EL 4800/ LE 1020 – SHAKESPEARE
Date : 03-05-08 Dept. No. Max. : 100 Marks
Time : 1:00 – 4:00
Part A
Interpret the following passages and fix the context. 10 x 2 = 20
- ‘Tis time I should inform thee farther.
Lend thy hand, and pluck my magic garment from me.
- O most dear mistress,
The sun will set before I shall discharge What I must strive to do.
- I did say so,
When first I raised the tempest.
- He hath an uncle here in messina will be very much glad of it.
- We must follow the leaders.
- Age cannot wither her
Nor custom stale her infinite variety
- Why is my lord enraged against his love?
- ‘Tis well I am found by you
I will but spend a word here in the house.
- By the world,
I think my wife be honest, and think she is not
- Cousin, there’s fall’n between him and my lord.
Part B
Answer any FIVE of the following questions in about 150 words each. ( 5 x 8 = 40)
- Comment on the opening scenes of the plays of Shakespeare.
- Discuss Much ado about nothing as Shakespeare’s early play.
- Describe the circumstances that go against Desdemona.
- Write on the theme of Winter’s Tale.
- Justify the villainy of Iago.
- Do you agree to the view that Shakespeare has mastered in the tragedies?
Give reasons to your answer.
- What kind of relationship does Prospero maintain with Caliban?
Part C
Answer the following in about 500 words each. ( 2 x 20 = 40)
- Bring out the contrasting characteristics of Desdemona and Cleopatra.
Attempt a comparative study of the characters Antony and Othello.
- Write on the significance of the title Much ado about Nothing.
Shakespeare presents a higher level of sorrow and pain in the play
Othello than in other tragedies.Illustrate.
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