Date : 26/04/2008 Dept. No. Max. : 100 Marks
Time : 9:00 – 12:00
PART A (Answer all the questions) (10 x 2 = 20)
- What is over subscription?
- What is meant by firm underwriting?
- How do you apportion the following expenses while ascertaining profits prior to incorporation: Insurance, carriage outwards, director’s fee, preliminary expenses.
- Briefly explain calls in arrears and calls in advance.
- What are contingent liabilities? Give any 2 examples.
- A company issued 1000 8% debentures of Rs 100 each at a discount of 5% redeemable at a premium of 10%. Pass journal entry.
- How is provision for tax treated in the final accounts of a company?
- Write a note on capital redemption reserve.
- From the following information calculate the minimum fresh issue of shares. Redeemable Preference shares 400000, premium on redemption 10%. Divisible profits available Rs 80000. Fresh issue of equity shares of Rs. 10 each is to be made at 25% premium.
- B Ltd. Has 60000 equity shares of Rs.100 each, Rs.80 per share called up. The company decided to pay off Rs.20 per share of the paid up capital and at the same time to reduce the Rs.100 share to Rs. 60 share fully paid up by canceling the unpaid amount. Give journal entries.
PART B (answer any five questions only) 5 x 8 = 40
- Explain the need for valuation of shares and the factors affecting the value of shares.
- What is capital reduction? What are the provisions of the companies act with regard to reduction of share capital?
- Explain the provisions relating to redemption of redeemable preference shares.
- B ltd. Issued 10000 shares of Rs.100 each. The entire issue was underwritten as follows. A 50%, B 30%, and
C 20%. In addition there was firm underwriting as follows. A 1000 shares, B 750 shares, and C 500 shares. The total subscription including firm underwriting was 8000 shares and the subscription included the following marked applications. A 1500, B 2000 and C 750. Find the liability of the underwriters.
- Average capital employed in K ltd. Is Rs 35,00,000 net trading profits before tax for the last 3 years were Rs 14,75,000 Rs 14,55,000 Rs 15,25,000. In these 3 years the M.D. was paid a salary of Rs.10,000 pm. But now he would be paid a salary of Rs 12,000 pm. Normal rate of return is 18% , rate of tax is 50%. Calculate goodwill on the basis of 3 years purchase of super profits.
- On 1.10.2004 a company issued 10000 14% debentures of Rs.100 each (interest payable on 30th September and 31st march) the company is allowed to purchase own debentures for immediate cancellation. On 31st August 2005 it purchased 1000 debentures at Rs. 98 ex interest and on 31st December 2006, 500 debentures at Rs.97 cum interest. Pass journal entries.
- The following particulars relate to a company which went into voluntary liquidation.
Preferential creditors Rs. 600, secured creditors Rs.20,000(securities realised Rs.25,000) unsecured creditors Rs.30,500. The assets realized Rs 26,000(excluding securities) the expense of the liquidation were Rs. 252 and the liquidators remuneration was agreed at 3% on the amount realized and 1.5% on the amount paid to unsecured creditors. Show the liquidators final statement of accounts.
- Z ltd was incorporated. On 1.7.05 to acquire a running business of Y with effect from 1.1.05. The following was the profit and loss account of the year ending 31.12.05.
Particulars | Rs. | particulars | Rs |
To. Office expenses | 1,08,000 | By gross profit | 4,50,000 |
To. formation exps | 20,000 | ||
To stationary | 10,000 | ||
To selling expenses | 1,20,000 | ||
To directors fees | 40,000 | ||
To Net profit | 1,52,000 | ||
4,50,000 | 4,50,000 |
Prepare a statement showing profits earned by the company in the pre and post incorporation periods. The total sales for the year took place in the ratio of 1:2 before and after incorporation respectively.
PART C (answer any two questions only) 2 x 20 = 40
- The following is the balance sheet of united industries ltd. On 31.3.06.
Liabilities | Rs. | Assets | Rs. |
Share capital | Goodwill | 45,000 | |
6000 6% pref sh of Rs. 100 each | 6,00,000 | Land and building | 6,00,000 |
12000 equity shares of Rs 100 each | 12,00,000 | Plant | 9,00,000 |
8 % debentures | 3,00,000 | Stock | 1,30,000 |
Bank over draft | 3,00,000 | Debtors | 1,40,000 |
Sundry crs. | 1,50,000 | Cash | 15,000 |
P &L a/c | 7,00,000 | ||
Preliminary exps | 20,000 | ||
25,50,000 | 25,50,000 |
On the above date the company adopted the following scheme of reconstruction.
- The equity shares are to be reduced to shares of Rs 40 each fully paid and the preference shares to be reduced to fully paid shares of Rs 75 each.
- The debenture holders took over stock and debtors in full satisfaction of their claims.
- Land and buildings to be appreciated by 30% and plant to be depreciated by 30%.
- The fictitious and intangible assets to be eliminated.
- Expenses of reconstruction amounted to Rs 5000.
Give journal entries incorporating the above scheme of reconstruction and prepare the reconstructed balance sheet.
- The Beta co. was registered with a capital of Rs 6,00,000 in equity shares of Rs. 10 each. The following is the list of balances extracted from its books on 31.3.07
Particulars | Amount | Particulars | Amount |
Wages | 84,865 | Freight | 13,115 |
Calls in arrears | 7,500 | Salary | 14,500 |
Plant and machinery | 3,30,000 | Directors fee | 5,725 |
Premises | 3,00,000 | Bad debts | 2,110 |
Interim dividend | 37,500 | Debentures | 9,000 |
Opening Stock | 75,000 | capital | 4,00,000 |
Fixtures | 7,200 | 6% debentures | 3,00,000 |
Sundry debtors | 87,000 | P & l a/c (cr) | 14,500 |
Goodwill | 25,000 | Bills payable | 38,000 |
Cash in hand | 750 | Sundry crs. | 50,000 |
Bank | 39,900 | Sales | 4,15,000 |
Purchases | 1,85,000 | General reserve | 25,000 |
Preliminary exps | 5,000 | Bad debts reserve | 3,500 |
General exps | 16,835 |
Prepare trading and profit and loss account and balance sheet in proper form after making the following adjustments.
- Depreciate plant and machinery by 10%.
- Write off Rs. 500 from preliminary expenses.
- Provide half years debenture interest due.
- Bad and doubtful debts reserve at 5%.
- Stock on 31.3.07 was Rs. 95,000.
- From the following Balance sheet prepare cash flow statement.
liabilities | 31.12.06
Rs |
Rs |
Rs |
Rs |
Rs |
Creditors | 36,000 | 41,000 | Cash | 4,000 | 3,600 |
Bank loan | 60,000 | 45,000 | Debtors | 35,000 | 38,400 |
Share Capital | 1,00,000 | 1,20,000 | Stock | 25,000 | 22,000 |
Profit and loss | 18,000 | 29,000 | Land | 20,000 | 30,000 |
Buildings | 50,000 | 55,000 | |||
machinery | 80,000 | 86,000 | |||
2,14,000 | 2,35,000 | 2,14,000 | 2,35,000 | ||
- Dividend paid during the year 2007 Rs 20,000
- Depreciation provided on machinery Rs 10,000
- During the year machinery whose book value is Rs 8000 was sold for Rs 5,000.
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