PATIL, SHRI CHUDAMAN ANANDA (RAWANDALE), Cong. (Maharashtra – Dhulia); S/o Shri Ananda Ramaji Patil; b. July 1, 1913, Abhone, Taluka Chalisgaon, Distt. Jalagoan ; ed. at Garud High School, Dhulia; m. Smt. Sundarabai, 1926; 4 S ; Agriculturist; Chairman, Co. Multi Purpose Society, Mohadi; Sirpanch, Grampanchayat, Mohadi; Secretary, Dhulia District Congress Committee; President, Dhule District Congress Committee for 22 years; General Secretary, D.C.C. for 13 years; Member, Maharashtra P.C.C. for 10 years; Member, Maharashtra Pradesh Congress Working Committee for 6 years; Member, A.I.C.C.; Treasurer, (i) Markandey Dalit Vidya Ashram for 10 years and (ii) Shivaji Vidya Prasarak Sanstha, Dhule; Vice-President, Arts, Science and Commerce College, Dhulia from the beginning; President, Rashtriya Girni Kamgar Sanga (INTCE); Director, Dhulia Cooperative Milk Union; Member, District Development Board from the beginning; Chairman of different Cooperative Housing Societies in Dhulia District; Member, (i) Bombay Legislative Assembly, 1952-57, (ii)Maharashtra Legislative Assembly, 1957-61, (iii) Third Lok Sabha, (iv) Fourth Lok Sabha, and (v) Fifth Lok Sabha
Favorite pastime and recreation:- Reading
Special Interests:- Education, agriculture and labour movement.
Additional Information:- Eminent freedom fighter and underwent imprisonment during Civil Disobedience in 1940 and during ‘Quit India’ Movement for two years from 1942-44; played an important role in solving the development problems of rural area of Khandesh; as Executive Chairman of Shri Shivaji Vidya Prasarak Sanstha, Dhule, expanded its network in rural area for the benefit of rural youth.
Died on 12.06.1990