FIRST SEMESTER – November 2008
Date : 11-11-08 Dept. No. Max. : 100 Marks
Time : 1:00 – 4:00
Section A
Answer All the Questions (10 x 2 = 20 Marks)
- What are the distributions of the components (yi , ) of a simple regression model?
- What do you mean by Hetroscedasticity Property?
- Explain the Linear Probability model
- What is the Linear Predictor in a Generalized Linear Model?
- What is the Identity Link in a Generalized Linear Model?
- Explain the Simple Regression Model.
- List the four methods of scaling residuals.
- Give two examples for nominal variables.
- Give an example of a variable that is classified as nominal, ordinal and interval variable.
- Give an example for Poisson Log linear Model.
Section B
Answer Any Five Questions (5 x 8 = 40 Marks)
- Show that the least square estimates , of a simple regression
model are unbiased.
- Explain the procedures for finding the confidence interval forand of a simple regression model.
- Discuss multicollinearity with an example.
- Explain the purpose of Unit Normal Scaling
- Explain Binomial logit model for the binary data
- What are the properties of the least square estimates of the fitted regression model?
- Discuss any two methods of scaling residuals
- Explain the Logistic regression model with an example
Section C
Answer Any Two Questions (2 x 20 = 40 Marks)
19 (a) Derive V() of a simple regression model.
(b) Write down the test procedures to test the intercept of a simple
regression model.
20 (a) Write down the test Procedures to test H0: =0 against H1: ¹ 0
using Analysis of Variance.
(b) Derive the interval estimation of the mean response of a simple
regression model.
21 (a) Fit a Logistic regression model
(b) How do you interpret the Poisson Loglinear model for a count data
22 (a) Estimate the parameters of a multiple linear regression model by the
methods Maximum Likelihood Estimation.
(b) Write short notes on Relative Risk, Odds Ratio and cross product ratio.
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