Loyola College M.Sc. Statistics April 2008 Stochastic Processes Question Paper PDF Download


NO 43



    ST 3809 / 3806 / 3800 – STOCHASTIC PROCESSES




Date : 29/04/2008            Dept. No.                                        Max. : 100 Marks

Time : 9:00 – 12:00

Section-A (10×2=20 marks)

Answer ALL the questions. Each question carries TWO marks.


  1. Define a) Independent increments and b) Stationary increments of a stochastic process.
  2. Let {Xn, n=0,1,2,…} be a Markov chain with state space S={1,2,3} and transition probability matrix



P =       ½     ¼      ¼

2/3     0         1/3

3/5     2/5      0

Compute P[X1=2, X2=3, X3=1, X4=3│X0=3]

  1. Define: a) Recurrent state b) Ergodic Markov chain.
  2. If   lim  pjj (n) >0, show that state j is positive recurrent.


  1. Derive the probability generating function of Yule process corresponding to the homogeneous case, when X(0)=1.
  2. Write down the postulates for a birth and death process.
  3. Give an example of naturally occurring process that can be modelled as a renewal process.
  4. Define a semi Markov process.
  5. Given the probability generating function to be f(s)= (as+b), a+b=1, a,b>0, determine the extinction probability if X(0)=1.
  6. Give an example of stationary process, which is not covariance stationary.


Section-B (5×8=40 marks)

Answer any FIVE questions. Each question carries EIGHT marks.


  1. Show that a Markov chain is fully determined, when its initial distribution and the one step transition probabilities of the Markov chain are known.
  2. Show that in a three dimensional symmetric random work, all the states are transient
  3. Examine for the existence of stationary distribution {Пj } for the Markov chain, whose transition probability matrix is specified by p01=1,

pij = qi    if j=i-1

= pi    if j=i+1, where i=1,2,3… and pi+qi=1

  1. Under the condition X(0) =1, obtain the mean and variance of Yule process.
  2. For a M│M│1 queueing system, show that the queue length process is Markov. Obtain the distribution of the waiting time in steady state.Also find E(N) and E(WQ).
  3. Define the term Renewal process. Derive the renewal function, if the inter renewal times have density

f(x)=λ2e– λxx, x>0, λ>0



  1. Let Y0=0 and Y1,Y2,Y3,… be independent and identically distributed random

variables with E(Yk)=0 and E(Y2k)=σ2 , k=1,2,3,… Let X(0)=0 and


Xn =  (  Σ Yk )– n σ2 . Show that {Xn } is a Martingale with respect to {Yn}


  1. Show that the process {X(t)} defined by X(t) = Acos wt + Bsin wt, where A and B are uncorrelated random variables each with mean zero and variance unity, with w a positive constant, is covariance stationary.


Section-C (2×20=40)

Answer any TWO equestions. Each question carries TWENTY marks.


19.a) State and prove the necessary and sufficient condition for the state i of a

Markov chain to be recurrent.                                 (10 marks)

  1. b) For a one dimensional symmetric random walk on the set of integers, find

f00(n) .                                                                           (10 marks)

20a) Show that states belonging to the same class have the same period.(8 marks)

  1. b) Define stationary distribution { П j} of a Markov chain. Prove that, for an

irreducible Markov chain with a doubly stochastic matrix, { П j} is given by

П j = 1/M, j=1,2,…,M,where M is the number of states.                                                                                                                    (4+8 marks)

21.a) State Chapman-Kolmogorov equation for a continuous time Markov chain.

Deduce Kolmogorov forward and backward equations.         (10 marks).

  1. b) Obtain E[X(t)], where X(t) is a linear birth and death process.(10 marks).

22.a) Derive the integral equation satisfied by the renewal function of a Renewal

process.                                                                                           (8 marks)

  1. b) If {Xn, n=0,l,2,…} is the Galton-Watson branching process, find E(Xn) and

Var(Xn).                                                                                           (12 marks)



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