OPSC 2015 Civil Services (Preliminary Exam) General Studies Paper-1 Set-A General Knowledge (GK) Questions with Answer Key



Which NGO is Nobel Laureate Kailash Satyarthi associated with?

A.Bachpan Bacho Anolan

B.Beti Bacho Abhiyan

C.Jungle Suraksha Andolan

D.Guna Siksha Abhiyan


Ans: A




What is the name of the Indian Coast Guard Ship that has been gifted to Sri Lanka?






Ans: C




What is the “Start-up India, Stand-up India” Campaign Associated with?


B.Scientific Research

C.Empowerment of Women



Ans: D




Where have the remains of a highly advanced water management system of Indus Valley Civilisation been discovered?






Ans: B




Who was the Court Physician of Kanisha?






Ans: A




Which great Indian astronomer did give the theory that all things fell on the earth by law of nature as it was earth’s nature to attract and keep things?






Ans: C


No. 19


Which of the following book was not written by Harshavardhana?






Ans: C




Who did introduce the system of land measurement in India?

A.Alauddin Khilji

B.Sikandar Lodi

C.Sher Shah Suri



Ans: C




With reference to the Monuments built by the Mughals, Which one the following Pairs is not correctly Matched?

A.Buland Darwaza – Akbar

B.Itimud-ud- Dayla’s tomb – Jahangir

C.Fatehabad Mosque – Babar

D.Agra Fort – Shahjahan


Ans: D




Who was the first native ruler of India to accept Subsidiary Alliance?

A.Nawab of Oudh

B.Gaikward of Baroda

C.Scindia of Gwalior

D.Nizm of Hyderabad


Ans: D




Which Act did change the designation of Governor General Bengal to Governor General of India?

A.Regulating Act of 1773

B.Charter Act of 1833

C.Government of India Act of 1858

D.Government of India Act of 1935


Ans: B




When did Ranjit Singh sign a treaty of perpetual friendship with British at Amristar?






Ans: D




Who is associated with introduction of Local Self Government in India?

A.Lord Dalhousie

B. Lord Lytton

C. Lord Ripon

D. Lord Curzon


Ans: C




Which place did Kunwar Singh, a leader during the Revolt of 1857 belong to?

A.Uttar Pradesh

B.Madya Pradesh




Ans: D




Consider the following events that occoured during India’s freedom Struggle:

(i)Chauri Chaura Violence

(ii)Morley-Minto Reforms

(iii)Dandi March

(iv)Mont-Ford Reforms

Which of the following is the correct chronological order of their occurrence?

A.(i), (iii), (ii), (iv)

B. (ii), (iv), (i), (iii)

C. (i), (iv), (ii), (iii)

D. (ii), (iii), (i), (iv)


Ans: B




Where did Nethaji Subhash Bose hoist Indian Flag?


B.Port Blair




Ans: C




Khajjiar Lake is located in:

A. Tamil Nadu

B. Himachal Pradesh

C. Odisha

D. J&K


Ans: B




Minicoy and Suheli Islands are separated by:

A. Six degree channel

B. Seven degree channel

C. Eight degree channel

D. Nine degree channel


Ans: D




KBR National Park located at:

A. Hyderabad

B. Nainital

C. Darjeeling

D. Sunderban


Ans: A




Where from the Narmada River originates?

A. North Eastern part of Satpura Range

B. Eastern Central part of Satpura Range

C. Southern slopes of Satpura Range

D. None of the above


Ans: B




The Sutlez river is a tributary of:

A. Indus River

B. The Beas

C. The Jhelum

D. The Chenab


Ans: A




The length of Gangotri glacier is:

A. 90km

B. 60km

C. 30km

D. 10km


Ans: C




Which one of the following regions is famous as Sahyadris?

A. Himalayan region

B. Plain region

C. Eastern ghatregion

D. Western ghat region


Ans: D




Eastern most point of East-West corridor is:

A. Imphal

B. Agartala

C. Silchar

D. Kohima


Ans: C




Indira Point is near to:

A. Car Nicobar

B. Little Nicobar

C. Great Nicobar

D. Kamorta


Ans: C




In our country second largest area is occupied by:

A. Alluvial soil

B. Red soil

C. Black soil

D. Laterite soil


Ans: B




Which one of the following states possesses the largest forest area?

A. Arunachal Pradesh

B. Chhattisgarh

C. Maharashtra

D. M.P.


Ans: D




Largest producer of Manganese in lndia is:

A. Odisha

B. Jharkhand

C. Maharashtra

D. Karnataka


Ans: A




What is the total surface area of Lakshadweep?

A. 32sq km

B. 35 sq km

C. 39sq km

D. 30sq km


Ans: A




Karaganda coal basin belongs to:

A. Russia

B. Kazakhastan

C. Ukraine

D. Mongolia


Ans: B




The provision of providing identity cards to voters has been made in:

A. The Constitution of India

B. The Representation of the People Act, 1958

C. The Election Laws (Amendment) Act, 1975

D. The Criminal and Election Laws (Amendment) Act, 1969


Ans: C




Who among the following describes the Indian economy as ‘Bullock-cart Capitalism’?

A. Rajni Kothari

B. Atul Kohli

C. Lloyd and Sussane Rudolph

D. Granville Austin


Ans: C




What will follow if a Money Bill is substantially amended by the Rajya Sabha?

A. The Lok Sabha may still proceed with the Bill, accepting or not accepting the recommendations of the Rajya Sabha

B. The Lok Sabha cannot consider the Bill further

C. The Lok Sabha may send the Bill to Rajya Sabha for reconsideration

D. The President may call a joint sitting


Ans: A




Rajya Sabha is dissolved after every:

A. Two years

B. Six years

C. Five years

D. Is not subjected to dissolution


Ans: D




A money bill can be introduced only in:

A. Rajya Sabha

B. Lok Sabha

C. Both Rajya Sabha and Lok Sabha

D. None of the above


Ans: C




Panchayati Raj is included in:

A. Union List

B. State List

C. Concurrent List

D. None of the above


Ans: B




Who among the following has the power to issue ordinances under Article 129?

A. Chief Justice of India

B. The President of India

C. Speaker of the Lok Sabha

D. Chairman of the Rajya Sabha


Ans: B




Writs can be issued for the enforcement of Fundamental Rights by:

A. District Courts

B. High Courts only

C. Supreme Court only

D. Both Supreme Court as well as the High Courts


Ans: B




Which one of the following was the First State to establish the institution of the Lokayukta in India?

A. Bihar

B. Maharashtra

C. Rajasthan

D. Odisha


Ans: B




Which one of the following was the first committee to demand constitutional recognition for Panchayats?

A. Baiwant Rai Mehta Committee

B. Ashok Mehta Committee

C. Santhanam Committee

D. G. V. K. Rao Committee


Ans: B




In India, ‘Collegiurn System’ was first introduced in relation to:

A. Executive

B. Legislature

C. Judiciary

D. Union State Relations


Ans: C




Central Vigilance Commission was set up on the recommendations of:

A. First Administrative Reforms Commission

B. Gorwala Committee Report

C. Kriplani Committee Report

D. Santhanam Committee Report


Ans: D




Which constitutional amendment provided for the setting up of Administrative Tribunals in India?

A. 24th Amendment

B. 42nd Amendment

C. 44th Amendment

D. 59th Amendment


Ans: B




Which of the following committee voiced concern about ‘Criminalization of Politics and Politicization of Criminals’?

A. Tarakunde Committee

B. Sachar Committee

C. Vohra Committee

D. Indrajeet Gupta Committee


Ans: C




Under whose auspices, the concept ‘sustainable development’ was coined?

A. UN Conference on the Human Environment

B. UN World Commission on Environment and Development

C. UN General Assembly Special Session on the Environment

D. UN Conference on Sustainable Development


Ans: B




What is the goal of sustainable development?

A. To ensure quality of life to present and future generations

B. To meet the day-to-day consumption needs of the people

C. To shift rural population to urban areas

D. To increase the pace of industrialisation


Ans: A




Per capita consumption expenditure as a measure of poverty in India was used for the first time by:

A. Jagdish Bhagwati and Arvind Panagariya

B. Amartya Sen and Jean Dreze

C. T. N Srinivasan and Suresh Tendulkar

D. V. M. Dandekar and N. Rath


Ans: D




Name the economist who related ‘poverty’ with the concept of  ‘entitlement’:

A. Amartya Sen

B. C. Rangarajan

C. Elinor Ostrom

D. Partha Dasgupta


Ans: A




Economic growth is said to be inclusive when:

A. It generates more foreign exchange from exports

B. It creates economic opportunities along with ensuring equal access to it

C. It causes the largest segment of the people to remain outside

the mainstream economy

D. It earns the highest share of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) from service sector


Ans: B




Which one of the following can be considered as a step towards achieving ‘financial inclusion’ in India?

A. Privatisation of all the nationalised commercial banks

B. Opening of branches of all commercial banks in mega cities

C. Discontinuation of the practice of opening accounts by commercial banks with zero balance

D. Adoption of villages by bank branches


Ans: D




A great demographic divide India occurred in the year:






Ans: C




Which one of the following is the correct definition of Dependency Ratio?

A. Ratio of non-working population to working population

B. Ratio of ageing population to total population

C. Ratio of female population to male population

D. Ratio of non-working population to total population


Ans: A




Sarva Silha Abhiyan (SSA)aims to provide useful and relevant education to all children in the age group:

A. 5-l0 years

B. 4-l0years

C. 4-l4years

D. 6-l4years


Ans: D




The MRTP Act of l969 has been:

A. Replaced by Competition Act of 2002

B. Merged in Industrial Policy Act of 1978

C. Replaced by Trade Unions (Amendment) Act, 2001

D. Merged in Industrial Policy Act of 1991


Ans: A




If interest payments are subtracted from gross fiscal deficit, the remainder will be:

A. Revenue deficit

B. Gross primary deficit

C. Capital deficit

D. Budgetary deficit


Ans: B




The act of simultaneously buying in one market and selling in another market is called:

A. Speculating

B. Spotting

C. Forwarding

D. Arbitrage


Ans: D




Halophytes are the types of plants that prefer to grow on:

A. Dry soil

B. Sandy soil

C. Saline soil

D. Waterlogged soil


Ans: C




Thick vegetation of mangroves is present in:

A. Western Ghats

B. Sunderban

C. Girforest

D. Himalayas


Ans: B




Broad leaved deciduous forests are typical of:

A. Monsoon region

B. Mediterranean region

C. Temperate region

D. Alpine region


Ans: A




Which of the following is mutually beneficial to the organisms in an association?

A. Parasitism

B. Antagonism

C. Neutralism

D. Symbiosis


Ans: D




A thick and fleshy stern covered with a thick cuticle stores water in:

A. Hydrilla

B. Opuntia

C. Tecoma

D. Magnolia


Ans: B




The largest amount of freshwater of our planet is present in:

A. Lakes and rivers

B. Groundwater

C. Pond and wells

D. Polar ice and glaciers


Ans: D




A habitat of long severe winters and few months of summer constituting the only growing season for plants are the characteristics of:

A. Savannah ecosystem

B. Tundra ecosystem

C. Coniferous ecosystem

D. Taiga ecosystem


Ans: D




The pyramid that always remains erect in a stable ecosystem with homeostasis is :

A. Pyramid of biomass

B. Pyramid of number

C. Pyramid of energy

D. Pyramid of population


Ans: D




The role of bacteria in an ecosystem is to:

A. Recycle nutrients

B. Immobilize nutrients

C. Fix carbon for secondary production

D. Supply organic carbon


Ans: A




The biochemical oxygen demand in water is enhanced by:

A. Increase in load of organic matter

B. Increase in dissolved nitrogen

C. Increase in heavy metal content

D. Dense population of phytoplankton


Ans: A




Green plant commonly:

A. Releases CO2 in day time and O2 in night

B. Releases O2 in day time and CO2 in nighttime

C. Releases both O2 and CO2 in day as well as night

D. Releases both O2 and CO2 in day and only O2 in night


Ans: B




Fuse, is the most important safety device used for protecting the circuits due to:

A. Short circuiting

B. Over load

C. Both of the above

D. Leakage of the current


Ans: C




Which is not a hardware of a computer?


B. Monitor

C. Mouse

D. Microsoft windows


Ans: D




At the time of short circuit, the current in the circuit:

A. Reduces substantially

B. Does not change

C. Increases heavily

D. Vary continuously


Ans: C




Which is not the function of CPU?

A. Storage

B. Processing

C. Displaying

D. Communication


Ans: C




Myopia, also known as near- sightedness, can be corrected by use of:

A. Convex lens

B. Concave lens

C. Plane lens

D. Magnifying lens


Ans: B




Microsoft excel is used for:

A. Writing letter

B. Multimedia presentation

C. Spread sheet

D. All of the above


Ans: C




Non-conventional source of energy is:

A. Fossil fuel

B. Nuclear energy

C. Biomass energy

D. All of the above


Ans: B




Which of the following constitute a food chain?

A. Grass, Pulses, Mango

B. Grass, Goat, Human

C. Grass, Goat, Cow

D. Grass, Fish, Goat


Ans: B




Which of the following is a plant hormone?

A. Melatoriin

B. Gastrin

C. Cytokinin

D. Cholecystokinin


Ans: C




The roots of a plant always grow downwards while shoots usually grows upwards and away from the earth it is known as:

A. Hydrotropism

B. Geotropism

C. Chemotropism

D. All of the above


Ans: B




Type II diabetes is characterized by

A. Hyperglycemia

B. Polyuria

C. Both of the above

D. None of the above


Ans: C




Artificial kidney helps :

A. Remove, nitrogenous waste products from blood

B. Reabsorbs useful substances from tubules to blood

C. Secretes wasteful substances from blood to tubules

D. All of the above


Ans: A




Coal should be used judiciously because it causes:

A. Air pollution

B. Acid rain

C. Global warming

D. All of the above


Ans: D




Which of the following should be avoided in biological marriage?

A. A+ boy and Agirl

B. A+ boy and A+ girl

C. O+ boy and Ogirl

D. AB+ boy and AB+ girl


Ans: A




Which instrument is used for measuring the altitude, direction and velocity of clouds?

A. Pyrgeometer

B. Nephosaope

C. Nephelumeter

D. Venturimeter


Ans: B




Which of the following instruments is used for measuring very high temperature?

A. Photometer

B. Pyrgeometer

C. Solarimeter

D. Pyrometer


Ans: D




Low pressure turning to cyclone is resulted, if the temperature of water at the sea level rises above:

A. 26.5°C

B. 20.5°C

C. 15.5°C

D. 10.5°C


Ans: A




Insulin is secreted from which gland or organ of human body?

A. Kidney

B. Liver

C. Pancreas

D. Small Intestine


Ans: C


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