Loyola College (Autonomous), Chennai – 600 034
M.A. Degree Examination – English Literature
III Semester – Nov. 2004
EL 3800-British Literature from 1670-1832
Date :26.10.04 Max. :100 marks
Duration:1 – 4 pm Hours : 3hours
Part A
I Interpret the following lines in about 50 words each: (10 x 2 = 20)
01.Her joy in gilded chariots, when alive,
And love of Ombre, after death survive.
02.Unpractised he to fawn, or seek for power,
By doctrines fashioned to the varying hour;
03.His listless length at noontide would he stretch,
And pore upon the brook that babbles by.
04.It was a miracle of rare device,
A sunny pleasure-dome with caves of ice!
05.These beauteous forms,
Through a long absence, have not been to me
As is a landscape to a blind man’s eye.
- And I love it. I love everything that’s Old: Old friends, old
manners, Old books, old wine.
Comment on the speaker.
- Among women of reputation and virtue, he is the modestest man alive; but his acquaintance give him a very different character among creatures of another stamp.
(a) Who is the speaker?
(b) To whom does the speaker refer to?
- I reverence these young Africans of our own growth – these almost clergy imps, who sport their cloth without assumption – Explicate the metaphor in this passage.
- The greatness of Lear is not in corporal dimemsion, but in intellectual – Explain the passage.
- But the practice of stage representation reduces everything to a controversy of elocution – comment.
Part B
II Answer any five of the following in short paragraphs of about 100 – 150 words
(5 x 8 = 40)
11.Describe Collins’ congenial atmosphere of the evening.
12.How does the black boy strike even with the white boy in Blake’s poem.
13.What is the Castaway’s predicament in Cowper’s poem by the same name?
14.Highlight the best features as seen in Byron’s Don Juan – Canto II.
15.Write a short note on Johnson’s views on Milton’s minor poems and epics.
16.What role do first impressions play in Pride and Prejudice?
17.How does Jonathan Swift employ a series of contrasts in Gulliver’s Travels?
18.Analyse Dryden’s estimate of Chaucer as the father of English Poetry.
Part C
III Answer to be in about 350 – 400 words (2 x 20 = 40)
- (a)Enumerate the elegiac features that are found in Shelley’s ‘Adonais’.
(b)Elaborate on those essential elements that make ‘The School For Scandal’ a play of great merit.
20.(a)The Themes of She Stoops To Conquer are developed through contrasts, such as between age and youth, city and country, and high and low social class – Discuss.
(b) Wordsworth’s Tintern Abbey portrays the evolution of his attitude towards Nature – Illustrate.
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