FIRST SEMESTER – November 2008
Date : 05-11-08 Dept. No. Max. : 100 Marks
Time : 1:00 – 4:00
- Rewrite as directed: (15 marks)
- Choose the correct answer:
- a) My brother is suffering ________ fever. (in, from)
- b) The wanderer carried a _________ sack of sand on his back. (heavier, heavy)
- c) ________ of the people did not agree with the speaker. (some, those) [3 marks]
- Change the statement into a question:
The eldest girl wanted to marry a poor boy. [1 mark]
- Write two sentences using the following words:
Example: Where is the chapel?
- a) What b) why [2 marks]
- Join the sentences using the word ‘and’:
Example: The student was shy. The student was afraid.
The student was shy and afraid.
- The wanderer carried a rotten pumpkin on his head. He had a boulder in his hand.
[1 mark]
- Fill in the blanks using similar words:
Example The Mullah, the preacher, wanted some nuts.
- Fr.Albert Muthumalai, _________, will meet the students at ten o’clock in the morning. [1 mark]
- Fill in the blanks with articles:
- a) ___ woman came with her little boy to see ____ wise Ali.
- b) In his right hand, he carried ___ oddly shaped stone, in ___ left hand ___ boulder.
[2 1/2 marks]
- Fill in the blanks with the correct preposition:
- a) His hand remained stuck ___ (on, in) the neck ____ (of, for) the jar.
- One day Revathi went ___ (into, to) the tank to get water. [1 1/2 marks]
- Change the underlined words into the opposite:
Example: It was a huge tank. It was a small tank.
- a) She had fallen in love with a boy from a poor, low caste family.
- b) Ibrahim was a very sick [3marks]
- a) Read the following passage and answer the questions given below: (5×3=15 marks)
Andrew Carnegie came to America from Scotland as a young boy. He started out by doing odd jobs and ended up as one of the largest steel manufacturers in the United States. At one time, he had 43 millionaires working for him. A million dollars is a lot of money today, but in the1920’it was worth much more.
Someone asked Mr. Carnegie how he dealt with people. Andrew Carnegie replied, “Dealing with people is a lot like digging gold! When you go digging for an ounce of gold you have to move tons of dirt. But when you are digging, you don’t go looking for the dirt, you go looking for the gold.”
Andrew Carnegie’s reply has a very important message, though sometimes it may not be apparent there is something positive in every person and every situation. We have to dig deep to look for the positive.
- Write about the humble beginning of Andrew Carnegie.
- As a leader, how did Andrew Carnegie deal with people?
- What are we looking for in people? Gold or dirt?
- Even in paradise, fault finders will find faults. Write your comment on the statement.
- Discuss briefly the positive attitude of Andrew Carnegie
- b) Identify at least FIVE VALUES (Example: Self- esteem, Positive attitude)
In the given story and write a minimum of THREE SENTENCES on each value. (5×3=15 marks)
A beggar was sitting at the railway station with a bowl full of pencils. A young executive passed by and dropped a dollar into the bowl, but did not take any pencil. He then boarded the train, just before the doors were to close; the executive suddenly exited the train and went back tie the beggar. He grabbed a bunch of pencils. They are priced right. After all, you are business person and so am I,” and he dashed back on to the train.
Six months later, the executive attended a party. The beggar was also there, dressed in a suit and tie. The beggar recognized the executive, went up to him, and said, “You probably don’t recognize me, but I remember you.” He then narrated the incident that had happened six months before. The executive said, “Now that you have reminded me, I do recall that you were begging. What are you doing here in your suit and tie?” The beggar replied, “You probably don’t know what you did for me that day. Instead of giving me charity you treated me with dignity. You grabbed the bunch of pencils and said, they are priced right. After you left, I thought to myself- what am I doing here? Why am I begging? I decided to do something constructive with my life. I packed my bag, started working and here I am. I just want to thank you for giving me back my dignity. That incident changed my life.
- Some of the words in the following sentences are put in the wrong order (jumbled
order). Rewrite them in the acceptable order of words. (5 x1=5marks)
- Most of our schools not did us help learn English well.
- In that sense, schools our cheated us have.
- We not will give up but learning English.
- We know that the more we listen, speak we the better.
- In a year or two, we will build up speak to confidence in English.
- Rectify the errors in the passage and rewrite the passage. (5 marks)
One morning a gentleman will knocked at the doors of the house for the aged run by Christian missionaries. He was a executive in a leading organization in the city of Chennai. He bring with him an old lady, Vellammal, aged sixty-five. He said to the sister the old lady that was an orphan. He assured the sister of sending some moneys every month.
- Answer any one of the following in about 250 words. (15 marks)
- List out your inner strengths and narrate if you have any experience of taking risk in your life.
- Could you explain the conditions of women in our society and suggest a few ideas to empower them
- In recent times our country has been facing communal violence. What are the root causes? How can we eradicate this problem?
- Life will be unsuccessful without prayer. Would you agree? If so, share with us the occasions you got successes through prayer along with your hard work.
- Study the picture given below and relate it to any of the lessons you have studied in about TEN sentences: (15 marks)
- Responsibility b) Enthusiasm c) Vision d) Communication e) Pro-Human values
For Visually Challenged Students only: (15 marks)
Write a short essay on poverty and child labor in India.
VII. Write ANY ONE of the following in about 200 words: (1 x 15=15 marks)
- Write about five things you have decided to do to improve your ability to use English language.
- In your opinion, what are the qualities a teacher should have to help students enjoy their learning?
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