Loyola College U.G. English April 2007 English Through Literature – I (S.S.) Question Paper PDF Download









Date & Time: 03/05/2007 / 9:00 – 12:00        Dept. No.                                                     Max. : 100 Marks



I Answer any TEN of the following questions in 50 words, choosing at least FOUR questions from each section ‘A’ and ‘B’.                                                    (10 X 4 = 40)

Section A (Annotations)

  1. “Jallaluddin would talk about God as if he had a working partnership with him”

(i) Who is Jallaluddin?

(ii) Describe his ‘working partnership with God’.

  1. “… it is possible to say poblicly what many thinking people were saying privately before the Dynamos ever arrived.”

(i)What were the people saying privately?

(ii) Who is the opponent team?

  1. “Up! Up! My friend, and quit your books;

Or surely you’ll grow double;”

(i) What does the poet mean by growing double?

(ii) Identify the poet and the context.

  1. “Only the actions of the just

Smell sweet and blossom in their dust.”

(i) What does ‘actions of the just’ refer to?

(ii) Why do they smell sweet and blossom?

  1. “I am no orator as Brutus is”

(i) Identify the speaker.

(ii) What idea does this statement convey about the speaker?

  1. “The astrologer shivered in his grip; and his voice shook and became faint.”

(i) Explain the reason for the astrologer’s fear.

Section B (Short Answers)

  1. Why does George Orwell feel that international level sport is a mimic warfare?
  2. What does one learn from the vernal wood?
  3. Explain the contrast presented between the phrases ‘sceptre and crown’ and ‘scythe and spade’.
  4. Describe the childhood influences of Kalam.
  5. How does Antony describe Caesar’s mantle?
  6. How is playing games and nationalism connected?
  7. Describe the astrologer’s ‘professional equipment’.


II Answer any THREE of the following questions in 150 words each.    (3 x 10= 30)

  1. Detail in your own words the physical appearance of the astrologer.
  2. Explain the ideas conveyed about nature in the poem “The Tables Turned”.
  3. Describe how death puts an end to the pride of achievements?
  4. What does Antony say about the contents of Ceaser’s will?
  5. According to George Orwell what are the disadvantages of the sporting spirit?


III Answer any TWO of the following questions in about 250 words.     (2 x 15 = 30)

  1. Describe the astrologer’s encounter with the last client of the day in the form of a dialogue.
  2. Explain the lessons Kalam learns from his parents.
  3. Bring out the greatness of Mark Antony’s speech.
  4. Analyse “The Sporting Spirit” with reference to the recent world cup cricket matches.



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