Bank Paper Reading Comprehension

Reading Comprehension


Directions (Q. Nos. 1 to 15) Read the following passages carefully and answer the questions given below it. Certain words/phrases have been printed bold to help you to locate them while answering some of the questions.

Passage I

Despite the economic crunch worldwide that saw pulverization of some of the largest banking and finance giants, Indian banking houses have managed to show positive growth this quarter. Some of India’s leading national banks have posted a net profit rise of more than 40% over the last quarter amid global turmoil. This would come as a big shot in the arm for the investors and consumers of these banks even though apprehension is mounting on other banking and broking firms worldwide. One of the main reasons behind the success of these banks this quarter, would be their direct backing by the Government of India. People take solace in their investments in public sector watching the bailout packages being cashed out by governments all over the word to save big business houses.

Other private banks in India have also reported a substantial net profit over the last quarter. Given the international and domestic scenario on cannot put this down as a mundane achievement. While others are on a cost cutting spree and firing employees, Indian companies are actually working on boosting staffing in banking and broking sectors. This can be seen as a big boon in the days to come when the current recession eases and the economy gradually comes back on to the fast track. The finance minister has assured Indian public about the sound health of all Indian banks. This could also be evident from the fact that there have been no mergers and takeovers in Indian banking sector in contrast to world scenario where finance houses are looking for mergers to cut costs on operations. We definitely are not looking to thrive; rather we are looking for growth. It is just that the pace of growth is a little slow now as compared to a y ear or two before. These are hard times to test the hard. The weak in business and career will be weeded out and it is sometimes very beneficial for business on the long run.

1. What, according to the author, is the reason for the success of Indian national banks in this quarter?

(1)   Indian national banks do not have any commitments in troubled foreign markets

(2)   These banks can never face financial crisis because of their sheer size

(3)   These banks are ready to give loans at a very low rate of interest

(4)   The public is ready to invest in these banks because of the knowledge that these banks get strong support from the Government

(5)   None of the above

Answer: (4)

2. Which of the following statements is definitely true in the context of the passage?

(A) India has not been affected by the economic slowdown.

(B) Indian banks are showing growth in this quarter despite the recession.

(C) While baking industry in the West was severely affected by recession in the past, it is now gradually recovering and showing a positive growth.

(1)   Only A

(2)   Only B

(3)   Only C

(4)   Only A and B

(5)   Only B and C

Answer: (2)

3. What, according to the author, will be a big boon in the days to come ?

(1)   The economy coming back on the fast track

(2)   The slowing down of the economy

(3)   Increased hiring in Indian financial sector in times of economic slowdown

(4)   The cost cutting carried out  by all the companies

(5)   None of the above

Answer: (3)

4. Which of the following strengthens the finance minister’s statement about the sound health of Indian banks with respect to the passage?

(A) There have been no acquisitions and mergers of Indian banks.

(B) The Indian banks are recording a positive growth.

(C) Layoffs have been observed worldwide.

(1)   Only A and B

(2)   Only A and C

(3)   Only A

(4)   Only B

(5)   All A, B and C

Answer: (1)

5. How, according to the author, is the current recession beneficial?

(1)   Worldwide, companies have realized that India is a strong power to reckon with

(2)   India is surging ahead of the other companies throughout the world

(3)   After the recession is over international companies will turn to India for investment

(4)   Recession is bringing down the prices of essential commodities

(5)   None of the above

Answer: (5)

6. What does the phrase ‘shot in the arm’ as used in the passage mean ?

(1)   Shock

(2)   Fear

(3)   Encouragement

(4)   Anxiety

(5)   None of these

Answer: (3)

Directions (Q. Nos. 7 to 8) Choose the word/group of words which is most similar in meaning to the word/group of words printed in bold as used in the passage.

7. Pulverisation

(1)   Polarization

(2)   Mashing

(3)   Debasement

(4)   Fall

(5)   Crushing

Answer: (5)

8. Turmoil

(1)   Danger

(2)   Shock

(3)   Sadness

(4)   Fear

(5)   Chaos

Answer: (5)

Directions (Q. Nos. 9 to 10) Choose the word/group of words which is most opposite in meaning to the word/group of words printed in bold as used in the passage.

9. Mundane

(1)   Extraordinary

(2)   Regular

(3)   Severe

(4)   Visionary

(5)   Routine

Answer: (1)

10. Thrive

(1)   Succeed

(2)   Deteriorate

(3)   Worry

(4)   Tremble

(5)   Strive

Answer: (2)

Passage II

Modem bio-technology, especially the creation of genetically modified crops, is often presented as a magic solution or universal panacea for the problems of poverty, inadequate nutrition and even environmental degradation across the world. Conversely, there are people who present the picture of tech-generated monsters and major human health hazards being created by science. Many of the technological changes currently in the process of being utilized in agriculture can have unforeseen consequences, and their safety and future viability are far from secure.

The reality, as always, is far more complex than either of these two extremes. Even today the total food production in the world is adequate to feed the hungry of the world; the problem is rather one of unequal distribution, which deprives a large part of the population of even their minimal nutritional requirements. Similarly farmers, especially in developing countries, face many problems such as lack of infrastructure, poor or unstable market access, volatile input and output prices, etc. that bio-technology does not address, much less solve.

it is true that transgenic plants can offer a range of benefits which are above and beyond those which emerged from more traditional innovations in cultivation. It is suggested that such new technology offers more effective pest resistance of seeds and crops through genetic control mechanism, which also reduces the need for pesticide use and leads to improved yield. A basic question, of course, is whether the new GM technology is safe, and whether this is  absolutely crucial since the effects may only be known much later. The jury is still very much out on this matter, and the controversy does not appear to be resolved quickly.

The trouble is that most governments in developing countries have relatively low food and beverage regulatory standards, and public systems for monitoring and surveillance of such items are poor or non-existent. This leaves them open to entry and even dumping of a range of agricultural products of the new technology, which may not pass regulatory standards in the more developed countries.

11. Which of the following is true in context of the passage?

(1)   Genetically modified crops have been universally recognized as a solution to poverty and environmental degradation.

(2)   The only way to improve the deficit in food requirement and food  production in the world is by adapting genetically modified crops.

(3)   Genetically modified crops produce more yield as compared to yield from the traditional methods

(4)   Taking advantage of absence of regulatory standards, scientist have been dumping new products new products in the markets without appropriate approval

(5)   None is true

Answer: (3)

12. Why, according to the author, is genetic modification of crops not an answer to the problem of hunger in the world?

(A) People being highly doubtful of the long term effects of genetically modified crops, do not buy the  products grown by such methods.

(B) The problem of hunger in the world in not due to inadequate production of food but due to unequal distribution of it.

(C) Many developing countries have banned genetically modified products as developed countries have been using these countries as dumping grounds for new genetically modified products.

(1)   Only A

(2)   Only B

(3)   Both B and C

(4)   Both A and C

(5)   None of these

Answer: (2)

13. The author of the given passage seems to be definitely

(1)   suggesting the use of traditional methods of agriculture as against bio-technology by developing countries owing to their poor regulatory standards.

(2)   in favour of utilizing bio-technology as a tool for alleviation of poverty from the world

(3)   urging the policy makers to improve infrastructural facilities so that farmers can maximize the benefits of genetically modified crops

(4)   Unconvinced of the long term effects and rationale for immediate requirement of genetically modified products

(5)   None of the above

Answer: (4)

14. Choose the word/group of words which is most opposite in meaning to ‘VOLATILE’ printed in bold as used in the passage.

(1)   Never-ending

(2)   Meager

(3)   Valuable

(4)   Irreversible

(5)   Stable

Answer: (5)

15. Choose the word/group of words which is most similar meaning to ‘OPEN’ printed in bold as used in the passage.

(1)   Vulnerable

(2)   Capable

(3)   Threatened

(4)   Uncertain

(5)   Weak

Answer: (1)

Directions (Q. Nos. 16 to 30) Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it. Certain word have been printed in bold to help you locate them while answering some of the questions.

The great fear in Asia a short while ago was that the region would suffer through the wealth destruction already taking place in the US as a result of the financial crisis. Stock markets tumbled as exports plunged and economic growth deteriorated. Lofty property prices in China and elsewhere looked set to bust as credit tightened and buyers evaporated. But with surprising speed, fear in Asia swung back to greed as the region shows signs of recovery and property and stock prices are soaring in many parts of Asia.

Why should this sharp Asian turnaround be greeted with skepticism ? Higher asset prices mean households feel wealthier and better able to spend, which could further fuel the region’s nascent rebound. But just as easily, Asia could soon find itself saddled with overheated markets similar to the US housing market. In short the world has not changed, it has just moved places.

The incipient bubble is being created by government policy. In response to the global credit crunch of 2008, policy makers in Asia slashed interest rates and flooded financial sectors with cash in frantic attempts to keep loans flowing and economies growing. These steps were logical for central bankers striving to reverse a deepening economic crisis. But there is evidence that there is too much easy money around. It’s winding up in stocks and real estate, pushing prices up too far and too fast for the undenying economic fundamentals. Much of the concern is focused on China where government stimulus efforts have been large and effective. Money in China has been especially easy to find. Aggregate new bank lending surged 201% in the first half of 2009 from the same period a year earlier, to nearly 51.1 turn on. Exuberance over a quick recovery-which was given a boost by China’s surprisingly strong 7.9% GDP growth in the second quarter-has buoyed investor sentiment not just for stocks but also for real estate.

Former US Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan argued that bubbles could only be recognized in hind sight. But investors – who have been well schooled in the dangers of bubbles over the past decade are increasingly wary that prices have risen too far and that the slightest bit of negative, economic news cold knock markets for a loop. These fears are compounded by the possibility that Asia’s central bankers will begin taking steps to shut off the money. Rumours that Beijing was on the verge of tightening credit led to Shanghai stocks plunging 5%. Yet many economists believe that, there is close to a zero possibility that the Chinese government will do anything this year that constitutes tightening. And without a major shift in thinking, the easy-money conditions will stay in place. In a global economy that has produced more dramatic ups and downs than anyone thought possible over the past two years, Asia may be heading for another disheartening plunge.

16. To which of the following has the author attributed the 2008 Asian financial crisis ?

(A) Reluctance of Asian governments to taper off the economic stimulus

(B) Greed of Asian investors causing them to trade stocks of American companies at high prices

(C) Inflated real estate prices in Asian countries

(1)   None

(2)   Only A

(3)   Only C

(4)   Only A and B

(5)   Only B

Answer: (3)

17. What does the author want to convey through the phrase “The world has not changed it has just moved places” ?

(1)   At present countries are more dependent on Asian economies than on the US economy

(2)   Economies have become interlinked on account of globalization

(3)   Asian governments are implementing the same economic reforms as developed countries

(4)   All economies are susceptible to recession because of the state of the US economy

(5)   None of the above

Answer: (5)

18. Which of the following can be said about the Chinese government’s efforts to revive the economy?

(1)   These were largely unsuccessful as only the housing market improved

(2)   The government’s only concern was to boost investor confidence in stocks

(3)   These efforts were ineffectual as the economy recovered owing to the US market stabilizing

(4)   These were appropriate and accomplished the goal of economic revival

(5)   They blindly imitated the economic reforms adopted by the US

Answer: (4)

19. Why do experts predict that Asian policymaker will not withdraw fiscal stimulus ?

(A) The US economy is not likely to recover for a long time.

(B) Stock markets are yet to regain their former levels.

(C) Fear of revolt by greedy citizens

(1)   None

(2)   Only C

(3)   Only A and C

(4)   Only B

(5)   Only B and C

Answer: (1)

20. What do the statistics about loans given by Chinese banks in 2009 indicate ?

(1)   There was hardly any demand for loans in 2008

(2)   The Chinese government has borrowed funds from the US

(3)   China will take longer than the US to recover from the economic crisis

(4)   The GDP of China was below expectations

(5)   None of the above

Answer: (5)

21. Why was investor confidence in the Chinese stock market been restored?

(A) Existing property prices which are stable and affordable.

(B) The government has decided to tighten credit.

(C) Healthy growth of the economy indicated by GDP figures.

(1)   Only C

(2)   Only A and B

(3)   All A, B and C

(4)   Only B

(5)   None of these

Answer: (1)

22. What is the author’s main objective in writing the passage ?

(1)   Illustrating that Asian economies are financial more sound than those of developed countries

(2)   Disputing financial theories about how recessions  can be predicted and avoided

(3)   Warning Asian countries about the dangers of favouring fast growth and profits over sound economic-principles

(4)   Extolling China’s incredible growth and urging other countries to emulate it.

(5)   Advising governments about the changes in policy to strengthen economic fundamentals

Answer: (3)

23. Why does the author doubt the current resurgence of Asian economies?

(1)   Their economies are too heavily reliant on the American economy which is yet to recover

(2)   Central banks have slashed interest rates too abruptly which is likely to cause stock markets to crash

(3)   With their prevailing economic conditions they are at risk for a financial crisis

(4)   Their GDP gas not grown significantly during the last financial year

(5)   None of the above

Answer: (3)

24. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?

(A) All Asian economies are recovering at the same pace.

(B) Experts are apprehensive about the state of Asian economies despite their recovery.

(C) Developed countries should implement the same economies reforms as Asian ones.

(1)   Only A

(2)   Only B and C

(3)   Only A and B

(4)   Only B

(5)   None of these

Answer: (4)

25. According to the passage, which of the following factor (s) has/have had a negative impact on the Asian stock markets?

(A) Abrupt drop in exports by Asian countries.

(B) Extravagant disbursement of housing loans in 2009.

(C) Raising of interest rates by the Central Bank.

(1)   None

(2)   Only A and B

(3)   Only A

(4)   Only A and C

(5)   All, A, B and C

Answer: (3)

Directions (Q. Nos. 26 to 28) Choose the word or group of words which is most similar in meaning to the word printed in bold as used in the passage.

26. Fuel

(1)   Petrol

(2)   Stimulate

(3)   Sustain

(4)   Heat

(5)   Charge

Answer: (2)

27. Flooded

(1)   Surged

(2)   Saturated

(3)   Overflowed

(4)   Deluge

(5)   Overcome

Answer: (1)

28. Evaporated

(1)   Dehydrated

(2)   Melted

(3)   Vaporized

(4)   Vanished

(5)   Dodgegd

Answer: (4)

Directions (Q. Nos. 29 to 30) Choose the word or group of words which is most opposite in meaning to the word printed in bold as used in the passage.

29. Buoyed

(1)   Heavy

(2)   Stiffed

(3)   Numbed

(4)   Dull

(5)   Abated

Answer: (3)

30. Sharp

(1)   Blunt

(2)   Incomplete

(3)   Naive

(4)   Indistinct

(5)   Gradual

Answer: (5)

Directions (Q. Nos. 31 to 45) Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it. Certain word have been printed in bold to help you locate them while answering some of the questions.

Delays of several months in National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (NREGS) wage payments and worksites where labourers have lost all hope of being paid at all have become the norm in many states. How are workers who exist on the margins of subsistence supposed to feed their families ? Under the scheme, workers must be paid within 15 days, failing which they are entitled to compensation under the Payment of Wages Act – upto Rs. 3,000/- per aggrieved worker. In reality compensation is received in only a few isolated instances.

It is often argued by officials that the main reason for the delay is the inability of banks and post offices to handle mass payments of NREGS wages. Though there is a grain of truth in this, as a diagnosis it is misleading. The ‘jam’ in the banking system has been the result of the hasty switch to bank payments imposed by the Central Government against the recommendation of the Central Employment Guarantee Council which advocated a gradual transition starting with villages relatively close to the nearest bank.

However delays are not confined solely to the  banking system. Operational hurdles include implementing agencies taking more than fifteen days to issue payment orders, viewing of work measurement as a cumbersome process resulting in procrastination by the engineering staff and non-maintenance of muster rolls and job cards, etc. But behind these delays lies a deeper and deliberate ‘backlash’ against the NREGS. With bank payments making it much harder to embezzle NREGS funds, the programme is seen as a headache by many government functionaries-the workload has remained without the “inducements”. Slowing down wage payments is a convenient way of sabotaging the scheme because workers will desert NREGS worksites.

The commonsense solution advocated by the government is to adopt the business correspondent model where in bank agents will go to villages to make cash payments and duly record them on handheld, electronic devices. This solution is based on the wrong diagnosis that distance separating villages from banks is the main issue. In order to accelerate payments, clear timelines for every step of the payment process should be incorporated into the system as Programme Officers often have no data on delays and cannot exert due pressure to remedy the situation. Workers are both clueless and powerless with no provision for them to air their grievances and seek redress. In drought-affected areas, the system of piece rat work can be dispensed with, where work measurement is not completed within a week and wages may be paid on the basis of attendance. Buffer funds can be provided to gram panchayats and post offices to avoid bottlenecks in the flow of funds. Partial advances could also be considered provided wage payments are meticulously tracked. But failure to recognize problems and unwillingness to remedy them will remain major threats to the NREGS.

31. What impact have late wage payments had on NREGS workers ?

(1)   They cannot obtain employment till their dues are cleared

(2)   They have benefited from the compensation awarded to them

(3)   They have been unable to provide for their families

(4)   They have been ostracized by their families who depend on them for sustenance

(5)   None of the above

Answer: (3)

32. Which of the following factors has not been responsible for untimely payment of NREGS wages ?

(1)   Communication delays between agencies implementing the scheme

(2)   Improper record keeping

(3)   Behind schedule release of payments by banks

(4)   Drought conditions prevalent in the country

(5)   Delays in work measurement

Answer: (4)

33. What has been the outcome of disbursing NREGS wages through banks ?

(1)   Theft of funds by administration officials responsible for the scheme has reduced

(2)   Increased workload for local government officials

(3)   Protests by workers who have to travel long distances to the nearest bank to claim their wages

(4)   Time consuming formalities have to be completed by workers

(5)   None of the above

Answer: (2)

34. According to the passage, which of the following has/have been the consequence (s) of delayed wage payments ?

(A) Compensation to victimized workers has amounted to crores.

(B) Banks will no longer be entrusted with remitting wages.

(C) Regulations to ensure punctual wage payments have come into force.

(1)   None

(2)   Only A

(3)   Only A and C

(4)   Only A and B

(5)   Only B and C

Answer: (1)

35. To which of the following has the author attributed the delay in wage payments ?

(1)   Embezzlement of funds by corrupt bank staff

(2)   Lack of monitoring by the Central Employment Guarantee Council

(3)   An attempt to derail the NREGS by vested interests

(4)   Overworked bank staff deliberately delay payments to protest against extra work

(5)   Engineers’ efforts to wreck the NREGS because of low wages

Answer: (3)

36. Which of the following is not true in the context of the passage ?

(A) Workers are reluctant to open bank accounts as branches are not conveniently located.

(B) Local officials often delay wage payments in drought prone areas to benefit workers.

(C) The Government has not implemented every recommendation of the Central Employment Guarantee Council.

(1)   Only B

(2)   Only A and B

(3)   Only B and C

(4)   All A, B and C

(5)   None of these

Answer: (2)

37. Which of the following can be considered a deficiency in the NREGS ?

(1)   Lack of co-ordination among Programme Officers

(2)   Local officials are unaware of correct operational procedures

(3)   Workers have no means of obtaining redressal for untimely wage payments

(4)   Disbursing wages through banks instead of readily accessible post offices

(5)   The Central Employment Guarantee Council is reluctant to award compensation to workers

Answer: (3)

38. What solution has the author suggested to expedite NREGS wage payments ?

(1)   Empower the Central Employment Guarantee Council to monitor the NREGS

(2)   Implement payment of wages in cash at all worksites

(3)   Restrict the amount of funds to local government bodies in order to curb frauds

(4)   Provide attendance records to workers so they have proof to claim their wages

(5)   None of the above

Answer: (2)

39. What is the author’s view about the government’s solution to the problem of delayed wage payments ?

(1)   He agrees with it as workers will not have to bear the expense of travelling long distances to claim their wages

(2)   He is not in favour of it as funds can be misappropriated  by agents

(3)   he welcome it as the time consuming work measurement process will be done away with

(4)   He feels it does not address the core issues plaguing the scheme

(5)   He feels it will ensure flawless implementation of the scheme

Answer: (4)

40. Which of the following can be said about the National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme ?

(A) Skilled engineers are not compensated under this scheme.

(B) The scheme should be implemented only in famine prone areas.

(C) Employers have not complied with all the requirements of the scheme.

(1)   Only A

(2)   Only C

(3)   Only B and C

(4)   Only A and B

(5)   None of these

Answer: (2)

Directions (Q. Nos. 41 to 43) Choose the word which is most similar in meaning to the word printed bold as used in the passage.

41. Isolated

(1)   Lonely

(2)   Separated

(3)   Detached

(4)   Hidden

(5)   Rare

Answer: (5)

42. Confined

(1)   Locked

(2)   Restricted

(3)   Detained

(4)   Captured

(5)   Imprisoned

Answer: (2)

43. Desert

(1)   Betray

(2)   Escape

(3)   Barren

(4)   Abandon

(5)   Vacant

Answer: (4)

Directions (Q. Nos. 44 to 45) Choose the word which is most opposite in meaning to the word printed in bold as used in the passage.

44. Convenient

(1)   Troublesome

(2)   Annoying

(3)   Appropriate

(4)   Easy

(5)   Distant

Answer: (2)

45. Deliberate

(1)   Unsteady

(2)   Abrupt

(3)   Mistake

(4)   Chosen

(5)   Accidental

Answer: (5)

Directions (Q. Nos. 46 to 60) Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it. Certain word have been printed in bold to help you  locate them while answering some of the questions.

The education sector in India is in ferment, hit by a storm long waiting to happen. The butterfly that flapped its wings was the much-reiterated statement in a much publicized report that hardly a fourth of graduating engineers, and an even smaller percentage of other graduates, was of employable quality for IT-BPO jobs. This triggered ac cyclone when similar views were echoed by other sectors which led to widespread debate. Increased industry – academia interaction, “finishing school”, and other efforts were initiated as immediate measures to bridge skill deficits. These, however, did not work as some felt that these are but band-aid solutions; instead, radical systemic reform is necessary.

Yet, there will be serious challenges to overdue reforms in the education system. In India-as in many countries-education is treated as a holy cow; sadly, the administrative system that oversees it has also been deceived. Today, unfortunately, there is no protest against selling drinking water or paying to be cured of illness, or for having to buy food when one is poor and starving; nor is there an outcry that in all these cases there are commercial companies operating on a profit-making basis. Why, then, is there an instinctively adverse reaction to the formal entry of ‘for-profit’ institutes in the realm of education ? Is potable water, health or food, less basic a need, less important a right, than higher education ?

While there are strong arguments for free or subsidized higher education, we are not writing on a blank page. Some individuals and businessmen had entered this sector long back and found devious ways of making money, though the law stipulates the educational institutes must be ‘not-for profit’ trusts or societies. Yet, there is opposition to the entry of ‘for-profit’ corporate, which would be more transparent and accountable. As a result, desperately needed investment in promoting the wider reach of quality education has been stagnated at the time when financial figures indicate that the allocation of funds for the purpose is but a fourth of the need.

Well-run corporate organizations, within an appropriate regulatory framework, would be far better than the so-called trusts which-barring some noteworthy exceptions are a blot on education. However, it is not necessarily a question of choosing one over the other: different organizational forms can coexist, as they do in the health sector. A regulatory framework which creates competition, in tandem with a rating system, would automatically ensure the quality and relevance of education. As in sectors like telecom, and packaged goods, organizations will quickly expand into the hinterland to tap the large unmet demand. Easy Loan scholarship arrangements would ensure affordability and access.

The only real structural reform in higher education was the creation of the institutes for technology and management. They were also given autonomy and freedom beyond that of the universities. However, in the last few years, determined efforts have been underway to curb their autonomy. These institutes, however, need freedom to decide on recruitment salaries and admissions, so as to compete globally.

However, such institutes will be few. Therefore, we need a regulatory framework that will enable and encourage States and the Centre, genuine philanthropists and also corporate to set up quality educational institutions. The regulatory system needs only to ensure transparency, accountability, competition and widely-available independent assessments or ratings. it is time for radical thinking, bold experimentation and new structures; it is time for the government to bite the bullet.

46. Why, according to the author, did the initiatives such as increased industry-academia and finishing schools did not help to bridge the skill deficit?

(A) These steps were only superficial remedies and the problem could be answered only by reforming the entire education system.

(B) These initiatives operated on a profit-making basis rather than aiming at any serious systemic reforms.

(C) The allocation of funds to such initiatives was only one-fourth of the need.

(1)   Only A

(2)   Only B

(3)   Only B and C

(4)   Only A and B

(5)   None of these

Answer: (1)

47. Which of the following suggestions have been made b y the author to improve the state of education in India?

(A) Allowing the corporate organizations to enter the education sector.

(B) Easy availability of loans and scholarships for making education more affordable.

(C) A rating system for all the organizations to ensure quality.

(1)   Only A

(2)   Only A and B

(3)   Only A and C

(4)   All A, B and C

(5)   None of these

Answer: (4)

48. According to the author, what ‘triggered a cyclone’ which saw similar views on the state of education being echoed across other sectors as well?

(1)   The campaign for allowing corporates in the education sector on a ‘for-profit’ basis

(2)   The support for the increase in the industry-academia interaction

(3)   The report mentioning that only a small percentage of graduates were employable in software industry

(4)   The report supporting the idea of making the education completely ‘for-profit’ in order to improve upon the standards

(5)   None of the above

Answer: (3)

49. Which argument does the author put forward when he compares the education sector with sectors catering for health and potable water, etc?

(1)   Education should also be provided free of cost to all as health services and water

(2)   Taking an example from these sectors, there should be a protest against the commercialization of education as well

(3)   Allowing corporate entry in education would result in rampant corruption as in the sectors of health and potable water etc.

(4)   As in these sectors, commercial organizations should also be allowed to enter the education sector

(5)   None of the above

Answer: (4)

50. What does the author mean by the phrase ‘we are not writing on a blank page’ in context of t he passage?

(1)   Corporates would never enter education if they are forced to function on a non-profit making basis

(2)   The commercialization of education has already started in India

(3)   Education has been reduced to a profit making sector by some corporate organizations

(4)   Government will not allow corporate to enter education as India can’t afford to have costly-education

(5)   None of the above

Answer: (2)

51. What is the author’s main objective in writing the passage ?

(1)   To suggest the ways to improve quality of education in India

(2)   To highlight the corruption present in the education sector

(3)   To compare the education sector with other sectors

(4)   The suggest some temporary solutions to the problems in education

(5)   None of the above

Answer: (1)

52. According to the author, which of the following was the only step taken in order to reform the higher education ?

(1)   Allowing organizations to enter the education sector on a ‘for-profit’ basis

(2)   Creation of autonomous institutes for management and technology which were not under university control

(3)   Setting up the regulatory framework for all the existing universities

(4)   Making the availability of educational loans and scholarships easier

(5)   None of the above

Answer: (2)

53. Which suggestion does the author make in order to make the institutes of higher learning for technology and management capable of competing globally?

(1)   To limit their autonomy to acceptable limit and give partial controls to the government

(2)   To allow corporate organizations to take them over in order to provide more funds

(3)   To increase the allocation of funds to such institutes

(4)   All of the above

(5)   None of the above

Answer: (4)

54. Which of the following is not true in context of the given passage ?

(1)   According to the law, education institutes should not be run for profit

(2)   There has been no protest against the selling of drinking water and paying for the health services

(3)   Only either corporate organizations or government controlled organizations can exist in the education sector

(4)   The introduction of ‘for-profit’ corporates in the education sector has been facing a lot of criticism points

(5)   All are true

Answer: (3)

Directions (Q. Nos. 55 to 57) Choose the word which is most similar in meaning to the word printed in bold as used in the passage.

55. Devious

(1)   Dishonest

(2)   Different

(3)   Severe

(4)   Various

(5)   Trivial

Answer: (1)

56. Measures

(1)   Amount

(2)   Quantity

(3)   Steps

(4)   Capacity

(5)   Length

Answer: (3)

57. Bridge

(1)   Connect

(2)   Eliminate

(3)   Unite

(4)   Link

(5)   Fuse

Answer: (2)

Directions (Q. Nos. 58 to 60) Choose the word/phrase which is most opposite  in meaning to the word printed in bold as used in the passage.

58. Promoting

(1)   Demoting

(2)   Delaying

(3)   Postponing

(4)   Broadening

(5)   Hampering

Answer: (5)

59. Noteworthy

(1)   Unnoticed

(2)   Insignificant

(3)   Indefinite

(4)   Remarkable

(5)   Obsolete

Answer: (2)

60. Transparent

(1)   Reputed

(2)   Opaque

(3)   Defective

(4)   Corrupt

(5)   Thick

Answer: (2)

Directions (Q. Nos. 61 to 67) Read the given paragraph carefully and answer the questions which follow.

We are living in the midst of a great chemical experiment, and some serious consequences are becoming apparent to scientists. More than two billion pounds of chemicals are spewed into the air each year which are brewing a disastrous stew. The greatest consequences of the atmosphere crisis may be global warming ande the ozone depletion. The Earth appears to be warming due to the greenhouse effect. Scientists estimate that average temperature could climb about 2 degrees Celsius in 20 years. Global warming is the predicted result of the greenhouse effect, created by the greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide and methane, in the atmosphere. This change in the global climate would have disastrous results, including drought, coastal flooding and increased species extinction. Also, the scientists have discovered a hole in the ozone layer. The ozone layer is the only protection for life on Earth against deadly ultraviolet radiation from the Sun. Once the ozone layer is completely destroyed, all life on Earth will cease to exist, killed by the deadly radiation. The planet will become a barren rock devoid of all life. And when this happens the process of industrialization would have to take the blame which has resulted in increased use of fossil fuels such as coal, petroleum and diesel.

61. Which of the following can be inferred from the given passage ?

(A) The use of all chemical  products should be immediately stopped.

(B) Scientists will have a hard time to estimate the rate of change of temperature in the years to come due to enormous changes in the environment.

(C) The environment disaster in the future will happen as a result of increased usage of fossil fuels.

(1)   Only A

(2)   Only C

(3)   Both A and C

(4)   Both B and C

(5)   None of these

Answer: (2)

62. Which of the following best explains the u sage of the phrase ‘brewing a disastrous stew’ ?

(1)   The continuous rise in Earth’s temperature has proved to be very dangerous

(2)   Lack of efforts to curb the greenhouse effects would degrade the environment in the near future

(3)   The harmful ultraviolet radiations are slowly destroying the life on Earth

(4)   The fraternity of scientists has been opposing the process of industrialization

(5)   The increased discharge of chemicals in the air is resulting in an atmosphere crisis

Answer: (5)

Directions (Q. Nos. 63 to 64) Read the given paragraph carefully and answer the questions which follow.

Fashion has become one of the largest fads among the youth. The amount of time wastage and expenditure on fashion is very large. What bothers however is the fact that fashion is here to say despite countless arguments against it. What is required therefore is that strong efforts should be made in order to displace the excessive craze of fashion from the minds of today’s youth.

63. Which of the following statements finds least support by the argument made by the author in the given paragraph ?

(1)   Youngsters should be motivated to do constructive business rather than wasting time in fashion

(2)   The world of fashion being glamorous and glittery attracts people towards itself

(3)   Following latest fashion increases the self efficacy of people thus increasing their overall mental abilities

(4)   Many universities have implemented a dress code to put a check o the increasing fad amongst the youth which was affecting their grades

(5)   None of the above

Answer: (3)

64. Which of the following can be inferred from the given paragraph ?

(1)   The author has made strong efforts to wipe out fashion from the minds of youth

(2)   Steps need to be taken in order to control the growing fad of fashion amongst the  youth

(3)   The author is upset with the shift of fashion from the traditional ethnic wear to western outfits

(4)   Fashion world is responsible for lack of creativity among the youth

(5)   None of the above

Answer: (2)

Directions (Q. Nos. 65 to 66) Read the given paragraph carefully and answer the questions which follow.

The government cannot afford to compartmentalize education. It has to be emphasized that any country which does not have a good university education will never be listed as an independent country and will never be able to progress. Only countries prepared to tolerate a second rate and subjugate status in the world would neglect higher education. If India has had any poison in the comity of nations in past, it was only because it had a better higher education than many of its Asian counterparts. This, clear emphasis on the higher education, however, does not imply that it should be supported and developed at the cost of primary and secondary education.

65. Which of the following best explains the main idea of the paragraph ?

(1)   The government has made a wrong move in compartmentalizing education

(2)   To highlight the superiority of India in higher education as compared to the rest of the world

(3)   To emphasize more on primary education rather than higher education

(4)   Higher education is important for the growth of a country

(5)   None of the above

Answer: (4)

66. Which of the following is the most likely title of the bigger passage (having the same main idea as that of the given paragraph) in which this paragraph might have appeared ?

(1)   Education –A fundamental right of every child

(2)   Indian education – An unfortunate neglect of the primary education

(3)   Lack of higher education opportunities in India

(4)   A comparison of higher education in India with that of the west

(5)   Importance of higher education in growth of a country

Answer: (5)

Directions (Q. Nos. 67 to 68) Read the given paragraph carefully and answer the questions which follow.

Although an eco-friendly process and one of the main ways to save the environment, recycling, is not gaining pace in the industry. The process of recycling undergoes many processes. First is collecting and sorting of garbage. This requires a lot of manpower and tools which are expensive. Another disadvantage of recycling which makes it unviable is that for the manufacturers, economically,, the recycled material is not  highly demanded since its quality is not as good as the original material. So if the marketing of recycled goods is not worthwhile, then the whole process of recycling cannot be economically efficient. Recycled products face other disadvantages as well, such as short shelf life, difficulty in de-inking the dyed products and less durability, etc.

67. The author has listed the disadvantages of recycling to

(1)   explain the reason why recycling is not a popular option besides having various positive effects on the environment

(2)   given arguments to support the stopping of the process of recycling completely

(3)   predict the effects of stoppage of recycling on the environment

(4)   show that there are better options than recycling available for utilization

(5)   None of the above

Answer: (1)

68. Why is the marketing of recycled products not worthwhile according to the author ?

(A) The original products are being sold at a much lower price compared to the recycled products.

(B) The overall effect of recycling on the environment is detrimental rather than beneficial.

(C) It does not given appropriate economic returns since recycled products lack demand in the market.

(1)   Only A

(2)   Both B and C

(3)   Only C

(4)   Both A and B

(5)   None of these

Answer: (3)

Directions (Q. Nos. 69 to 70) Read the given paragraph carefully and answer the questions which follow.

The human civilization stands on an edge of destiny. It lies today on the mercy of nuclear weapons which have the power to destroy us completely lest controlled wisely. In such a crisis situation, it is important to develop sensitivity towards basic values of life. It includes an explicit realization that humans swim in an ocean where they must swim together and sink together. At this juncture a single rotten fish would damage the ocean as a whole. Man cannot afford to tamper with his loyalty to peace and international understanding which is the only way to deal with the situation. Anyone who does so, dooms the entire past, present and the future of the human civilization.

69. What according to the author, should be done to avoid the destruction of life by the nuclear weapons ?

(1)   Ban the use of nuclear weapons throughout the world

(2)   Enforce stricter laws and boycotts against the nations using nuclear weapons.

(3)   Generate more awareness regarding the harm of using the nuclear weapons

(4)   Work towards international harmony and understanding

(5)   None of the above

Answer: (4)

70. Which of the following can be inferred from the given paragraph ?

(A) Nuclear war, one day or the other, is poised to end the  human civilization.

(B) It is not possible for the countries to exist in unison regardless of what happens in other countries.

(C) Unless all the nuclear weapons on earth are destroyed, peace cannot be restored.

(1)   Only A

(2)   Only B

(3)   Only B and C

(4)   Only A and C

(5)   None of these

Answer: (1)

Directions (Q. Nos. 71 to 85) Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it. Certain words are printed in bold to help you to locate them while answering some of the questions.

The current global food situation is very serious and hence, we need to understand the reasons for such a dramatic increase in food prices in a short period. It is argued the increases in energy costs are resulting in cost push inflation but contribution of energy costs to overall costs in agriculture may not explain the huge increase in food prices.

Related to the current elevated energy prices, there has been a diversion of corn and edible to bio-fuels, which is significantly influenced by policy man-dates. Very clearly this diversion to bio-fuel is a policy induced new reality, which coincide with price escalation in precisely those products and hence, is noteworthy.

The financialisation of commodity trade and current extraordinary conditions in global financial markets could have influenced the spurt in prices. The recent reductions in interest rates in the US and the injection of liquidity have resulted in investors seeking new avenues such as commodity markets, in view of the turbulence in financial markets and the low returns in treasuries. The relatively easy liquidity and low interest rates by themselves make holding of inventories attractive and thus induce greater volatility in commodity markets. The weakening of the US dollar is also advanced as a reason for the recent volatility in commodity markets, including food items. It is evident that this phenomenon is now also coinciding with the across the board rise in food prices.

In brief, while there are demand and supply side pressures on food items, there is considerable merit in the argument that the recent extraordinary increases in food prices are closely linked to public policy responses to high energy costs in advanced economies, and the turbulence in financial market and financial institutions. It is said that the impact of such policy induced diversion of food to bio-fuels is significant at this juncture and reflects a preference to fill the fuel tank of automobiles rather than fill the empty stomachs of people. Similarly, it is sometimes held that the weight accorded to financial stability in public may now be at the expense of stability in real sector especially of sensitive commodities like food. At the same time, there is a general consensus that public policy in regard to food in many economies around the world has not provided adequate incentive to farmers to increase the supply of food and other agricultural products to comfortably match the growing demand over the medium term.

71. In what way are bio-fuels responsible for the increasing cost of food ?

(A) It is a policy mandate to use bio-fuel in place of petroleum products especially in developing countries.

(B) Certain essential food commodities are being used for manufacturing alternative fuels.

(C) The low cost of bio-fuels has created fluctuation in prices of other agricultural commodities.

(1)   A only

(2)   B only

(3)   C only

(4)   A and B only

(5)   None of these

Answer: (4)

72. Which of the following situation (s) has/have prompted investors to look towards commodity markets ?

(A) Dip in rates of interest in the US

(B) Easy Liquidity

(C) Volatility in commodity prices

(1)   A and B only

(2)   B and C only

(3)   A and C only

(4)   All the three

(5)   None of these

Answer: (4)

73. The passage lays emphasis on which of the following central theme (s) ?

(A) The abysmally throwaway prices offered for food commodities.

(B) The worldwide acute shortage of food commodities.

(C) Promoting the use of bio-fuel for automobiles

(1)   A only

(2)   B only

(3)   C only

(4)   All the three

(5)   None of these

Answer: (2)

74. Which of the following statements is false in the context of the passage ?

(A) Unusual conditions in global financial markets have aggravated the food price

(B) No government would prefer fueling vehicles to feeding the hungry

(C) Maintenance of financial stability in public policy will be at the cost of stability in the real sector.

(1)   A and B only

(2)   B and C only

(3)   B only

(4)   C only

(5)   None of these

Answer: (3)

75. Which of the following shows a cause-effect relationship between its two components ?

(1)   Reduction in interest rates and abundance of food commodities

(2)   Reduction in energy prices and increase in food commodity prices

(3)   Turbulence in financial markets and escalation in production of food commodities

(4)   Dipping of US dollar value and volatility in commodity markets

(5)   Injection of liquidity and the drop in investor confidence

Answer: (4)

76. Which of the following statements is true in the context of the passage ?

(1)   Commodity markets have become erratic due to easy liquidity and low interest rate

(2)   Governments of many countries have begun paying better prices for food commodities to ensure their farmers are taken care of

(3)   Farmers in developing countries have to compulsorily produce a certain quantity of bio-fuels annually

(4)   The financialisation of commodity trade has resulted in a dip in prices of food products

(5)   The weakening of other currencies against the US dollar has resulted in high fuel prices

Answer: (1)

77. Which of the following best explains the phrase “this phenomenon” as used in the fourth paragraph of the passage ?

(1)   Volatility in commodity markets which has led to hoarding

(2)   Escalating food prices caused by high interest rates

(3)   Easy liquidity because of lack of investment in America

(4)   Weakening of the US dollar and Consequent variability in commodity markets

(5)   Fluctuation in energy prices and outdated public policy

Answer: (1)

78. Which of the following an be inferred from the contents of the passage ?

(A) At present, the demand for food items exceeds the supply.

(B) Fuel production has been given higher priority than caring for the millions who are starving.

(C) Farmers have not been motivated to increase their production of food.

(1)   A and B only

(2)   B and C only

(3)   A and C only

(4)   None of these

(5)   All A, B and C

Answer: (5)

79. Which of the following can be thought of as a measure to remedy the global situation mentioned in the passage ?

(A) Reducing the production of cars and thereby the demand for energy

(B) Inducing farmers to increase their food and other agricultural produce

(C) Increasing the prices of food items to compensate farmers for their losses.

(1)   A only

(2)   A and B only

(3)   B only

(4)   B and C only

(5)   None of these

Answer: (2)

Directions (Q. Nos. 80 to 82) Choose the word which is most opposite in meaning of the word given in bold as used in the passage.

80. Consensus

(1)   Deviant

(2)   Disagreement

(3)   Dejection

(4)   Denial

(5)   Dissuasion

Answer: (2)

81. Elevated

(1)   Raised

(2)   Stabilized

(3)   Inclined

(4)   Fallen

(5)   Slanted

Answer: (4)

82. Volatility

(1)   Agitation

(2)   Effervescence

(3)   Optimism

(4)   Disparity

(5)   Inactivity

Answer: (5)

Directions (Q. Nos. 83 to 85) Choose the word/group of words which is most nearly the same in meaning as the word given in bold as used in the passage.

83. Incentive

(1)   Acceleration

(2)   Surplus

(3)   Baiting

(4)   Inspiration

(5)   Encouragement

Answer: (5)

84. Advanced

(1)   Put forward

(2)   Set aside

(3)   Taken over

(4)   Marched forward

(5)   Escalated further

Answer: (1)

85. Turbulence

(1)   Passion

(2)   Rage

(3)   Turmoil

(4)   Seige

(5)   Tide

Answer: (3)

Directions (Q. Nos. 86 to 100) Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it. Certain words have been printed in bold to help you to locate them while answering some of the questions.

Capitalism is a great slave, but a pathetic master. This truth unfortunately gets lost in our chase for that  elusive dream …………. especially in the West, the land that has been marketed as the land of the dreams – the great western dream. It’s the dream of being independent masters of our lives, of making big bucks and of being happy – even if that happiness is being bought by money which all of them chase out there. No doubt, the West, on its part has been fairly successful in creating material comforts aplenty. It has  improved the living standard of its average citizen. However it has been achieved as a result of more than 200 years of unbridled growth and exploitation. And that is what has made the rest of the world mindlessly chase Westernism, not necessarily happiness or an ideal form of society. All because the shop window looks very impressive and it has been marketed very well.

But a deep look inside the shop tells a different tale. A different world lies behind, a world that is not quite visible to the starry eyed millions – for whom the Western way of life seems to be the ultimate dream.

Thus, we have Indians dreaming to become or to get married to an NRI and Indian middle class fathers dreaming of their sons reaching the Bay area and landing tech jobs, unmindful of the second class life they end up leading in the West. What goes unseen and almost unheard is that the West also happens to be the land that is right amongst the top in terms of the number of divorces per thousand, the number of single parent families per thousand, the number of old people in old age homes, the number of suicides, homicides, and of course, the number of college/school shootouts.

And why not! After all, such societies are constantly drive towards higher profits and materialism. Expectedly, this materialism comes at a cost that the world is paying today. This s the reason why we have millions dying of curable diseases in Africa and other underdeveloped countries, while the rich grow richer. Their growth will be reduced, if they were to start thinking of the poor. So what do they do to justify their greed for more? They most shrewdly propagate and market a ridiculously primitive law of the jungle for our 21st century civilization, the ‘Law of Survival of the Fittest!’ The interesting thing about material things is that they only think of happiness; how much happiness is always momentary in nature. Ergo, at this future, you feel you are the happiest person in the world, after buying your new car or flat screen TV, and just a few days later, these are the very possessions that cease to make you happy. While you chase the bigger car and spend that extra bit of the wealth, you intercept someone’s share of the daily bread and also sacrifice those who have the maximum power to make you happy-family, emotions and love. Prolonged abstinence in feeling emotions finally destroys bliss; and you don’t even realize when you’ve become a dry-eyed cripple……. and then you land up in a sermon workshop to find out the real meaning of life – or whatever these workshops are capable of explaining. The truth is that such workshops are also driven by merchants who cash in o the dejected state of the  people, a state related by their own fictional dreams. But by then it’s really too late.

By then, you have made profits out of arms, and engineered wars to keep that industry alive. You’ve sold guns across counters at supermarkets and trade more profits. You’ve lobbied that guns should be made accessible to the common man, and all for the sake of profits. This makes you realize one day that they are your own children who are in their one of the fire against the school goer, one who open fire at his schoolmates.

This is the society that finally creates an emotionless monster, who gets satisfaction in killing innocent adults and children alike for no cause, no reason and for none, but himself. It is the utter destruction of spiritualism and the total focus none endless self-gratification. Where so many single parent families and divorces exist, it is impossible to bring up children or influence the killers, any better.

86. Who does the author hold responsible for the shooting spree in schools and colleges ?

(A) Lack of love and emotion in the society in general.

(B) Increased focus on self-gratification even when it comes at the cost of innocent lives.

(C) Deteriorating social structure leading to break up of families resulting in lack of moral development in children.

(1)   Only A

(2)   Only C

(3)   Only B and C

(4)   All of these

(5)   None of these

Answer: (4)

87. Why does the author refer to the law of survival of the fittest as ridiculous ?

(1)   This law is primitive and does not hold good for developed nations

(2)   The law is often used to justify the accumulation of wealth by a selected few

(3)   People from developing countries use it to rationalize their immigration to the Western countries

(4)   It does not lead to any material profits and material wealth

(5)   None of the above

Answer: (2)

88. According to the passage, which of the following is a reason for poverty and hunger in underdeveloped countries ?

(A) Mindlessly chasing the Western way of living

(B) They have fallen prey to the idea of happiness through material comforts rather than love and emotional bond.

(C) They do not have marketing techniques as good as the western countries.

(1)   Only B

(2)   Only C

(3)   Only A

(4)   Only B and C

(5)   Not mentioned in the passage

Answer: (5)

89. Why do the ‘starry eyed millions’ harbor a wish to become an NRI ?

(A) They are driven towards higher profits and materialism

(B) They appreciate the western way of life as it appears to them.

(C) They have become emotionless and have lost any attachment to the motherland.

(1)   Only A

(2)   Only B

(3)   Only A and B

(4)   Only C

(5)   All A, B and C

Answer: (3)

90. Why does the author disregard the Western way of living even though an average citizen in the West enjoys better living standards ?

(1)   Many Indians want to ape their lifestyle leading to a cultural dilution of their own traditions

(2)   The West has failed to market their lifestyle in an appropriate way

(3)   According to him the law of ‘survival of the fittest’ is now obsolete

(4)   It only looks forward to material comfort rather than happiness within

(5)   None of the above

Answer: (4)

91. What does the author mean by ‘intercepting someone’s share of daily bread’ ?

(1)   Hindering the process of marketing in underdeveloped countries by the developed countries

(2)   Denying material comfort to the Western world

(3)   Affecting the social life of those working towards material comforts only

(4)   Excess of wealth in western world while people in poorer nations struggle for survival

(5)   None of the above

Answer: (4)

92. What does the author mean by ‘shop window of the West’ when the suggests to look inside the shop ?

(A) The sprawling super markets have been making profits out of inhuman activities.

(B) To look closely at the existing societal structure rather than superficially appreciating the delusive dazzle.

(C) To study their marketing techniques closely.

(1)   Only A

(2)   Only B

(3)   Only A and B

(4)   Only B and C

(5)   Only C

Answer: (3)

93. The author’s main objective in writing the passage is

(1)   to explain that consumerist societies have their own drawbacks which are overlooked by those who are blinded by its material glare

(2)   to explain how too many material comforts have improved the living standard of common man in the West

(3)   that young children should not be given access to guns and other ammunitions

(4)   all NRIs are leading unmindful, second class lives abroad

(5)   None of the above

Answer: (1)

94. Which of the following is not true according to the passage ?

(1)   Over indulgence in accumulating material wealth has lead to many problems on the social and emotional fronts

(2)   People should visit the sermons more often since this is the only way to achieve peace and happiness

(3)   For the sake of making profits, people have taken decisions which have proved to be harmful to the society

(4)   There are plenty of material comforts in the Western countries

(5)   All are true

Answer: (2)

Directions (Q. Nos. 95 to 97) Choose the word which is most similar in meaning to the word printed in bold as used in the passage.

95. Shrewdly

(1)   Roughly

(2)   Rightly

(3)   Rudely

(4)   Courteously

(5)   Astutely

Answer: (5)

96. Chase

(1)   Follow

(2)   Capture

(3)   Run

(4)   Catch

(5)   Conquer

Answer: (1)

97. Elusive

(1)   Terrifying

(2)   Unusual

(3)   Unachievable

(4)   Haunting

(5)   Displeasing

Answer: (3)

Directions (Q. Nos. 98 to 100) Choose the word/phrase which is most opposite in meaning to the word printed in bold as used in the passage.

98. Dejected

(1)   Apologetic

(2)   Anxious

(3)   Accepted

(4)   Elated

(5)   Enlightened

Answer: (4)

99. Unbridled

(1)   Enthusiastic

(2)   Controlled

(3)   Rebellious

(4)   Considerate

(5)   Approved

Answer: (2)

100. Momentary

(1)   Sporadic

(2)   Futuristic

(3)   Brief

(4)   Homogenous

(5)   Perpetual

Answer: (5)

Directions (Q. Nos. 101 to 115) Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it. Certain words have been printed in bold to help you to locate them while answering some of the questions.

Indeed the western recession is really the beginning of good news of India! But to understand that we will have to move away for a while from the topic of western recession….. to the Japanese recession ! For years the Japanese style of management has been admired. However, over the last decade or so, one key question has sprung up ‘if Japanese management style is as wonderful as described then why has Japan been in a recession for more than a decade ?’

The answer to this question is very simple. Culture plays a very important part in shaping up economies. What succeeds in one culture fails in another. Japanese are basically non-materialistic. And howsoever rich they become, unlike others, they cannot just keep throwing and buying endlessly. Ad once they have everything they need, there is a saturation point. It was only when  companies like Toyota realized that they cannot keep selling cars endlessly to their home market that they went really aggressive in the western markets – and the rest is history. Japanese companies grew bigger by catering to the world markets when their home markets shrunk.

And the markets have to shrink finally after attaining a level of affluence ! and that’s great for the world because earth needs sustainable development. It does not need monstrous consumers who keep consuming at the cost of the environment and the earth. There should be limits to growth so that consumers are not converted into material dustbins for the profit of a handful of corporations.

Owing to the materialistic culture elsewhere, it was possible to keep selling newer products to the consumers despite having existing ones which served equally well. They were lured through advertising and marketing techniques of ‘dustbinisation’ of the customer; and then finally, once they became ready customers, they were given loans and credits to help them buy more and more. When all the creditworthy people were given loans to a logical limit, they ceased to be a part of the market. Even this would have been understandable if it could work as an eye opener. Instead of taking the ‘Right Step’ as Toyota did, they preferred to take a ‘shortcut’. Now banks went to the non-creditworthy people and gave them loans. The people expectedly defaulted and the entire system collapsed.

Now like Toyota western companies will learn to find new markets. They will now lean towards India because of its common man ! The billion plus population in the next 25 years will become a consuming middleclass. Finally, the world’s attention will shift to the developing world. Finally, there will be a real surge in income of these people and in the next fifty odd years, one can really hope to see an equal world in terms of material plenty, with poverty being almost nonexistent ! And this will happen not by selling more cars to Americans and Europeans. It will happen by creating markets in India, China, Latin America and Africa, by giving their people purchasing power and by making products for them.

The recession has made us realize that it is not because of worse management techniques, but because of limits to growth. And they will realize that it is great for planet earth. After all, how many cars and houses must the rich own before calling it enough ? It’s time for them to look at others as well, Many years back, to  increase his own profits, Henry Ford had started paying his workers more, so that they could buy his cars. In similar fashion, now the developed world will pay the developing world people so that they can buy their cars and washing machines.

The recession will kick-start the process of making the entire world more prosperous, and lay the foundation of limits to growth in the west and the foundation of real globalization in the world – the globalization of prosperity. And one of its first beneficiaries will be India !

101. What does the author mean by the “Right Step” in the passage ?

(1)   Giving loans to creditworthy people only

(2)   Considering market growth along with environment protection

(3)   Restricting people to buy only such products which are needed by them.

(4)   To start looking at newer avenues and markets

(5)   None of the above

Answer: (4)

102. Although admired since years, why did the skepticism over the Japanese management style start since the last decade ?

(1)   Japanese companies have been moving out of their home markets, since the last decade

(2)   Japanese banks have provided loans indiscriminately to the creditworthy as well as non-creditworthy people

(3)   Because Japanese markets have been going through a period of continuous recession since the last decade

(4)   The unlimited growth of the Japanese markets has come at the cost of the western market

(5)   None of the above

Answer: (3)

103. Why does the author foresee the markets being created in the developing countries instead of America and Europe ?

(1)   All developing countries have materialistic culture.

(2)   Developed countries are willing to  make an effort to achieve globalization.

(3)   American and European markets have had a large number of credit defaulters

(4)   Recession has not hit the markets of developing countries yet

(5)   None of the above

Answer: (5)

104. According to the author, what is the main cause of Japanese recession ?

(1)   Only a handful of corporations earned profits and not the people in general

(2)   Non-creditworthy people defaulted which lead to a collapse of the entire system

(3)   Consumers were sold newer products which were similar in quality to the existing ones

(4)   Japanese do not purchase endlessly and thus when product had been sold to every customer, the markets slowed down

(5)   None of the above

Answer: (4)

105. How does the author foresee the future globalization as an analogy to Henry Ford’s example ?

(A) Car companies would start selling cars in developing countries as well.

(B) By paying the developing world the developed world would increase its own profit, in turn bringing affluence to developing world as well.

(C) To earn profit, the companies in developing countries would move to foreign land.

(1)   Only A

(2)   Only B

(3)   Only C

(4)   Only A and C

(5)   None of these

Answer: (2)

106. According to the passage, which of the following was not an effect of providing loans and credits to the customers ?

(A) The non creditworthy people defaulted.

(B) People bought new products which were not needed.

(C) Poverty became non-existent.

(1)   Only A

(2)   Only B

(3)   Only A and B

(4)   Only B and C

(5)   Only C

Answer: (5)

107. Why is recession the beginning of good news for India in the author’s view?

(A) India can provide an attractive market to the western companies.

(B) India has remained largely unaffected by recession owing to its huge population.

(C) Indians keep purchasing products despite owning equally good products.

(1)   Only C

(2)   Only B

(3)   Only A

(4)   Only B and C

(5)   None of the above

Answer: (3)

108. What does the author mean by ‘Dustbinisation’ of the customer ?

(1)   Convincing the customer to buy products he does not need

(2)   Denying non-creditworthy people of any loans

(3)   Denying more loans to people who have already taken loan to a logical limit

(4)   Moving from old customers at the home market to foreign markets

(5)   None of the above

Answer: (1)

109. Why according to the author is the current recession great for ‘Planet Earth’ ?

(A) It will make people non-materialistic like the Japanese.

(B) The unlimited market growth which caused hazards to the environment would be checked to a certain extent.

(C) Banks will now provide loans only to the creditworthy people.

(D) Developing countries will also by benefited by shifted markets.

(1)   Only A

(2)   Only B and C

(3)   Only A and B

(4)   Only B

(5)   None of these

Answer: (2)

Directions (Q. Nos. 110-112) Choose the word which is most similar in meaning to the word printed in bold as used in the passage.

110. Catering

(1)   Considering

(2)   Lending

(3)   Supplying

(4)   Working

(5)   Indulging

Answer: (3)

111. Key

(1)   Foundation

(2)   Solution

(3)   Requisite

(4)   Difficult

(5)   Important

Answer: (5)

112. Aggressive

(1)   Violent

(2)   Determined

(3)   Demanding

(4)   Offensive

(5)   Brutish

Answer: (2)

Directions (Q. Nos. 113 to 115) Choose the word/phrase which is most opposite in meaning to the word printed in bold as used in the passage.

113. Prosperous

(1)   Distressed

(2)   Helpless

(3)   Worse

(4)   Worthless

(5)   Underprivileged

Answer: (5)

114. Consuming

(1)   Destroying

(2)   Exhausting

(3)   Greedy

(4)   Curtailing

(5)   Spending

Answer: (1)

115. Surge

(1)   Decrease

(2)   Deteriorating

(3)   Weakening

(4)   Atrophy

(5)   Crumble

Answer: (1)

Directions (Q. Nos. 116 to 130) Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it. Certain words have been printed in bold to help you to locate them while answering some of the questions.

Goldman Sachs predicted that crude oil price world hit $200 and just as it appeared that alternative renewable energy had a chance of becoming an economically viable option, the international price of oil fell by over 70%. After hitting the all-time high of $147 a barrel, a month ago, crude fell to less than $40 a barrel. What explains this sharp decline in the international price of oil ? There has not been any major new discovery of a hitherto unknown source of oil or gas. The short answer is that the demand does not have to fall by a very sizeable quantity for the price of crude to respond as it did. In the short run, the price elasticity of demand for crude oil is very low. Conversely, in the short run, even a relatively big change in the price of oil does not immediately lower consumption, it takes months, or years, of high oil price to inculcate habits of energy conservation. World crude oil price had remained at over $60 a barrel for most of 2005-2007 without making any major dent in demand.

The long answer is more complex. The economic slowdown in the US, Europe and Asia along with dollar depreciation and commodity speculation have all had some role in the downward descent in the international price of oil. In recent years, the supply of oil has been rising but not enough to catch up with the rising demand, resulting in an almost vertical escalation in its price. The number of crude oil futures and options contracts have also increased manifold which has led to significant speculation in the oil market. In comparison, the role of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) in fixing crude price has considerably weakened. OPEC is often accused of operating as a cartel restricting output thus keeping prices artificially high. It did succeed in setting the price of crude during the 1970s and the first half of the 80s. But, with increased futures trading and contracts, the control of rude pricing has moved from OPEC to banks and markets that deal with futures trading and contracts. It is true that most oil exporting regions of the world have remained politically unstable fuelling speculation over the p rice of crude. But there is little evidence that the geopolitical uncertainties in west Asia have improved to weaken the price of oil. Threatened by the downward slide of oil price, OPEC has, in fact announced its decision to curtail output.

However most oil importers will heave a sigh of relief as they find their oil import bills decline except for those who bought options to import oil at prices higher than market prices. Exporting nations, on the other hand, will see their economic prosperity slip. Relatively low price of crude is also bad news for investments in alternative renewable energy that cannot compete with cheaper and non – renewable sources of energy.

116. What does the phrase “the price elasticity of demand for crude oil is very low” imply ?

(1)   When the price rises the demand for crude oil falls immediately

(2)   A small change in demand will result in a sharp change in the price of crude

(3)   Within a short span of time the price of crude oil has fluctuated sharply

(4)   Speculation in oil does not have much of an impact on its price

(5)   None of the above

Answer: (4)

117. Which of the following factors is responsible for rise in speculation in crude oil markets ?

(A) OPEC has not been able to restrict he oil output and control prices.

(B) The supply of oil has been rising to match demand.

(C) Existence of large number of oil futures and oil contracts.

(1)   Only A

(2)   Both A and B

(3)   Only C

(4)   All A, B and C

(5)   None of these

Answer: (3)

118. Why are oil importing countries relieved ?

(1)   Price of crude reached $147 not $200 as was predicted

(2)   Discovery of oil reserves within their own territories

(3)   Demand for crude has fallen sharply

(4)   There is no need for them to invest huge amounts of money in alternative sources of energy

(5)   None of the above

Answer: (4)

119. Which of the following is not true in the context of the passage ?

(A) OPEC was established in 1970 to protect the interests of oil importing countries.

(B) When demand for oil exceeds supply there is a sharp rise in price

(C) Today futures trading markets set the oil prices to a large extent.

(1)   Only A

(2)   Only C

(3)   Both A and C

(4)   Only B

(5)   None of these

Answer: (1)

120. Which of the following is the function of OPEC ?

(1)   Controlling speculation in oil

(2)   Ensuring profits are equally distributed to all its members

(3)   Monitoring inflation in oil prices and taking necessary steps to lower it

(4)   Guaranteeing political instability in oil exporting countries does not impact output

(5)   Determining prices of crude oil

Answer: (3)

121. What does the author want to convey by citing the statistics of 2005-2007 ?

(1)   The prices of crude were rising gradually so people were not alarmed

(2)   The dollar was a strong currency during that period

(3)   Many people turned to alternative renewable energy sources because of high oil prices

(4)   If the price of oil is high for a short time it does not necessarily result in a drop in consumption

(5)   People did not control their demand for fuel then which created the current economic slowdown

Answer: (4)

122. Which of the following factors is not responsible for the current drop in oil prices ?

(1)   Economic crisis in America, European and Asian nations

(2)   Speculation in oil markets

(3)   Weakening of the dollar

(4)   Political stability in oil exporting countries

(5)   All the above are not responsible for the current drop in oil prices

Answer: (4)

123. Which of the following is/are true in the context of the passage ?

(A) The decline in oil prices has benefited all countries.

(B) Renewable energy sources are costlier than non renewable ones.

(C) Lack of availability of alternative renewable energy resulted in rise in demand for crude.

(1)   Only B

(2)   Both A and B

(3)   Both B and C

(4)   Only C

(5)   None of these

Answer: (1)

124. What has been the impact of the drop in oil prices ?

(1)   Exploration for natural gas resources has risen

(2)   The dollar has fallen sharply

(3)   OPEC has decided to restrict its production of oil

(4)   Economic depression in oil importing countries

(5)   Drastic fall in demand for crude oil

Answer: (3)

125. What led to alternative energy sources being considered economically feasible ?

(1)   The price of oil rose by 70 percent while renewable energy sources are cheap

(2)   Exorbitant crude oil prices made alternative energy sources an attractive option

(3)   Expert predictions that the price of oil would alternately escalate and plunge sharply

(4)   Evidence that no new sources of oil and gas are available

(5)   None of the above

Answer: (2)

Directions (Q. Nos. 126 to 128) Choose the word which is most similar in meaning to the word printed in bold as used in the passage.

126. Fuelling

(1)   Incentive

(2)   Supplying

(3)   Stimulating

(4)   Irritating

(5)   Restoring

Answer: (3)

127. Dent

(1)   Reduction

(2)   Break

(3)   Tear

(4)   Breach

(5)   Split

Answer: (1)

128. Inculcate

(1)   Modify

(2)   Construct

(3)   Initiate

(4)   Fix

(5)   Instill

Answer: (5)

Directions (Q. Nos. 129 to 130) Choose the word which is most opposite in meaning to the word printed in bold as used in the passage.

129. Conversely

(1)   Compatibly

(2)   Similarly

(3)   Likely

(4)   Aligning

(5)   Resembling

Answer: (2)

130. Weaken

(1)   Powerful

(2)   Nourish

(3)   Intense

(4)   Boost

(5)   Energize

Answer: (4)

Directions (Q. Nos. 131 to 139) Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it.

Hiero, King of Syracus, had commissioned from a goldsmith of the town a crown of pure gold, but, having taken delivery of the finished article, he was suspicious. There was reason to believe that the craftsman had mixed with the gold a certain amount of other metal of inferior value. But how to find out ? There was no direct evidence, and it was therefore obviously a case for the learned men of the city. And who more learned than Archimedes ?

The mathematician was, therefore, charged with the task which would nowadays be considered a simple one, but was then a matter for serious thought. Nothing known to science could be brought forward to p rove fraud or otherwise on the part of the goldsmith. It is more than probable that the human side of the problem interested Archimedes not at all, but the scientific puzzle worried him intensely. This worry pursued him everywhere he went for days, and persisted through the routine acts of his daily round.

In the normal course of that routine, he went to the public baths. We can imagine him standing at the edge of the bath tub as he prepares to enter it, absently allowing the water to flow until he cannot help noticing it. Suddenly, he splashed out of his tub, shouting at the top of his voice : “Eureka! Eureka! (I have found it! I have found it!) Without waiting, or even thinking of such a detail” as clothes, he tore out of the building and rushed through the streets of Syracuse, still shouting : “Eureka! Eureka!”

Arrived at his house, the mathematician put his newly found discovery to a practical test, and found indeed that a body plunged in a fluid loses an amount of its weight which is equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by it. With this as a starting point-as it was to prove the starting point of many subsequent discoveries to importance-Archimedes was able to tell his king how much pure gold was his crown, Thus was the first fundamental law in hydrostatics enunciated.

Archimedes was by this time well-known to his fellow townsmen, and his sometimes strange appearance and unusual actions probably met with indulgent smiles.

He came from a good family; his father Pheidias was an astronomer; he was on intimate terms with, and – according to some – was even a kinsman of king Hiero himself.

131. Why could the king not punish the fraudulent goldsmith?

(1)   By that time Archimedes had not discovered the law of hydrostatics

(2)   The king did not have concrete evidence to prove the fraud

(3)   The finishing of the crown was perfect but deceptive

(4)   The king had lot of faith in the goldsmith

(5)   None of the above

Answer: (2)

132. Why was Archimedes charged with the task of finding out if there was any impurity in the crown?

(1)   Archimedes was famous as the most learned man and mathematician

(2)   The king was worried that the goldsmith will tell the truth of Archimedes

(3)   The finishing of the crown was perfect but deceptive

(4)   The king had lot of faith in the goldsmith

(5)   None of the above

Answer: (1)

133. What was the king’s suspicion ?

(1)   The goldsmith had made a crown with some inferior metal instead of gold

(2)   The craftsman had replaced gold with a cheaper metal

(3)   The goldsmith had mixed a cheaper metal with gold in the crown

(4)   The finishing of the crown was not upto the mark

(5)   None of the above

Answer: (3)

134. Which of the following statements is definitely TRUE in the context of the passage ?

(1)   Archimedes’ action of running nude through public places was not taken lightly by the onlookers

(2)   Archimedes eccentric actions used to create anguish among the public

(3)   The goldsmith has mixed inferior quality metal in the crown

(4)   Archimedes could prove that there was no impurity in the gold used by the goldsmith in the crown

(5)   Archimedes could measure the purity of gold in the king’s crown

Answer: (5)

135. When Archimedes was entrusted with the task, he was curious because :

(1)   he was thrilled by the human side of the problem

(2)   he used to forget all his routine matters and concentrate on the problem

(3)   he had never worked on such scientific challenged in the past

(4)   it was challenge to unearth scientific fact

(5)   None of the above

Answer: (4)

136. ‘Eureka! Eureka!” as spelt out by Archimedes was

(1)   an outburst of unreasonable pride of inventing a novel principle

(2)   a spontaneous reaction of excitement due to a discovery

(3)   an immature expression of a half baked idea

(4)   an exhibition of encouragement for a useful discovery

(5)   None of the above

Answer: (2)

137. What was the impact of Archimedes’ tremendous mental involvement in solving the king’s riddle ?

(1)   he was worried but able to take care of his daily routine

(2)   The involvement ultimately led to a failure in completing the assignment

(3)   He was not able to think of the details of the problem entrusted to him

(4)   Because of his involvement he forgot to put the discovery to a practical test

(5)   None of the above

Answer: (5)

138. A body submerged in a liquid loses its weight equal to

(1)   the weight of the liquid in which it is submerged

(2)   the volume of the liquid in which it is submerged

(3)   the weight of the body which is submerged in the liquid

(4)   the weight of the liquid displaced by it

(5)   None of the above

Answer: (4)

139. Which of the following is false in the context of the passage ?

(A) Archimedes’ father was not an astronomer

(B) Before Archimedes’ discovery, science had limitation to detect the goldsmith’s fraud.

(C) Archimedes discovered his principle while he was in the tub for bath.

(1)   A and B

(2)   B and C

(3)   A and C

(4)   A only

(5)   B only

Answer: (4)

Directions (Q. Nos. 140 to 148) Read the following passage carefully and answer questions given below it.

There is absolutely no point in complaining that over the years, there has been pressure for increased productivity and higher earning for workers in industry. There are several ways for increasing employees’ earnings. Employee earning can be increased by raising the selling  price of the firm’s products and services, reducing profits of costs of raw materials, or augmenting labour productivity. However, increasing employee earnings by means other than increased labour productivity jeopardizes the firm’s competitive strength in the market. Higher prices quality. But, increasing labour productivity by enhancing skills and motivation creates an almost unlimited resource. The development of economic resources, human as well as non-human motivation.

Enthusing employees with workaholic spirit through traditional authority and financial incentives has become increasingly difficult as employees become economically secure and their dependency on any one particular organizations decreases. According to expectancy theorists, nevertheless, the motivation to work in many organization today employees are entitled to organizational rewards just by being employed. Unions, governmental regulation, and the nature of the job itself in some cases prevent management from relating financial rewards to performance. People may be attracted to join an organization is not the same as being motivated to exert effort in  an organization. The challenge to management is to find and administer alternative forms of incentives which will ‘induce’ employees to improve work performance. Such alternative form of reinforcement will require increased understanding of motivational theories and programs.

140. Which of the following statement is true in the context of the passage ?

(1)   Development of economic resources is primarily the product of market conditions

(2)   Earnings can be increased by lowering the selling price of products

(3)   Employees can be best motivated by providing financial incentives

(4)   All employees should be entitled to organizational rewards just by being employed

(5)   None of the above

Answer: (5)

141. Organizations can derive maximum advantages by

(1)   providing financial incentives to employees regardless of performance

(2)   enhancing labour productivity by increasing skills and motivation

(3)   encouraging employees to expand greater physical energy

(4)   inducing employees to improve word performance and control their demands

(5)   None of the above

Answer: (2)

142. According to the passage, all of the following contribute to an increase in employee earnings EXCEPT

(1)   increasing the selling price of the company’s products

(2)   reducing profits in favour of employees

(3)   providing incentives and fringe benefits to employees

(4)   enhancing labour productivity

(5)   increased capital investment

Answer: (5)

143. Employees feel motivated to work when they

(1)   experience good working conditions in the organization

(2)   decide to produce goods and services as a result of team work

(3)   think of performance as a tool for obtaining rewards

(4)   relate rewards to material prosperity

(5)   are members of the union

Answer: (3)

144. Choose the word which is most similar in meaning as the word ‘induce’ as used in the passage.

(1)   Appreciate

(2)   Stimulate

(3)   Exhibit

(4)   Inflate

(5)   Threaten

Answer: (2)

145. Which of the following factors, according to the passage, adversely affects the organization’s competitive strength ?

(1)   Making rewards contingent on performance

(2)   Anti-productivity and anti-management activities of labour unions

(3)   Motivating employees with traditional authority earnings regardless of their productivity

(4)   Increasing employee earnings regardless of their productivity

(5)   None of the above

Answer: (4)

146. Which of the statements is/are not true in the context of the passage ?

(A) Human effort is the cause of the development of economic resources.

(B) Management is free to relate financial rewards to performance

(C) Employees can be easily motivated with traditional authority

(1)   Both A and B

(2)   Only C

(3)   Both A and B

(4)   Only A

(5)   Only B

Answer: (4)

147. Which of the following factors determines the quality of human efforts ?

(1)   Desire and willingness of an individual to excel in whatever the undertakes

(2)   Economic resources available with the organization

(3)   The individual’s innovativeness

(4)   Authoritarian leadership and job security

(5)   None of the above

Answer: (5)

148. In the context of the passage, a company’s competitive strength in the market is affected mainly because of ………..

(A) a slump in the international market.

(B) poor inter-department coordination.

(C) decreased labour productivity

(1)   Only A

(2)   Only B

(3)   Only C

(4)   Both B and C

(5)   None of these

Answer: (2)

Directions (Q. Nos. 149 to 156) Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it.

Off the coast near Jeddah, about six years ago I slipped a pair of flippers onto my feet, put on a face mask and gingerly poked my head beneath the placid surface of the Read Sea. I am not sure, now, exactly what I saw in that first glimpse; shafts of sunlight, probably, slanting off through clear blue water : a coral reef of fantastic beauty and, no doubt, many fish. But I do recall that by the time I surfaced I had already developed a need to return to that incredibly lovely world below. So I did. Indeed, it would not be much of an exaggeration to say that except for such periods as were necessary to earn a living, I have rarely been anywhere else. Diving became a passion and then a way of life one, as you will gather, I totally endorse.

For the first year after that initial experience I amused myself by hunting fish with a spear gun. It was not at all difficult. Fish are so abundant there that divers do not need to use tanks to get down to where the fish are; they find them near the surface. Furthermore, the water of the Red Sea like the Caribbean, the South Seas and parts of the Indian Ocean, is so transparent that you can see so to 150 feet away. Thus, all you really need are a mask, a snorkel tube to breathe through, flippers and a spear gun.

Hunting, however, began to pall on me. I began to wonder if it wouldn’t be more interesting – and more sporting – to photograph some of these magnificent creatures rather than kill them. It was certainly an ideal place for underwater photography. In addition to hundreds of species of fish the Red Sea coast offers thousands of miles of what they call “fringing reefs’-great barriers of coral 10 to 200 miles wide that wind along the African shore from Egypt to Djibouti and down the Asian shore from Aqaba to the Bab-al-Mandab att he gate of the Indian Ocean. Although no more than the accumulation of billions of coral polyps-minute creatures that produce a calcareous deposits-the reef have grown to fantastic sizes, the largest being the 1,200 mile-long Great Barrier Reef in Australia.

149. What made the author revisit the underwater reef ?

(1)   Placid surface of the Red Sea

(2)   Glimpses of the sunlight

(3)   Clear blue sea water

(4)   Scenic beauty of the  underwater world

(5)   His face mask

Answer: (4)

150. What does the sentence “So I did” convey ? The author

(1)   wore a face mask

(2)   slipped a pair of flippers onto his feet

(3)   saw glimpses of sunlight

(4)   exaggerated the lovely world below water

(5)   None of these

Answer: (5)

151. What did the author do at the coat near Jeddah?

(1)   He drowned in a minor accident

(2)   He drowned into the Red Sea

(3)   Dived into the Red Sea

(4)   He walked on the sandy coast

(5)   None of these

Answer: (3)

152. In what way, is the Red Sea Similar to the Caribbean Sea, the South, Seas, etc ?

(1)   Variety of Fish

(2)   Fantastic Reefs

(3)   Clear and transparent water

(4)   Both (1) and (2)

(5)   None of these

Answer: (3)

153. What are ‘fringing reefs” ?

(1)   Calcareous deposit formation

(2)   Collection of fish

(3)   Sea-food accumulation

(4)   Collection of minute creatures other than fish

(5)   None of these

Answer: (1)

154. Fishing in the Red Sea off the coast near Jeddah was

(1)   difficult because the water was transparent

(2)   risky because tanks are needed to spot the fish

(3)   easy because the fish are clearly visible near the surface itself

(4)   cumbersome because of the tools like mask, snorkel tube, flippers, etc.

(5)   None of the above

Answer: (3)

155. Through the passage, the author gives an account of

(1)   his underwater journey by a submarine

(2)   how he was fascinated by the underwater world

(3)   his hobby of fishing

(4)   his expertise in the art of photography

(5)   None of these

Answer: (2)

156. The author does not consider it an exaggeration to state that

(1)   he had dedicated his leisure time to watch people diving in the Red Sea

(2)   he had devoted his spare time to diving activity to watch the world below water

(3)   the beauty of the world under water was very fantastic

(4)   diving is a passion to most of the people in the world

(5)   None of the above

Answer: (2)

Bank Paper Spelling Check

Spelling Check


Directions (Q. Nos. 1 to 5) In each questions below a sentence with four words printed in bold type is given. These are numbered as (1), (2), (3) and (4). One of these four words printed in bold may be either wrongly spelt or inappropriate in the context of the sentence. Find out the word which is wrongly spelt or inappropriate if any. The number of that word is your answer. If all the words printed in bold are correctly spelt and also appropriate in the context of the sentence, mark (5), ie, ‘All correct’; as your answer.

1. Though these programmes have proved (1)/ to be extremely (2)/ effective (3)/ they do have certain (4)/ All correct (5)

Answer: (5)

2. According to these estimates (1)/ our profitable (2)/margin (3)/ will be higher if we adopt (4)/ this approach. All correct (5)

Answer: (2)

3. In order to confront (1)/ the threat (2)/ of global warming it is imperative (3)/ that we work (4)/ All correct (5)

Answer: (4)

4. Any failure (1)/ to complicit (2)/ with these fundamental (3)/regulations will result in a (4)/ All correct (5)

Answer: (2)

5. Every organization needs to be proactive (1)/ in devising (2)/strategies (3)/to ensure the retention of (4)/ All correct (5)

Answer: (5)

Directions (Q. Nos. 6 to 10) In each questions below a sentence with four words printed in bold type is given. These are numbered as (1), (2), (3) and (4). One of these four words printed in bold may be either wrongly spelt or inappropriate in the context of the sentence. Find out the word which is wrongly spelt or inappropriate if any. The number of that word is your answer. If all the words printed in bold are correctly spelt and also appropriate in the context of the sentence, mark (5), ie, ‘All correct’; as your answer.

6. Your marketing strategy (1)/ should be devised (2)/ dependent (3)/ on the kind of business you (4)/ All correct (5)

Answer: (3)

7. The file contents (1)/a revised (2)/ estimate (3)/ of the banking industry’s manpower requirements (4)/ for the next year. All correct (5)

Answer: (1)

8. To better understand the challenges (1)/ of starting a new venture (2)/ he read (3)/ up (4)/ All correct (5)

Answer: (5)

9. Since our financial resources (1)/ are limitless (2)/we cannot afford (3)/this (4)/ All correct (5)

Answer: (2)

10. His main reasoning (1)/ for applying (2)/ for this promotion is the possibility (3)/ of an overseas (4)/ All correct (5)

Answer: (1)

Directions (Q. Nos. 11 to 15) In each questions below a sentence with four words printed in bold type is given. These are numbered as (1), (2), (3) and (4). One of these four words printed in bold may be either wrongly spelt or inappropriate in the context of the sentence. Find out the word which is wrongly spelt or inappropriate if any. The number of that word is your answer. If all the words printed in bold are correctly spelt and also appropriate in the context of the sentence, mark (5), ie, ‘All correct’; as your answer.

11. We shall have to await (1)/ and see if those measure (2)/ are sufficient (3)/to address (4)/ the problem. All correct (5)

Answer: (1)

12. The document (1)/ he gave me was long and complicated (2)/ and I struggled (3)/ to understand (4)/ All correct (5)

Answer: (5)

13. The company has decided (1)/ to allott (2)/ a substantial (3)/ portion (4)/ of its profits to research and development. All correct (5)

Answer: (2)

14. It remains (1)/ to be seen whether (2)/ these reforms (3)/ will be acceptable (4)/ by the Board. All correct (5)

Answer: (4)

15. They are negotiating (1)/ to try and reach (2)/ an agreement which will beneficial (3)/ everyone (4)/ All correct (5)

Answer: (5)

Directions (Q. Nos. 16 to 20) One of the four words given in each of these questions may be wrongly spelt. The number of that wrongly spelt is the answer. If all the four words are correctly spelt, mark (5), ie, ‘All correct’ as the answer.

16. (1) defamation    (2) arrogant          (3) solitude     (4) exhorbitant     (5) All correct

Answer: (4)

17. (1) decompose   (2) veteran    (3) ventursome     (4) definition        (5) All correct

Answer: (3)

18.  (1) wasteful     (2) prejudice               (3) expensive        (4) embarrassing    (5) All correct

Answer: (5)

19. (1) significant     (2) possessive       (3) impatient        (4) device     (5) All correct

Answer: (5)

20. (1) prosperous    (2) glumy    (3) dormant    (4) derogatory      (5) All correct

Answer: (2)

Directions (Q. Nos. 21 to 25) In each questions below a sentence with four words printed in bold type is given. These are numbered as (1), (2), (3) and (4). One of these four words printed in bold may be either wrongly spelt or inappropriate in the context of the sentence. Find out the word which is wrongly spelt or inappropriate if any. The number of that word is your answer. If all the words printed in bold are correctly spelt and also appropriate in the context of the sentence, mark (5), ie, ‘All correct’; as your answer.

21. Some people think that their life is full of grief (1)/ and miseries (2)/ too grievous (3)/to be (4)/ All correct (5)

Answer: (4)

22. The opinion (1)/ expressed (2)/ is based only on our transactions (3)/with te party (4)/ All correct (5)

Answer: (4)

23. I was surprised (1)/when I got confirmation (2)/ of the news that he was the recipient (3)/of the prestigious award. (4)/ All correct (5)

Answer: (5)

24. The circomstances (1)/ in which the claim (2)/ was made are certainly (3)/ (4)/ All correct (5)

Answer: (1)

25. The authorities (1)/ always request our assistance (2)/ whenever they felt (3)/ they require (4)/ it. All correct (5)

Answer: (3)

Bank Paper Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms and Antonyms

Directions (Q. Nos. 1 to 5) In each of the following questions four words are given of which two words are most nearly the same or opposite in meaning. Find the two words which are most nearly the same or opposite in meaning and indicate the number of the correct letter combination.

1.  A. appalling    B. sinister     C. perturbed         D. threatening

(1)  A – B

(2)  B – D

(3)  A – C

(4)  A – D

(5)  D – C

Answer: (2)

2.  A. imprison    B. torture    C. excruciate        D. extract

(1)  B – D

(2)  B – C

(3)  A – B

(4)  C – D

(5)  A – C

Answer: (2)

3.  A. superficial    B. superfluous      C. enlightened      D. surplus

(1)  A – C

(2)  A – B

(3)  B – C

(4)  B – D

(5)  A – D

Answer: (4)

4.   A. pertinent    B. impolite    C. irrelevant          D. insecure

(1)  A – C

(2)  B – D

(3)  C – D

(4)  A – D

(5)  B – C

Answer: (1)

5. A. instigate      B. enquire   C. construe   D. interpret

(1)  A – C

(2)  A – B

(3)  C – D

(4)  B – D

(5)  A – D

Answer: (3)

Directions (Q. Nos. 6 to 10) In each of the following questions four words are given of which two words are most nearly the same or opposite in meaning. Find the two words which are most nearly the same or opposite in meaning and indicate the number of the correct letter combination.

6. A. unite    B. association       C. separate   D. distant

(1)  A – C

(2)  A – B

(3)  B – C

(4)  B – D

(5)  A – D

Answer: (1)

7. A. explicit    B. cautious    C. introvert   D. clear

(1)  A – B

(2)  B – D

(3)  A – C

(4)  A – D

(5)  C – D

Answer: (4)

8. A. fearful     B. beautiful          C. hostile    D. amicable

(1)  B – D

(2)  C – D

(3)  A – B

(4)  B – C

(5)  A – D

Answer: (2)

9. A. fraud     B. barbarian     C. guilty      D. civilised

(1)  A – C

(2)  A – B

(3)  B – D

(4)  A – D

(5)  C – D

Answer: (3)

10. A. loud      B. prominent        C. salient    D. legible

(1)  A – C

(2)  B – D

(3)  C – D

(4)  A – D

(5)  B – C

Answer: (5)

Directions (Q. Nos. 11 to 12) Choose the which is most similar in meaning to the word printed in bold.

11. Emerge

(1)  Drawn

(2)  Evolve

(3)  Shine

(4)  Grow

(5)  Submerge

Answer: (2)

12. Conscious

(1)  Desirable

(2)  Deliberate

(3)  Planned

(4)  Unconscious

(5)  Wanted

Answer: (2)

Directions (Q. Nos. 13 to 15) Pick out the word which is closest in meaning to the word printed in bold.

13. Radically

(1)  Suddenly

(2)  Equally

(3)  Completely

(4)  Moderately

(5)  Concurrently

Answer: (3)

14. Inherent

(1)  Functional

(2)  Intense

(3)  Persistent

(4)  Characteristic

(5)  Genetic

Answer: (4)

15. Materialized

(1)  Mattered

(2)  Interfered

(3)  Hidden

(4)  Presented

(5)  Expanded

Answer: (4)

Directions (Q. Nos. 16 to 18) Which of the following is most opposite in meaning to the word given in bold?

16. Plunged

(1)  Fell

(2)  Increased

(3)  Dropped

(4)  More

(5)  Appeared

Answer: (2)

17. Briskly

(1)  Vigorously

(2)  Efficiently

(3)  Hurriedly

(4)  Insignificantly

(5)  Slowly

Answer: (5)

18. Boosted

(1)  Aggravated

(2)  Elevated

(3)  Deflated

(4)  Damaged

(5)  Stopped

Answer: (3)

Directions (Q. Nos. 19 to 21) Choose the word or group of words which is  most nearly the same in meaning to the word given in bold.

19. Figured

(1)  Drew diagram

(2)  Quoted price

(3)  Paid cash

(4)  Maintained health

(5)  Gained understanding

Answer: (5)

20. Caveats

(1)  Appeals

(2)  Warnings

(3)  Drawbacks

(4)  Withstandings

(5)  Virtues

Answer: (2)

21. Amass

(1)  Accumulate

(2)  Manipulate

(3)  Bribe

(4)  Disseminate

(5)  Shift

Answer: (1)

Directions (Q. Nos. 22 to 26) In each sentence below one word has been printed in bold. Below the sentence, five words/groups of words are suggested, one of which can replace the word printed in bold without changing the meaning of the sentence. Find out the appropriate word/group of words in each case.

22. A very stubborn attitude in life cannot prove helpful.

(1)  uncooperative

(2)  rigid

(3)  unsuitable

(4)  unhelpful

(5)  inapplicable

Answer: (2)

23. Travel will familiarize you with new customs.

(1)  adjust

(2)  popularize

(3)  satisfy

(4)  influence

(5)  acquaint

Answer: (5)

24. His appearance was extremely

(1)  attractive

(2)  depressing

(3)  deceptive

(4)  sad

(5)  normal

Answer: (3)

25. He was a cunning

(1)  crafty

(2)  successful

(3)  dishonest

(4)  corrupt

(5)  respected

Answer: (1)

26. The affluence of Hindi film actors has no match.

(1)  handsome appearance

(2)  brave action

(3)  healthy physique

(4)  wealth condition

(5)  intelligent deed

Answer: (4)

Directions (Q. Nos. 27 to 29) Choose the word which is most nearly the same in meaning to the word given in bold.

27. Enormously

(1)  Tremendously

(2)  Forcibly

(3)  Rarely

(4)  Minutely

(5)  Ruthlessly

Answer: (1)

28. Rivalling

(1)  Challenging

(2)  Opposing

(3)  Containing

(4)  Equating

(5)  Withstanding

Answer: (1)

29. Thirst

(1)  Emphasis

(2)  Rational

(3)  Greed

(4)  Standard

(5)  Requirement

Answer: (5)

Directions (Q. Nos. 30 to 31) Choose the word/group of words which is most nearly the same in meaning to the word given in bold.

30. Abandoned

(1)  Gave up

(2)  Escaped from

(3)  Accepted

(4)  Took away

(5)  Enabled

Answer: (1)

31. Enthusiasm

(1)  Excellence

(2)  Happiness

(3)  Force

(4)  Effervescence

(5)  Zeal

Answer: (5)

Directions (Q. Nos. 32 to 34) Choose the word which is most nearly the same in meaning to the word printed in bold.

32. Access

(1)  Reach

(2)  Loan

(3)  Help

(4)  Advantage

(5)  Utility

Answer: (1)

33. Advent

(1)  Shining

(2)  Departure

(3)  Power

(4)  Force

(5)  Arrival

Answer: (5)

34. Traditional

(1)  Religious

(2)  Excessive

(3)  Old

(4)  Customary

(5)  Sick

Answer: (4)

Directions (Q. Nos. 35 to 36) Choose the word which is most nearly the same in meaning to the word given in bold.

35. Consensus

(1)  Agreement

(2)  Consent

(3)  Harmony

(4)  Compromise

(5)  Interaction

Answer: (1)

36. Span

(1)  Width

(2)  Gap

(3)  Duration

(4)  Distance

(5)  Extent

Answer: (3)

Directions (Q. Nos. 37 to 39) Choose the Word which is most nearly same in the meaning to the word given in bold.

37. Era

(1)  Epoch

(2)  Year

(3)  Span

(4)  Instinct

(5)  Spirit

Answer: (3)

38. Poised

(1)  Launched

(2)  Ready

(3)  Stupefied

(4)  Balanced

(5)  Adulterated

Answer: (4)

39. Mitigate

(1)  Investigate

(2)  Invigorate

(3)  Elevate

(4)  Allay

(5)  Amplify

Answer: (4)

Directions (Q. Nos. 40 to 43) Which of the following is most nearly the same in meaning to the word printed in bold.

40. Confine

(1)  Circumscribe

(2)  Enclose

(3)  Allow

(4)  Limit

(5)  Regularize

Answer: (4)

41. Pale

(1)  Colourless

(2)  Whitish

(3)  Enclosures

(4)  Ashy

(5)  Bright

Answer: (2)

42. Orbit

(1)  Curved path

(2)  Course of person’s eye

(3)  Elliptical

(4)  Range of activities

(5)  Course of action

Answer: (4)

43. Prerogative

(1)  Privilege

(2)  Benefits

(3)  Luxury

(4)  Exclusive right

(5)  Precedence

Answer: (1)

Directions (Q. Nos. 44 to 45) Choose the word/group of words which is most nearly the same in meaning to the word given in bold.

44. Net

(1)  Actual amount

(2)  Amount after tax

(3)  Governance

(4)  Coverage

(5)  Mesh

Answer: (5)

45. Envisage

(1)  Implement

(2)  Visualize

(3)  Endure

(4)  Encompass

(5)  Expect

Answer: (2)

Directions (Q. Nos. 46 to 48) Which of the following word/group of words is most nearly the same in meaning to the word printed in bold.

46. Squander

(1)  Use economically

(2)  Spend wastefully

(3)  Siphon judiciously

(4)  Donate generously

(5)  Donate with ulterior motive

Answer: (2)

47. Modest

(1)  Humble

(2)  Sufficient

(3)  Meagre

(4)  Sober

(5)  Unpretentious

Answer: (3)

48. Obligation

(1)  Lip sympathy

(2)  rue empathy

(3)  Self pity

(4)  Conditional responsibility

(5)  Moral binding

Answer: (5)

Directions (Q. Nos. 49 to 51) Choose the word, which is most nearly the same in meaning to the word given in bold.

49. Avoid

(1)  Remedy

(2)  Cure

(3)  Devoid

(4)  Prevention

(5)  Avert

Answer: (5)

50. Impinge

(1)  Constraint

(2)  Deregulate

(3)  Penalize

(4)  Encroach

(5)  Defy

Answer: (4)

51. Legitimacy

(1)  Authenticity

(2)  Literacy

(3)  Inadequacy

(4)  Legal

(5)  Judgement

Answer: (1)

Directions (Q. Nos. 52 to 56) Choose the word which is most similar in meaning to the word printed in bold.

52. Injecting

(1)  Instilling

(2)  Inoculating

(3)  Vaccinating

(4)  Shooting

(5)  None of these

Answer: (1)

53. Dampen

(1)  Pray

(2)  Wet

(3)  Depress

(4)  Encourage

(5)  None of these

Answer: (3)

54. Determined

(1)  Wavering

(2)  Resolute

(3)  Inconstant

(4)  Shaky

(5)  None of these

Answer: (2)

55. Wielding

(1)  Hiding

(2)  Crashing

(3)  Brandishing

(4)  Pointing

(5)  None of these

Answer: (3)

56. Hallmark

(1)  Sure sign

(2)  Device

(3)  Cross

(4)  Road

(5)  None of these

Answer: (1)

Directions (Q. Nos. 57 to 59) Choose the word which is most nearly the same in meaning to the word printed in bold.

57. Strides

(1)  Achievements

(2)  Setbacks

(3)  Effects

(4)  Aspirations

(5)  Developments

Answer: (5)

58. Considerable

(1)  Marginal

(2)  Significant

(3)  Desirable

(4)  Negligible

(5)  Excessive

Answer: (2)

59. Evolve

(1)  Visualize

(2)  Nurture

(3)  Discover

(4)  Develop

(5)  Migrate

Answer: (4)

Directions (Q. Nos. 60 to 62) Choose the word which is most nearly the same in meaning to the word printed in bold.

60. Summit

(1)  Closeness

(2)  Committee

(3)  Street

(4)  Playground

(5)  Peak

Answer: (5)

61. Sanctuary

(1)  Shelter

(2)  Nest

(3)  Cage

(4)  Room

(5)  Dispensary

Answer: (1)

62. Awe

(1)  Heat

(2)  Patience

(3)  Wonder

(4)  Expectation

(5)  Anger

Answer: (3)

Directions (Q. Nos. 63 to 69) Which of the following is most nearly the same in meaning to the word printed in bold.

63. Anomaly

(1)  Abnormality

(2)  Ambiguity

(3)  Consistency

(4)  Congruity

(5)  Coherence

Answer: (1)

64. Divide

(1)  Reduction

(2)  Cut off

(3)  Disagreement

(4)  Difference

(5)  Disjoint

Answer: (5)

65. Protagonist

(1)  Opponent

(2)  Intellectual

(3)  Supporter

(4)  Preserver

(5)  Practitioner

Answer: (3)

66. Sharpen

(1)  Prepare

(2)  Provide

(3)  Widen

(4)  Force

(5)  Surmount

Answer: (1)

67. Controversial

(1)  Doubtful

(2)  Arguing

(3)  Unreliable

(4)  Disputable

(5)  Quarrelsome

Answer: (4)

68. Infested

(1)  Troubled

(2)  Disturbed

(3)  Affected

(4)  Injected

(5)  Suffered

Answer: (3)

69. Demanding

(1)  Begging

(2)  Appealing

(3)  Narrating

(4)  Questioning

(5)  Requiring

Answer: (5)

Directions (Q. Nos. 70 to 71) Choose the word/phrase which is most nearly the same in meaning to the word/phrase given in bold.

70. Shut your eyes

(1)  Look over

(2)  Sleep

(3)  Avoid storm

(4)  Winking

(5)  Overlook

Answer: (5)

71. Rub off

(1)  Jealousy

(2)  Rivalry

(3)  Impact

(4)  Pressure

(5)  Publicity

Answer: (3)

Directions (Q. Nos. 72 to 74) Which of the following is most nearly the same in meaning to the word printed in bold.

72. Unaware

(1)  Famous

(2)  Ignorant

(3)  Familiar

(4)  Unworthy

(5)  Negligent

Answer: (2)

73. Waived

(1)  Moved

(2)  Charged

(3)  Condoned

(4)  Overlooked

(5)  Paid

Answer: (4)

74. Masses

(1)  Institutions

(2)  Groups

(3)  Students

(4)  Officers

(5)  Parents

Answer: (2)

Bank Paper Choosing the Appropriate Filler

Choosing the Appropriate Filler


Directions (Q. Nos. 1 to 5) Which of the phrases (1), (2) (3) and (4) given below each statement should be placed in the blank space provided so as to make a meaningful and grammatically correct sentence ? If none of the sentences is appropriate, mark (5) as the answer.

1. ……….., the soil today is nowhere as rich in native mineral as it used to be some centuries ago.

(1)  As there is a growing consent among farmers regarding limiting the use of chemical fertilizers

(2)  As the chemical inputs in agriculture improved the yield many folds

(3)  Owing to the uninhibited use of chemical inputs in agriculture

(4)  Awareness among farmers regarding the side effects of chemical farming grew when

(5)  None of the above

Answer: (3)

2. Although information technology has entered the homes, offices and hearts of many citizens of India …………. .

(1)  India provides the highest number of IT experts to the world every year

(2)  many people in rural areas still remain ignorant of its immense benefits

(3)  government has done its best by funding research in this field appropriately

(4)  the face of communication in the years to come would change completely from the bygone years

(5)  None of the above

Answer: (2)

3. While the environment friendly nuclear energy could make a large addition to the energy resources ,………….

(1)  experts have a lot of expectations from this cleaner method of producing energy

(2)  the government is determined to extract maximum out of this technology in the near future

(3)  international lobby has been pressurizing the developing nations to shift their energy production from coal to nuclear power.

(4)  the problem of locating adequate numbers of Uranium reserves to run the reactors is yet to be sorted out

(5)  None of the above

Answer: (4)

4. ………., experts proposed the idea of a common school system.

(1)  Overlooking the fundamental right of quality education of every child in India

(2)  Since the curricular requirements of a rural child is different from an urban child

(3)  Based on the fact that difference in the quality of schools acts as a ground for discrimination

(4)  Since a large percentage of Indian children are getting free education

(5)  None of the above

Answer: (3)

5. As allegations of crores of rupees changing hands to permit illegal mining began to fly thick and fast ……… .

(1)  government ordered an enquiry which exposed a nexus between mine operators and bureaucrats

(2)  it caused great damage to the surrounding ecosystem and the environment in general

(3)  the officials have been irresponsible in failing to bring it to the notice of the court in time

(4)  the powerful mining lobby had bribed the officials to obtain permit for mining on ecologically sensitive land

(5)  None of the above

Answer: (1)

Directions (Q. Nos. 6 to 12) Which of the phrases (1), (2) (3) and (4) given below each statement should be placed in the blank space provided so as to make a meaningful and grammatically correct sentence ? If none of the sentences is appropriate, mark (5) as the answer.

6. When we reached the crash site, we were delighted ………..

(1)  on seeing no survivor

(2)  we saw everyone living

(3)  to seeing no one breathing

(4)  to see everyone alive

(5)  None of these

Answer: (4)

7. Even though the school premises had a lot of space, …………..

(1)  there were plenty of p lay areas for the children

(2)  there was no playground for the children

(3)  yet it remained underutilized

(4)  there was no shortage of classrooms

(5)  None of t hese

Answer: (2)

8. …………. but today, his performance was fairly interesting and riveted everyone to their seats.

(1)  He is a brilliant performer

(2)  He tried his best to entertain everyone

(3)  His performances are generally boring

(4)  Although he performed after a very long time

(5)  None of these

Answer: (3)

9. In order to help the organization come out of the huge losses, the employees ……….. .

(1)  demanded a compensatory package

(2)  started an agitation against the management

(3)  decided to join the rival organization

(4)  decided to file a case against the organization

(5)  None of these

Answer: (5)

10. …………. before being packaged for distribution in the market.

(1)  The milk is Pasteurised

(2)  After the  milk is Pasteurised

(3)  Until the milk is Pasteurised

(4)  Firstly the Pasteurisation of milk

(5)  None of these

Answer: (1)

11. ………. to control industrial pollution, the pollution from small scale industries has eluded solutions.

(1)  Instead of doing good job

(2)  While a commendable job has been done

(3)  Despite being succeeding

(4)  Even after failing

(5)  None of these

Answer: (2)

12. Owing to the scare of the highly contagious disease widespread in the town………. .

(1)  many people thronged to the multiplexes and malls during the long weekend

(2)  people have been advised to gather at the town squares

(3)  government has failed to make any arrangement for vaccination

(4)  most of the people decided to stay indoors during weekend

(5)  None of the above

Answer: (4)

Bank Paper Double Blanks in a Sentence

Double Blanks in a Sentence


Directions (Q. Nos. 1 to 5) Each question below has two blanks, each blank indicating that something has been omitted. Choose the set of words for each blank that best fits the meaning of the sentence as a whole.

1. The National Knowledge Commission has said that India will have to bring ……. in education if it has to emerge as the most …….. workforce of the world.

(1)  changes, biggest

(2)  reforms, talented

(3)  alleviation, skillful

(4)  quality, brighter

(5)  outcomes, demanded

Answer: (2)

2. Norway has stolen a march over other developed countries by …… that it would reduce 40% of its greenhouse gas emissions by 2020 and ………. carbon neutral by 2030.

(1)  allowing, turn

(2)  posing, grew

(3)  estimating, exist

(4)  perceiving, arising

(5)  declaring, become

Answer: (5)

3. A controversial plan to build an immense dam in Brazil’s rainforest was stalled when it …………. a formidable bloc of ……… in ecologists and indigenous tribes alike.

(1)  resulted, hostilities

(2)  gained, supporters

(3)  attracted, opponents

(4)  lead, protesters

(5)  drew, proponents

Answer: (3)

4. According to a recent survey, sales figures of high end cars have seen an ………… growth in the past year, which shows that Indian consumers have ……… the impact of recession.

(1)  unprecedented, negated

(2)  unbelievable, suffered

(3)  unusual, worsened

(4)  insignificant, endured

(5)  adequate, proven

Answer: (1)

5. According to the language experts, children should begin talking in their mother tongue rather than a foreign language which can ……… affect their comprehension abilities leading to serious language-based ……….. later in their lives.

(1)  significantly, abilities

(2)  appropriately, achievements

(3)  severely, advantages

(4)  adversely, problems

(5)  positively, issues

Answer: (4)

Directions (Q. Nos. 6 to 10) Each question below has two blanks, each blank indicating that something has been omitted. Choose the set of words for each blank that best fits the meaning of t he sentences as a whole.

6. As the boat ………., all those on board fortunately managed to reach the bank of the river…… with the help of the life boats.

(1)  capsized, drowned

(2)  fell, harmlessly

(3)  dropped, uninjured

(4)  decreased, unhurt

(5)  sank, safely

Answer: (5)

7. Ashima ……….. her team with a lot of skill and the ……. increase in the sales y the team is a measure of her success.

(1)  dominates, poor

(2)  condemns, sudden

(3)  manages, significant

(4)  directs,, worthless

(5)  overpowers, exceptional

Answer: (3)

8. On being asked for the passport, he ……….. to his dismay that he had ………. to bring it along with him to the appointed.

(1)  shocked, failed

(2)  realized, forgotten

(3)  pleaded, neglected

(4)  understood, lost

(5)  recognized, missed

Answer: (2)

9. Helen quickly ………. the career ladder and is now the ……… managing director, the company has ever appointed.

(1)  jumped, shortest

(2)  entered, oldest

(3)  started, juniormost

(4)  climbed, youngest

(5)  ascended, inexperienced

Answer: (4)

10. A famous economist says that the government should do more to ……. jobs in the area in order to curb the …….. rate of unemployment.

(1)  create, rising

(2)  need, increasing

(3)  employ, high

(4)  invent, growing

(5)  generate, slowing

Answer: (1)

Directions (Q. Nos. 11 to 15) Each question below has two blanks each blank indicating that something has been omitted. Choose the set of words for each blank that best fits the meaning of the sentence as a whole.

11. The organization …………. to popularize Indian classical musical among the youth which has lost …… with its cultural roots.

(1)  endeavours, touch

(2)  wishes, interest

(3)  efforts, experience

(4)  exerts, intrigue

(5)  need, relation

Answer: (1)

12. One of the major critiques of the examination system is that it………. to a spirit of …… competition among the students.

(1)  results, defective

(2)  accompanies, adequate

(3)  develops, intense

(4)  takes, severe

(5)  leads, unhealthy

Answer: (5)

13. Auroras are natural light displays in the sky, usually……….. at night …… in the Polar regions.

(1)  watch, upward

(2)  noticed, peculiar

(3)  observed, once

(4)  found, most

(5)  follows, mainly

Answer: (3)

14. After the board examinations, students are …….. up for the various entrance examinations ……… for next month.

(1)  ready, timed

(2)  gearing, scheduled

(3)  prepared, programmed

(4)  set, duration

(5)  geared, kept

Answer: (2)

15. The governmental ……….. spurred dramatic improvements in the way waste management is ……… out in many hospitals.

(1)  rule, thrown

(2)  plans, conduct

(3)  crusade, done

(4)  efforts, carried

(5)  venture, disposed

Answer: (4)

Directions (Q. Nos. 16 to 20) Each question below has two blanks each blank indicating that something has been omitted. Choose the set of words for each blank that best fits the meaning of the sentence as a whole.

16. Many teachers ………. the lack of professional freedom as the ……. for leaving the job.

(1)  cited, reason

(2)  explained, force

(3)  claimed, understanding

(4)  argued, culprit

(5)  believe, ground

Answer: (1)

17. Skeptics would not ……….. that the earth actually moves, let alone that it……….. around the sun.

(1)  permit, orbits

(2)  accept, revolves

(3)  experience, circles

(4)  assume, went

(5)  challenge, spins

Answer: (2)

18. Unpredictable ……….. of the child could not lead the consultants to any ………. .

(1)  performance, setting

(2)  belief, judgement

(3)  operation, purpose

(4)  behaviour, conclusion

(5)  react, decision

Answer: (4)

19. A public servant who is guilty will not ….. punishment and no……. person will be punished.

(1)  be, sincere

(2)  flee, guilty

(3)  defend, common

(4)  avoid, uninformed

(5)  escape, innocent

Answer: (5)

20. Few professions can ……… the sheer variety and constant …… of being a doctor.

(1)  like, struggle

(2)  share, enthusiast

(3)  match, challenge

(4)  draw, work-load

(5)  justify, exception

Answer: (3)

Directions (Q. Nos. 21 to 29) In each of the following sentences, there are two blank spaces. Below each sentence there are five pai9rs of words denoted by numbers (1), (2), (3), (4) and (5). Find out which pair of words can be filled up in the blanks in the sentence in the same sequence to make the sentence meaningfully complete :

21. Prabha’s …… in athletics yielded rich ……… as she got a scholarship.

(1)  performance, money

(2)  defeat, results

(3)  behaviour, appreciation

(4)  excellence, dividends

(5)  failure, disappointment

Answer: (4)

22. The police …… any attempt of arson by ……… at the trouble sport quite in time.

(1)  squashed, surrounding

(2)  made, encircling

(3)  predisposed, visiting

(4)  thwarted, presenting

(5)  pre-empted, arriving

Answer: (5)

23. The …….. imposed for non-payment was too….. for it to bring in improvement in collection.

(1)  fine, severe

(2)  toll, simple

(3)  penalty, low

(4)  damage, cruel

(5)  punishment, harsh

Answer: (3)

24. Somesh ………. me coming to his table, he smiled and ………. me a chair.

(1)  found, signalled

(2)  met, sat

(3)  looked, gave

(4)  saw, offered

(5)  welcomed, took

Answer: (4)

25. The leaders were ……….. needed by those to ……. they addressed.

(1)  angrily, who

(2)  readily, which

(3)  scarcely, whom

(4)  rarely, where

(5)  joyfully, when

Answer: (3)

26. I am not………. to sell you my house unless you offer a more………. price.

(1)  agree, better

(2)  prepared, realistic

(3)  ready, correct

(4)  having, actual

Answer: (2)

27. Due to……. rainfall this year, there will be …….. cut in water supply.

(1)  scanty, substantial

(2)  meager, least

(3)  insufficient, no

(4)  surplus, abundant

(5)  abundant, considerable

Answer: (1)

28. In a changing and …………..unstructured business environment, creativity and innovation are being ………. demanded, of executives.

(1)  excessively, rapidly

(2)  highly, extremely

(3)  increasingly, moderately

(4)  progressively, increasingly

(5)  highly, speedily

Answer: (4)

29. We are… to have him…. here to make this function a great success.

(1)  happy, have

(2)  unhappy, arrive

(3)  sure, come

(4)  please, over

(5)  wonderful, again

Answer: (4)

Directions (Q. Nos. 30 to 34) In each of the following sentences, there are two blank spaces. Below each sentence there are five pai9rs of words denoted by numbers (1), (2), (3), (4) and (5). Find out which pair of words can be filled up in the blanks in the sentence in the same sequence to make the sentence meaningfully complete.

30. Efforts to……. the issue will not be successful……. both sides continue to blame each other.

(1)  resolve, if

(2)  discuss, unless

(3)  address, whether

(4)  settled, because

(5)  close, although

Answer: (1)

31. The economy has managed to retain its ………. edge despite…….. demand for its exports.

(1)  leading, healthy

(2)  competitive, shrinking

(3)  sharp, favourable

(4)  predominant, average

(5)  worthwhile, durable

Answer: (2)

32. It will be……….for the management to implement the policy because of the employees’………… to change.

(1)  inconvenient, willing

(2)  complicated, concern

(3)  burden, decision

(4)  impossible, resistance

(5)  critical, character

Answer: (4)

33. Analysts are looking……. to more mergers in the banking…….. which will boost the economy.

(1)  around, arena

(2)  ahead, rivals

(3)  forward, sector

(4)  perhaps, partners

(5)  doubtfully, investment

Answer: (3)

34. After the devastating fire, the Board has no………. except…………. of t heir textile factory.

(1)  idea, inauguration

(2)  estimate, running

(3)  power, modernising

(4)  condition, improving

(5)  option, closure

Answer: (5)

Directions Q. Nos. 35 to 39) In each of the following sentences, there are two blank spaces. Below each sentence there are five pai9rs of words denoted by numbers (1), (2), (3), (4) and (5). Find out which pair of words can be filled up in the blanks in the sentence in the same sequence to make the sentence meaningfully complete.

35. The ………. of the merger will become more…………. to you if you persue the document carefully.

(1)  provisions, reality

(2)  purpose, specific

(3)  risks, evident

(4)  assets, recognized

(5)  disadvantages, relates

Answer: (2)

36. One of the ………. areas of dispute between the union and the management ……… on paper.

(1)  major, exempt

(2)  purpose, surpasses

(3)  possible, relevant

(4)  public, obstruct

(5)  potential, relates

Answer: (5)

37. Their ………. aim is to ensure the bank is not hit by ……….. its past performance.

(1)  allied, adjusts

(2)  ultimate, without

(3)  realistic, ensures

(4)  future, against

(5)  commendable, regards

Answer: (2)

38. ………… the revolutionary scheme was launched ……………… much fanfare it was poorly executed.

(1)  Although, amidst

(2)  Despite, without

(3)  Perhaps, exploited

(4)  While, largely

(5)  Inspite of, regardless

Answer: (1)

39. The result of political apathy is that m any of the much ……….. reforms remain ………….. on paper.

(1)  criticized, dependent

(2)  valued, effective

(3)  dispensable, exploited

(4)  needed, largely

(5)  debated, official

Answer: (4)

Directions (Q. Nos. 40 to 44) In each of the following sentences, there are two blank spaces. Below each sentence there are five pai9rs of words denoted by numbers (1), (2), (3), (4) and (5). Find out which pair of words can be filled up in the blanks in the sentence in the same sequence to make the sentence meaningfully complete.

40. More is …….. of conditions of the tribals in Maharashtra than ………. conditions of those in the other parts of the country.

(1)  certain, the

(2)  known, of

(3)  aware, of

(4)  favourable, those

(5)  uncertain, all

Answer: (2)

41. Although ……… is not a very desirable feeling, we need a certain amount of it to ………….. well.

(1)  anxiety, exist

(2)  grief, enjoy

(3)  impatience, preach

(4)  anger, define

(5)  jealousy, bad

Answer: (1)

42. Although he is a ………….. person, he occasionally loses his ……………

(1)  quiet, power

(2)  cheerful, grief

(3)  balanced, temper

(4)  thoughtful, anxiety

(5)  generous, wealth

Answer: (3)

43. In a ………….. tone, the leader made a powerful ………. to the mob.

(1)  realistic, zeal

(2)  lower, conviction

(3)  loud, argument

(4)  soft, appeal

(5)  pitch, statement

Answer: (4)

44. The tunnel was so ……….. and congested that we became…………….

(1)  long, enthusiastic

(2)  deep, cautious

(3)  dark, frightened

(4)  crowded, isolated

(5)  sharp, worried

Answer: (3)

Bank Paper Choosing the Appropriate Word

Choosing the Appropriate Word


Directions (Q. Nos. 1 to 5) Pick out the most effective word from the given words to fill in the  blank to make the sentence meaningfully complete.

1. He tends to ………… to any suggestion I make in meetings.

(1)  differ

(2)  agree

(3)  accept

(4)  act

(5)  cooperate

Answer: (2)

2. He ……….. children to open their eyes and ears to the beauty of life.

(1)  admonished

(2)  promised

(3)  exhorted

(4)  complemented

(5)  reprimanded

Answer: (3)

3. We were shocked by the young man’s ……… for money.

(1)  greed

(2)  acumen

(3)  versatility

(4)  projection

(5)  reprimanded

Answer: (1)

4. We must work hard towards ……… of the underprivileged people of our country.

(1)  proliferation

(2)  emancipation

(3)  contribution

(4)  association

(5)  unification

Answer: (2)

5. Let us cultivate a strong will, a ………. mental desire and determination to achieve our ideals.

(1)  tall

(2)  sure

(3)  sardonic

(4)  keen

(5)  cutting

Answer: (4)

Directions (Q. Nos. 6 to 10) Pick out the most effective word from the given words to fill in the blanks to make the sentences meaningfully complete.

6. The process should be completed as far as possible within a week ………. (which the matter should be brought to notice of the officer concerned.

(1)  following

(2)  failing

(3)  realising

(4)  referring

(5)  regarding

Answer: (2)

7.  The officers are ……………… to regular transfers.

(1)  free

(2)  open

(3)  subject

(4)  available

(5)  dictated

Answer: (3)

8. All letters received from Government should ……………. be acknowledged.

(1)  suddenly

(2)  obviously

(3)  immediately

(4)  occasionally

(5)  adequately

Answer: (3)

9. Mumbai office ……….. a meeting of senior officials to discuss the high incidence of frauds.

(1)  attended

(2)  convened

(3)  reported

(4)  registered

(5)  asked

Answer: (2)

10. The note should be ………….. to all the concerned departments for their consideration.

(1)  regulated

(2)  requested

(3)  carried

(4)  forwarded

(5)  represented

Answer: (4)

Directions (Q. Nos. 11 to 17) Pick out the most effective word/group of words from those given to fill in the blanks to make the sentences meaningfully complete.

11. Integrity of character, honesty, dependability and discipline …………. with way for achieving success.

(1)  coupled

(2)  adjoined

(3)  fixed

(4)  attached

(5)  entrusted

Answer: (1)

12. Drinking too much ………… one’s judgement.

(1)  imposes

(2)  impels

(3)  impairs

(4)  imepdes

(5)  effects

Answer: (3)

13. For quite a long time he bore the burden but finally he had to ………….

(1)  yield

(2)  reconcile

(3)  leave

(4)  succumb

(5)  refuse

Answer: (1)

14. The suspect was taken to the police, but the ………… revealed nothing.

(1)  investigation

(2)  inquiry

(3)  probe

(4)  interrogation

(5)  attempt

Answer: (4)

15. The history professor …………. a great respect from his students by virtue of his mastery over his subject.

(1)  commanded

(2)  acquired

(3)  attained

(4)  observed

(5)  expected

Answer: (1)

16. I felt very proud ……………… myself.

(1)  for

(2)  of

(3)  with

(4)  at

(5)  on

Answer: (2)

17. I have just ………. reading an interesting novel.

(1)  been

(2)  completely

(3)  finished

(4)  start

(5)  over

Answer: (3)

Directions (Q. Nos. 18 to 22) Pick out the most effective word from the given words to fill in the blank to make the sentence meaningfully complete.

18. No one knows…………. when or how the helicopter caught fire.

(1)  why

(2)  where

(3)  which

(4)  unfortunately

(5)  exactly

Answer: (5)

19. He always says that ………….. are like opportunities for us to develop.

(1)  solutions

(2)  people

(3)  challenges

(4)  actions

(5)  relations

Answer: (3)

20. Life in desert is ……….. and difficult.

(1)  strenuous

(2)  warmth

(3)  sandy

(4)  miraculous

(5)  worthwhile

Answer: (1)

21. Please submit the draft proposal first; the additional information can be submitted ………….

(1)  then

(2)  later

(3)  latter

(4)  after

(5)  duly

Answer: (2)

22. All of ………….. happened thousands of year before Columbus set sail.

(1)  what

(2)  whats

(3)  them

(4)  this

(5)  which

Answer: (4)

Directions (Q. Nos. 23 to 32) Pick out the most effective word from the given words to make the sentence meaningfully complete.

23. Malaya and Singapore were economically interdependent and for geographical reasons it was considered that they should be ………… together.

(1)  linked

(2)  joined

(3)  made

(4)  remain

(5)  fight

Answer: (1)

24. Today with urbanization, the role of social groups as protectors of their members in the event of problems has practically …………… eliminated.

(1)  remained

(2)  evolved

(3)  been

(4)  not

(5)  be

Answer: (3)

25. HRD for women also means an effort to create………….. across organizations about women-related issues.

(1)  jobs

(2)  skills

(3)  records

(4)  data

(5)  awareness

Answer: (5)

26. Once management is able to ………… communication with the workers it is likely that the trade unions’ impact will be diluted.

(1)  start

(2)  establish

(3)  block

(4)  directly

(5)  understand

Answer: (4)

27. The world of banking has changed so much and so …………… that it has caused many challenges among managements.

(1)  far

(2)  rapidly

(3)  often

(4)  slow

(5)  clearly

Answer: (2)

28. The background of male and female entrepreneurs tend to be ………. expect that most women entrepreneurs tend to be older when they start their first business venture.

(1)  varied

(2)  younger

(3)  similar

(4)  new

(5)  fresh

Answer: (3)

29. We are of the view that ………………… full payment is made the delivery of goods should not be given.

(1)  if

(2)  provided

(3)  sure

(4)  except

(5)  unless

Answer: (5)

30. Independence had brought equality of opportunity, but mere laws …………… equal rights was not enough.

(1)  guaranteering

(2)  legalizing

(3)  abiding

(4)  enforcing

(5)  fighting for

Answer: (4)

31. One of the most common causes of …….. is the habit of quitting when one is overtaken by temporary defeat.

(1)  frustration

(2)  failure

(3)  loss

(4)  abnormality

(5)  success

Answer: (1)

32. Everyone has a stock of criticism handed out whether ………….. for or not.

(1)  needed

(2)  asked

(3)  invited

(4)  called

(5)  sought

Answer: (4)

Directions (Q. Nos. 33 to 37) Pick out the most effective words/phrase from the given options to fill in the blank to make the sentence meaningful.

33. Tiwari’s well-wishers went to extreme to ……. his business reputation.

(1)  speak

(2)  enhance

(3)  cajole

(4)  provoke

(5)  advocate

Answer: (2)

34. A group of junior college boys ………….. the highest peak of the Shivalik range of the Himalayas.

(1)  scaled

(2)  walked

(3)  climb up

(4)  avoided

(5)  won

Answer: (1)

35. A special programme to raise the standard of living of village folks has been ………… by the Government.

(1)  affixed

(2)  stalled

(3)  glued

(4)  launched

(5)  propose

Answer: (4)

36. A herd of elephants ………… ready to attack the lion.

(1)  were

(2)  is

(3)  was

(4)  are

(5)  has been

Answer: (3)

37. It is not possible this year to run this company with so many employees without increasing the ………… of deficit.

(1)  loss

(2)  altitude

(3)  gain

(4)  magnitude

(5)  extend

Answer: (4)

Directions (Q. Nos. 38 to 45) Pick out the most effective word from the given words to fill in the blanks to make the sentences meaningfully complete.

38. Motivation levels have to be high to ………. well in the highly competitive examination.

(1)  score

(2)  play

(3)  act

(4)  function

(5)  evaluate

Answer: (1)

39. …………… the year under review the bank has expanded its share in retail and infrastructure sectors.

(1)  During

(2)  Over

(3)  As per

(4)  Under

(5)  After

Answer: (1)

40. ………….. right persons for3 the right job and providing congenial environment are some of the key ingredients of human resources management.

(1)  Demanding

(2)  Reflecting

(3)  Identifying

(4)  Safeguarding

(5)  Contacting

Answer: (3)

41. The bank is ………… with the reservation policy of the government of India.

(1)  playing

(2)  toying

(3)  arguing

(4)  complying

(5)  manipulating

Answer: (4)

42. In terms of government guidelines, rosters maintained at head office/zonal offices are inspected …………….

(1)  casually

(2)  whimsically

(3)  regularly

(4)  correctly

(5)  grossly

Answer: (3)

43. It would be a challenge to ……………… upon the performance levels achieved in the recent years in the face of ever increasing competition.

(1)  call

(2)  improve

(3)  increase

(4)  pick

(5)  enlarge

Answer: (2)

44. Our organization is in the process of recruiting specialist officers from …………. market in the areas of marketing and IT.

(1)  closed

(2)  vegetable

(3)  world

(4)  open

(5)  retail

Answer: (4)

45. Rain is the only source of water for two-third of our cultivated land, making the monsoon ……………….

(1)  impractical

(2)  tantamount

(3)  crucial

(4)  intolerable

(5)  inaccessible

Answer: (3)

Bank Paper Cloze Passages

Chapter 4 : Cloze Test/Passages


Directions (Q. Nos. 1 to 10) In the following passage there are ten blanks, each of which has been numbered. These numbers are printed below the passage and against each, five words/phrases are suggested. One of which best fits the blank appropriately. Find out the appropriate word/phrase in each case.

Economic growth figures for the first quarter of this financial year seem to support the claim that the worst may be over for the Indian economy. The gradual revival is also an indication that the government’s economic stimulus package is (1) What could, however, upset the positive outlook is the drought which (2) large parts of the country and its impact on overall growth. Even though the monsoon had picked up (3) the rains received were grossly (4) There are clear (5) that farm output, particularly cereals, will fall drastically. Insufficient rain is bound to shoot up the (6) of agricultural commodities and that would impact the economy as a whole. The drought would also (7) a drastic reduction in rural employment and consumption besides inflation in the prices of food articles.

Food prices have been (8) since the past few months, and lower agricultural production is likely to (9) the situation. The government has said that food grain from the buffer stocks will be used to keep prices (10) Subsidized food grain in necessary in these times, but its effectiveness depends a lot on the distribution system.

1. (1) failing (2) working (3) weakening (4) impractical (5) ambiguous

Answer: (2)

2. (1) exposed (2) reverted (3) altered (4) strike (5) affected

Answer: (5)

3. (1) presently (2) meagerly (3) later (4) unseasonably (5) unfavorably

Answer: (3)

4. (1) missing (2) ample (3) atrocious (4) inadequate (5) enough

Answer: (4)

5. (1) reasons (2) results (3) indications (4) contradictions (5) advices

Answer: (3)

6. (1) prices (2) yield (3) labour (4) production (5)requirement

Answer: (1)

7. (1) result (2) contribute (3) dampen (4) trigger (5) lead

Answer: (4)

8. (1) stable (2) increasing (3) decreasing (4) improving (5) balanced

Answer: (2)

9. (1) smoothen (2) improve (3) challenge (4) aggravate (5) amend

Answer: (4)

10. (1) maximum (2) growing (3) down (4) unprofitable (5) futile

Answer: (3)

Directions (Q. Nos. 11 to 20) In the following passage there are blanks, each of which has been numbered. These numbers are printed below the passage and against each, five words are suggested, one of which fits the blank appropriately. Find out the appropriate word in each case.

The World Diabetes Congress has determined that India has the largest number of diabetics in the world. Apart from the loss of productivity, the (11) burden ‘is alarming — $2.8 billion annually. Sedentary jobs (12) of electronic entertainment, changing diet patterns and (13) dependence on automobiles have driven the activity (14) of Indians’ lives especially in cities.

The (15) is, therefore, to make people physically (16) and requires interventions which impact a large (17) of the population. Admittedly physical activity is a (18) of choice and is strongly driven by (19) preferences. But policymaking needs to shift to (20) moderate levels of physical activity in the daily lives of people. One way to accomplish this is to create walkable communities that give residents a variety of destinations within a walking distance.

11. (1) economic (2) finance (3) subsidy (4) physical (5) health

Answer: (1)

12. (1) broadcast (2) spread (3) prevalent (4) expand (5) widespread

Answer: (2)

13. (1) totally (2) entirely (3) grown (4) mutual (5) increasing

Answer: (5)

14. (1) most (2) out (3) from (4) through (5) outside

Answer: (2)

15. (1) ultimatum (2) hazard (3) sensitivity (4) challenge (5) dispute

Answer: (4)

16. (1) equip (2) built (3) active (4) trained (5) qualified

Answer: (3)

17. (1) section (2) scale (3) degree (4) percent (5) piece

Answer: (1)

18. (1) want (2) matter (3) scarcity (4) right (5) lack

Answer: (2)

19. (1) showing (2) given (3) special (4) personal (5) individually

Answer: (4)

20. (1) pursuit (2) indulge (3) introduce (4) insist (5) attract

Answer: (3)

Directions (Q. Nos. 21 to 30) In the following passage there are blanks, each of which has been numbered. These numbers are printed below the passage and against each, five words are suggested, one of which fits the blank appropriately. Find out the appropriate word in each case.

The (21) of India as an economic superpower is not reflected in the (22) of life enjoyed by its 1.2 billion citizens according to the Human Development Index which (23) India very low among 182 countries. In our performance oriented world, measurement issues have taken an (24) importance as what we measure affects what we do. In fact the French President has established an international commission on the Measurement of Economic Performance and Social Progress –owing to his (25) and that of others with the current state of statistical information about the economy and society.

The big questions concerns (26) Gross Domestic Product (GDP) provides a good measure of living standards. In many cases GDP statistics seem to (27) that the economy is doing far better than most citizens feel it is. Moreover the focus on GDP creates conflicts, while political leaders are told to maximize it, citizens also demand that (28) be paid to enhancing security, reducing air, water and noise pollution all of which actually (29) GDP growth, Statistics are (30) to summarise what is going on in our complex society, it is therefore obvious that we can’t reduce everything to a single number-GDP.

21. (1) tribute (2) pursuit (3) perception (4) conversion (5) title

Answer: (2)

22. (1) loss (2) quality (3) spirit (4) span (5) joy

Answer: (2)

23. (1) counted (2) scored (3) qualified (4) regard (5) ranked

Answer: (5)

24. (1) negligible (2) great (3) unduly (4) trivial (5) considerably

Answer: (3)

25. (1) obedience (2) confidence (3) belief (4) dissatisfaction (5) compliance

Answer: (3)

26. (1) that (2) unless (3) because (4) against (5) whether

Answer: (5)

27. (1) suggest (2) recommend (3) think (4) point (5) refer

Answer: (1)

28. (1) compensation (2) respect (3) debt (4) attention (5) expense

Answer: (4)

29. (1) recover (2) lower (3) attain (4) decline (5) shrunk

Answer: (2)

30. (1) inferred (2) difficult (3) interpret (4) reveal (5) intended

Answer: (2)

Directions (Q. Nos. 31 to 40) In the following passage there are blanks, each of which has been numbered. These numbers are printed below the passage and against each, five words/phrases are suggested, one of which fits the blank appropriately. Find out the appropriate word/phrase in each case.

As the temperature (31) during the summer season, many households turn to air conditioners to keep them cool. Air conditioners which were once regarded as a residential luxury have now become a (32) Enjoying a cooler atmosphere during hot weather is not the only benefit of using the air conditioner. A household, a vehicle, or a building becomes cleaner and safer for breathing as air conditioning also (33) the growth and spread of harmful microorganisms.

However, along with the benefits, some disadvantages are also (34) with it. One of the most controversial topics attached to the subject of air conditioning deals with some of the materials that are used to produce the cooling affect-Fluorocarbons. These refrigerants (35) to global warming and are (36) as one of the main ways in which air – conditioning (37) the environment. Fluorocarbon refrigerants also add to the problems concerning ozone layer depletion.

While air conditioning provides a temporary relief and makes heat wave more bearable, many questions have been (38) on how much the world will pay in the long run in terms of the environmental damage that it has caused. Today, scientists are (39) on making more environmental friendly products, but for now, individuals are (40) to part with their instant cool during the thick of summer.

31. (1) decreases (2) rises (3) deviates (4) fluctuates (5) varies

Answer: (2)

32. (1) irreplaceable (2) obligatory (3) certainty (4) necessity (5) redundancy

Answer: (4)

33. (1) prevents (2) escapes (3) kills (4) removes (5) purifies

Answer: (1)

34. (1) resulted (2) caused (3) associated (4) influenced (5) created

Answer: (3)

35. (1) result (2) determine (3) affect (4) outcome (5) contribute

Answer: (5)

36. (1) attended (2) presumed (3) regarded (4) valued (5) responsible

Answer: (3)

37. (1) helps (2) impacts (3) decline (4) disintegrates (5) improves

Answer: (2)

38. (1) thought (2) explained (3) expected (4) interrogated (5) raised

Answer: (5)

39. (1) trying (2) expected (3) developing (4) working (5) inventing

Answer: (4)

40. (1) disabled (2) helpless (3) unwanted (4) aware (5) reluctant

Answer: (5)

Directions (Q. Nos. 41 to 50) In the following passage there are blanks, each of which has been numbered. These numbers are printed below the passage and against each, five words/phrases are suggested, one of which fits the blank appropriately. Find out the appropriate word/phrase in each case.

The barter system for getting goods and services (41) back many centuries. In most cultures the barter system was used before money was (42) People who had specific items or services would (43) these with others for the things they needed. Good negotiation was the (44) to making good trades. While the barer system (45) based on basic needs, today the barter system continues to thrive. The barter system transcends the monetary system. The barter system is making a (46) today. What makes the barter system even better today than ever before is that it can now be done globally. In the past bartering was simply done with those that were located nearby. Today the barter system can be used in a much more (47) way than ever before yet it carries with it the same basic motivation-the need for something that you don’t have and the excess of something that someone else wants.

The barter system is enjoying (48) interest today. Bartering allows you to get the things you need without having to (49) additional money. Instead you can use the things you no longer need or want to get the things you do need. There are swap markets and online auctions that (50) you to sell or trade your items or to purchase items that you want. Negotiation takes place just like it did hundreds of years ago.

41. (1) discovered (2) dates (3) began (4) started (5) initiated

Answer: (2)

42. (1) bought (2) imagined (3) began (4) emerged (5) invented

Answer: (5)

43. (1) buy (2) sell (3) exchange (4) give (5) return

Answer: (3)

44. (1) important (2) essential (3) result (4) key (5) intention

Answer: (4)

45. (1) originated (2) stood (3) generated (4) created (5) produced

Answer: (1)

46. (1) issue (2) comeback (3) withdrawal (4) recall (5) fading

Answer: (2)

47. (1) primitive (2) appreciated (3) promoted (4) sophisticated (5) better

Answer: (4)

48. (1) diminishing (2) revival (3) perishing (4) declining (5) renewed

Answer: (5)

49. (1) expend (2) exchanging (3) expand (4) consume (5) cost

Answer: (1)

50. (1) insist (2) force (3) allow (4) lure (5) constraint

Answer: (3)

Directions (Q. Nos. 51 to 60) In the following passage there are blanks, each of which has been numbered. These numbers are printed below the passage and against each, five words are suggested, one of which fits the blank appropriately. Find out the appropriate word in each case.

Technology (51) lives. But (52) if people want it to. This qualification is important, and (53) to understanding progress. Akio Morita, the founder of Sony, used to make inventions not by writing code but by making minute, detailed studies of (54) people. it is observable that when the relinquished direct involvement in product development at the company in the 1980s. Sony seemed lo lose its (55) of developing a truly radical invention like the Walkman that the world takes to en masse.

However much it seems that machines are in (56), they are not, yet the belief that the technology alone holds the key to (57), the way people work, buy, and do business is strong. The rise of dotcoms in the late 1990s was (58) by a belief that technology was changing the rules of marketing and employee relationships. This is not to say there have been no changes in the new economy but that they (59) to appear where technology makes it (60) for people to communicate with each other, or have been unrelated to the technology. The dynamic is still a human one.

51. (1) makes (2) explains (3) shakes (4) ruins (5) changes

Answer: (5)

52. (1) seldom (2) only (3) never (4) not (5) occasionally

Answer: (2)

53. (1) encouraging (2) supported (3) disastrous (4) key (5) primarily

Answer: (4)

54. (1) when (2) whether (3) how (4) why (5) where

Answer: (3)

55. (1) knack (2) business (3) plant (4) share (5) profit

Answer: (1)

56. (1) action (2) operation (3) transition (4) progress (5) control

Answer: (5)

57. (1) determining (2) highlighting (3) informing (4) encroaching (5) accomplishing

Answer: (1)

58. (1) underlying (2) disputed (3) accompanied (4) govern (5) successful

Answer: (3)

59. (1) fail (2) refuse (3) avoid (4) tend (5) cease

Answer: (1)

60. (1) tough (2) easier (3) awkward (4) essential (5) laborious

Answer: (2)

Directions (Q. Nos. 61 to 70) In the following passage there are blanks, each of which has been numbered. These numbers are printed below the passage and against each, five words/phrases are suggested, one of which fits the blank appropriately. Find out the appropriate word/phrase in each case.

Today it is (61) recognized that the 21st century will be driven by knowledge. To (62) the challenges of this century, India needs to usher in a knowledge revolution that (63) to bring about systemic changes in education.

While our economy has made significant strides, the education system has not kept (64) with the aspirations of the youth. The vast disparity in the country today is a result of skewed (65) to knowledge. To address this we need a substantial expansion in educational opportunities, with a special (66) on inclusion of the underprivileged.

At the bottom of the pyramid, steps must be taken to (67) access to quality education. While the government has taken steps to ensure education to all, where it lacks in its efforts is the quality perspective. Being a spirally upward drive, education cannot be (68) to  improve at the higher level lest it improves at the very grassroot level. The top of the pyramid, i.e., higher education is also uneven. Students struggle to compete in the exams which (69) a sound knowledge of English. While candidates are expected to travel several kilometers to reach school to obtain any education, the higher education organization often (70) candidates from vernacular media through state-sponsored exams and proudly affirm them a ‘unbaised’.

61. (1) thickly (2) widely (3) ample (4) partly (5) considered

Answer: (2)

62. (1) adhere to (2) gather (3) cover (4) contact (5) meet

Answer: (5)

63. (1) sought (2) wanted (3) seeks (4) attempt (5) determined

Answer: (3)

64. (1) adequate (2) sufficient (3) influence (4) pace (5) ahead

Answer: (4)

65. (1) access (2) approaching (3) rights (4) infiltration (5) excess

Answer: (1)

66. (1) aspiration (2) intensity (3) important (4) place (5) emphasis

Answer: (5)

67. (1) enjoy (2) help (3) provide (4) diminish (5) deepen

Answer: (3)

68. (1) awaited (2) judged (3) thought (4) expected (5) said

Answer: (4)

69. (1) demand (2) has (3) consume (4) expects (5) wants

Answer: (1)

70. (1) discourages (2) disobey (3) contest (4) assume (5) reject

Answer: (1)

Directions (Q. Nos. 71 to 80) In the following passage there are blanks, each of which has been numbered. These numbers are printed below the passage and against each, five words are suggested, one of which best fits the blank appropriately. Find out the appropriate word in each case.

Twenty years (71) now, nearly 60% of the world’s population will live in  urban areas. The impact of urbanization might not all be positive on India as urban expansion is happening at a much (72) rate than infrastructure expansion.

Sustainability issues need to be (73) so that economic development is not at the (74) of public  health. Some urban services that ought to be in (75) in a city like water, electricity, transport, etc, need special consideration.

ERI has put together a detailed report that (76) sustainability in the provision of basic urban services in India cites. (77) public transport is a major reason for the proliferation of private vehicles on the road. Respiratory illness in children living in urban areas is on the (78) with more cases of Asthma being (79) because of pollution. The future of cities of Indian dreams depends on (80) we can build better cities today.

71. (1) till (2) since (3) from (4) after (5) on

Answer: (3)

72. (1) faster (2) slower (3) changed (4) speed (5) quick

Answer: (1)

73. (1) speculated (2) believed (3) imagined (4) considered (5) understand

Answer: (4)

74. (1) payment (2) rate (3) costs (4) charge (5) expense

Answer: (5)

75. (1) abundance (2) large (3) functional (4) vicinity (5) location

Answer: (1)

76. (1) bring (2) emphasizes (3) speculates (4) postulates (5) requests

Answer: (2)

77. (1) Good (2) Competent (3) Absence (4) inadequate (5) sufficient

Answer: (4)

78. (1) multiplication (2) expansion (3) rise (4) inflation (5) grow

Answer: (3)

79. (1) produced (2) develop (3) composed (4) resulted (5) reported

Answer: (5)

80. (1) if (2) whether (3) unless (4) provided (5) weather

Answer: (2)

Directions (Q. Nos. 81 to 90) In the following passage there are blanks, each of which has been numbered. These numbers are printed below the passage and against each, five words are suggested, one of which best fits the blank appropriately. Find out the appropriate word in each case.

On October 2, 1983 the Grameen Bank Project (81) the Grameen Bank. We invited the Finance Minister to be the Chief Guest at our (82) ceremony. But when the Ministry came to (83) that the ceremony would take place in a remote district, they said it would not be an (84) place to launch a Bank and that the ceremony should be (85) in Dhaka so that all the top Government Official could (86). We stood firm and (87) to them that we did not work in urban areas so it made no (88) to have the ceremony in a city (89) we had no borrowers. We had the ceremony in a big open field with the Finance Minister present as Chief Guest. For all of us who had worked so hard to (90) this it was a dream come true.

81. (1) became (2) reorganized (3) merged (4) named (5) converted

Answer: (1)

82. (1) induction (2) opening (3) closing (4) dedicated (5) inaugurate

Answer: (2)

83. (1) acquaint (2) reveal l(3) know (4) aware (5) inform

Answer: (3)

84. (1) obvious (2) excellent (3) available (4) inauspicious (5) appropriate

Answer: (5)

85. (1) held (2) invited (3) assembled (4) done (5) shifted

Answer: (1)

86. (1) entertain (2) present (3) accompany (4) attend (5) involve

Answer: (4)

87. (1) refused (2) apologized (3) told (4) explained (5) denied

Answer: (4)

88. (1) point (2) difference (3) sense (4) difficulty (5) meaning

Answer: (3)

89. (1) which (2) where (3) while (4) that (5) however

Answer: (2)

90. (1) perform (2) obey (3) achieve (4) discover (5) built

Answer: (3)

Directions (Q. Nos. 91 to 100) In the following passage there are blanks, each of which has been numbered. These numbers are printed below the passage and against each, five words are suggested, one of which best fits the blank appropriately. Find out the appropriate word in each case.

Sport may be a (91) pursuit for many yet it does define life in all its (92). The (93) of sport lies in enjoying the (94) of the sportsman who weaves (95) patterns on the field to leave the watcher spellbound. Great (96) does not always make a great sportsman. What makes a great sportsman is when that talent (97) itself in times of (98). He has to prove time and again that when (99) of the team is at (100) he is the one to be relied upon.

91. (1) expensive (2) regular (3) unusual (4) significant (5) meaningless

Answer: (5)

92. (1) hues (2) possibility (3) joy (4)contrast (5) quest

Answer: (1)

93. (1) demand (2) improvement (3) approval (4) beauty (5) accomplishment

Answer: (4)

94. (1) skills (2) nature (3) capacity (4) industry (5) cunning

Answer: (1)

95. (1) perfect (2) sensible (3) simple (4) daring (5) intricate

Answer: (5)

96. (1) resources (2) practice (3) talent (4) contribution (5) decision

Answer: (3)

97. (1) possesses (2) contributes (3) transfers (4) expresses (5) retains

Answer: (2)

98. (1) uncertainty (2) need (3) calamity (4) difficulty (5) encounter

Answer: (2)

99. (1) dominance (2) endeavour (3) escape (4) winning (5) survival

Answer: (5)

100. (1) vicinity (2) imbalance (3) stake (4) decline (5) dishonour

Answer: (3)

Directions (Q. Nos. 101 to 115) In the following passage there are blanks, each of which has been numbered. These numbers are printed below the passage and against each, five words are suggested, one of which best fits the blank appropriately. Find out the appropriate word in each case.

Many kinds of insects are (101) and large animals learn to (102) eating them. It is in the (103) of these insects to show a (104) flag of some kind. The typical wasp, for example, (105) a conspicuous colour pattern of black and yellow (106) on its body. This is (107) distinctive that it is easy for a (108) animal to remember it.. After a few unfortunate experiences it quickly learns to (109) insects bearing t his pattern. Other, unrelated, poisonous insect species may also carry a similar pattern. They become members of what has been called a ‘warning club.’

The important point  for us, in the present (110) is that some harmless species of insects have taken (111) of this system by developing colour patterns similar to those of the poisonous members of the ‘warning club’. Certain innocuous flies, for instance, (112) black and yellow bands on their bodies that mimic the colour patterns of the wasps. By becoming (113) members of the ‘warning club’ they reap the benefits without having to (114) any real poison. The killers dare not attack them, even though they would, make a (115) meal.

101. (1) flying (2) conspicuous (3) vulnerable (4) big (5) poisonous

Answer: (5)

102. (1) desist (2) adjust (3) prefer (4) avoid (5) nature

Answer: (4)

103. (1) habit (2) interest (3) goodwill (4) welfare (5) help

Answer: (2)

104. (1) dangerous (2) ambiguous (3) warning (4) coloured (5) safety

Answer: (3)

105. (1) reveal (2) paints (3) flashes (4) carried (5) loaded

Answer: (3)

106. (1) bands (2) pieces (3) paint (4) colours (5) clothes

Answer: (1)

107. (1) so (2) extremely (3) normally (4) too (5) very

Answer: (1)

108. (1) bold (2) prey (3) chased (4) predatory (5) hunted

Answer: (4)

109. (1) hot (2) love (3) approach (4) abstain (5) avoid

Answer: (5)

110. (1) text (2) premise (3) context (4) day (5) view

Answer: (3)

111. (1) profit (2) yield (3) disadvantage (4) ride (5) advantage

Answer: (5)

112. (1) display (2) indicaters (3) announce (4) wear (5) bears

Answer: (4)

113. (1) unregistered (2) fake (3) honorary (4) sycophant (5) original

Answer: (2)

114. (1) transport (2) inject (3) posses (4) earn (5) load

Answer: (3)

115. (1) troublesome (2) delicious (3) indigestible (4) hazardous (5) cheap

Answer: (2)

Directions (Q. Nos. 116 to 130) In the following passage there are blanks, each of which has been numbered. These numbers are printed below the passage and against each, five words are suggested, one of which best fits the blank appropriately. Find out the appropriate word in each case.

With the US military tied down on two fronts and the rest of the world growing ….(116)… to American power, the challenges for Rice are as …(117)… as they have been for any Secretary of State in the past three decades. After six years of tussling with others on Bush’s national-security team, Rice has seen off her rivals and …(118)… as the principal spokesperson for Bush’s foreign …(119)… Her reward has been to …(120)… responsibility for selling a failed policy in Iraq and …(121)… a legacy for Bush at a time when …(122)… in the world are in the mood to help her. “Bush is severely …(123)… and has very little …(124)… or support at home or abroad, “says Leslie Gelb, former president of the Council on Foreign Relations. “That is …(125)… true for his Secretary of State. So they are …(126)… failing around.”

That’s a grim assessment, since the ….(127)… to international order are …(128)… today than at any other time since the end of the cold war. The most immediate source of …(129)… emanates from Iraq, where the country’s civil war risks …(130)… a region-wide conflict.

116. (1) resistant (2) subservient (3) immune (4) cordial (5) indifference

Answer: (2)

117. (1) obvious (2) trivial (3) superfluous (4) daunting (5) rewarding

Answer: (4)

118. (1) renamed (2) emerged (3) appointed (4) entrusted (5) visited

Answer: (3)

119. (1) aid (2) recognition (3) policy (4) acceptability (5) minister

Answer: (3)

120. (1) shirk (2) avoid (3) transfer (4) visualize (5) inherit

Answer: (4)

121. (1) focusing (2) framing (3) escaping (4) salvageg (5) demolishing

Answer: (4)

122. (1) people (2) few (3) diplomats (4) autocrats (5) most

Answer: (2)

123. (1) intensified (2) master-minded (3) weakened (4) projected (5) supported

Answer: (3)

124. (1) credibility (2) difficulty (3) majority (4) power (5) enthusiasm

Answer: (5)

125. (1) not (2) uniformly (3) remotely (4) partially (5) also

Answer: (5)

126. (1) effectively (2) inadvertently (3) basically (4) aimlessly (5) not

Answer: (2)

127. (1) admirations (2) threats (3) pleasantries (4) demands (5) accolades

Answer: (2)

128. (1) louder (2) fewer (3) magnificent (4) most (5) bigger

Answer: (1)

129. (1) instability (2) fuel (3) energy (4) peace (5) atrocity

Answer: (1)

130. (1) defusing (2) demolishing (3) terminating (4) igniting (5) extinguishing

Answer: (4)

Directions (Q. Nos. 131 to 140) In the following passage there are blanks, each of which has been numbered. These numbers are printed below the passage and against each, five words are suggested, one of which best fits the blank appropriately. Find out the appropriate word in each case.

A decade ago, a financial crisis (131) Bangkok. During the next fifteen months it swept (132) Jakarta, Kuala Lumpur, Hong Kong and Seoul. As Asian countries borrowed and spent beyond their means (133) of thousands lost their jobs. (134) half-built buildings throughout Asian cities (135) as reminders of the shattered hopes not only of distinguished entrepreneurs but also (136) workers. Asia has come a long way during the past ten years-vast economic inbalances no longer (137). However, market crashes are (138) even today and Asia’s best insurance policy to (139) with any future crisis is to build (140) financial systems.

131. (1) occurred (2) hit (3) striking (4) fuelled (5) suffered

Answer: (2)

132. (1) in (2) upward (3) forward (4) from (5) through

Answer: (5)

133. (1) tens (2) few (3) approximate (4) several (5) lives

Answer: (1)

134. (1) Dense (2) Haunted (3) Abandoned (4) Buried (5) Vacate

Answer: (3)

135. (1) seen (2) pointed (3) showed (4) stood (5) forgotten

Answer: (4)

136. (1) undeserving (2) incompetent (3) greedy (4) cheap (5) ordinary

Answer: (5)

137. (1) seen (2) valid (3) exist (4) present (5) there

Answer: (3)

138. (1) undertaken (2) possible (3) threat (4) reality (5) capable

Answer: (4)

139. (1) cope (2) combat (3) justify (4) avert (5) accommodate

Answer: (1)

140. (1) perfectly (2) popular (3) formidably (4) resilient (5) foreign

Answer: (4)

Directions (Q. Nos. 141 to 150) In the following passage there are blanks, each of which has been numbered. These numbers are printed below the passage and against each, five words are suggested, one of which best fits the blank appropriately. Find out the appropriate word in each case.

Some of India’s largest companies have begun opening the (141) of what they say will be thousands of new supermarkets across the country in the next few years. At the same time foreign retail chains are (142) to enter the market through joint ventures (143) the Government to change protectionist laws so that they can set up wholly owned chains. The opportunities are (144). Mckinsey Global Institutes estimates that India’s retail market will be (145) $ 1.52 trillion by 2025 and the food and beverage category will account for 25 percent of all retail spending in twenty years. Building new stores to (146) that demand is easy. The difficulty lies in supplying them with fresh, safe and clean fruits and vegetables through a (147) chain that links farms and consumers,, country and cities. It is here that the real revolution lies. Act (148) India has one of the most fragmented supply chains in the world. On an average goods pass through six of seven middlemen before a consumer can buy it (149) in tortuous journeys and poor quality. Replacing that system requires  not just building a modern efficient network but (150) it to Indian conditions.

141. (1) economical (2) initial (3) first (4) ideal (5) premium

Answer: (5)

142. (1) pressing (2) arrived (3) urgent (4) intent (5) pursuing

Answer: (5)

143. (1) inviting (2) threatening (3) warning (4) campaigning (5) lobbying

Answer: (5)

144. (1) local (2) immense (3) mysterious (4) remote (5) greatest

Answer: (2)

145. (1) depleted (2) priced (3) valued (4) worth (5) account

Answer: (4)

146. (1) create (2) generate (3) experience (4) saturate (5) meet

Answer: (5)

147. (1) rigid (2) elaborated (3) sophisticated (4) routine (5) flexible

Answer: (2)

148. (1) moment (2) present (3) current (4) last (5) par

Answer: (2)

149. (1) investing (2) filling (3) dealing (4) resulting (5) allowing

Answer: (4)

150. (1) adapting (2) adhering (3) complying (4) adopting (5) attaching

Answer: (1)

Directions (Q. Nos. 151 to 160) In the following passage there are blanks, each of which has been numbered. These numbers are printed below the passage and against each, five words are suggested, one of which best fits the blank appropriately. Find out the appropriate word in each case.

The traditional method of managing credit risk is (151) diversification. Although (152) credit risk through diversification is effective, institutions are often constrained by (153) of diversification (154) on account of limited area of (155). During the last few years, managing credit risk through selling assests by way of securitization has (156) in popularity. The market for securitized assets has grown (157) in the last few years and is expected to grow further in the (158) years. This mode of credit risk mitigation is most (159) to loans with standardized payment schedules and similar credit risk characteristics such as housing loans, auto loans, credit and receivables, etc. Further, shedding loans through securitization might (160) client relationships. In this context, credit derivatives provide a new technique for managing credit risk.

151. (1) by (2) onto (3) for (4) at (5) through

Answer: (5)

152. (1) watching (2) mitigating (3) taking (4) affording (5) seeing

Answer: (2)

153. (1) lack (2) supply (3) scarcity (4) void (5) want

Answer: (1)

154. (1) luck (2) fortune (3) activities (4) opportunities (5) chance

Answer: (4)

155. (1) place (2) transaction (3) operations (4) dealing (5) work

Answer: (3)

156. (1) gained (2) sold (3) valued (4) bought (5) profitted

Answer: (1)

157. (1) gigantic (2) slowly (3) slightly (4) needlessly (5) impressively

Answer: (5)

158. (1) yesterday (2) futuristic (3) golden (4) coming (5) past

Answer: (4)

159. (1) desired (2) suited (3) wanted (4) suitable (5) popular

Answer: (2)

160. (1) kill (2) lynch (3) damage (4) promote (5) burn

Answer: (4)

Directions (Q. Nos. 161 to 170) In the following passage there are blanks, each of which has been numbered. These numbers are printed below the passage and against each, five words are suggested, one of which best fits the blank appropriately. Find out the appropriate word in each case.

Most of us are (161) of open conflict and avoid it if we can. And there is a (162) to expressing and working through conflict. If the working through conflict involves harsh word and name-calling, people can feel deeply hurt and relationships can be (163), sometimes permanently. Some group members may be afraid that if they really (164) their anger, they may go out of control and become violent, or that others may do this. These fears can be very (165) and based on experience. So why take the risk? Why not avoid conflict at all costs? Conflict is rather like disease; (166) is best. That means attending to areas where (167) may occur before they become an issue. If you have not (168) a conflict happening, your next choice is to treat it early, or hope that it goes away over time, fine. If it (169) then you will still have to handle it, and it is likely to be more (170).

161. (1) aware (2) worried (3) scared (4) careful (5) reckless

Answer: (3)

162. (1) chance (2) risk (3) challenge (4) measure (5) principle

Answer: (2)

163. (1) rebuilt (2) involved (3) established (4) maligned (5) damaged

Answer: (5)

164. (1) regulate (2) control (3) sublimate (4) express (5) minimize

Answer: (4)

165. (1) real (2) national (3) baseless (4) imaginary (5) exaggerative

Answer: (1)

166. (1) prevention (2) medicine (3) cure (4) diagnosis (5) prescription

Answer: (1)

167. (1) consensus (2) stalemate (3) harmony (4) discomfiture (5) disagreement

Answer: (5)

168. (1) seen (2) prevented (3) expressed (4) ignored (5) induced

Answer: (2)

169. (1) not (2) hasn’t (3) doesn’t (4) won’t (5) don’t

Answer: (3)

170. (1) urgent (2) skilled (3) credible (4) serious (5) fraudulent

Answer: (4)

Directions (Q. Nos. 171 to 185) In the following passage there are blanks, each of which has been numbered. These numbers are printed below the passage and against each, five words are suggested, one of which best fits the blank appropriately. Find out the appropriate word in each case.

Several studies have (171) that folks who (172) engage in mentally challenging activities – like reading, doing crossword puzzles or playing chess – (173) less likely to (174) dementia later in life. The difficulty comes in figuring out (175) their good fortune is direct (176) of their leisure activities or whether continuing pursuit of those pleasures merely (177) good genes for cognitive function.

A 20-year survey of 469 elderly people living in the Bronx, New York, tried to get to the (178) of this chicken-or-egg question by following subjects who (179) no signs of dementia in the first seven years of the study. The results, which were published in 2003, showed that reading and playing board games or a musical instrument was (180) with a decreased risk of Alzheimer’s disease or other forms of dementia. (181), those with the strongest habits (182) the greatest benefits. Participants who solved crossword puzzles four days a week, for instance, had a 47% (183) risk of dementia than those who do the puzzles once a week.

By the same (184), several studies have suggested that older that older folks who are socially active – (185), for example do volunteer work or attend religious services – have a reduced risk of dementia.

171. (1) done (2) performed (3) found (4) led (5) ensured

Answer: (3)

172. (1) seldom (2) never (3) absently (4) reluctantly (5) regularly

Answer: (5)

173. (1) seem (2) have (3) were (4) refrain (5) ascertain

Answer: (1)

174. (1) cure (2) engage (3) embarrass (4) develop (5) form

Answer: (4)

175. (1) that (2) low (3) when (4) why (5) whether

Answer: (5)

176. (1) goal (2) result (3) measure (4) route (5) other

Answer: (2)

177. (1) encourages (2) reflects (3) enhances (4) engenders (5) threats

Answer: (1)

178. (1) height (2) cause (3) bottom (4) dilemma (5) anxiety

Answer: (3)

179. (1) had (2) conceal (3) reserve (4) force (5) accumulate

Answer: (1)

180. (1) bereft (2) together (3) envisaged (4) associated (5) anticipated

Answer: (4)

181. (1) Luckily (2) Certainly (3) Intriguingly (4) Unfortunately (5) Obviously

Answer: (5)

182. (1) targeted (2) demonstrated (3) deserved (4) demanded (5) expected

Answer: (2)

183. (1) more (2) greatly (3) sharper (4) steeper (5) lower

Answer: (5)

184. (1) token (2) way (3) analogy (4) example (5) author

Answer: (3)

185. (1) they (2) always (3) same (4) who (5) many

Answer: (1)

Directions (Q. Nos. 186 to 195) In the following passage there are blanks, each of which has been numbered. These numbers are printed below the passage and against each five words are suggested, one of which fits the blank appropriately. Find out the appropriate words without changing the meaning of the passage.

In our system, a vast gap (186) the life children lead at school and what they experience outside. The space where they are (187) to learn about life is so far removed from (188) that we might as well ask (189) to buy space suits for their little ones, instead of school uniforms. (190) they read, listen to and copy from the black board is so meticulously deodorized and (191) that it carries no resonance of experienced reality and (192) in life.

The school day becomes a (193) of didactic songs and memorized information. Special (194) are marked by elaborate acts of sycophancy and preaching. School authorities (195) stop talking about values, but ignore the cynicism felt by the young over the high levels of chicanery and verbosity they find in adult talk.

186. (1) occurs (2) separates (3) bridges (4) escapes (5) finds

Answer: (2)

187. (1) about (2) worried (3) compelled (4) supposed (5) deprived

Answer: (4)

188. (1) reality (2) school (3) fantasy (4) imagination (5) existence

Answer: (1)

189. (1) teachers (2) principals (3) schools (4) coaching classes (5) parents

Answer: (5)

190. (1) When (2) How (3) What (4) Whether (5) Whenever

Answer: (3)

191. (1) sanctified (2) written (3) emphasized (4) memorized (5) imbibed

Answer: (1)

192. (1) demand (2) culture (3) miseries (4) joy (5) applicability

Answer: (5)

193. (1) programme (2) ritual (3) consult (4) tradition (5) store

Answer: (2)

194. (1) persons (2) leaders (3) locations (4) occasions (5) indications

Answer: (4)

195. (1) always (2) deliberately (3) seldom (4) relentlessly (5) invariably

Answer: (3)

Directions (Q. Nos. 196 to 210) In the following passage, there are blanks, each of which has been numbered. These numbers are again printed below the passage and against each five words are suggested, one of which fits the blank appropriately. Find out the appropriate word in each case.

Though I had hired cabins in Bandra and a house in Andheri, divinity would not let me settle down. (196) had I moved into my new house when my brother Balmukund, who had already been through an (197) attack of jaundice some years back, had a (198) attack of typhoid, (199) with pneumonia and signs of restlessness at night. The doctor was (200) in. He said medicine would have (201) effect, but eggs and chicken both might be given. Balmukund was only five years old. To confer with his wishes was out of the questions. Being his (202) I had to (203). The doctor was very good. I told him that we were all vegetarians and that I could not possibly give either of the two things to my brother. Would he therefore (204) something else ? “Your brother’s life is in danger,” said the (205) doctor. “We could given him milk diluted (206) water, but that will not given him enough (207) As you know, I am called in by many vegetarian families, and they do not (208) to anything I (209). I think you will be well advised not to be so (210) on your brother.”

196. (1)Then (2) Hardly (3) Wherever (4) Quicker (5) Why

Answer: (2)

197. (1) heart (2) big (3) acute (4) hard (5) harsh

Answer: (3)

198. (1) unforgiving (2) hard (3) burly (4) severe (5) tough

Answer: (4)

199. (1) couple (2) felt (3) combined (4) joint (5) adjoining

Answer: (3)

200. (1) brought (2) called (3) invited (4) sent (5) commissioned

Answer: (2)

201. (1) negligent (2) soothed (3) rough (4) little (5) deep

Answer: (4)

202. (1) doctor (2) attendant (3) nurse (4) forefather (5) guardian

Answer: (5)

203. (1) plead (2) hide (3) pressurize (4) decide (5) proceed

Answer: (1)

204. (1) resolve (2) order (3) observe (4) diagnose (5) recommend

Answer: (5)

205. (1) casual (2) good (3) surgeon (4) handsome (5) insincere

Answer: (2)

206. (1) with (2) for (3) at (4) upon (5) in

Answer: (1)

207. (1) dose (2) drug (3) intake (4) nourishment (5) punishment

Answer: (4)

208. (1) oppose (2) protest (3) subject (4) care (5) object

Answer: (5)

209. (1) oppose (2) take (3) prescribe (4) describe (5) propose

Answer: (3)

210. (1) harsh (2) unkind (3) easy (4) wise (5) careful

Answer: (1)

Bank Paper Arranging of Sentences or Jumbled up Sentences

Arranging of Sentences or Jumbled up Sentences


Directions (Q. Nos. 1 to 5) Rearrange the following sentences A, B, C, D, E and F to make a  meaningful paragraph and then answer the question which follow :

(A) According to it, organized retail stores are not wolves at the doors of friendly neighbourhood grocery stores as there is room for expansion of both.

(B) Many have been carrying foul over the entry of organized retail stores expressing concern over their impact on small store owners.

(C) The final winner in the competition, however, is the common man who gets to choose between the most suitable options and in turn fights with the runaway inflation in prices of essential commodities.

(D) In spite of this potential for expansion, it is doubtless that the small store owners face a decline in profit in initial years if organized retailers set up stores in the vicinity.

(E) But a study conducted over period of two years goes a long way towards allaying these fears.

(F) This impact, however, wears off once they learn to take on the competition which in turn enhances efficiency all around.

1. Which of the following sentences should be the FIRST after rearrangement?

(1)  A

(2)  B

(3)  C

(4)  D

(5)  E

Answer: (2)

2. Which of the following sentences should be the SECOND after rearrangement?

(1)  A

(2)  B

(3)  C

(4)  E

(5)  F

Answer: (4)

3. Which of the following sentences should be the THIRD after rearrangement?

(1)  A

(2)  E

(3)  D

(4)  F

(5)  C

Answer: (1)

4. Which of the following sentences should be the FIFTH after rearrangement?

(1)  D

(2)  B

(3)  C

(4)  E

(5)  F

Answer: (5)

5. Which of the following sentences should be the SIXTH (LAST) after rearrangement?

(1)  A

(2)  B

(3)  C

(4)  E

(5)  F

Answer: (3)

Directions (Q. Nos. 6 to 10) In each of the given sentences select the sentence which would either follow or precede the given sentence in grammatically and conceptually appropriate manner. The instruction is given at the end of every statement.

6. Unfortunately, however, these slum-dwellers were looked upon by the society as an appendix causing ills in the urban society. Which of the following sentences would immediately precede the above sentence?

(1)  Health officials have been warning the government against the transmission of contagious diseases from the slum areas to other parts of the city

(2)  Slum-dwellers not only play a significant role in urban economy but also provide cheap labour for everyday work of the cities

(3)  A recent report suggested that 34 percent of government land is illegally occupied by the slum-dwellers

(4)  The slum-dwellers live in sub human, unhygienic conditions in their tiny shanties and are very often hubs for criminal activities

(5)  None of the above

Answer: (2)

7. However, since the beginning of the nineties, free market forces have been allowed to play for ensuring all-round development in Indian markets as well.

Which of the following sentences would immediately precede the above sentence ?

(1)  Entry of various market forces increased the competition faced by the indigenous organizations manifold.

(2)  The severe shortage of newest technology and products in the late 19+80s ended with the entry of foreign players in the Indian market

(3)  A major roadblock faced by the foreign investors was the poor infra structural facilities which was however overtaken by the prospects seen in the huge market.

(4)  India had been following a very selective and conservative economic policy during the late 1980s

(5)  None of the above

Answer: (1)

8. The foreign embassy has put forward a demand to the government that prosecution may be carried out on a foreign land and not in the country to which the terrorists belong.

Which of the following sentences would immediately follow the above sentence?

(1)  Army arrested the terrorists responsible for kidnapping four foreign tourists after a daylong operation

(2)  The foreign ministry has offered all possible help to the government for hunting down the terrorists involved in it

(3)  Government has politely declined the request to handover the arrested terrorists for prosecution outside the country

(4)  The arrested terrorists were sentenced to life imprisonment after being prosecuted by a panel of international judges

(5)  None of the above

Answer: (3)

9. This is because most of the institutes for higher learning lack the basic infrastructure, trained staff and equipment necessary for the physically challenged.

Which of the following sentences would immediately precede the above sentence?

(1)  Many physically challenged people have been performing as well as other students perform in their studies

(2)  The percent of illiterate, physically challenged people in rural areas is considerably more than that in the urban areas

(3)  According to a recent survey, only two out of nearly 200 universities in India have adequate number of books in Braille

(4)  Although government has been making many provisions improve higher education in India, no attention has been paid to the education of the physically challenged students

(5)  None of the above

Answer: (4)

10. That wa mainly because only two percent of the total farmers could actually comprehend the lengthy procedures to obtain the loan and be benefited from it.

Which of the following sentences would immediately precede the above sentence?

(1)  Many moneylenders have been making the most out of this situation and providing loans to the rest of the farmers at inflated prices

(2)  There is thus an urgent need to make the schemes and policy as simple and farmer friendly as possible

(3)  A new loan scheme started by the government a couple of months ago proved to be a huge failure end utterly unpopular among the farmers

(4)  This situation can be improved by providing mediators to carry out and follow up the lengthy official procedure for the farmers

(5)  None of the above

Answer: (3)

Directions (Q. Nos. 11 to 15) Rearrange the following six sentences A, B, C, D, E and F in the proper sequence to form a meaningful paragraph; then answer the questions given below them.

(A) However if this  happens it will cause problems for the elderly who mainly use cheques.

(B) The use of cheques has fallen dramatically in the past few years.

(C) Thus cheques may be phased out gradually making sure that the needs of all consumers including the elderly are met.

(D) This is because more and more consumers are transferring money electronically by debit or credit cards.

(E) Without cheques they are likely to keep larg3e amounts of cash in their homes making them vulnerable to theft.

(F) British banks have thus voted to phase cheques out in favour of these more modern payment methods.

11. Which of the following should be the FIFTH sentence after rearrangement?

(1)  A

(2)  B

(3)  C

(4)  D

(5)  E

Answer: (5)

12. Which of the following should be the FIRST sentence after rearrangement?

(1)  B

(2)  C

(3)  D

(4)  E

(5)  F

Answer: (1)

13. Which of the following should be the SECOND sentence after rearrangement?

(1)  A

(2)  B

(3)  C

(4)  D

(5)  F

Answer: (4)

14. Which of the following should be the LAST (SIXTH) sentence after rearrangement?

(1)  B

(2)  C

(3)  D

(4)  E

(5)  F

Answer: (2)

15. Which of the following should be the THIRD sentence after rearrangement?

(1)  B

(2)  C

(3)  D

(4)  E

(5)  F

Answer: (5)

Directions (Q. Nos. 16 to 20) Rearrange the following six sentences A, B, C, D, E and F in the proper sequence to form a meaningful paragraph; then answer the questions given below them.

(A) Voluntary measures such as codes of conduct have failed to address these issues and deliver change.

(B)  However they can also cause serious problems with their irresponsible behaviour.

(C) Companies are a powerful force for good

(D) There are several instances of companies undermining workers’ rights and damaging the environment.

(E) The Companies Bill 2009 is thus a means to address issues of corporate governance and ensure companies are accountable for their financial performance and social impact.

(F) They provide jobs, boost economies and aid social and environmental development.

16. Which of the following should be the FIRST sentence after rearrangement?

(1)  A

(2)  B

(3)  C

(4)  D

(5)  E

Answer: (3)

17. Which of the following should be the SECOND sentence after rearrangement?

(1)  A

(2)  B

(3)  C

(4)  D

(5)  F

Answer: (5)

18. Which of the following should be the THIRD sentence after rearrangement?

(1)  B

(2)  C

(3)  D

(4)  E

(5)  F

Answer: (1)

19. Which of the following should be the FIFTH sentence after rearrangement?

(1)  A

(2)  B

(3)  C

(4)  D

(5)  E

Answer: (1)

20. Which of the following should be the LAST (SIXTH) sentence after rearrangement?

(1)  B

(2)  C

(3)  D

(4)  E

(5)  F

Answer: (4)

Directions (Q. Nos. 21 to 25) Rearrange the following sentences A,  B, C, D, E and F to make a meaningful paragraph and then answer the question which follow :

(A) The blame for lacking creativity is, however, put on the present generation by the modern educationists.

(B) The concept of home work  began so that the pupils could revise that was being taught in the class.

(C) By doing so, most of the schools took away the leisure time of the children.

(D) Instead, these educationists should suggest lowering of burden of homework to the commission for educational reforms.

(E) The purpose of this concept was, however, defeated when the schools started overburdening students with so called homework.

(F) Lack of such leisure time does not allow the children to develop creative pursuits.

21. Which of the following should be the THIRD after rearrangement?

(1)  A

(2)  E

(3)  D

(4)  F

(5)  C

Answer: (5)

22. Which of the following should be the FIRST after rearrangement?

(1)  A

(2)  B

(3)  C

(4)  D

(5)  E

Answer: (2)

23. Which of the following should be the SECOND after rearrangement?

(1)  A

(2)  B

(3)  D

(4)  E

(5)  F

Answer: (4)

24. Which of the following should be the SIXTH (LAST) after rearrangement?

(1)  B

(2)  C

(3)  D

(4)  E

(5)  F

Answer: (3)

25. Which of the following should be the FIFTH after rearrangement?

(1)  A

(2)  B

(3)  C

(4)  E

(5)  F

Answer: (1)

Directions (Q. Nos. 26 to 30) In each of the following questions, rearrange the given sentences A, B, C and D and indicate the correct sequence in which these sentences must appear so as to make a meaningful paragraph.

26. (A) By increasing these connections the intelligence is also increased.

(B) Classical music has been proved to be very helpful in child development

(C) Many doctors now-a-days use it for therapeutic purpose which is based upon the findings of this research.

(D) The research has demonstrated that listening to classical music increases the rate of nervous connections in brain.

(1)  BDCA

(2)  DBAC

(3)  ACBD

(4)  BDAC

(5)  BCAD

Answer: (4)

27. (A) This right however comes along with the responsibility which the press is forced to work with.

(B) It means that the pressmen have every right to expose matters related  to public and national interest.

(C) Such responsibilities include not broadcasting matters related to national security and other sensitive issues.

(D) Freedom of press is symbolic of democracy.

(1)  DBCA

(2)  DBAC

(3)  ABCD

(4)  BDAC

(5)  BCDA

Answer: (2)

28. (A) A popular example of this damage is the Taj Mahal whose marble has been corroded due to acid rain.

(B) It changes the acidic content of water bodies thus affecting the lives of the living organisms of this habitat.

(C) Acid rain has been a major factor responsible for the degradation of the environment.

(D) Along with affecting the living beings, it is also responsible for the corrosion of several heritage buildings thus causing irreparable damage to them.

(1)  CBAD

(2)  CDBA

(3)  BADC

(4)  BDAC

(5)  CBDA

Answer: (5)

29. (A) Along with missing their education these children also face life threatening dangers by working in hazardous chemical factories.

(B) Child labour has been interfering with the education of millions of children across India.

(C) However, there is a dire need to reinforce these laws strictly throughout the country.

(D) Many laws have been framed in order to curb this evil.

(1)  BADC

(2)  CBAD

(3)  DBAC

(4)  BDACC

(5)  BACD

Answer: (1)

30. (A) Their inventions has been proved to be a boon to the society since many diseases caused by the microbe could be cured by these antibiotics.

(B) The scientists therefore face a continuous challenge to keep inventing newer drugs to counter this problem.

(C) A major hurdle in the use of antibiotics, however, is that the microbes develop resistance to the antibiotics thus rendering these ineffective.

(D) Antibiotics are chemical substance produced by microbes which are capable of inhibiting the growth of other microbes.

(1)  BACD

(2)  CBAD

(3)  DABC

(4)  DACB

(5)  ABDC

Answer: (4)

Directions (Q. Nos. 31 to 33) In each of the given sentences select the sentence which would either follow or precede the given sentence in grammatically and conceptually appropriate manner. The instruction is given at the end of every statement.

31. Therefore the army was called upon immediately for relief operation and rescue people from the storm-hit down.

Which of the following sentences would immediately follow the above sentence ?

(1)  A severe storm is expected to hit the coastal town on Wednesday

(2)  The town had not experienced such a storm in several decades

(3)  However the local force was unable to handle the intense situation alone

(4)  They however took a very long time to reach the area as all the approach ways were blocked

(5)  None of the above

Answer: (4)

32. The accused was shocked and begged to the judiciary for mercy on grounds of his old age.

Which of the following sentences would immediately precede the above sentence ?

(1)  The 72-year-old man was arrested on charges of human trafficking

(2)  He was sentenced to 5 years of rigorous imprisonment by the judge

(3)  He however mentioned that the old man deserved the punishment

(4)  Disappointed with the court’s decision, his layer decided to move to the higher court

(5)  None of the above

Answer: (2)

33. Shreya was elated and jumped with joy when the president called out her name on the stage.

Which of the following sentences would immediately precede the above sentence ?

(1)  Shreya waited with bated breath for the results as she had worked very hard throughout the year

(2)  Shreya worked very hard since she wanted to win the employee of the year ward, due in a couple of months

(3)  Her career snowballed from this point and eventually she became the president of the company

(4)  The president expressed his disappointment at the dismal performance of the organization

(5)  None of the above

Answer: (1)

Directions (Q. Nos. 34 to 38) Rearrange the following six sentences A, B, C, D,, E and F in the proper sequence to form a meaningful paragraph; then answer the questions given below them.

(A) Nobody likes o practice it, no matter how easy and how beneficial it is.

(B) An ounce of patience is worth, or at times even  better than a pound of brains.

(C) Patience, a virtue, is considered to be even better than wisdom.

(D) This is the worst drawback in us, in our national character

(E) Every one of us agrees with this fact in principle, without reservation

(F) But, unfortunately, when it comes to practising patience, there is a problem.

34. Which of the following should be the SIXTH (LAST) statement after rearrangement?

(1)  A

(2)  B

(3)  C

(4)  D

(5)  E

Answer: (4)

35. Which of the following should be the FIFTH statement after rearrangement?

(1)  A

(2)  B

(3)  C

(4)  D

(5)  E

Answer: (1)

36. Which of the following should be the SECOND statement after rearrangement?

(1)  A

(2)  B

(3)  C

(4)  D

(5)  E

Answer: (2)

37. Which of the following should be the FIRST statement after rearrangement?

(1)  A

(2)  B

(3)  C

(4)  D

(5)  E

Answer: (3)

38. Which of the following should be the THIRD statement after rearrangement?

(1)  A

(2)  B

(3)  C

(4)  D

(5)  E

Answer: (5)

Directions (Q. Nos. 39 to 43) Rearrange the following sentences A, B, C, D, E and F to make a meaning for paragraph and then answer the questions which follow.

(A) Had it been not for them, Indian banks would have had their hands tied down too.

(B) Today almost all the countries are facing the heat of recession.

(C) One of these is the strict RBI and SEBI rules which regulated banking sector very efficiently.

(D) This could have led to massive losses to them, which could have percolated to other sectors as well.

(E) However there are few things which help India in bouncing back from the state of recession.

(F) Like others India too has not remained immune to the epidemic.

39. Which of the following should be the THIRD after rearrangement?

(1)  A

(2)  E

(3)  D

(4)  F

(5)  C

Answer: (2)

40. Which of the following should be the FIRST after rearrangement?

(1)  A

(2)  B

(3)  C

(4)  D

(5)  E

Answer: (2)

41. Which of the following should be the SECOND after rearrangement?

(1)  A

(2)  B

(3)  D

(4)  E

(5)  F

Answer: (5)

42. Which of the following should be the SIXTH (LAST) after rearrangement?

(1)  C

(2)  E

(3)  D

(4)  B

(5)  F

Answer: (3)

43. Which of the following should be the FIFTH after rearrangement?

(1)  B

(2)  C

(3)  A

(4)  E

(5)  F

Answer: (3)

Directions (Q. Nos. 44 to 48) Rearrange the following sentences, A, B, C, D, E and F to make a meaningful paragraph and then answer the questions which follow :

(A) However while reading they would not known when to pause and what to emphasise.

(B) Since then their use has been regularized and the punctuation rules have been followed by all.

(C) In earlier days, people learnt by reading out loud.

(D) But not everybody used the same punctuations for the same thing.

(E) To address this problem, various signs depicting various punctuations were introduced.

(F) Thus firmer guidelines regarding punctuations were framed so that everyone used them in similar way.

44. Which of the following should be the SECOND after rearrangement?

(1)  A

(2)  B

(3)  D

(4)  E

(5)  F

Answer: (1)

45. Which of the following should be the THIRD after rearrangement?

(1)  A

(2)  E

(3)  D

(4)  F

(5)  C

Answer: (2)

46. Which of the following should be the FIFTH after rearrangement?

(1)  B

(2)  C

(3)  A

(4)  E

(5)  F

Answer: (5)

47. Which of the following should be the SIXTH (LAST) after rearrangement?

(1)  C

(2)  E

(3)  D

(4)  B

(5)  F

Answer: (4)

48. Which of the following should be the FIRST after rearrangement?

(1)  A

(2)  B

(3)  C

(4)  D

(5)  E

Answer: (3)

Directions (Q. Nos. 49 to 53) Rearrange the following five sentences A, B, C, D and E in the proper sequence to form a meaningful paragraph; then answer the questions given below them.

(A) For instance, if we measure the room temperature continuously and plot its graph with time on X-axis and temperature on the Y-axis, we get a continuous wave form, which is an analog signal. Analog is always continuous.

(B) The absence or presence of something can be used to plot a digital signal.

(C) An analog signal is a continuously varying signal, similar to a sinusoidal waveform.

(D) Any signal can be classified into one of the two types : analog and digital.

(E) In contrast, a digital signal takes the form of pulses, where we have something or nothing.

49. Which of the following should be the FIRST after rearrangement?

(1)  A

(2)  B

(3)  C

(4)  D

(5)  E

Answer: (4)

50. Which of the following should be the THIRD after rearrangement?

(1)  A

(2)  B

(3)  C

(4)  D

(5)  E

Answer: (2)

51. Which of the following should be the SECOND after rearrangement?

(1)  A

(2)  B

(3)  C

(4)  D

(5)  E

Answer: (3)

52. Which of the following should be the FOURTH after rearrangement?

(1)  A

(2)  B

(3)  C

(4)  D

(5)  E

Answer: (1)

53. Which of the following should be the FIFTH after rearrangement?

(1)  A

(2)  B

(3)  C

(4)  D

(5)  E

Answer: (5)

Directions (Q. Nos. 54 to 58) Rearrange the following sentences A, B, C, D, E and F into a meaningful paragraph and then answer the questions given below it.

(A) One of them said, “I never buy imported goods.”

(B) Patriotism was the topic of discussion

(C) “Well”, said the third, “I haven’t passed the foreign language, ie, English since I started my schooling.”

(D) Some students were discussing among themselves.

(E) “I never see foreign films,” said another.

(F) In the discussion, everyone was trying to prove how he was more  patriotic than the rest of them.

54. Which of the following will be the SECOND statement after rearrangement?

(1)  A

(2)  B

(3)  C

(4)  D

(5)  E

Answer: (2)

55. Which of the following will be the FOURTH statement after rearrangement?

(1)  A

(2)  B

(3)  C

(4)  D

(5)  E

Answer: (1)

56. Which of the following will be the SIXTH (LAST) statement after rearrangement?

(1)  A

(2)  B

(3)  C

(4)  D

(5)  E

Answer: (3)

57. Which of the following will be the FIRST statement after rearrangement?

(1)  A

(2)  B

(3)  C

(4)  D

(5)  E

Answer: (4)

58. Which of the following will be the FIFTH statement after rearrangement?

(1)  A

(2)  B

(3)  C

(4)  D

(5)  E

Answer: (5)

Directions (Q. Nos. 59 to 63) Rearrange the following six sentences A, B, C, D and E in a proper sequence to form a meaningful paragraph; then answer the questions given below them.

59. Which of the following will be the FIFTH (LAST) sentence after rearrangement?

(1)  A

(2)  B

(3)  C

(4)  D

(5)  E

Answer: (5)

60. Which of the following will be the FIRST sentence after rearrangement?

(1)  A

(2)  B

(3)  C

(4)  D

(5)  E

Answer: (1)

61. Which of the following will be the THIRD sentence after rearrangement?

(1)  A

(2)  B

(3)  C

(4)  D

(5)  E

Answer: (3)

62. Which of the following will be the FOURTH sentence after rearrangement?

(1)  A

(2)  B

(3)  C

(4)  D

(5)  E

Answer: (4)

63. Which of the following will be the SECOND sentence after rearrangement?

(1)  A

(2)  B

(3)  C

(4)  D

(5)  E

Answer: (2)

Directions (Q. Nos. 64 to 68) Rearrange the following sentences to convert them into a meaningful paragraph and then answer the questions given below them :

(A) Mohit and Rushali had gone on a holiday tour in their own car.

(B) One day their car was passing by a small village.

(C) Rushali was driving the car on that day.

(D) Some boys playing on the road saw her driving and got frightened.

(E) But one boy saw Mohit sitting next to her and assured others not to worry.

64. Which will be the THIRD sentence?

(1)  A

(2)  B

(3)  C

(4)  D

(5)  E

Answer: (3)

65. Which will be the FIFTH (LAST) sentence?

(1)  A

(2)  B

(3)  C

(4)  D

(5)  E

Answer: (5)

66. Which will be the FIRST sentence?

(1)  A

(2)  B

(3)  C

(4)  D

(5)  E

Answer: (1)

67. Which will be the SECOND sentence?

(1)  A

(2)  B

(3)  C

(4)  D

(5)  E

Answer: (2)

68. Which will be the FOURTH sentence?

(1)  A

(2)  B

(3)  C

(4)  D

(5)  E

Answer: (4)

Directions (Q. Nos. 69 to 73) Rearrange the following six sentences A, B, C, D, E and F in proper sequence to form a meaningful paragraph; then answer the questions given below them.

(A) One of the government’s prime duties is to create a business friendly environment which is conductive to high investment rates and leads to growth and job creation.

(B) However creating such an environment alone is not enough

(C) The reason is that in such an environment there will be a large number of people who get left behind for a variety of reasons.

(D) Social policies play a role in providing this assistance.

(E) They need assistance to find their feet again.

(F) If well conceptualized and applied they can do much to lift the socially handicapped into the mainstream of society.

69. Which of the following will be the FIRST sentence in the paragraph?

(1)  A

(2)  B

(3)  C

(4)  D

(5)  E

Answer: (1)

70. Which of the following will be the SECOND sentence in the paragraph?

(1)  B

(2)  C

(3)  D

(4)  E

(5)  F

Answer: (1)

71. Which of the following will be the THIRD sentence in the paragraph?

(1)  A

(2)  B

(3)  C

(4)  D

(5)  E

Answer: (3)

72. Which of the following will be the FIFTH sentence in the paragraph?

(1)  A

(2)  B

(3)  C

(4)  D

(5)  E

Answer: (4)

73. Which of the following will be the SIXTH (LAST) sentence in the paragraph?

(1)  B

(2)  C

(3)  D

(4)  E

(5)  F

Answer: (5)

Directions (Q. Nos. 74 to 78) Rearrange the following six sentences A, B, C, D, E, and F in the proper sequence to form a meaningful paragraph; then answer these questions given below them.

(A) There are a number of items in the atomic energy programme which are being made indigenously

(B) Given the overall energy situation in India, the use of nuclear power in some measure is inescapable even while thermal and hydro power continue to be the dominant elements.

(C) However, commercial aspects of exploiting nuclear capabilities, especially for power-generation programme, have been recently given high priority.

(D) Atomic energy programmes have been subject to severe restrictions for very obvious reasons as the Department of Atomic Energy is becoming self-reliant in areas in which only a few countries have such capability.

(E) Even to meet these nuclear power requirements, India critically requires a commercial-level power – generation capability, with its commensurate safety and nuclear waste management arrangement.

(F) Thus, in the Indian context energy security is also crucial, perhaps much more than it is for the U.S. because India imports a good part of its crude oil requirements, paying for it with precious foreign exchange.

74. Which of the following will be the FIFTH sentence after rearrangement?

(1)  A

(2)  B

(3)  C

(4)  D

(5)  E

Answer: (3)

75. Which of the following will be the THIRD sentence after rearrangement?

(1)  A

(2)  B

(3)  C

(4)  D

(5)  E

Answer: (2)

76. Which of the following will be the SECOND sentence after rearrangement?

(1)  A

(2)  B

(3)  C

(4)  D

(5)  E

Answer: (1)

77. Which of the following will be the FIRST sentence after rearrangement?

(1)  A

(2)  B

(3)  C

(4)  D

(5)  E

Answer: (4)

78. Which of the following will be the FOURTH sentence after rearrangement?

(1)  A

(2)  B

(3)  C

(4)  D

(5)  E

Answer: (5)

Directions (Q. Nos. 79 to 83) Rearrange the following sentences A, B, C, D, E and F into a meaningful paragraph and then answer the questions given below them.

(A) The urban poor were neglected.

(B) A new generation of professionals however are attempting to reach the urban poor.

(C) This is because they were considered too mobile and lacking in cohesion.

(D) Microfinance institutions have traditionally focussed on the rural poor.

(E) These factors do not facilitate generation of peer group pressure which is essential for the success of the microfinance model.

(F) Their challenge will be to adapt the traditional microfinance model to one suited to urban microfinance.

79. Which of the following is the SECOND sentence after rearrangement?

(1)  A

(2)  B

(3)  C

(4)  D

(5)  E

Answer: (1)

80. Which of the following is the FIFTH sentence after rearrangement?

(1)  A

(2)  B

(3)  C

(4)  D

(5)  E

Answer: (2)

81. Which of the following is the SIXTH (LAST) sentence after rearrangement?

(1)  A

(2)  B

(3)  C

(4)  D

(5)  F

Answer: (5)

82. Which of the following is the THIRD sentence after rearrangement?

(1)  A

(2)  B

(3)  C

(4)  D

(5)  E

Answer: (3)

83. Which of the following is the FIRST sentence after rearrangement?

(1)  A

(2)  B

(3)  C

(4)  D

(5)  E

Answer: (4)

Directions (Q. Nos. 84 to 88) Rearrange the following six sentences A, B, C, D, E and F in the proper sequence to form a meaningful paragraph; then answer the questions given below them.

(A) The Central Government is weighing several options to involve the states in the process of boosting the country’s exports

(B) These governments hitherto felt that exports are the Centre’s responsibility, which was a wrong approach.

(C) The states will now realize that they should themselves encourage export-oriented units.

(D) This move by the Centre is also necessitated to eradicate the misunderstanding that prevails among most of the states.

(E) It is a welcome move to instill into governments the feeling of belongingness.

(F) Exports help flourish a country’s economic situation.

84. Which of the following should be the THIRD sentence after rearrangement?

(1)  B

(2)  C

(3)  D

(4)  E

(5)  F

Answer: (3)

85. Which of the following should be the FIRST sentence after rearrangement?

(1)  B

(2)  C

(3)  D

(4)  E

(5)  F

Answer: (5)

86. Which of the following should be the SIXTH (LAST) sentence after rearrangement?

(1)  B

(2)  C

(3)  D

(4)  E

(5)  F

Answer: (4)

87. Which of the following should be the FOURTH sentence after rearrangement?

(1)  B

(2)  C

(3)  D

(4)  E

(5)  F

Answer: (1)

88. Which of the following should be the FIFTH sentence after rearrangement?

(1)  B

(2)  C

(3)  D

(4)  E

(5)  F

Answer: (2)

Directions (Q. Nos. 89 to 93) Rearrange the following sentences into a meaningful paragraph and then answer the questions given below them.

(A) Development of drought resistance could benefit large numbers of farmers.

(B) Hence the human race has no choice but to adapt to these impacts.

(C) India had to be concerned about climatic changes.

(D) This impact can run into decades and centuries.

(E) Environment day is thus an important occasion to assess the past and our future.

(F) Since there is a possibility of adverse impact on agriculture which could defer growth.

89. Which is the THIRD sentence of the paragraph?

(1)  A

(2)  D

(3)  B

(4)  C

(5)  E

Answer: (2)

90. Which is the SIXTH (LAST) sentence of the paragraph?

(1)  C

(2)  B

(3)  F

(4)  D

(5)  E

Answer: (5)

91. Which is the FIRST sentence of the paragraph?

(1)  A

(2)  D

(3)  C

(4)  B

(5)  E

Answer: (3)

92. Which is the FIFTH sentence of the paragraph?

(1)  F

(2)  D

(3)  E

(4)  A

(5)  C

Answer: (4)

93. Which is the SECOND sentence of the paragraph?

(1)  B

(2)  D

(3)  F

(4)  C

(5)  E

Answer: (3)

Directions (Q. Nos. 94 to 98) Rearrange the following six sentences A, B, C, D, E and F in the proper sequence to form a meaningful paragraph; then answer the questions given below them.

(A) To propose the idea of becoming perfect is not the same as saying that we human beings can be perfect.

(B) It only means that we are capable of learning, changing and growing throughout the span of our earthly life.

(C) Learning is a process that begins at birth and lasts till death.

(D) The development through understanding new things, transforming and developing throughout may be considered as the perfection of soul.

(E) Given that we are here to continually learn on the journey of life, it seems that the ultimate goal of learning is the perfection of our souls.

(F) Nor that we should be perfect in everything.

94. Which of the following should be the SECOND statement after rearrangement?

(1)  A

(2)  B

(3)  C

(4)  D

(5)  E

Answer: (5)

95. Which of the following should be the FIRST statement after rearrangement?

(1)  A

(2)  B

(3)  C

(4)  D

(5)  E

Answer: (3)

96. Which of the following should be the THIRD statement after rearrangement?

(1)  A

(2)  B

(3)  C

(4)  D

(5)  E

Answer: (4)

97. Which of the following should be the FIFTH statement after rearrangement?

(1)  A

(2)  B

(3)  C

(4)  D

(5)  E

Answer: (5)

98. Which of the following should be the SIXTH (LAST) statement after rearrangement?

(1)  A

(2)  B

(3)  C

(4)  D

(5)  E

Answer: (2)

Directions (Q. Nos. 99 to 100) Rearrange the following six sentences A, B, C, D, E and F in the proper sequence to form a meaningful paragraph; then answer the questions given below them.

(A) Basic human needs also include a sense of belongingness, a feeling of control over one’s life.

(B) Motivation and inspiration energise people into action.

(C) Ability to live up to one’s ideals besides all these is also a fundamental need.

(D) This is done not by pushing them in the right direction as control mechanisms.

(E) Such feeling touch us deeply and elicit powerful response.

(F) But it is done by satisfying  basic human needs for achievement.

99. Which of the following should be the FIRST statement after rearrangement?

(1)  A

(2)  B

(3)  C

(4)  D

(5)  E

Answer: (2)

100. Which of the following should be the SECOND statement after rearrangement?

(1)  A

(2)  B

(3)  C

(4)  D

(5)  E

Answer: (4)

Bank Paper Phrase Substitution

Phrase Substitution

Directions (Q. Nos. 1 to 5) Which of the phrases (1), (2), (3) and (4) given below should replace the phrase given in bold in the following sentence to make it meaningful and grammatical correct. If the sentence is correct as it is and ‘No correction is required, mark (5) as the answer.

1. We have accepted over two billion dollars from them yet it is been used to build hospitals in the area.

(1)  that is yet to use

(2)  although it has been used

(3)  not yet being used

(4)  which will be used

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (4)

2. People have respond in favour the government’s efforts to resolve the budget crisis.

(1)  favourably responded

(2)  response in favour of

(3)  responded favourably to

(4)  been responding favourably

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (3)

3. Striking this deal will enable the company to expand its operations in Europe.

(1)  Strike this deal that

(2)  To strike off this deal

(3)  By striking this deal to

(4)  This deal was struck which

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (5)

4. We admire they are taking this step despite the numerous risks involved.

(1)  them to take

(2)  them for taking

(3)  that they have take over

(4)  now their taking of

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (2)

5. The management has been left with no option else to change the plan to avoid losing business

(1)  but to change

(2)  except the change of

(3)  Unless it changes with

(4)  other than the changing

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (1)

Directions(Q. Nos. 6 to 10) Which of the phrases (1), (2), (3) and (4) given below should replace the phrase given in bold in the following sentence to make it meaningful and grammatical correct. If the sentence is correct as it is and ‘No correction is required, mark (5) as the answer.

6. Unless the government monitored the loan waiver scheme well, it is likely to be a success.

(1)  For the government to monitor

(2)  Unless the government monitors

(3)  Though the government monitored

(4)  If the government monitors

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (4)

7. The main objective of hiring this consultant is in assessing that this data can be computerized.

(1)  assessing that

(2)  an assessment of

(3)  to assess how

(4)  for assessing that when

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (3)

8. The designs finally ready and we shall submit them for approval tomorrow, well before the specified deadline.

(1)  designs finally will be

(2)  designs are finally

(3)  final designs

(4)  designing finally

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (2)

9. Most irrigation projects have delayed due to lack of adequate government funding.

(1)  have been delayed from

(2)  will be delayed for

(3)  were delaying due to

(4)  are delayed because of

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (4)

10. Many Indian companies import components from China as they are cheap compared to those manufactured locally.

(1)  as they cheap as

(2)  because it is cheaper

(3)  since these are cheaper

(4)  which is cheap

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (5)

Directions (Q. Nos. 11 to 15) Which of the phrases (1), (2), (3) and (4) given below should replace the phrase given in bold in the following sentence to make it meaningful and grammatical correct. If the sentence is correct as it is and ‘No correction is required, mark (5) as the answer.

11. The corruption charges were a huge blow to his reputation and his business suffered to a great extent.

(1)  his business suffers to

(2)  his business suffered on

(3)  his business suffering to

(4)  his business suffers on

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (5)

12. Airline companies pay nearly 25 billion dollars for their right of fly over the countries other than their parent country.

(1)  their right to fly

(2)  their right in flying

(3)  their right to flying

(4)  there right of flight

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (1)

13. When he fell down the ditch, he shouted with all his might so that to catch someone’s attention.

(1)  such that to catch

(2)  so as to catch

(3)  so that to catching

(4)  so then to catch

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (2)

14. The disparity between the earnings of the poor and the rich has widen in the last few decades.

(1)  have widen in

(2)  has widened on

(3)  have widened in

(4)  has widened in

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (4)

15. Instead of teaching abstracted concepts, the new and improved textbooks tell stories of real people so that the children can identify with the characters.

(1)  Inspite of teaching abstracted

(2)  Instead of taught abstract

(3)  Instead of teaching abstract

(4)  Inspite of taught abstract

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (3)

Directions (Q. Nos. 16 to 25) Which of the phrases (1), (2), (3) and (4) given below should replace the phrase given in bold in the following sentence to make it meaningful and grammatical correct. If the sentence is correct as it is and ‘No correction is required, mark (5) as the answer.

16. He postponed making a decision until he been given complete information.

(1)  till he had been given

(2)  until he will get

(3)  till he would be giving

(4)  till he could be giving

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (1)

17. He refused to sign till he would read the next of the agreement.

(1)  had read

(2)  will read

(3)  would have read

(4)  should be reading

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (5)

18. He didn’t want risking to get wet as he had only one suit.

(1)  risking for getting wet

(2)  risking at getting wet

(3)  to risk getting wet

(4)  to get wet at the risk of

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (3)

19. They came in quiet so as not to wake the others in the dormitory.

(1)  as quiet as not

(2)  so quiet as not

(3)  so quiet that not

(4)  quietly so as not

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (4)

20. Kidnappers had telephoned the victim’s father from a public booth to conceal his

(1)  for concealing his

(2)  because of concealing their

(3)  to conceal their

(4)  by concealing his

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (3)

21. He usually wears a coat but he is not wearing it today as it is not cold.

(1)  has not wearing

(2)  has not been worn

(3)  doesn’s wear

(4)  didn’t wore

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (5)

22. If you were rule bound as you claim to be, you should stop at the signal.

(1)  should stop before

(2)  would have stopped at

(3)  should be stopped at

(4)  would have been stopped

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (2)

23. Some social service organizations are done woman service in empowering the down trodden women.

(1)  will be provided woman service

(2)  have been doing woman service

(3)  are doing service of woman

(4)  have been doing services of woman

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (2)

24. The metal roof was dismantled to be broken up and sell as scrap.

(1)  for selling with scrap

(2)  for sell as scrap

(3)  and to sell as scrap

(4)  and sold as scrap

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (4)

25. It is noteworthy to not that India had pioneered the use of non-cash based payments systems.

(1)  is noteworthy that

(2)  is notably that

(3)  is worth to note

(4)  is noted about

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (1)

Directions (Q. Nos. 26 to 30) Which of the phrases (1), (2), (3) and (4) given below should replace the phrase given in bold in the following sentence to make it meaningful and grammatical correct. If the sentence is correct as it is and ‘No correction is required, mark (5) as the answer.

26. The grim job market has taken its toll on students, many of those had hoped for a much better future.

(1)  much of whom

(2)  many of whom

(3)  several of those

(4)  many of which

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (2)

27. The relationship we have with our clients are the cornerstone of our future.

(1)  our client are

(2)  each clients is

(3)  our clients is

(4)  al clients are

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (3)

28. Many developed countries have been attempting to buy agricultural land in other countries to meet their own demand.

(1)  and leaves the

(2)  also leaves the

(3)  and leaving the

(4)  and making the

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (5)

29. A nuclear testing fills the air with radioactive dust and left the area uninhabitable.

(1)  and leaves the

(2)  also leaves the

(3)  and leaving the

(4)  and making the

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (1)

30. Modern ideas of governance started back to the time when people began to question kings.

(1)  started when

(2)  set back to

(3)  start back to

(4)  date back to

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (4)

Directions (Q. Nos. 31 to 35) Which of the phrases (1), (2), (3) and (4) given below should replace the phrase given in bold in the following sentence to make it meaningful and grammatical correct. If the sentence is correct as it is and ‘No correction is required, mark (5) as the answer.

31. Alcohol in moderate quantity boosts concentrations of good cholesterol and inhibiting blood clots.

(1)  inhibits blood clots

(2)  inhibit blood clots

(3)  inhibited blood clots

(4)  inhabiting blood clots

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (1)

32. One of the main function of the State is maintenance of law and order.

(1)  main function for

(2)  main functions of

(3)  main functions for

(4)  main functions off

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (2)

33. We must realize that learning from mistakes is an important part of life.

(1)  mistakes are an

(2)  mistakes are a

(3)  mistake are a

(4)  mistakes has an

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (5)

34. The sword of Tipu Sultan was recently brought at an auction by an India for Rs. 2 crores.

(1)  brought in a

(2)  brought in an

(3)  bought in an

(4)  bought at a

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (3)

35. Setbacks and failures has always been an integral part of science.

(1)  has always being

(2)  were always been

(3)  has been always

(4)  have always been

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (4)

Directions (Q. Nos. 36 to 40) Which of the phrases (1), (2), (3) and (4) given below should replace the phrase given in bold in the following sentence to make it meaningful and grammatical correct. If the sentence is correct as it is and ‘No correction is required, mark (5) as the answer.

36. The equipment is in such poor condition that we have no alternative to buy new ones.

(1)  many alternative like

(2)  any alternative except

(3)  no other alternative

(4)  no alternative but

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (4)

37. Since the deadline has been changed from next week to this Thursday you should give this work priority.

(1)  be given this work priority

(2)  not give priority this work

(3)  prioritized this work

(4)  priority this work

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (5)

38. After the success of our project we have been receiving more requests than we do not have the resources to handle them.

(1)  many requests but

(2)  most of the requests

(3)  more requests that

(4)  too many requests

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (1)

39. We have hired an advertising agency to prepare a campaign to encourage people votes.

(1)  people from voting

(2)  voting for people

(3)  people to vote

(4)  votes by people

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (3)

40. During the training programme the new recruits will be briefed about how their role in the new organization.

(1)  what their roles

(2)  about their role

(3)  for its roles

(4)  which are their role

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (2)

Directions (Q. Nos. 41 to 45) In each question below, a part is printed in bold. It may contain an error. If so, find out which of the phrases (1), (2), (3) and (4) given below should replace the part printed in bold in the following sentence to make the sentence grammatically meaningful and. If the sentence is correct as it is an ‘no correction is required’ mark (5) as the answer

41. When they start investigating, several irregularities were detected.

(1)  started investigate

(2)  started an investigation

(3)  started investigation

(4)  started of investigation

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (2)

42. You must be stopped these undesirable activities immediately.

(1)  must have been stopped

(2)  may have been stopped

(3)  might have been stopped

(4)  must stop

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (4)

43. Farmers in our country suffer because of over dependence on rain and the threat to natural calamities like floods.

(1)  threat of natural calamities

(2)  threat against natural calamities

(3)  threatened due to natural calamity

(4)  natural calamities threatened

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (1)

44. Automation in agriculture and farm management is considered a boon but in fact it is not true as they lead to more unemployment.

(1)  it leads to more employment

(2)  they lead to more employment

(3)  they lead to more  unemployment

(4)  it leads to more unemployment

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (4)

45. The agriculture sector deserves more attention than the industrial sector in our country.

(1)  deserves attention more

(2)  deserving more attention

(3)  deserve attention more

(4)  deserves to be attended more

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (1)

Directions (Q. Nos. 46 to 50) Which of the phrases (1), (2), (3) and (4) given below should replace the phrase given in bold in the following sentence to make it meaningful and grammatical correct. If the sentence is correct as it is and ‘No correction is required, mark (5) as the answer.

46. How does a photograph look depends upon what parts of the scene you include or exclude.

(1)  does a photograph look

(2)  a photograph looks

(3)  a photograph does look

(4)  will be a  photograph looking

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (2)

47. In less than two days the missing dog was back home.

(1)  For fewer than

(2)  For lesser than

(3)  In lesser than

(4)  Within lesser than

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (5)

48. Generally people are easily fools by statistical data and figures.

(1)  Generally people are easily fools

(2)  Generally for people it is easy to fool

(3)  General people it is easy to fool

(4)  Generally people are easily fooled

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (4)

49. Integrity can best taught to children when they are small.

(1)  is best taught

(2)  can be best taught

(3)  is taught better

(4)  should be best teaching

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (2)

50. A shy person devised a trick that worked wondering for

(1)  which is worked wondering with

(2)  that is working wonderful

(3)  that worked wonders for

(4)  than works wonderful about

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (3)

Directions (Q. Nos. 51 to 55) Which of the phrases (1), (2), (3) and (4) given below should replace the phrase given in bold in the following sentence to make it meaningful and grammatical correct. If the sentence is correct as it is and ‘No correction is required, mark (5) as the answer.

51. The reason why prices had risen much rapidly is because supply has not increased.

(1)  are rising such

(2)  had rise up

(3)  have risen so

(4)  will be risen more

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (3)

52. Considerate to the challenge it is difficult to know how long the growth rate can be sustained.

(1)  Considered for

(2)  Considering

(3)  Upon consideration

(4)  In consideration

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (2)

53. In the past twenty years China has succeeded in upliftment millions out of poverty.

(1)  success in uplifted

(2)  succeeded to lift

(3)  success in lifting up

(4)  successfully uplifted

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (2)

54. The company has achieved prosperous because of its highly professional management.

(1)  have achieved prosperity

(2)  are prospered

(3)  has achieved prosperity

(4)  had achievement of prosperity

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (3)

55. None of t he colleagues made any attempt to defend him.

(1)  making an attempt

(2)  make up attempt

(3)  make no attempt

(4)  are attempted

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (5)

Directions (Q. Nos. 56 to 61) In each question below, a part is printed in bold. It may contain an error. If so, find out which of the phrases (1), (2), (3) and (4) given below should replace the part printed in bold in the following sentence to make the sentence grammatically meaningful and. If the sentence is correct as it is an ‘no correction is required’ mark (5) as the answer

56. The meeting was postponed due to lack of quorum.

(1)  due

(2)  because of

(3)  for

(4)  against the

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (2)

57. Find area people can cope well with physical strain as they are used to working hardly.

(1)  work hard

(2)  the working hard

(3)  hardly working

(4)  hard working

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (1)

58. The famous playwright has been in the sick bed from the last one week.

(1)  for the past

(2)  for past

(3)  since past

(4)  for last

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (1)

59. He was too cold at go out last evening, so we all stayed at home.

(1)  too cold for going

(2)  very cold to go

(3)  extremely cold for go

(4)  so cold that to go

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (5)

60. The famous engineers are working on this project right from the day they arrived here.

(1)  had been working

(2)  have been working

(3)  would be working

(4)  will have been working

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (2)

61. In quick time she got acquainted with the new environment.

(1)  In enough time

(2)  In small time

(3)  On time only

(4)  In no time

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (4)

Directions (Q. Nos. 62 to 71) In each question below, a part is printed in bold. It may contain an error. If so, find out which of the phrases (1), (2), (3) and (4) given below should replace the part printed in bold in the following sentence to make the sentence grammatically meaningful and. If the sentence is correct as it is an ‘no correction is required’ mark (5) as the answer

62. A nation that had been once tried to kill him was the first to embrace him.

(1)  had once been trying to

(2)  had once tried to

(3)  once had been tried to

(4)  had to once try and

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (2)

63. Had he known more about the policies of the company, he might not have accepted the offer.

(1)  He had known more

(2)  Did he know more

(3)  Since not more was known

(4)  If he would know more

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (5)

64. His life is an example of how the human will can flourish even in harsh conditions.

(1)  what the human will can

(2)  how the human can and will

(3)  when the human will can

(4)  where the human will can

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (2)

65. The social worker passionately stroked the annoyed passenger in order that be pacified.

(1)  to pacify him

(2)  that to pacify

(3)  to be pacified for

(4)  that to be pacified with

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (1)

66. They were no longer able to provide the help their children need.

(1)  helped their children need.

(2)  help their children needed

(3)  help that their children  need.

(4)  help that their children would need.

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (2)

67. You may be well organized in your thoughts but what would you propose may not be necessarily acceptable on all occasions.

(1)  what you would propose

(2)  that you would  propose

(3)  what you propose

(4)  what you would have  proposed

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (3)

68. The striking difference between the two contestants compatible with each other for the match was related to their age.

(1)  compatible with one another

(2)  compatible against one another

(3)  competing with the other

(4)  competing with each other

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (4)

69. Market research and market communication is so far being confined to a handful of consumer goods like soaps, cosmetics, etc.

(1)  is thus far being confined to

(2)  have so far been confined to

(3)  are so far being confined to

(4)  have so far been confined with

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (2)

70. If we rely on others for technology upgradation, potential serious damage may be caused.

(1)  potentially serious damage may

(2)  serious potentially damage may

(3)  seriously potential damage may

(4)  seriously potential damage might

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (1)

71. The load-shedding, however justifiable it may be, has been aggravating the problems.

(1)  has aggravated

(2)  have aggravated

(3)  have been aggravating

(4)  would have been aggravated

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (1)

Directions (Q. Nos. 72 to 76) Which of the phrases (1), (2), (3) and (4) given below should replace the phrase given in bold in the following sentence to make it meaningful and grammatical correct. If the sentence is correct as it is and ‘No correction is required, mark (5) as the answer.

72. For being skillful and experience, he is a valuable employee.

(1)  Because he is skill

(2)  On account he is skilled

(3)  with his skill

(4)  Beside having skill

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (3)

73. Today there are few countries whose growth rate is equally that of

(1)  equalize on

(2)  equivalent to

(3)  equals with

(4)  on equality with

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (4)

74. The government is willing for finance part of the project.

(1)  willingly finance to

(2)  financially to

(3)  willing to finance

(4)  willingness in financing

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (3)

75. We must keep in pace changing technology to succeed.

(1)  keep pace with

(2)  kept pace on

(3)  in keeping pace

(4)  keep pacing

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (1)

76. The company does not have many choice, except to pay the fine.

(1)  any choice of

(2)  much choice

(3)  more choices

(4)  other choice

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (4)

Directions (Q. Nos. 77 to 91) Which of the phrases (1), (2), (3) and (4) given below should replace the phrase given in bold in the following sentence to make it meaningful and grammatical correct. If the sentence is correct as it is and ‘No correction is required, mark (5) as the answer.

77. Because of his efficiency, the Director wanted him to work as his assistant.

(1)  wanted to him

(2)  wants him to be

(3)  wanted the to

(4)  wanted of him

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (5)

78. Highly intelligent people seldom tolerate any ambiguity.

(1)  tolerate hardly any ambiguity

(2)  hardly tolerate ambiguous

(3)  tolerate any clarity whatsoever

(4)  hardly tolerate any lacuma

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (5)

79. Being toiled for two hours, he sat down to take some rest.

(1)  Have toiled for

(2)  Had toiled for

(3)  Having to be toiled at

(4)  Having toiled for

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (4)

80. He must have behaved impolite and suffer because of that.

(1)  impolitely and suffer

(2)  impolitely and suffered

(3)  impolite and suffered

(4)  impolitely and have suffer

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (2)

81. The Neo Club has been extended financial and technical help to poor and deserving women.

(1)  has been extending

(2)  have been extending

(3)  is being extended

(4)  have been extended

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (1)

82. Even less intelligent students can be succeeded through hard work and perseverance.

(1)  get succession

(2)  be success

(3)  get success

(4)  be getting succeeded

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (3)

83. Some people experienced life only if they are totally at the mercy of their feelings.

(1)  experience life as if they are

(2)  experienced life as if they are

(3)  experiencing if only when they are

(4)  experience life when they were

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (1)

84. Leaders enable a group by imaging and create a future which will fulfill the group purpose.

(1)  by imagining to create

(2)  to imagine and by create

(3)  to imagine and create

(4)  to imagining creativity

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (3)

85. Some people by naturally talk more than others.

(1)  by natural talk

(2)  naturally talk

(3)  nature by talking

(4)  naturally by talking

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (2)

86. Being a man of principle, he refused to follow the illegitimate

(1)  following the illegitimate

(2)  to following illegitimately

(3)  to follow the illegitimately

(4)  not to follow illegitimately

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (5)

87. One of the basic choices we make in life is whether following the path of smart selfishness or try to avoid all problem.

(1)  while following

(2)  is whether to follow

(3)  is whether or not to follow

(4)  has been whether follow

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (2)

88. Good-natured people have been suffered because of their politicking companions.

(1)  have suffering with

(2)  are suffered because of

(3)  are being suffered because of

(4)  may suffer because of

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (4)

89. Making a donation to charity helps some people feel

(1)  helped some people felt

(2)  helps some people felt

(3)  helping some people to feel

(4)  helps some of people feeling

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (5)

90. Why does he worry over petty matters is not known.

(1)  he worries

(2)  he did worry

(3)  he does worry

(4)  should he be worry

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (1)

91. The active learning of adulthood is not only possible but infinitely also

(1)  possible but only infinite

(2)  only possibly infinite and

(3)  possible only if infinite

(4)  only possible but also infinitely

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (4)

Directions (Q. Nos. 92 to 101) Which of the phrases (1), (2), (3) and (4) given below should replace the phrase given in bold in the following sentence to make it meaningful and grammatical correct. If the sentence is correct as it is and ‘No correction is required, mark (5) as the answer.

92. Aruna is wiser than all her friends.

(1)  more wise than most of

(2)  more wise than all of

(3)  more wiser than most of

(4)  more wise than most of

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (5)

93. Diet-conscious people wouldn’t be liked to have ice cream after dinner.

(1)  wouldn’t like to

(2)  would be like not to

(3)  would be liking to not

(4)  would be not liked to

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (1)

94. Sumesh has such a sweet voice that it is nice of hearing

(1)  it is nice for hearing

(2)  it is nice to hear

(3)  it is nice to given hearing

(4)  it is nice in hearing

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (2)

95. As the road was dusty, the journey was not comfort.

(1)  had no comfortable

(2)  was no with comfort

(3)  had been no comfort

(4)  was not comfortable

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (4)

96. It is not true a person who is good into studies is necessarily intelligent.

(1)  is good into study

(2)  is good at studies

(3)  has best at study

(4)  has been good to studies

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (2)

97. Donations received by the Trust will be proper accounted for.

(1)  will properly account for

(2)  would be proper accounted for

(3)  will be properly accounted for

(4)  shall be proper and accounted

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (3)

98. I have not get my cheque cashed on that day, as it was a bank holiday.

(1)  cannot get

(2)  will not get

(3)  have not got

(4)  should not have got

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (3)

99. Dancing and participate in drama are her favourite pastimes.

(1)  Dancing and participating

(2)  Dances and participations

(3)  Dance and participated

(4)  Dancing and participations

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (1)

100. He admitted to me that he had not adequate prepared for the test.

(1)  was not adequate prepared

(2)  had not adequately prepared

(3)  had not adequately preparations

(4)  was not adequately preparations

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (2)

101. This exercise is considerably difficult for all those who suffer with

(1)  who suffer from

(2)  which suffer from

(3)  who suffers from

(4)  who were suffered from

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (1)

Directions (Q. Nos. 102 to 112) Which of the phrases (1), (2), (3) and (4) given below should replace the phrase given in bold in the following sentence to make it meaningful and grammatical correct. If the sentence is correct as it is and ‘No correction is required, mark (5) as the answer.

102. Lift the handset only paid a one rupee coin.

(1)  paying a one rupee coin

(2)  you pay one rupee coin

(3)  pay one rupee coin

(4)  you paid one rupee coin

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (1)

103. Good life, according to many people, is to making more and more money.

(1)  is making

(2)  is made

(3)  are made

(4)  are making

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (1)

104. His behaviour with all his employees is so pleasing that everyone come forward for helping him.

(1)  came towards him for help

(2)  comes towards him for help

(3)  comes forward to help him

(4)  comes forwards for help him

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (3)

105. A master should never impose his servants too much work.

(1)  his servants with too much work

(2)  too much work with his servants

(3)  too much work on his servants

(4)  too much work for his servants

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (3)

106. What matter does most is the quality and not the quantity.

(1)  What does matter

(2)  What does it matter

(3)  That matters

(4)  What matters

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (4)

107. The Police Commissioner burst into rage and ordered immediately suspension of the inspector who had arrested the innocent boy.

(1)  order immediately

(2)  order immediate

(3)  ordered immediate

(4)  ordering immediate

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (3)

108. He would be like to have some ice-cream.

(1)  would like to

(2)  would be liked to

(3)  was to be liking to

(4)  would being liked to

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (1)

109. Not knowing the language and had no friends in the country, he found it impossible to get a job.

(1)  has no

(2)  with having

(3)  with having not

(4)  having no

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (4)

110. She will not attend the meeting until she is asked to.

(1)  except

(2)  even with

(3)  even except

(4)  unless

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (4)

111. Because of his smart work, he is in the best books of his employer.

(1)  in the better books

(2)  in the good book

(3)  in the good books

(4)  into the good books

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (3)

112. With the introduction of the new system, the number of candidates who resort to unfair means is decreasing year after year.

(1)  resorting to

(2)  to resort to

(3)  resorted to

(4)  to resorting

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (5)

Directions (Q. Nos. 113 to 117) Which of the phrases (1), (2), (3) and (4) given below should replace the phrase given in bold in the following sentence to make it meaningful and grammatical correct. If the sentence is correct as it is and ‘No correction is required, mark (5) as the answer.

113. They lost the match because they neglected by the coach’s valuable advice.

(1)  ignored

(2)  were ignored  by

(3)  were neglected by

(4)  have neglected by

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (1)

114. He is too adamant to be effectively in his work.

(1)  to  become effectively

(2)  to be effective

(3)  to have been effectively

(4)  for being effectively

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (2)

115. Good moral character is the must be in every walk of life.

(1)  is to be the  most

(2)  is become the must

(3)  is a must

(4)  is a must be

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (3)

116. Our deepest fear is that we have powerful beyond

(1)  were powerful at

(2)  are powerful about

(3)  have been powerfully beyond

(4)  are powerful beyond

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (4)

117. Because the competition is going to become fierce, we may have some real struggles on the horizon.

(1)  is becoming fiercely

(2)  is going to be fiercely

(3)  has become fiercely

(4)  was going to become fierce

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (5)

Directions (Q. Nos. 118 to 125) Which of the phrases (1), (2), (3) and (4) given below should replace the phrase given in bold in the following sentence to make it meaningful and grammatical correct. If the sentence is correct as it is and ‘No correction is required, mark (5) as the answer.

118. The military has highly sophisticated simulators on which soldiers train.

(1)  which solider training on

(2)  on which solider have trains

(3)  which the soldier do train

(4)  on which the soldiers have been trained

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (5)

119. Any policy of social welfare will be likely to face resistance from vested interests.

(1)  would be like facing

(2)  will be likely facing

(3)  is likely to face

(4)  is likely to be facing with

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (3)

120. The key to a competitive economy is its investment regime.

(1)  in its invested regime

(2)  in its investment of its regime

(3)  investment of its regime

(4)  investment in its regime

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (5)

121. The honourable court had taken a lenient view because the accused have not previous conviction.

(1)  had no previous conviction

(2)  had not previously convicted

(3)  had not been previous convictions

(4)  had no previously convicted

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (1)

122. Our foreign exchange reserves have increased substantial.

(1)  have been increased substantially

(2)  have increases substantially

(3)  have substantially increasing

(4)  have been substantial increase

(5) No correction required        

Answer: (2)

123. In the early centuries of the second millennium BC, people speaking strange dialects akin to that of India, moved in northern Iraq and Syria.

(1)  akin to those of

(2)  akin to that in

(3)  akin to those into

(4)  keen to those of

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (1)

124. It is becoming equally clear that reforestation will have little change until people realize its

(1)  has become equal and clear

(2)  has become equally clear

(3)  has become clearly equal

(4)  is becoming clearly equal

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (2)

125. Once the event is over many people claim credit for success and disowning the responsibility for failure.

(1)  of success and disowning

(2)  for success but disowning

(3)  for success but disown

(4)  for success while disowned

(5)  No correction required

Answer: (3)

Bank Paper Spotting the Error

Spotting the Error


Directions (Q. Nos. 1 to 10) Read each sentence to find out whether there is any grammatical mistake/error in it. The error if any, will be in one part o the sentence. Mark the number of that part containing error as your answer. If there is ‘No error’, mark (5)

1. Arranging such a large amount (1)/ of funds now will be a problem why (2)/ banks are usually not open (3)/ so early in the morning. (4)/ No error (5)

Answer: (2)

2. He had telephoned yesterday to (1)/ ash how much of the youth (2)/ who attend our classes would be (3)/ interested in working for a teasel company. (4)/ No error (5)

Answer: (2)

3. Though he has promoted to (1)/the bank’s board as a director (2)/he continues to carry out (3)/ all his current responsibilities. (4)/ No error (5)

Answer: (1)

4. The Board’s decision has provided (1)/ employees with the opportunity (2)/ to acquire u to 100 (3)/ shares by the company. (4)/ No error (5)

Answer: (4)

5. If the manufacturing sector continues (1)/ to grow at the same rate for (2)/ the next few months, I think it (3)/ has a high growth rate this (4)/ No error (5)

Answer: (4)

6. The government is working (1)/ out a new system to compensate (2)/ those companies to sell (3)/ products below the market price. (4)/ No error (5)

Answer: (3)

7. The success of the (1)/ government sponsor job guarantee programme (2)/ has resulted in a (3)/ drastic drop in poverty. (4)/ No error (5)

Answer: (2)

8. We were forced into react (1)/ as no organization can (2)/ afford to adhere to (3)/these outdated regulations. (4)/ No error (5)

Answer: (1)

9. We had extensively discussions (1)/with the participants and (2)/obtained their feedback (3)/regarding our new services. (4)/ No error (5)

Answer: (1)

10. Their failure to inspect (1)/ our factories is a (2)/clear indications t hat our (3)/ licecnse will not be renewed. (4)/ No error (5)

Answer: (3)

Directions (Q. Nos. 11 to 18) Read each sentence to find out whether there is any grammatical error or idiomatic error in it. The error, if any, will be in one  part of the sentence. The number of that part is the answer. If there is no error, the answer is (5).(Ignore errors of punctuation, if any.)

11. Despite the merger, (1)/the airline has reported (2)/sizeable losses and is unable (3)/to pay their employees. (4)/ No error (5)

Answer: (4)

12. We have recently began (1)/ the process of recruiting (2)/ insurance agents for (3)/ or North-Easter branches. (4)/ No error (5)

Answer: (1)

13. The company’s decision to issue (1)/ bonus shares clearly indicates (2)/ the management’ confident (3)/ about the future. (4)/ No error (5)

Answer: (3)

14. Inspite that organization are aware (1)/ of the importance of IT (2)/ they often do not know (3)/ how to deploy it effectively. (4)/ No error (5)

Answer: (1)

15. Keeping in mind that India (1)/ is one of the world’s fastest (2)/ growing economies many international (3)/ companies are invested in India. (4)/ No error (5)

Answer: (4)

16. Although interlinking of rivers will (1)/help tackle drought, the government (2)/has not paid much (3)/ attention to this project. (4)/ No error (5)

Answer: (1)

17. RBI is in favour (1)/ of amending currently (2)/policies governing operations of (3)/ foreign banks in India. (4)/ No error (5)

Answer: (2)

18. These recently upgraded branch offices (1)/have been fully computerized (2)/ and are connected to headquarters (3)/to ensure proper monitoring (4)/ No error (5)

Answer: (3)

Directions (Q. Nos. 19 to 28) Read each sentence to find out whether there is any grammatical error in it. The error if any will be in one part of the sentence, the number of that part will be the answer, if there is No error, mark (5) as the answer. (Ignore errors of punctuation, if any)

19. I may go to the (1)/swimming class tomorrow (2)/ if I have recovered (3)/from the cold. (4)/ No error (5)

Answer: (3)

20. The prime minister announced (1)/ that the taxes will be (2)/ increasing from the cold. (3)/ (4)/ No error (5)

Answer: (2)

21. He is the most (1)/intelligent and also (2)/they very talented (3)/ student of the college. (4)/ No error (5)

Answer: (3)

22. She immediately quit (1)/the job in which (2)/ neither the skill nor (3)/knowledge were required. (4)/ No error (5)

Answer: (4)

23. The meteorological department (1)/ predicted that the (2)/rains and thunderstorm may (3)/continue throughout today. (4)/ No error (5)

Answer: (3)

24. The cruel king believed (1)/in punishing the prisoners (2)/until they did not (3)/ confessed their crime. (4)/ No error (5)

Answer: (3)

25. As soon as the CEO (1)/entered the office, the (2)/union leaders approached him (3)/and report the matter to him. (4)/ No error (5)

Answer: (4)

26. Instead of being a clear winner (1)/he was not given (2)/ the best employee (3)/ of the year award. (4)/ No error (5)

Answer: (1)

27. Having been found (1)/ guilty of the theft, (2)/Sunny was sentenced (3)/ to five year’s imprisonment. (4)/ No error (5)

Answer: (4)

28. Instead of laying off (1)/the workers, the company (2)/decided to ask them (3)/ to avail voluntary retirement. (4)/ No error (5)

Answer: (4)

Directions (Q. Nos. 29 to 38) Read each sentence to find out whether there is any grammatical error in it. The error if any will be in one part of the sentence, the number of that part will be the answer, if there is no error, mark (5) as the answer. (Ignore errors of the punctuations, if any).

29. In emerging economies, (1)/the private credit market (2)/remains highly segmented and thus (3)/weaken power of monetary policy (4)/ No error (5)

Answer: (4)

30. The recent election campaign (1)/has been one of (2)/the most noisiest campaigns (3)/in the last decade. (4)/ No error (5)

Answer: (3)

31. Wholesome strategic planning (1)/was the focus as (2)/the firm manage through a difficult period (3)/a couple of years ago. (4)/ No error (5)

Answer: (3)

32. In spite of the best governmental efforts, (1)/ emission of greenhouse gases (2)/ and noxious chemicals (3)/ remain a cause of worry. (4)/ No error (5)

Answer: (4)

33. The rate of metabolism of (1)/a body is comparatively lowest when (2)/it is at rest and is (3)/Thus optimum for examination. (4)/ No error (5)

Answer: (2)

34. The opposition leader tried (1)/to bolster h is position (2)/with the voters by pressing (3)/ corruption charges against rivals. (4)/ No error (5)

Answer: (3)

35. The recently imposed dress code (1)/in the university has enraged (2)/the students who will be going (3)/ on strike since tomorrow. (4)/ No error (5)

Answer: (4)

36. Ever since he took over (1)/ as the chief minister of the state, (2)/rate for unemployment (3)/has drastically increased. (4)/ No error (5)

Answer: (3)

37. Although the brilliant writer, (1)/an lying (2)/ pessimism prevails in (3)/ all her novels. (4)/ No error (5)

Answer: (2)

38. Changed social setting (1)/ demands the schools to teach (2)/ moral and social values (3)/among the academic skills. (4)/ No error (5)

Answer: (4)

Directions (Q. Nos. 39 to 43) Read each sentence to find out whether there is any grammatical error in it. The error if any will be in one part of the sentence, the number of that part will be the answer, if there is no error, mark (5) as the answer. (Ignore errors of the punctuations, if any).

39. To be a king and (1)/ wear a crown are (2)/ more glamorous to (3)/ see than to bear. (4)/ No error (5)

Answer: (2)

40. None of the student (1)/ in the class (2)/ scored below the (3)/ given cut off marks. (4)/ No error (5)

Answer: (1)

41. Ashok is among the (1)/few people in the world (2)/ which did not blindly follow (3)/ the path of others. (4)/ No error (5)

Answer: (3)

42. Most people like to (1)/rest after a day’s hard work (2)/ but he seemed to have (3)/ an in exhaustive supply of energy. (4)/ No error (5)

Answer: (4)

43. Ancient artifacts are (1)/ a part of global heritage (2)/ and should not be (3)/ sold to the highest bidder. (4)/ No error (5)

Answer: (5)

Directions (Q. Nos. 44 to 53) Read each sentence to find out whether there is any grammatical error in it. The error if any will be in one part of the sentence, the number of that part will be the answer, if there is no error, mark (5) as the answer. (Ignore errors of the punctuations, if any).

44. The government has (1)/launched many creative schemes (2)/ to make banking services (3)/available to everyone. (4)/ No error (5)

Answer: (4)

45. We have received many (1)/of the letters from customers (2)/ asking us to extend (3)/ the deadline to repay their loans. (4)/ No error (5)

Answer: (2)

46. Under the terms of the new deal (1)/the channel can broadcast (2)/ the next cricket tournament to be (3)/ played among India and Australia. (4)/ No error (5)

Answer: (4)

47. This is turned out to be (1)/one of our most successful projects (2)/and we have made quite (3)/ a large  profit from it. (4)/ No error (5)

Answer: (1)

48. A non-banking financial company is a (1)/financial institution similarly to a bank (2)/ but it cannot issue (3)/cheque books to customers. (4)/ No error (5)

Answer: (2)

49. He has taken care to (1)/ compliance with the norms (2)/ so he expects the proposal (3)/to be approved without delay. (4)/ No error (5)

Answer: (2)

50. Since I had lived there(1)/for many years the villagers (2)/ were very comfortable talked (3)/ to me about their problems. (4)/ No error (5)

Answer: (3)

51. Our equipment gets damage (1)/very often in summer (2)/ because there are (3)/frequent power cuts. (4)/ No error (5)

Answer: (1)

52. We have been under (1)/a lot of pressure to (2)/open fifty new stores (3)/ by the ending of the year. (4)/ No error (5)

Answer: (4)

53. The company is in debt (1)/and has been unable (2)/to pay their employees salaries (3)/for the past six months. (4)/ No error (5)

Answer: (3)

Directions (Q. Nos. 54 to 68) Read the each sentence to find out if there is any error in it. The error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence. The number of that part is the answer. If there is no error,, the answer is (5). (Ignore errors in punctuation if any).

54. Having lifted the heavy weight, (1)/the boy suffered (2)/ a severe pain in (3)/ his elbow joint. (4)/ No error (5)

Answer: (5)

55. Without waiting for (1)/the instructions from the Government, (2)/some cable operators in (3)/the city had block the news. (4)/ No error (5)

Answer: (4)

56. The authorities have instructed (1)/that notes must be prepared (2)/on all the issues related  (3)/to customer grievances. (4)/ No error (5)

Answer: (3)

57. In absolutely terms, (1)/the damage may not (2)/ be very serious,  (3)/ but it should not be ignored. (4)/ No error (5)

Answer: (1)

58. The complainants in their complaint (1)/have been alleged that (2)/ they were forced to l eave (3)/their belongings unattended. (4)/ No error (5)

Answer: (2)

59. The long gap needs (1)/to be bridged soon (2)/because it has created (3)/a lot of unpleasant. (4)/ No error (5)

Answer: (4)

60. He asked the same question (1)/ that why he was not selected (2)/and everyone responded saying (3)/that he had failed. (4)/ No error (5)

Answer: (2)

61. If they are found (1)/ guilty during investigation, (2)/ a complaint will (3)/ lodged against them. (4)/ No error (5)

Answer: (3)

62. They have already put (1)/the proposal for to be approved (2)/ in the ensuing meeting (3)/before the Union Cabinet. (4)/ No error (5)

Answer: (2)

63. They h ad been hired a taxi (1)/ to roam around the city (2)/ but their plan failed (3)/as the taxi met with an accident. (4)/ No error (5)

Answer: (1)

64. On a number of occasions. (1)/ we had noticed that (2)/ those two employees (3)/ were often in state of confused. (4)/ No error (5)

Answer: (4)

65. Hindi firms are certainly (1)/ popular in the last decade (2)/ but in these days our regional films (3)/ have attained more popularity. (4)/ No error (5)

Answer: (1)

66. Most politicians predict (1)/ that the same members will (2)/ be elected despite of (3)/ their failure to perform. (4)/ No error (5)

Answer: (3)

67. He was selected for the post (1)/because of he was familiar (2)/ with both urban as well as (3)/ rural way of life. (4)/ No error (5)

Answer: (2)

68. The tribal people have (1)/ high regard for him because (2)/ he donated large number of (3)/ money for their upliftment. (4)/ No error (5)

Answer: (3)

Directions (Q. Nos. 69 to 73) Read each sentence to find out if there is any error in it. The error, if any will be in one part of the sentence. The number of that part is the answer. If there is no error, the answer is (5) i.e. ‘No error’ (Ignore the errors of punctuation, if any).

69. He have me all the details of when he (1)/ had visited all the temples (2)/ while he will be going (3)/on official tour. (4)/ No error (5)

Answer: (3)

70. Let’s all work (1)/ together as like homogeneous (2)/ group so that (3)/success would be obvious. (4)/ No error (5)

Answer: (2)

71. The process was so simple (1)/ and easy to understand (2)/ that it hardly took (3)/ five minutes for us to learn it. (4)/ No error (5)

Answer: (4)

72. It is strange that (1)/even after fifteen years of experience (2)/ he is still not (3)/ able to be performed. (4)/ No error (5)

Answer: (4)

73. What to make people (1)/ tense is actually (2)/ a mystery, which (3)/ is difficult to unfold. (4)/ No error (5)

Answer: (1)

Directions (Q. Nos. 74 to 78) Read each sentence to find out whether there is any grammatical error in it or the word is inappropriate in the context. The error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence. The number of that part is the answer. If there is no error the answer is (5) (Ignore errors of punctuations, if any.)

74. Each in the office (1)/including Prakash (2)/ knew who had (3)/ made the mistake. (4)/ No error (5)

Answer: (1)

75. The director, along with all his officers (1)/ were welcomed (2)/ with due respect (3)/ by the union leaders. (4)/ No error (5)

Answer: (2)

76. To my surprise (1)/find that students (2)/with low abilitywere (3)/learning mathematics with ease. (4)/ No error (5)

Answer: (2)

77. We must try (1)/ to reach college early (2)/ because the students (3)/ must waiting for us there. (4)/ No error (5)

Answer: (4)

78. Dixit is (1)/ one of the (2)/ best Professor (3)/ in hisinstitute. (4)/ No error (5)

Answer: (3)

Directions (Q. Nos. 79 to 88) Read each sentence to find out whether there is any error in it. The error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence. The number of that part is the answer. If there is no error, the answer is (5) (Ignore errors of punctuations, if any.)

79. Over one lakh engineer (1)/ applied to work (2)/at that I.T. (3)/ company last year. (4)/ No error (5)

Answer: (1)

80. It is quite safe to (1)/ invest in that firm (2)/ even though its profits are (3)/ low than last year. (4)/ No error (5)

Answer: (4)

81. Despite of the current labour (1)/ problem that the company is facing (2)/ it has made a healthy (3)/ profit in the last quarter. (4)/ No error (5)

Answer: (1)

82. An inquiry has (1)/ been initiated upon (2)/ all those involved (3)/ in that project. (4)/ No error (5)

Answer: (2)

83. India has to make (1)/ large scale investments in (2)/ infrastructure to reduce (3)/ its finance losses. (4)/ No error (5)

Answer: (4)

84. We shall hold (1)/ an emergency meeting tomorrow (2)/ to assess the damage (3)/caused by the fire. (4)/ No error (5)

Answer: (5)

85. The study has identified (1)/several factors that (2)/ is responsible for (3)/ the high attrition rate in banks. (4)/ No error (5)

Answer: (3)

86. The airline is training (1)/ its new staff on (2)/how to handle passengers (3)/ who are difficult. (4)/ No error (5)

Answer: (4)

87. Without no further (1)/ delay the company (2)/ should stop production (3)/ at its Delhi factory. (4)/ No error (5)

Answer: (1)

88. The bank has grown (1)/ very rapidly over (2)/ the past five years (3)/ around his leadership. (4)/ No error (5)

Answer: (2)

Directions (Q. Nos. 89 to 93) In each of these questions below, a sentence with four words printed in bold type is given. These are numbered as (1), (2), (3) and (4). One of these four words may be either wrongly spelt or inappropriate in the context of the sentence. Find out the word which is wrongly spelt or inappropriate, if any. The number of that word is your answer. If all the four words are correctly spelt and also appropriate in the context of the sentence, mark (5) i.e. ‘All correct’ as your answer.

89. The economic imperatives (1)/for acquiring (2)/technological strengths do not warrant (3)/ repeatition (4)/here. All correct (5)

Answer: (4)

90. The combination of a base of imported technology and capabilities (1)/ built up indigenous (2)/ led initially (3)/ to product and process (4)/ All correct (5)

Answer: (4)

91. If a country does not learn to master (1)/ these new realities of life, our aspirations (2)/ to ensure the prosperity (3)/ of our people may come to not. (4)/ All correct (5)

Answer: (4)

92. Since vegetable and fruit consumption (1)/ will increase in future, an appropriate (2)/ choice considering agro-climates (3)/ input needs economic returns (4)/ should be arrived at for every region. All correct (5)

Answer: (1)

93. An environmental (1)/ concern (2)/ that is likely to have implications (3)/for Indian agriculture is the emission (4)/of gases like methane and carbon dioxide. All correct (5)

Answer: (5)

Directions (Q. Nos. 94 to 103) Read each sentence to find out if there is any error in it. The error, if any will be in one part of the sentence. The number of that part is the answer. If there is no error the answer is (5), (Ignore errors in punctuation, if any)

94. They are scheduled a (1)/ meeting today to (2)/ accept the resignation (3)/ of the Director. (4)/ No error (5)

Answer: (1)

95. The launch of (1)/ the new products was (2)/delayed which resulted (3)/in heavily losses. (4)/ No error (5)

Answer: (4)

96. The chairman has promised (1)/ to sanction (2)/the necessary funds to (3)/modernise the factory. (4)/ No error (5)

Answer: (5)

97. The company has decided (1)/ to invest in (2)/one crore rupees (3)/in the new technology. (4)/ No error (5)

Answer: (2)

98. The success of the (1)/ merger of the two (2)/banks is dependence (3)/on various factors. (4)/ No error (5)

Answer: (3)

99. The meeting taken place (1)/ when you were (2)/ at a conference (3)/ in Delhi last month. (4)/ No error (5)

Answer: (1)

100. Most companies neglect (1)/ to spend none (2)/ of their resources (3)/ on training the older employees. (4)/ No error (5)

Answer: (2)

101. Even today there are (1)/ several million people (2)/ who do not have (3)/ access of banking services. (4)/ No error (5)

Answer: (4)

102. We are still (1)/ waiting for the (2)/ committee decision about (3)/ the pension plan. (4)/ No error (5)

Answer: (3)

103. Ramesh doubts when (1)/ he will be ready (2)/ for the presentation (3)/ in time. (4)/ No error (5)

Answer: (1)

Directions (Q. Nos. 104 to 113) Read each sentence to find out whether there is any grammatical error in it. The error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence. The letter of that part is the answer. If there is no error, the answer is (5) i.e., ‘No error’. (Ignore the errors of punctuation, if any.)

104. The number of students (1)/ completing in the event (2)/ has been fallen (3)/ for want of incentive. (4)/ No error (5)

Answer: (3)

105. I am grateful to you (1)/ and to all your friends (2)/ by extending necessary help (3)/ in my hour of need. (4)/ No error (5)

Answer: (3)

106. Prakash has been both (1)/an intelligent (2)/and hardworking chap (3)/since his childhood. (4)/ No error (5)

Answer: (5)

107. A small piece (1)/ of bread is (2)/certainly better than (3)/being nothing to eat. (4)/ No error (5)

Answer: (4)

108. It was clear from the way (1)/they were moving (2)/that everyone possessed (3)/ the required experience. (4)/ No error (5)

Answer: (5)

109. The fact that he (1)/cannot be able to sing (2)/is known only (3)/to a few people. (4)/ No error (5)

Answer: (2)

110. That boy has (1)/three precious objects (2)/ and he would not (3)/part for any one of them. (4)/ No error (5)

Answer: (4)

111. When she used to walk (1)/along the road (2)/ a wild and ferocious dog (3)/ knocked her down. (4)/ No error (5)

Answer: (1)

112. Though he was (1)/ not relating to me, (2)/ I helped him by (3)/ giving money and a profitable advice. (4)/ No error (5)

Answer: (2)

113. People who are (1)/ fortunate enough to own (2)/ a house in the city (3)/ are very few. (4)/ No error (5)

Answer: (5)

Directions (Q. Nos. 114 to 123) Read each sentence to find out whether there is any grammatical error in it. The error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence. Mark the number of that part with error as your answer. If there is no error. mark (5).

114. Now-a-days (1)/ the accidents of diabetes (2)/ among urban children (3)/ is on the rise. (4)/ No error (5)

Answer: (2)

115. The air is heavy (1)/ with gases (2)/ and noise pollutants (3)/ generated by thousands of vehicles. (4)/ No error (5)

Answer: (5)

116. Some American students. (1)/ feel that (2)/ academic standard is (3)/ larger in India. (4)/ No error (5)

Answer: (4)

117. The shopkeeper was pleased (1)/ when we told him (2)/ this kinds of mangoes (3)/ were very delicious. (4)/ No error (5)

Answer: (3)

118. Harish along with his family (1)/ are visiting (2)/ the Prince of Wales museum (3)/ day after tomorrow. (4)/ No error (5)

Answer: (2)

119. As a teenager (1)/ Monica Sales had (2)/ often beat Steffi Graf (3)/ at the French open. (4)/ No error (5)

Answer: (3)

120. He was (1)/ of the belief (2)/ that the evening news (3)/ are worth watching. (4)/ No error (5)

Answer: (4)

121. Many believe that (1)/nothing could have (2)/avoided the war (3)/ between America and Iraq. (4)/ No error (5)

Answer: (3)

122. The instructions clearly (1)/ state that (2)/ each item is having (3)/ two options. (4)/ No error (5)

Answer: (3)

123. The postman was polite (1)/and said he (2)/ regretted at the delay (3)/ in delivering the letters. (4)/ No error (5)

Answer: (3)

Directions (Q. Nos. 124 to 130) Read each sentence to find out whether there is any grammatical error or idiomatic error in it. The error, if any, will be in one p art of the sentence. The number of that part is the answer. If there is no error, the answer is (5). (Ignore errors of punctuation, if any).

124. They have invited (1)/Pushpa and I (2)/ for the meeting to be (3)/ held the next month. (4)/ No error (5)

Answer: (2)

125. The city people stayed (1)/ fearlessly despite of (2)/ rumour of terrorist attack (3)/ in the area. (4)/ No error (5)

Answer: (2)

126. The Director asked me (1)/ why I have not (2)/taken his permission (3)/before applying for the new job. (4)/ No error (5)

Answer: (2)

127. Buy presents for ladies (1)/ in their absence (2)/is a very (3)/ difficult task. (4)/ No error (5)

Answer: (1)

128. A disaster management cell is opened (1)/ by the state government (2)/ before the rainy season (3)/as a precautionary measure. (4)/ No error (5)

Answer: (1)

129. This college has (1)/ a glorious tradition (2)/ that attract (3)/ good students to the college. (4)/ No error (5)

Answer: (3)

130. Mansi is too busy (1)/ in her current (2)/ assignment to take (3)/up any new ones. (4)/ No error (5)

Answer: (2)

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