fourth SEMESTER – APRIL 2003
SW 4950 / SW 1015-I – urban community development
1.00 – 4.00 Max : 100 Marks
PART – A (10´ 2=20 marks)
Answer ALL questions, answer to each question shall not exceed 50 words. All questions
carry equal marks.
- Write any four main features of Satellite Town.
- List out the Urban Services.
- Differentiate Urban Development from Urban Community Development.
- State any four functions of the Chennai Metropolitan Development Authority.
- Differentiate slum clearance from slum improvement.
- How will you identify the natural leaders in the slum community?
- List out the functions of Neighborhood self-help group.
- How will you identify the urban poor?
- What are the types of Migrations?
- Enumerate the roles of Urban Community Development worker?
PART – B (4´ 10=40 marks)
Answer any FOUR questions. Each answer should not exceed 300 words.
- Discuss the main features of 74th Constitutional Amendment Act,1992.
- Critically analyse any one of Tamil Nadu Government Slum Resettlement projects in the Chennai City.
- Why do people stay away from community meetings? Suggest measures to overcome this.
- Discuss the objectives of Urban Community Development?
- Discuss the housing problems in the urban India.
PART – C (2´20=40 marks)
Answer any TWO of the following in not more than 600 words.
- Discuss the Tamil Nadu Slum Clearance Board set up and functions. Suggest measures to improve the efficiency of its activities.
- Discuss the impact of Globalisation on Slum dwellers.
- Critically analyse the Government of India Draft National Slum Policy.
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