St. Joseph’s College of Commerce M.I.B. 2011 II Sem Business Research Methodology Question Paper PDF Download



M.I.B – II Semester

Business Research Methodology

Duration: 3 Hours.                                                                                            Max Marks: 100

Section – A


  1. Answer ALL Questions. Each question carries 2 marks.                       (10 x 2 = 20)


  1. What is meant by the term diagnostic study?
  2. What is a multivariate analysis?
  3. What is meant by empirical science?
  4. Explain the term ‘gaps in research’.
  5. Write a note on extraneous variables.
  6. What is the importance of sociometry?
  7. What is meant by deductive method?
  8. What is standard error?
  9. How is Type 1 error committed?
  10. Write a short account on bibliography?


Section – B


  1. Answer any FOUR. Each question carries FIVE marks.                 (4 x 5 = 20)


  1. What are the objectives of research?
  2. What are the characteristics of a good research problem?
  3. State the essential characteristics of a useable hypothesis.
  4. What is a parametric test? Mention some important parametric tests.
  5. Why is sampling used in practice?
  6. The mean life of 100 fluorescent light tubes produced by a company is computed to

be 1570 hours with standard deviation of 120 hours. The company claims that the

average life of the tubes produced by the company is 1600 hours. Using the level

of significance of 0.05, is the  claim acceptable?


Section – C


III. Answer any THREE. Each question carries FIFTEEN marks.               ( 3×15 = 45)


  1. 17. What is research problem? Briefly explain the techniques involved in defining a problem?


  1. What are the different methods of data collection?


  1. Briefly explain the various statistical tools used for research?


  1. Explain the significance of a research report and narrate the various steps involved in writing and layout of a report?


  1. From the following data find out whether there is any relationship between sex and preference for colour.


Colour Male Female Total
Green 40 60 100
White 35 25 60
Yellow 25 15 40
  100 100 200

(Given for v = 2, X20.05 = 5.991)


Section – D

  1. Compulsory – Case Study ( 15 marks)


  1. 22. “Flashy Trendz” is a group of young prospective entrepreneurs who want to enter into ladies apparel marketing business in Bangalore. They are planning to open an exclusive show room in Brigade Road, Bangalore. Flashy Trendz thinks that selling designer dress is a good business proposal. According to them all the existing firms are selling branded products. Before making any further decisions they would like to have clear information regarding consumers opinion and requirements about the product.




  1. Imagining yourself as the CEO of Flashy Trendz, suggest what methods of data collection you will consider?             (10 marks)
  2. Prepare a model questionnaire that may be used for the survey. ( 5 marks)





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