THIRD SEMESTER – November 2008
Date : 05-11-08 Dept. No. Max. : 100 Marks
Time : 9:00 – 12:00
PART A (10 x 2 =20 marks)
Answer ALL questions
- Distinguish between timelike and spacelike
- Define proper velocity and ordinary velocity and state the relation between them.
- Give the covariant form of Lorentz force equation.
- What is 4-potential in relativistic electromagnetism?
- What is a Green’s function?
- What is screened Coulomb potential?
- Distinguish between first and second order transitions of the time dependent perturbation theory with the help of schematic diagrams.
- What is dipole approximation in emission/absorption process of an atom?
- What is the limitation of Klein-Gordon equation?
- Write down the Dirac matrices in terms of the (2×2) Pauli spin matrices and unit matrix
PART B (4 x 7 1/2= 30 marks)
Answer any FOUR questions
- a) If a particle’s kinetic energy is equal to its rest mass energy, what is its speed?
- b) Obtain the relation between the relativistic energy and momentum. (3 ½ +4)
- Explain how the components of electric field transform as viewed from another inertial frame.
- Outline the wave mechanical picture of scattering theory to obtain the asymptotic form of the wave function in terms of scattering amplitude.
- Obtain an expression for the transition amplitude per unit time in the case of Harmonic perturbation.
- Establish their anticommuting properties of the Dirac matrices
PART – C (4 x 12 1/2 = 50 marks)
Answer any FOUR questions
- (a) Explain the structure of space-time (Minkowski) diagram and bring out its
salient features.
(b) The coordinates of event A are ( x A, 0, 0, t A) and the coordinates of event B
are ( x B, 0, 0, t B). Assuming the interval between them is space- like, find the
velocity of the system in which they occur at same time.
- Establish the covariant formulation of Maxwell’s equations.
- Discuss the Born approximation method to obtain an expression for the scattering amplitude
- Discuss the time evolution of a quantum mechanical system in the case of constant perturbation and obtain the Fermi’s Golden rule.
- Set up the Dirac’s wave equation . Obtain its plane wave solutions and the energy spectrum.
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