Loyola College M.A. English April 2006 New Literature In English Question Paper PDF Download



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                                                EL 1800 – NEW LITERATURE IN ENGLISH



Date & Time : 22-04-2006/1.00-4.00 P.M.   Dept. No.                                                       Max. : 100 Marks




  1. Answer any FOUR in 50 words each: (4 x 3 = 12 marks)
    1. “The child still thinks she is wiser than

The cotton head of age”.

  • Is this a fair assessment? How?
  1. “ The great eagle lifts its wings from the dream

And the shells of childhood are scattered”.

  • Consider the figures of speech in these lines.
  1. “All sagging as are

The cases celebrated for kwashiorkor,

The unforeseen camp-follower of not just our war”.

  • Bring out the significance of these lines.
    1. “This means that I am greater than

The fox of the undergrowth”

–    How does it reverse at the end of the play?

  1. “How can I face such slaughter and be cool?

How can I turn from Africa and live?”

  • What causes this dilemma and why?


  1. Answer any TWO in 150 words each: ( 2 x 9 = 18 marks )
  1. Bring out the rich oral tradition of the Igbo society as expressed in Things Fall Apart .
  2. How do the poems from Africa play on the human emotions? Explain with special reference to the poems prescribed for your study.
  3. Discuss the themes and concerns in the study of West Indian Literature.


III. Answer any ONE in 300 words:                                                (1 x 20 = 20 marks )

  1. Analyse the two plays of Soyinka prescribed for your study with special reference to their themes, diction, milieu and techniques.
  2. Discuss the themes and concerns of New Literatures in English with suitable examples.



  1. Answer any Four questions in 50 words each: (4×3=12 marks)


  1. “Whatever I do I must

Keep my head….”

Explain the context of this utterance.


  1. “Under the central dome of winter and night

A wild swan spreads his fantastic wing.”

Comment on the symbolism in these lines.


  1. ” Where second-hand Europeans pullulate…”

Why does the poet speak in such a harsh manner?


  1. “To be simple is not a simple thing.”

Is this line simple or profound in your view?


  1. “The solitude of poetry

locked me within its second shade”

Establish the connection between “poetry” and “second shade”.


  1. Answer any Two questions in 150 words each: (2×9=18 marks)


  1. Critically examine “My Daughter’s Boy Friend” as a poem on cultural conflict.


  1. Discuss ” Loneliness” as an existential poem.


  1. Analyze “House and Land” as an evocative poem.


III. Answer any One of the following questions in about 300 words: (1×20=20 marks)


  1. What kind of a role does Chinua Achebe envisage for a novelist?


  1. Discuss Atwood’s “Surfacing “either as an existential or postmodern novel?


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