. The Police Commissioner burst into rage and ordered immediately suspension of the inspector who had arrested the innocent boy.

(1)  order immediately

(2)  order immediate

(3)  ordered immediate

(4)  ordering immediate

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (3)

108. He would be like to have some ice-cream.

(1)  would like to

(2)  would be liked to

(3)  was to be liking to

(4)  would being liked to

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (1)

109. Not knowing the language and had no friends in the country, he found it impossible to get a job.

(1)  has no

(2)  with having

(3)  with having not

(4)  having no

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (4)

110. She will not attend the meeting until she is asked to.

(1)  except

(2)  even with

(3)  even except

(4)  unless

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (4)

111. Because of his smart work, he is in the best books of his employer.

(1)  in the better books

(2)  in the good book

(3)  in the good books

(4)  into the good books

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (3)

112. With the introduction of the new system, the number of candidates who resort to unfair means is decreasing year after year.

(1)  resorting to

(2)  to resort to

(3)  resorted to

(4)  to resorting

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (5)

Directions (Q. Nos. 113 to 117) Which of the phrases (1), (2), (3) and (4) given below should replace the phrase given in bold in the following sentence to make it meaningful and grammatical correct. If the sentence is correct as it is and ‘No correction is required, mark (5) as the answer.

113. They lost the match because they neglected by the coach’s valuable advice.

(1)  ignored

(2)  were ignored  by

(3)  were neglected by

(4)  have neglected by

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (1)

114. He is too adamant to be effectively in his work.

(1)  to  become effectively

(2)  to be effective

(3)  to have been effectively

(4)  for being effectively

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (2)

115. Good moral character is the must be in every walk of life.

(1)  is to be the  most

(2)  is become the must

(3)  is a must

(4)  is a must be

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (3)

116. Our deepest fear is that we have powerful beyond

(1)  were powerful at

(2)  are powerful about

(3)  have been powerfully beyond

(4)  are powerful beyond

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (4)

117. Because the competition is going to become fierce, we may have some real struggles on the horizon.

(1)  is becoming fiercely

(2)  is going to be fiercely

(3)  has become fiercely

(4)  was going to become fierce

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (5)

Directions (Q. Nos. 118 to 125) Which of the phrases (1), (2), (3) and (4) given below should replace the phrase given in bold in the following sentence to make it meaningful and grammatical correct. If the sentence is correct as it is and ‘No correction is required, mark (5) as the answer.

118. The military has highly sophisticated simulators on which soldiers train.

(1)  which solider training on

(2)  on which solider have trains

(3)  which the soldier do train

(4)  on which the soldiers have been trained

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (5)

119. Any policy of social welfare will be likely to face resistance from vested interests.

(1)  would be like facing

(2)  will be likely facing

(3)  is likely to face

(4)  is likely to be facing with

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (3)

120. The key to a competitive economy is its investment regime.

(1)  in its invested regime

(2)  in its investment of its regime

(3)  investment of its regime

(4)  investment in its regime

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (5)

121. The honourable court had taken a lenient view because the accused have not previous conviction.

(1)  had no previous conviction

(2)  had not previously convicted

(3)  had not been previous convictions

(4)  had no previously convicted

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (1)

122. Our foreign exchange reserves have increased substantial.

(1)  have been increased substantially

(2)  have increases substantially

(3)  have substantially increasing

(4)  have been substantial increase

(5) No correction required        

Answer: (2)

123. In the early centuries of the second millennium BC, people speaking strange dialects akin to that of India, moved in northern Iraq and Syria.

(1)  akin to those of

(2)  akin to that in

(3)  akin to those into

(4)  keen to those of

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (1)

124. It is becoming equally clear that reforestation will have little change until people realize its

(1)  has become equal and clear

(2)  has become equally clear

(3)  has become clearly equal

(4)  is becoming clearly equal

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (2)

125. Once the event is over many people claim credit for success and disowning the responsibility for failure.

(1)  of success and disowning

(2)  for success but disowning

(3)  for success but disown

(4)  for success while disowned

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (3)

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