CBSE Class 3 Science Syllabus

CBSE Class 3 Science:

The topics which are covered under the CBSE Class 3 Science stream are as follows:

  • Living and non living things
  • Plants and animals
  • Our body
  • Home
  • Safety and first aid
  • Our Environment and our universe
  • Force, work and energy
  • Light and sound
  • Matter
  • Transport and communication
  • My family:

These topics in detail are as below:


  • Living and non living things:

Living things are the organisms which are made of cells and those which are alive. In other words, alive means breathing, sleeping, growing, moving and reproducing. All types of living things need food and energy for the survival to do their day-to-day activities. Best examples of living things are animals, plants, humans, bacteria, etc.,

Non living things are just opposite to that of living things. Non living things are the things which are not alive and hence does not breathe, reproduce, move and grow. Best examples of non living things are Paper, pen, stone, etc.,



  1. Name any two living things and non living things:


Living things: Plant, dog

Non-living things: soap, pencil

  1. What is difference between a living thing and non living thing:


Living thing has life and can move, grow and reproduce.

Non living thing does not have life and does not move, grow and reproduce.


  • Plants and animals:

This chapter covers the various types of plants and animals on the earth. Plants are the green shrubs or herbs which have different parts such as stems, roots, branches, etc. The functions of the roots are to carry water and nutrients from the soil to all parts of the plants. There are different types of plants such as flowering, non-flowering, short, long ,etc.,

Similarly, animals are huge in variety and every animal has unique and different characteristics. Every animal has its own color, pattern, body weight and structure. For example, the patterns in the body of the tiger are different when compared to the pattern of zebra. Similarly, the strength of an elephant is quite higher when compared to the strength of a deer.

Animals can be differentiated into various categories like insects, reptiles, birds and mammals. Animals like cow, hen, and goat are tamed for the household purposes and are called as domestic animals. Similarly, animals like tiger, lion, rhino, and deer can be seen only in dark forest and cannot be tamed in the houses for domestic purposes.



Animals which feed on other animals are called as carnivores. Example: Tiger, lion, wolf, etc.,


Animals which feed on other animals as well as leafy vegetables are called as omnivores. Example: Crow, rat, peacock, etc.,


These types of animals are soft by nature. They feed only on fruits, green and leafy vegetables, etc., Examples: cow, deer, goat, etc.,


  1. Name any two water animals?

Answer: Fish and octopus

  1. I fix the plant to the soil. Who am i?

Answer: Root

  • Our body:

Human body consists of different organs which are responsible for different kinds of tasks individually. This chapter covers the main systems of our human body and their functions.


Excretory system:

This is an important system which releases unwanted wastes from our body. Pair of kidneys helps in the process of eliminating unwanted waste from our body.

Nervous system:

This is a main control system for a human body. It consists of brain, spinal cord, sensory organs and nerves which connect throughout the entire body. This is responsible for all the sensory organs of the body.

Circulatory system:

This is a vast network of organs and vessels that is responsible for flow of blood, nutrients, hormones and oxygen. Without the circulatory system the body will fail to fight against the diseases and hence the body becomes more vulnerable to any kind of diseases.

Respiratory system:

As the name suggests, respiratory system is responsible for inhaling fresh oxygen and exhaling carbon dioxide. This process is done with the help of pair of lungs.


  1. Which are the organs used for the respiration process?

Answer: Nose, lungs, trachea and bronchi

  1. The process of removing waste from our body is called as

Answer: Excretion


  • Home:

House is a place for shelter and safety. This is quite different from the word “Home”. House is made up of different materials whereas home is a place where you live with your family and friends. The topics which are covered under this chapter are your house and people living in it, animals found in the houses, how to keep your home tidy and beautiful, etc.,


  1. What kind of animals can be tamed as pet animals in our home?

Answer: Dog, cat, fish, etc.,


  • Safety and first aid:

First aid is the immediate attention to the patients before any medical attention. The main aim of a first aid treatment is to prevent further injury, preserve life and promote recovery. First aid box consist of things such as cotton, bandage, scissors, antiseptic powder, ointment, pain killer, etc.,


First aid treatment for a bone fracture:

A bone fracture can occur during an athletic completion, accident or during some cases. During such bone fractures immediate medical attention is needed to prevent further injury. But however, before that, few first aid treatments which can be taken are

  1. Please do not move the part which is injured. Be careful during this time since moving the injured part may cause severe damage to the bones.
  2. Apply an ice pack wrapped in cloth
  3. Splint that area if possible
  4. Call for medical attention as soon as possible


  1. Write any two steps to be taken when a person is in unconscious state?

Answer: Check their breathing by tilting their head backward and feel the breath, Loosen his tight clothing.

  1. What should be done when a ship catches fire and we are in it.

Answer: Immediately wear life jacket and try to catch a life boat.


  • Our environment and our universe:

   This chapter covers the topics such as air and weather and water.


This is an invisible gaseous substance which is a mixture of oxygen and nitrogen. This kind of air is pure when it is not polluted. Air pollution occurs due to many factors such as increase in the usage of vehicles, releasing more wastages and dust from the industries, burning plastics and other raw materials, etc.,


This is a transparent substance which is very much necessary for living organisms. Most part of our body is covered with water. Drinking 3 to 4 liters of water daily is an essential day to day activity. Thus, water must be pure and prevented from pollution.

Our Universe:

This is a study of galaxies, number of planets, solar system, stars, meteoroids, satellites, etc., This chapter covers nine planets and their names, function of our solar system, moo, sun and satellites.



  1. Name any three activities which can be done without water?

Answer: Writing, singing and running

  1. What is meant by atmosphere?

Answer: The layer of air surrounding the earth.


  • Rocks and soil:

Rocks are made up of one or more minerals. There are three main classifications of the rocks such as sedimentary rocks, metamorphic rocks and igneous rocks. Soil is formed from the fine rock particles mixed with air, water and particles from dead plant and animals.


  1. In addition to the rock particles, soil contains?
  • Air and water
  • Water and plants
  • Minerals, organic matter, air and water
  • Water, air and plants

Answer: Minerals, organic matter, air and water

  1. Which top soil is best suited for growing plants?
  • Sandy soil
  • Loamy soil
  • Clayey soil
  • None of these

Answer: Loamy soil


  • Force, work and energy:

Work is a result when a force acts upon an object to cause displacement. In other words, it refers to an activity involving a force and movement in the direction of force. Energy is a capacity to do any work. In other words, in order to do any kind of work you need energy.

Force is a push or pull upon an object resulting from the object’s interaction with another object. Whenever, there is an interaction between two objects, there exists a force. When the interaction ceases, two objects no longer experience force.


  1. Does a work done on a load depend upon the time taken to raise the load?

Answer: No, work does not depend on the time

  1. Is work a scalar or vector quantity?

Answer: Work is a scalar quantity

  1. Can kinetic energy of an object be in negative?

Answer: No it can’t be negative


  • Light and sound:

A sound is a vibration that travel through the air or another medium and can be heard when they reach a person’s or animal’s ear. Light is a natural agent that stimulates the eye sight and make things brighter than normal.


  1. Sound can travel through?
  • Gases only
  • Solids only
  • Liquids only
  • Solids, liquids and gases

Answer: Sound travels through solids, liquids and gases as it requires a medium to travel through.       These three states provides medium for the sound to travel. Sound cannot travel in vacuum.

  1. Which of the following voices is likely to have minimum frequency?
  • Baby boy
  • Baby girl
  • A man
  • A woman

Answer: A man voice has minimum frequency since the sound is directly proportional to its pitch. Thus, the voice of an adult man has lower pitch when compared to the other voices.

  1. An image that cannot be obtained on the screen is called as ___

Answer: Virtual image


  • Matter:

Matter is a substance that has inertia and occupies physical space. According to physics, matter consists of various types of particles such as mass and size.


  1. Which of the following are matter? Chair, air, cold drink, smell of perfume.

Answer: Anything that occupies space and has mass is called as matter. Matter can exist in three states such as solid, liquid and gas. Chair is a solid state of matter. Air and smell of perfume are gaseous state of matter. Cold drink is a liquid state of matter.

  1. A diver is able to cut through water in a swimming pool. Which property of matter does this observation show?

Answer: This shows that the matter is made up of particles.


  • Transport and communication:

There are different means of transport in our country. In our day-to-day life, we go by bus, car, scooter, bicycle, auto rickshaw or by any other means of transport. Communication is a way of expressing our thoughts and ideas to the people we meet. We talk to our parents, friends, neighbors and share our ideas. Just remember, if we do not have anyone to communicate or share our thoughts? Ideas and feelings cannot be exchanged in such cases. Thus, communication is very important in our everyday life.


  1. Give any two transports of the people in villages?

Answer: Tonga, Bullock cart

  1. Which means of transport will you use to travel from Chennai to Delhi?

Answer: Train or Flight

  1. Letters and telegrams are common means of ______

Answer: communication

  1. E-mail is sent through a ______

Answer: computer

  1. Who invented television?

Answer: John Logie Baird


  • My Family:

Our first school is our family. Our parents, brothers, sisters, elders are our family. We learn many things from our family such as good manner, discipline, good habits, etc., Our parents teach us basic things in our everyday life and how to respect the elders. Thus, learning about our family is very important and everyone should know their own family’s likes and dislikes.



  1. What is a family?

Answer: A group consisting of parents and children living together in the same household is called a family.

  1. What is an extended family?

Answer: An extended family consists of close relatives, grandparents, cousins living together in the close proximity or in the same house.

Above are the syllabus covered for the CBSE Class 3 science stream.



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