Loyola College M.Sc. Chemistry April 2009 Quantum Chemistry & Group Theory Question Paper PDF Download



WD 27






Date & Time: 28/04/2009 / 1:00 – 4:00   Dept. No.                                                    Max. : 100 Marks





ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS          (10 ´ 2 = 20)


  1. Show that eikx is an eigenfunction of the operator px = -iħδ/δx. What is the eigenvalue?
  2. Give the Laplacian operator in spherical polar coordinates. What are their limits of integration?
  3. What is a node? Draw the ψ2 plot for the first two lowest energy of the particle in a 1-D box and indicate the nodes.
  4. What are the atomic units for length and energy?
  5. What are degenerate states? Find the degeneracy of a state having

E = 26h2/8ma2 in a 3D cubic box of length a.

  1. Explain why an electron in an atom shows a discrete spectrum while a free electron shows a continuous spectrum.
  2. What is a ‘fermion’? Give an example.
  3. Write the Hamiltonian operator for the H2+ molecular ion defining each term involved in it.
  4. Identify the point groups for the following molecules:

(a) C6H6    (b) DCH3         (c) Br2              (d) [Co(NH3)6]3+

  1. Give an example for the point groups Cs. What are its symmetry elements?


ANSWER ANY EIGHT QUESTIONS        (8 ´ 5 = 40)


  1. Derive the time-independent Schroedinger equation from the time-dependent equation.
  2. What is a hermitian operator? Show that the linear momentum operator is Hermitian.
  3. When do we say two symmetry operations are in the same class? Illustrate with

a suitable example.

  1. The spacing between adjacent rotational lines in the spectrum of HI molecule is 3.924 x 1011s-1.

Calculate the moment of inertia of HI molecule and the  internuclear spacing if the atomic

masses are H = 1 and I = 127.

  1. Explain quantum mechanical tunneling with a suitable example.
  2. (a) Show that [d/dx, x] = 1

(b) What are the values of [x, px] and [L2, Lx]? What is their physical significance?


  1. State the Variation Theorem and prove it with a suitable example. (2+3)
  2. Prove that y0 = (b/p)1/4exp(-bx2/2) is a normalized wave function. [You may make use of the standard integral 0ò¥ exp(-bx2) dx = (1/2)(p/b)1/2.]
  3. Define or explain the three parts that make an atomic term symbol and

formulate the term symbols for the ground state configuration of F atom.

  1. In solving the H2+ problem using the LCAO method, the lowest energy obtained is given by

E+ = (HAA + HAB) / (1+SAB) where A and B refer to the two  hydrogen nuclei. Explain each of

the integrals in the above equation and their significance.


  1. The wave function of 1s orbital of Li2+ is Ψ1s = (1/√π) (Z/a0)3/2 exp(-Zr/a0),

where a0  is the most probable distance of the electron from the nucleus. Show

that the average distance is a0/2. [Help:  0ò¥ xne-qx =  n!/qn+1]







  1. Applying group theory, find out the nature of the three C-H bonds in CH3Cl

which belongs to C3V point group.


C3V   E          2C3      3σv


A1    1          1         1              z                   x2 +y2, z2

A2    1          1         -1             Rz

E      2          -1         0         (x,y) (Rx,Ry)    (x2-y2,xy) (xz,yz)



ANSWER ANY FOUR  QUESTIONS                    (4 ´ 10 = 40)


  1. a) Set up the Schroedinger equation for a particle in 1-D box and solve it for its energy and

wave function.

  1. b) An aliphatic conjugated diene (linear) has an end to end distance of 8.67 Ǻ and it absorbs at


  1. Determine the number of double bonds and hence predict the structure of the molecule.
  2. If the bond length of C-C is 1.48 Ǻ and C=C is 1.34 Ǻ, calculate the penetration effect.                                     (7+3)


  1. Discuss the Pauli Exclusion Principle in quantum mechanics applied to He atom in its ground state.                                    (10)
  2. Discuss the Molecular Orbital treatment of H2 molecule and explain the contribution made by Heitler-London and its significance.                                          (10)
  3. a) What are the three important approximations that distinguish the HMO method from other

LCAO methods.

  1. b) Write down the secular determinant obtained on applying Huckel’s method to allyl cation.

Obtain expressions for the energy levels and the wave functions.              (3+7)

  1. a) Explain Bohr Correspondence Principle with respect to particle in 1-D box model
  2. b) Explain the Born-Oppenheimer approximation with an example. (6+4)


  1. Find the number, symmetry species of the infrared and Raman active vibrations of CCl4, which

belongs to Td point group. State how many of them  are coincident.

(You may, if you wish, use the table of f(R) given below for solving this).

Operation:       E     σ       i       C    C3     C4     C5         C6     S3       S4      S5       S6            S8

              f(R):       3       1    -3      -1       0       1     1.618      2      -2      -1     0.382     0         0.414

For any Cn, f(R) = 1 + 2cos(2π/n),            For any Sn, f(R) = -1 + 2cos(2π/n)



Td         E          8C3      3C2      6S4       6σd

A1        1          1          1          1          1                             x2+y2+z2

A2        1          1          1          -1        -1

E          2          -1         2          0          0                             (2z2-x2-y2, x2-y2)

T1         3          0          -1         1         -1      (Rx,Ry,Rz)

T2         3          0          -1         -1         1          (x,y,z)        (xy,xz,yz)


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