Senior School Certificate Examination (XI-XII) Informatics Practices Old 2018-19

CBSE Curriculum for Senior School Certificate Examination (XI-XII) Informatics Practices Old 2018-19

(Code No. 065)
(For the Academic year 2018-19 only)
Learning Outcomes:
·       Sound knowledge of computer system.
·       Ability to develop application using simple IDEs.
·       Ability to use, develop & debug programs independently.
·        Ability to store and retrieve data using an RDBMS.
Class – XI (2018-19)
Unit Topic Periods Marks
Theory Practical Total
1 Introduction to Computer systems 20 08 28 10
2 Introduction to Programming 45 42 87 25
3 Relational Database Management System 50 45 95 30
4 IT Applications 10 20 30 05
Total 240 70
CBSE Unit 1:  Introduction to Computer Systems
Hardware Concepts:
·       Computer organization (basic concepts): CPU, Memory (RAM and ROM), I/O devices, communication bus, ports (serial, parallel), device specific ports;
·       Input devices: Keyboard, Mouse, Light pen, Touch Screen, Graphics Tablet, Joystick, Microphone, OCR, Scanner, Smart Card reader, Barcode reader, QRCode reader, Biometric sensor, web camera;
·       Output Devices: Monitor/Visual Display Unit (VDU), LCD screen, Television, Printer (Dot Matrix printer, Desk jet/ Inkjet/ Bubble jet printer, Laser printer), Plotter, Speaker;
·       Secondary Storage Devices: Floppy Disk, Hard Disk, Compact Disk, Magnetic Tape, Digital Versatile Disk (DVD),Flash Drive, Memory cards.Comparative properties of storage media;
·       Memory Units: bit, Byte (Kilobyte, Megabyte, Gigabyte, Terabyte, Petabyte)
·       Encoding scheme :ASCII,ISCII & UNICODE
·       E-waste disposal.
Security of computer system: Sources of attack and possible damages, malware – virus, worms,
spyware and cookies as security threat, malware detection using a tool. Computer security, digital certificate, digital signature, firewall, password, file access permissions
Types of Software:
(a) System Software:
(i)  Operating systems: Need for operating system, major functions of Operating System; Examples of OS for mainframe (eg: Linux etc), PC/Server (eg: Windows, Ubuntu etc.), and mobile devices eg: Android, ios and Symbian.
(ii) Language Processors: Assembler, Interpreter, and Compiler
(b) Utility Software: Compression tools, disk defragmenter, anti-virus
(c)  Application Software:
(i)  General Purpose Application Software: Word Processor, Presentation Tool, Spreadsheet Package, Database Management System, Integrated Development Environment (IDE)
(ii) Specific Purpose Application Software: Inventory Management System, Purchasing System, Human Resource Management System, Payroll System, Financial Accounting, Hotel Management and Reservation System etc.
Unit 2:  Introduction To Programming
Getting started with Programming using IDE
·        Introduction, Rapid Application Development using IDE (Integrated Development Environment) such as Netbeans; Familiarization of IDE using basic Interface components- Label, Text Field, Text Area, Button, Checkbox, Radio Button. (As per appendix A)
·        Developing General Application (As per the guidelines at appendix B) – Getting Familiar with Java Swing User Interface components-Frame, Dialog, OptionPane, Panel, ScrollPane, Label, TextField, PasswordField, TextArea, Button, CheckBox, RadioButton, ComboBox, List
·        Basic component handling methods and properties: setText(), getText(), isSelected(), setSelected()
CBSE Programming Fundamentals
·        Data Types: Concept of data types; Built-in data types – byte, short, int, long, float, double, char, string, boolean
·        Variables: Need to use variable, declaring variables, variable naming convention, assigning value to variables;
·         Integer object method: parseInt
·        Double object method: parseDouble, parseFloat
·         Control Structures:
Decision Structure – if, if-else, switch; Looping Structure- while, do . . while, for;
Programming Guidelines:
·         General Concepts; Modular approach;
·        Stylistic Guidelines: Clarity and simplicity of expressions and names; Comments, Indentation;
·        Running and debugging programs, Syntax Errors, Run-Time Errors, Logical Errors;
·        Problem Solving Methodology: Understanding of the problem, Identifying minimum number of inputs required for output, breaking down problem into simple logical steps.
Unit 3:  Relational Database Management System
Database Management System
·        Introduction to database concepts: Database, Relational database, Relation/Table, Attribute/Field, Tuple / Row;
·        Data Types: Text (CHAR, VARCHAR), Number (DECIMAL, INT/INTEGER), Date and Time
·        Keys: Candidate key, Primary key, Alternate key, Foreign key;
·        Examples of common Database Management System: MySQL, Ingres, Postgres, Oracle, DB2,
MS SQL, Sybase etc.; Common Database management tools for mobile devices (eg: SQL Lite, Postgres SQL).
Introduction to MySQL
(ANSI SQL 99 standard commands)
·         Classification of SQL Commands:
·     Creating and using a database: CREATE DATABASE command to create a database, USE command to select a database.
·     Creating a table: CREATE TABLE command to create a table, DESC command to display a table structure, INSERT command for inserting new rows, inserting new rows with NULL values and values of all the studied data types.
·     Selection and Projection of a table.
·     Displaying table data: SELECT command for selecting all the columns, selecting specific column(s), use of arithmetic operators.
·     Defining and using column alias
·     Eliminating duplicate values from display using DISTINCT keyword
·     Limiting rows during selection (using WHERE clause)
Ø Using Comparison operators – =, <, >, <=, >=, <>, BETWEEN, IN, LIKE(%,_);
Ø Logical Operators –AND, OR, NOT and corresponding operator precedence;
·     Working with NULL values.
·     ORDER BY clause: Sorting in Ascending/Descending order, sorting by column alias name, sorting on multiple columns;
·     Manipulating Data of a Table/Relation: UPDATE command to change existing data of a table, DELETE command for removing row(s) from a table.
·     Restructuring a table: ALTER TABLE for adding new column(s) and deleting column (s) and modifying column Structure. DROP command to delete a database or a table.
Functions in MySQL:
·     String Functions: ASCII(), CHAR(), CONCAT(), INSTR(), LCASE(), UCASE(), LEFT(), LOWER(), LENGTH(), LTRIM(), MID(), RIGHT(), RTRIM(), SUBSTR(), TRIM(), UPPER().
·     Mathematical Functions: – POWER(), ROUND(), TRUNCATE().
Unit 4:  IT Applications
·     e-Governance: Definition, benefits to citizens, e-Governance websites and their salient features and societal impacts; e-Governance challenges.
·     e-Business: Definition, benefits to customers and business, e-Business websites and their salient features and societal impacts; netbanking, mobile banking, e-Business challenges.
·     e-Learning: – Definition, benefits to students (learners), teachers (trainers) and school (Institution) management; MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) ; e-Learning websites and their salient features and societal impacts; e-Learning Challenges.
In each of the above domains, identify at least two real-life problems, list the input(s) required for the expected output(s), and describe the problem solving approach. Conceptualise the design of an ICT based national mission.
Impact of ICT on society – social environmental and economic benefits, Infomania.
S.No. Description Marks
1 Problem solving using Java 10
2 SQL queries 5
3 Practical Records:
Application of Productivity Tools (WP,Spreadsheets,Presentation) Simple problems using Java
SQL Queries
4 Project Work :IT Applications 5
5 Viva Voce 4
Total 30
Evaluation of Practical Examination
1.  Problem solving using Java
Student is required to solve programming problems based on all concepts covered in theory throughout the year and maintain a record of these in the practical file. Student will be given a problem to be
solved using Java during final practical examination to be conducted at the end of the academic session
2.  SQL Queries
Students will be trying out SQL queries in MySQL throughout the year along with course coverage in theory. Student will be asked to write 5 queries based on one table during final practical examination to
be conducted at the end of the academic session
3.  Practical Record File
A practical record file is required to be created during the entire academic session. It should be duly signed by the concerned teacher on regular basis and is to be produced at the time of Final Practical Examination for evaluation. It should include the following:
·     At least 2 applications using at least two productivity tools in each.
·     At least 10 solutions of simple problems using IDE based Java (refer to Appendices ‘A’ & ‘B’).
·     At least 20 SQL queries on any database.
·     At least one IT applications – project work.
4.   Viva Voce
Students will be asked oral questions during practical examination to be conducted at the end of the course. The questions will be from the entire course covered in the academic session. Out of 4 marks, 2 marks are allotted to test student‟s understanding of basic computer hardware and their functions.
Class XII (2018-19) (THEORY)
Unit Topic Period Total periods
Theory       Practical
1 Networking and Open Standards 20 4 24
2 Programming 46 44 90
3 Relational Database Management System 50 40 90
4 IT Applications 10 26 36
Total 240
Unit 1:  Networking and Open Standards
Computer Networking:
·       Networking: a brief overview,
·       Communication  Media:  Wired  Technologies  –  Co-Axial,  Ethernet  Cable,  Optical  Fiber; Wireless Technologies – Blue Tooth, Infrared, Microwave, Radio Link, Satellite Link;
·       Network Devices: Modem, Hub, Switch, Repeater, Gateway – and their functions
·       Types of network: LAN, MAN, WAN, PAN;
·       Network Topologies: Star, Bus, Tree
·       Network Protocols: HTTP, TCP/IP, PPP, Remote access software such as Team Viewer;
·       Identifying computers and users over a network: Basic concept of domain name, MAC (Media Access Control), and IP Address, domain name resolution
·       Network Security Concepts: Cyber Law, Firewall, Cookies, Hackers and Crackers
·       Network security threats: Denial of service, Intrusion problems, Snooping, Eavesdropping
·       Internet Applications: SMS, Voice Mail, Electronic Mail, Chat, Video Conferencing
·       Wireless/Mobile Communication: GSM, CDMA, WLL, 3G, 4G
Open Source Concepts:
· Open Source Software  (OSS),  common  FOSS/FLOSS  examples  (GNU/Linux,  Firefox, OpenOffice, Java, Netbeans, MySQL). Common open standards (HTML, XML, ODF, TCP/IP, CSS)
·   Indian Language Computing: Character encoding, UNICODE, different types of fonts (open type vs true type, static vs dynamic), Entering Indian Language Text – phonetic and key map based, Inscript.
Unit 2:  Programming
Review of Class XI;
Programming Fundamentals
(Refer to Appendix A for Swing Control Methods & Properties, and Appendix B for sample guidelines of GUI Programming)
·       Basic concept of Class, Object, Inheritance and
·       Polymorphism Commonly used libraries:
Ø String class and methods: toString(), concat(), length(), toLowerCase(), toUpperCase(),
trim(), subString()
Ø Math class methods: pow(), round()
·     Accessing MySQL database using JDBC to connect with database.
·     Web application development: URL, Web server, Communicating with the web server, concept of Client and Server Side
·     HTML based web pages covering basic tags – <HTML>, <TITLE>, <BODY>, <H1><H6>,
<B>,<I>,<U>, <CENTER>, <COMMENT>, <IMG>, ANCHOR <A>, Paragraph <P>, Line Break <BR>, Horizontal Rule <HR>, <FONT>, <TABLE>, <LIST> <UL>, <OL>, <FORM>
·     Creating and accessing static pages using HTML and introduction to XML
Unit 3:  Relational Database Management System
Review of RDBMS from Class XI Database Fundamentals
·     Concept of Database transaction, Committing and revoking a transaction using COMMIT and ROLLBACK AND SAVEPOINT.
·     Grouping Records: GROUP BY, Group functions – MAX(), MIN(), AVG(), SUM(), COUNT(); using COUNT(*), DISTINCT clause with COUNT; Group Functions in case of Null Values.
·     Creating a Table with PRIMARY KEY, Foreign Key, Unique and NOT NULL constraints, Viewing Constraints, Using DESC command to view constraints.
·     Displaying Data From Multiple Tables: Cartesian product, Union, Intersection and Equi-Join
·     ALTER TABLE for
Ø Deleting column(s), modifying data type(s) of column(s),
Ø Adding a constraint, enabling constraint, dropping constraints.
·     DROP Table for deleting a table or a database.
Unit 4:  IT Applications
·     Front-end Interface: Introduction; content and features; identifying and using appropriate component (Text Field, Radio Button, CheckBox, List etc. as learnt in Unit 2 (Programming)) for data entry, validation and display.
·     Back-end Database: Introduction and its purpose, exploring the requirement of databases, tables and its essential attributes.
·     Front-End and Database Connectivity: Introduction, requirement and benefits
·     Demonstration and development of appropriate Front-end interface and Back-end Database for e-Governance, e-Business and e-Learning applications
·     Impact of ICT on society: Social, Environmental and Economic benefits.
In each of the above domains, identify at least two real-life problems, list the expected outputs
and the input(s) required for the output, and describe the problem solving approach and develop relevant front-end interface and back-end database.
Class XII (2018-19) (Practical)
S.No. Description Marks
1 Problem Solving using Java 10
2 SQL Queries 5
3 Practical Record
·     Identify Network configuration and OSS used in school
·     Simple problems using IDE Java and Database Connectivity
·     SQL Queries
·     IT Applications
4 Project Work : IT Applications 5
5 Viva Voce 4
Total 30
Evaluation of Practical Examination
1.  Problem Solving using Java
Student is required to solve programming problems based on all concepts covered in theory throughout the year and maintain a record of these in the practical file.
Student will be given a problem to be solved using Java during final practical examination to be conducted at the end of the academic session.
2.  SQL Queries
Students will be practicing SQL queries in MySQL throughout the year alongwith course coverage in theory.
Student will be asked to write four queries based on one table and one query based on two tables during final practical examination to be conducted at the end of the academic session
3.  Practical Record File
A practical record file is required to be created during the entire academic session. It should be duly signed by the concerned teacher on regular basis and is to be produced at the time of Final Practical Examination for evaluation. It should include the following:
·     Network Configuration and open source software used in your school.
·   At least 12 solutions of simple problems using IDE based Java (refer to Appendices „A‟ & „B‟) and Solution of at least 2 simple problems incorporating Java Application & Database connectivity
·     At least 24 SQL queries based on one and/or two tables
·     At least two web pages using HTML
4.  Project File
Students in group of 2-3 are required to work collaboratively to develop a project using Programming and Database skills learnt during the course. The project should be an application in any one of the
domains – e-Governance, e-Business and e-Learning – with GUI front-end and corresponding database at
the back-end.
5.   Viva Voce
Students will be asked oral questions during practical examination to be conducted at the end of the course. The questions will be from the entire course covered in the academic session.
Question Paper Design
Class-XI (2018-19) and XII (2018-19)
S.No. Typology of Questions Very Short Short Long Total %
Short Answer-I Answer-II Answer Marks Weightage
Answer (SA-I) (SA-II) (L.A)
(VSA) (2 marks) (4 marks) (6 marks)
(1 mark)
1 Knowledge Based 4 3 2 18 25.7
2 Conceptual 4 5 1 18 25.7
3 Reasoning Based 4 2 1 18 25.7
4 Skill based 1 2 1 16 22.9
Total marks 12 9 7 2 70(30) 100
1.   No chapter wise weightage. Care to be taken to cover all the chapters.
2.   The above template is only a sample. Suitable internal variations may be made for generating similar templates keeping the overall weightage to different form of questions and topology of questions same.
3.   Questions may be case based requiring problem solving skills.
4.   LA Questions may be case-based requiring problem–finding and problem –solving skills.
Appendix ‘A’
Swing Control Methods & Properties
Class: Jbutton
Swing Control: jButton
Methods: getText(), setText()
Properties: Background, Enabled, Font, Foreground, Text, Label
Class: Jlabel
Swing Control: jLabel
Methods: getText(), setText()
Properties: Background, Enabled, Font, Foreground, Text
Class: JtextField
Swing Control: jTextField
Methods: getText(), isEditable(), isEnabled(), setText()
Properties: Background, Editable, Enabled, Font, Foreground, Text
Class: JRadioButton
Swing Control: jRadioButton
Methods: getText(), setText(), isSelected(), setSelected()
Properties: Background, Button Group, Enabled, Font, Foreground, Label, Selected, Text
Class: JcheckBox
Swing Control: jCheckBox
Methods: getText(), setText(), isSelected(), setSelected()
Properties: Button Group, Font, Foreground, Label, Selected, Text
Class: ButtonGroup
Swing Control: jButtonGroup
Properties: Add
Class: JcomboBox
Swing Control: jComboBox
Methods: getSelectedItem(), getSelectedIndex(), setModel()
Properties: Background, ButtonGroup, Editable, Enabled, Font, Foreground, Model,
SelectedIndex, SelectedItem, Text
Class: Jlist
Swing Control: jList
Methods: getSelectedValue()
Properties: Background, Enabled, Font, Foreground, Model, SelectedIndex, SelectedItem,
SelectionMode, Text
Class: Jtable
Swing Control: jTable
Methods: addRow(), getModel()
Properties: model
Class: JoptionPane
Swing Control:
Methods: showMessageDialog()
Class: DefaultTableModel
Swing Control:
Methods: getRowCount(), removeRow(), addRow()
Commonly used Methods
Class Methods
Integer parseInt(), toDouble(), toString()
String concat(), length(), substring(), toDouble(), toLowerCase(), toUpperCase(), trim()
Double parseDouble(), toString(), toInt()
Math pow(), round()
Database Connectivity Methods
Class Methods
Connection createStatement(), close()
DriverManager getConnection()
Statement executeQuery()
ResultSet next(), first(), last(), getString()
Exception getMessage()
System exit()
Note: The visual properties of any of the elements and Data connectivity methods (the properties/methods,
which are not highlighted in the above tables) will not be tested in the Theory examination but may be used by the student in the Practicals and Projects.
Sample Guidelines for GUI Programming
Appendix ‘B’
1.    To display a message using Label, TextBox, MessageDialog using simple GUI applications
2.    To concatenate two text entries and display using simple GUI application
3.    To perform a simple arithmetic operation (+,-,*,/) and display the result in MessageDialog or TextBox using simple GUI application
4.    To perform simple arithmetic operation (+,-,*,/) and display the result in TextBox using simple GUI
5. To make simple decision making (if statement) solution and display relevant  message using GUI application (Example – Problems related to Eligibility for a given value of Age, “Profit” or “Loss” messages for given values of Cost Price and Sale Price, Grade Display for given values of Marks of students etc.)
6.    To create a simple GUI application to perform both arithmetic and logical operation together (Example
– Total, Average and Grade calculation for given marks, Salary Calculation on different criteria)
7.    To create a simple GUI application to perform an operation based on the criteria input by the user in a CheckBox or a RadioButton.
(Example 1: Find the Discount of an item on the basis of Category of item [Electrical Appliance/Electronic Gadget/Stationary specified using a Radio button] and its Cost [Below 1000/Above 1000/Equal to 1000 specified using a Radio button]).
(Example 2: Calculate the incentive of a Sales Person on the basis of his Sales Amount, Customer Feedback, Count of Customer specified using CheckBox)
8.    To create a simple GUI application to change the property of a swing element based on the selection made by the user
(Example 1: To change the background or Foreground color of any of the Swing elements of the form based on the color selected from a list)
(Example 2: To change the foreground and background color of a label based on the values input/stored in a combo box)
9.    To create a simple GUI application for repeatedly doing a task based on the user input. (Example: To display the multiplication table of a number input by the user)
10.   To store the data (Admission No., Name, Date of Birth, Class and Section) of 10 students in a table
[Table] and find total number of students in each class and section.
Sample Guidelines for Connectivity Problems
11.  To create a simple GUI application that counts and displays the number of records present in a database table.
12.  To create a simple GUI application that displays the records of a database table in a tabular format (using jTable) on the GUI form.
13.  To create a simple GUI application that displays the records of a database table in a tabular format (using jTable) on the GUI form based on a criteria input by the user.
14.   To create a simple GUI application to perform a calculation based on a value retrieved from database table and a value entered by the user in a GUI application.
Know More (beyond syllabus):
·     Teachers may also motivate students to search for topics of emerging ICT technologies such as Web Services, Cloud Computing, SDK on Android etc. for group discussions and presentations.
·     Students may be encouraged for collaborative programming and remote trouble shooting.
CBSE Suggested Textbooks:
·     Informatics Practices (Class XI) published by CBSE
·     Informatics Practices (Class XII) published by CBSE

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