Loyola College M.Sc. Biotechnology April 2009 Nanotechnology & Medical Biotechnology Question Paper PDF Download

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Date & Time: 29/04/2009 / 1:00 – 4:00   Dept. No.                                                   Max. : 100 Marks




                                                          Answer all questions                                   (20 marks)

  1. Choose the correct answer for the following questions. (5×1=5)
  2. Consanguinity increases the chance that a couple will both carry—————————
  3. Two disease genes b. the same disease gene c. one disease gene d. none
  4. X linked recessive diseases are more common among————————————
  5. Males b. Females c. Males & Females  d. None
  6. Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy is an————————————–
  7. X linked dominant disease c. X linked recessive disease
  8. Communicable disease d. Y linked disease
  9. Actuators are devices that convert——————————————-
  10. Electrical Energy to Light Energy
  11. Electrical Energy to Sound Energy
  12. Electrical Energy to Mechanical Energy
  13. Mechanical Energy to Light Energy
  14. Glycine is an aminoacid that has a typical size of about——————————-
  15. 50nm b. 0.42nm c.  20nm d.  150nm
  16.   State whether the Following statements are True or False. If False state the reason.                                                                                                                       (5×1=5)
  17. Measurement of zeta potential gives the degree of attraction between particles.
  18. In Reactive Ion Etching the substrate is placed inside a reactor in which several gases are


  1. Richard Feynman coined the term Nanotechnology.
  2. Hemophilia is a genetic disorder caused due to the deficiency of Blood clotting Factor II.
  3. Candidate genes are those whose characteristics suggest that they may be responsible for a

genetic disease.


  • Complete the Following : (5×1=5)
  1. Li fraumeni syndrome is a condition in which point mutations are seen in highly conserved

regions of the —————— gene.

  1. The ideal time to do an Amniocentesis is between ———————— weeks.
  2. Quantum Nanotechnology is the sum of all things based on—————————
  3. A typical wafer is made out of pure—————————- that is grown into monocylindrical

crystalline ingots.

  1. The gene essential for chloride transport and mucus secretion which is defective in Cystic

Fibrosis patients is the ———————— gene.


  1. Answer the following questions each in about 50 words. (5×1=5)
  2. Write a note on FISH.
  3. Define a Proband?
  4. What is a Nanowire?
  5. What is a DNA Nanostructure?
  6. Write a note on Goldberg-Hogness box?



  1. Answer any Five of the following questions each in about 350 words. (5 x 8 = 40)
  2. Explain the role of p53 in Cancer.
  3. Write a note on Carbon nanofoam.
  4. Describe the application of Nanotechnology in the treatment of Cancer?
  5. Give an account on β thalassemia.
  6. Explain the role of DNA fingerprinting in Forensic analysis.
  7. Write a note on Targeted drug delivery.
  8. Describe the different types of Genetic counseling?
  9. Write a note on Amniocentesis as a diagnostic tool in prenatal diagnosis.



  1. Answer the following questions each in about 1500 words (2 x 20 = 40)
  2. What are Biological Nanostructures? Give examples and discuss their applications.


  1. b.What are Autosomal dominant disorders? Give examples and describe how

Nanotechnology is useful to overcome these disorders.

  1. What are Stem cells? What are the different types of Stem cells? Explain their

application in Medical treatment.


  1. b. Explain the working principle and Applications of a Flow Cytometer.


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