Loyola College M.Sc. Statistics Nov 2008 Stochastic Processes Question Paper PDF Download


BA 25


THIRD SEMESTER – November 2008





Date : 05-11-08                 Dept. No.                                        Max. : 100 Marks

Time : 9:00 – 12:00


Answer all questions:                                                                                      (10×2=20)


  1. Define a Markov process.


  1. Define recurrent state and transient state of a Markov chain.


  1. Define a Martingale of the process {Xn} with respect to {Yn}.


  1. Obtain E[X1 + X2 +…..+ XN] where Xi, i=1, 2, 3,….. are i.i.d and independent of the

random variable N .


  1. Let X1, X2 be independent exponentially distributed random variables parameters λ1

and λ2 respectively. Obtain P[min(X1,X2)>t] .


  1. Messages arrive at the telegraph office in accordance with the laws of a Poisson

Process with mean rate of 3 messages per hour. What is the probability of getting no

message during morning hours from10 to 12?


  1. Obtain the pgf of a Poisson process.


  1. If X1 and X2 are independent random variables with distribution functions of F1 and F2 respectively. Write

an expression for the distribution function of X=X1+X2?


  1. Obtain P[N(t)=k] in terms of the distribution functions of the life times for a renewal



  1. Define a stationary process.



Answer 5 questions:                                                                                        (5×8=40)


11) Consider the Markov chain with states 0,1,2 having the TPM



and  P[X0 = i] = 1/3,  i = 1,2,3

Obtain i) P[X2=0]

  1. ii) P[X2=0, X1=2/ X0=1]

iii) P[X2=0, X1=2, X=1]                                                              (4+2+2)


12) Verify whether the Markov chain with TPM given below is ergodic






13) Show that for a renewal process in the usual notation,

M(t)= F(t) + F*M(t)


14) Prove that if {Xn} is a super martingale with respect to {Yn} then

  1. i) E[Xn+k ç Y0,Y1,…..Yn ] ≤ Xn,
  2. ii) E[Xn­] ≤ E[Xk], 0 ≤ k ≤ n


15) State the postulates of birth and death process. Obtain the forward differential

equations for a birth and death process.


16)  Obtain the Stationary distribution of a Markov chain with TPM


17) Consider the times {Sk} at which the changes of Poisson process X(t) occur. If

Si = T0 + T1 + … + Ti-1, i = 1,2,3,… obtain the joint distribution function of S1,

S2,……Sn given X(t) = n.


18) Show the periodicity is a class property.



Answer 2 questions:                                                                                        (2 x 20=40)


19) a) Show that i is recurrent if and only if ∑Pii n = ∞

  1. b) Show that in a one dimensional symmetric random walk state 0 is recurrent.
  2. c) if j is transient prove that for all i ∑Pij n < ∞                                              (8+7+5)


20) a) State the postulates of a Poisson process and obtain the expression for Pn(t).


  1. b) If X(t) has a Poisson process, u<t, k<n obtain P[X(u) = k çX(t) = n]             (12+8)


21) a) Obtain the renewal function corresponding to the lifetime density

f(x) = λ2 x e – λ x ,  x ≥ 0

  1. b) Let Y0=0, Y1, Y2,….. be i.i.d with

E[Yk] = 0    var[Yk]=σ2     k=1,2,……

E[| Yn |] < ∞   let X0=0

Show that

  1. i) X n= Yi
  2. ii) Xn = (Yi )2 – nσ2

are martingales.                                                                                                 (10+5+5)


22) a) Derive the p.g.f of a branching process. Hence obtain the mean and variance of Xn.


  1. b) Let the offspring distribution be P[ζ= i] = 1/3 , i = 0,1,2

Obtain the probability of extinction.



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